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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational 2009
Event Info

March 6th, 2009
Venue Info
Manchester High School
12601 Bailey Bridge Road
Midlothian, VA 23112
Phone: (804) 739-6275
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
18 Mixed Groups
16 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Manchester "Capital Swing"
Manchester "Touch of Swing"
Manchester "Chamber Ensemble"
Manchester "Acapella Boys"
Event Judges:
Kimberly Edwards
Annette Layman
Kraig McBroom
Ticket prices unknown.
Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational 2009

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Good Times
Martinsburg High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Band
Best Show Design

Show Cards
Colerain High School
First Runner Up
Best Choreography

Current Edition
James River High School
Second Runner Up

Amherst County High School
No Placement

Atlee High School
No Placement

Sudden Image
Lloyd C. Bird High School
No Placement

Knight Scene
Thomas Dale High School
No Placement

High Impact
Matoaca High School
No Placement

Cosby High School
No Placement

New Dimensions
Clover Hill High School
No Placement

Just For Show
Midlothian High School
No Placement

Sound FX
Hanover High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

Appomattox Regional Governor's School
Placement Unknown

Mixed Select
Colonial Forge High School
Placement Unknown

Menchville High School
Placement Unknown

Poquoson High School
Placement Unknown

Center Stage
Monacan High School
Placement Unknown

Harbor Lights
Kecoughtan High School
Placement Unknown

Treble Division - Tier I

Atlee High School
First Place
Best Vocals

Cosby High School
Second Place
Best Choreography
Best Show Design

Clover Hill High School
Third Place

Up Front
Matoaca High School
No Placement
Best Soloist

Anything Goes
James River High School
No Placement

City Lights
Midlothian High School
No Placement

Lloyd C. Bird High School
No Placement

Treble Division - Tier II

Revv'd Up!
Powhatan High School
First Place

Touch of Jade
Kecoughtan High School
Second Place

Belles of Amherst
Amherst County High School
Third Place
Best Band

Female Intuition
Hopewell High School
No Placement

Treble Makers
Colonial Forge High School
No Placement

Harmony in Motion
Douglas S. Freeman High School
No Placement

Clover Hill High School
No Placement

Garnet & Gold
Poquoson High School
No Placement

Atlee High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 1 of 1 members
137 comments • Sort by

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tdchoreo on Mar 23, 2009, 12:18 AM
Post #137
The only thing Icould find was an e-amil address...

[email protected]

took me while to get it, but here it is!!!

jessinamaca on Mar 20, 2009, 8:37 PM
Post #136
LOL Ryan. I sat and laughed forever.
It was so perfect.


TheMusicMan on Mar 20, 2009, 6:01 PM
Post #135
And I too searched for the website. It appears they are simply a registered address and phone number in Lynchburg, VA. I was unable to find any kind of website, only a phone number.


TheMusicMan on Mar 20, 2009, 6:00 PM
Post #134
I believe that deserves a ROFL.


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 20, 2009, 7:30 AM
Post #133

MHSdirector on Mar 19, 2009, 11:18 PM
Post #132
LMAO...quite literally. I feel so dumb cackling at my laptop, but it was in order.

ShowOff21 on Mar 19, 2009, 11:12 PM
Post #131


scisamazing on Mar 19, 2009, 9:02 PM
Post #130
Does anyone know Pro Video's website?


amherecho09 on Mar 16, 2009, 4:39 PM
Post #129
I want to thank the cosby student for the comment about the "Amherechos".. we get that alot with the way the name is spelled, but thanks.. it means alot to have others comment our courageousness for jumping up in divisions. We knew from the start it would be hard, but we were up to the challenge.. we enjoy learning from the top groups of how to be better... btw i'm the soloist in the final number "Let Me Entertain You"lol.. if anyone wanted to know!

luhhhren on Mar 14, 2009, 2:19 PM
Post #128
The photography company has yet to post everyone... I'm so impatient.


jonmoorea1994 on Mar 14, 2009, 11:51 AM (Edited)
Post #127
in mixed b group!

Harbor Lights got first place!

Hanover, here we come

also, Manchester did an exellent job with hosting. can't wait til next year.


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 13, 2009, 7:55 AM
Post #126
Sister schools!!!!! wooohoooo!
We all need one- to bad C-Hill has the number one sister school!
I finally got to meet your director and family- what great people. So jsut to let everyone know it starts at the top- great, exciting and respectful kids/youngadults come from great,exciting and respextful parents. Thank You all for allowing us to have so much fun.
We cant wait to have you all back!

storyteller349 on Mar 13, 2009, 2:16 AM
Post #125
Hanover Ryan!
We were actually talking about you and Clover Hill Ryan yesterday.
Our director told us you posted saying we were a sweet group and then someof us said we were gonna try to find you on facebook ha

ShowOff21 on Mar 12, 2009, 11:27 PM
Post #124
It was nice meeting you Akeem! (Ryan w/ Hanover)

storyteller349 on Mar 12, 2009, 11:13 PM
Post #123
I want to say as a member of the Colerain "Show Cards" that I really enjoyed this competition. It was nice to see some new groups and be in a more friendly environment. Clover Hill forever has a place in our hearts as our new sister school and ya'll were so much fun at dinner afterwards! The shows I saw were amazing and seriously blew my mind. The vocal quality of some of the groups there was utterly mindblowing. It was nice to see kids perform out of love and not cut throat rivalries for once. The statement that our "style" helps is invalid; our director arranges for some of the groups who were at CVSCI and we've always enjoyed East Coast style. Either way, the day as a whole was great and really memorable. There was so much talent on the stage all day. Congrats to everyone for announced and personal accomplishments and thanks to Manchester for having us.


TheMusicMan on Mar 10, 2009, 3:21 AM (Edited)
Post #122
All I know is that there is a host of ancient equipment that I'm pretty certain I've seen for the last 5 years on a table at the entrance to the auditorium, and a sign with "Pro Video" displayed.

What they are doing is taking a direct feed from the sound mixing console and slapping it on as the audio track, resulting in the very awkward feeling that we're listening to a shifting group of singers standing 8 inches from the mics. There were two shotgun mics and two tall condenser-looking mics on either side of the stage, but they are proving ineffective in their placement, if they are even being mixed in. The overall sound quality is very poor, and, frankly, I can't say much for the video either.

IMHO, if they were to scratch mixing the sound consoles signal in at all and rely on a single or dual high quality mic setup (X-Y pair) in the center of the audience, the video would be much more listenable, not to mention educational to the students and WORTH PAYING 20(!!!!!) bucks for only one show. Seriously, the quality of the crappy little cassette recorders that the judges use is better than the $20 "Pro" video.

~ End b*$ching ~

I loved seeing the shows at this competition. It's an awkward space, and I remember just last year there were groups who came in and got eaten by the awkward acoustics, short thrust, and difficult sound reinforcement situation. This year, I was very much impressed by the groups who exhibited much greater control of the space. Director's around here are getting better every year!!

I love you C. Kraig!! ~disclaimer: Your arrangements and judging, only, I swear!~

ShowOff21 on Mar 10, 2009, 2:39 AM
Post #121
The food was good too! Wish I could say the same about the videos... who does their recording?


Showchoir Man on Mar 9, 2009, 11:06 PM
Post #120
congrats to everyone that went to this competition!!


TheMusicMan on Mar 9, 2009, 8:05 PM
Post #119
The food was good too! Wish I could say the same about the videos... who does their recording?


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 9, 2009, 7:10 PM
Post #118
I think all the students WERE amazing. I have never seen so much "reaching out" at any VA competition before-there was sportsmanship and respect all around.

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