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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Kecoughtan Hampton Roads Show Choir Invitational 2009
Event Info

March 28th, 2009
Venue Info
Kecoughtan High School
522 Woodland Road
Hampton, VA 23669
Phone: (757) 850-5000
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
8 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"
Kecoughtan "Touch of Jade"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Kecoughtan Hampton Roads Show Choir Invitational 2009

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Capital Swing
Manchester High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
People's Choice

Mechanicsville High School
First Runner Up

Just For Show
Midlothian High School
Second Runner Up
Best Female Soloist

Atlee High School
3rd Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier II

Menchville High School
First Place
Best Male Soloist

Appomattox Regional Governor's School
Second Place
Director's Choice

Varina High School
Third Place

Poquoson High School
4th Place

Treble Division - Tier I

Touch of Swing
Manchester High School
First Place

City Lights
Midlothian High School
Second Place

Atlee High School
Third Place

New Horizons
Mechanicsville High School
4th Place

Treble Division - Tier II

Revv'd Up!
Powhatan High School
First Place

Garnet & Gold
Poquoson High School
Second Place

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
20 comments • Sort by

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MHSdirector on Apr 16, 2009, 2:16 PM
Post #20
Do you know what the criteria is? Why does he choose them?

shantastic on Apr 2, 2009, 4:26 PM
Post #19
Director's Choice Award is chosen by Mr. Allison, as far as I know. I could be wrong.

jessinamaca on Mar 30, 2009, 7:31 PM
Post #18
It just makes us so upset, Cosby not being there.

And thanks too.

MHSdirector on Mar 29, 2009, 12:50 AM
Post #17
Thanks, enoch. My show choir was totally bummed that Cosby wasn't there. I keep telling them we won't be at any of the same comps for the rest of the season, but they still seem shocked every week.


enoch316 on Mar 28, 2009, 11:41 PM
Post #16
Congrats Menchville and Manchester!

MHSdirector on Mar 28, 2009, 11:22 PM (Edited)
Post #15
B division Single-Gender
2nd: Poquoson Garnet N Gold
1st: Powhatan Revv'd Up

A division Single-Gender
3rd: Atlee Elegance
2nd: Midlothian City Lights
1st:Manchester Touch of Swing

~I'm sure TOS won 1st, but I'm not certain about 2nd and 3rd.

B division mixed
3rd: Varina Struttin' R Stuff
2nd: Appomattox Regional Governor's School InAChorDance
1st: Menchville (m)pulse

A division mixed
3rd: Midlothian Just For Show
2nd: Lee Davis Madrijazz
1st: Manchester Capital Swing

Grand champion: Manchester Capital Swing

Best choreo: Manchester
Best vocals: Manchester
Best band: Manchester
Best male soloist: Menchville~ Jacob Shepherd
Best female soloist Midlothian
Directors Choice: Appomattox Regional Governor's School
Peoples Choice: Manchester

I think this is right. I'm so tired. Show choir has been out three nights in a row and I'm exhausted. I guest conducted 100 twelve and thirteen year olds yesterday.

BTW~What is Director's Choice Award?

Feel free to make corrections and I'll edit.


scisamazing on Mar 28, 2009, 10:31 PM
Post #14
and Saturday??

ShowOff21 on Mar 28, 2009, 4:47 AM
Post #13
Results from Friday??


TheMusicMan on Mar 27, 2009, 10:17 AM
Post #12
I'm already excited for tomorrow! Can't wait to see everyone there! I hope someone comes for the 10:00am shows, it's never any fun performing to an empty auditorium...
come say hi to us in the Powhatan section!!

MHSdirector on Mar 26, 2009, 12:24 PM
Post #11
OMG, Ryan, I just noticed there is a picture of us in your signature!!! I feel so proud and honored!

MHSdirector on Mar 26, 2009, 12:23 PM
Post #10

Dude skrew sleeping in! I agree that going early is the kiss of death and all, but 1) i like seeing all the other choirs, and 2) what the heck am i gonna do with the rest of my saturday?
I love early comps haha, im a morning person in case anyone hasnt realised yet

You only say that because you don't have any hair to fix. Stop being a jerk, or you shall be robbed of your "Edward" status. :-D

ShowOff21 on Mar 26, 2009, 12:29 AM
Post #9
Sing Face on Friday Hanover Stand-Stills and Give/Sing Face on Saturday (M)pulse! I'll be at FAME waiting to hear from yall lol.


Shepardo on Mar 26, 2009, 12:08 AM
Post #8
Well, heck yes...finally a short day for Menchville!!!!! We go in the afternoon and awards are early...and we're LOCAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't think that has ever happened to us before. We finally started getting good times this year...for 2 or 3 years we have been absolutely first at every competition. I don't really know what to do with myself for getting to sleep in. I feel like I should get up and go do something...repaint the black boxes, steam the uniforms...something...

Sorry for all the posts...I gave up Facebook for Lent and I am BORED!!!

Dude skrew sleeping in! I agree that going early is the kiss of death and all, but 1) i like seeing all the other choirs, and 2) what the heck am i gonna do with the rest of my saturday?
I love early comps haha, im a morning person in case anyone hasnt realised yet

MHSdirector on Mar 25, 2009, 3:20 PM
Post #7
I can't wait for this weekend! Finally, we get to be the locals...just once.

Good luck to all the choirs, especially the B mixed choirs! We want to see everyone have an amazing show!!! We have all worked hard and deserve it!!

jessinamaca on Mar 20, 2009, 8:45 PM
Post #6
I hate 10:30 competitions when the school is two hours away so I have to get up super early.

But I loooovvve watching the other choirs.


TheMusicMan on Mar 10, 2009, 11:36 AM
Post #5
Ugh.... 10:30am looks worse every day... but I'll ditto myself on the watching everybody again.

MHSdirector on Feb 27, 2009, 9:10 AM
Post #4
I agree, I don't mind going early because I like to see the other groups, but our choreographer is convinced its the kiss of death...quite frankly, I agree, but only if there's a lot of groups. I think if there's 4 or less, it probably doesn't matter, but more than that, it becomes a real challenge.


TheMusicMan on Feb 27, 2009, 2:54 AM
Post #3
Hehe... It's night before our first and I'm playing the same game... Should I sleep? Touch up backdrops? Check wiring on the electrical props? Re-check the load-in list?

Looks like Powhatan is going to trade places with you this year.... 2nd to go on Saturday. Not a bad thing though.... I really like being able to watch all the super-awesome groups go after we're done performing! It's so much fun to watch each program as they develop from year-to-year. An early good luck to everyone going to Hampton!

MHSdirector on Feb 26, 2009, 11:26 PM
Post #2
Well, heck yes...finally a short day for Menchville!!!!! We go in the afternoon and awards are early...and we're LOCAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't think that has ever happened to us before. We finally started getting good times this year...for 2 or 3 years we have been absolutely first at every competition. I don't really know what to do with myself for getting to sleep in. I feel like I should get up and go do something...repaint the black boxes, steam the uniforms...something...

Sorry for all the posts...I gave up Facebook for Lent and I am BORED!!!

ShowOff21 on Feb 26, 2009, 2:47 PM
Post #1
Friday, March 27, 2009

5:00 PM KECOUGHTAN 5TH Avenue Exhibition
5:20 PM YORK Various Voices Concert Choir
5:40 PM YORK Crystal Harmony Concert Choir
6:00 PM PHOEBUS Jazz Choir Jazz Choir
6:20 PM HANOVER Voice Male Jazz Choir
6:40 PM POQUOSON In Da Pocket Jazz Choir
7:00 PM YORK Tres Jolie Jazz Choir
7:20 PM HANOVER Satin Dolls Jazz Choir
7:40 PM B R E A K
8:00 PM LEE DAVIS Chamber Ensemble Chamber Choir
8:20 PM MANCHESTER Mixed Chamber Ensemble Chamber Choir
8:40 PM HANOVER Women’s Chamber Ens. Chamber Choir
9:00 PM YORK Voices In Perfection Chamber Choir
9:20 PM HANOVER Chamber Singers Chamber Choir
9:40 PM KECOUGHTAN Chamber Singers Exhibition
10:00PM CNU Uncommon Ground Exhibition
10:20PM A W A R D S

Saturday, March 28, 2009
10:00AM POQUOSON Garnet and Gold SSAA Show B
10:30AM POWHATAN Revv’d Up SSAA Show B
11:00AM ATLEE Elegance SSAA Show A
11:30AM LEE DAVIS New Horizons SSAA Show A
12:00PM B R E A K
12:15PM MANCHESTER Touch Of Swing SSAA Show A
12:45PM MIDLOTHIAN City Lights SSAA Show A
1:45 PM POQUOSON Soundsation SATB Show B
2:15 PM VARINA Struttin-R-Stuff SATB Show B
2:45 PM APPOMATTOX RGS In Achordance SATB Show B
3:15 PM MENCHVILLE (M)pulse SATB Show B
3:45 PM B R E A K
4:00 PM MIDLOTHIAN Just For Show SATB Show A
4:30 PM ATLEE Illusions SATB Show A
5:00 PM MANCHESTER Capitol Swing SATB Show A
5:30 PM LEE DAVIS Madrijazz SATB Show A
6:00 PM KECOUGHTAN Touch Of Jade Exhibition
6:30 PM KECOUGHTAN Harbor Lights Exhibition
7:00 PM CNU Uncommon Ground Exhibition
7:30 PM A W A R D S

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