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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Wheaton Warrenville South Choral Classic 2009
Event Info

March 14th, 2009
Venue Info
Aberdeen Central High School
2200 S. Roosevelt St.
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Phone: (605) 725-8100
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
13 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Wheaton Warrenville South "The Classics"
Wheaton Warrenville South "Esprit"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Wheaton Warrenville South Choral Classic 2009

Event Site
Live Stream

Sound Check
Waubonsie Valley High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Solo (Antoinette Konow)

Elite Energy
Eisenhower High School
First Runner Up

Grand Central Station
La Crosse Central High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
3rd Runner Up

Petal High School
4th Runner Up

John Hersey High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Treble Division
Groups in order of performance

Tres Chic
Wheeling High School
Placement Unknown

Rolling Meadows High School
Placement Unknown

West Jones High School
Placement Unknown

Ladies First
John Hersey High School
Placement Unknown

Girls in Heels
Waubonsie Valley High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
132 comments • Sort by

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user suspended  on Mar 18, 2009, 1:47 PM
Post #134
Finals DVD $38 from
Rutherford PhotoVideo
515 west eldorado st.
Decatur IL 62522


Häakon on Mar 18, 2009, 5:17 AM
Post #133
Haakon I have to take issue with your comment on Petal's light clashing with their outfits. I have seen their show at least five times and their lights are programed to compliment their clothing, now there is one place where they have green lights and the brown dresses and that is the only place I have seen that it might seem to clash.
Yes, it was after the costume change into the brown dresses where I felt the blue/green lights seemed like an odd choice. I didn't mind the columns at all... in fact I thought the ending was really cool and creative. My comment was simply a little nit pick where it caught my eye and I wrote it down. There were plenty of other things I liked about Petal's choir.

I apologize for getting the name wrong... out of all those notes I was frantically scribbling I was bound to get something incorrect! It's all fixed now.

cecelia. on Mar 18, 2009, 12:12 AM
Post #132
Please accept my sincerest apologies. I actually did catch that right after I made the post, but I had horrible internet reception where I was at, was posting from a phone, and couldn't get back on to edit it after it was sent. Having a not-so-usual name myself, I completely understand. I have edited the original post, s'all good now.

hahah, It's fine. I actually just wanted to get on Mr.Olson's case, because he reads all of POCO's posts.


scfan2 on Mar 17, 2009, 11:11 PM
Post #131

Haha I totally agree!!! I love everything about Wabonsie and I think they were amazing on Saturday, greatly improved from Dekalb especially the second half of the show, but them winning best costumes on Saturday was funny. The boys second outfits are easily the ugliest things I have ever seen on stage, and I'm not to fond of the boys first costume either I think I acutally laughed out loud when I heard that they won best costumes!!

It would have been interesting to hear the judges thoughts when they made that decision. Based on what I saw, that decision alone makes one think if you are going to give out that award, then special judges might be required to make that choice.

Addicted2Swingers on Mar 17, 2009, 9:58 PM
Post #130
If you want to talk farther about clothing discuss the fact that Waubonise Valley won best costumes. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that as I thought that was the most supprising result I saw all day.

Haha I totally agree!!! I love everything about Wabonsie and I think they were amazing on Saturday, greatly improved from Dekalb especially the second half of the show, but them winning best costumes on Saturday was funny. The boys second outfits are easily the ugliest things I have ever seen on stage, and I'm not to fond of the boys first costume either I think I acutally laughed out loud when I heard that they won best costumes!!

Bae on Mar 17, 2009, 7:50 PM
Post #129
I would rather show choirs don't have any special lighting. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I like Iowa so much, because everybody has to deal with the same lights instead of one choir having special effects.


scfan2 on Mar 17, 2009, 7:30 PM
Post #128
I loved Petal's show, but I must say, I wasn't a big fan of the lights either. I thought the end effect was cool, but up until that point, the lights make no sense in the songs really...

I dont' know, I guess it's just a matter of personal opinion.

Well that's up to you, but saying they clashed with the clothing was the point which I had an issue. Their lights are LED and have the capability to make most any color, and I understand the company where they purchased them made them special, and nobody has any more like them. I personally as someone who has helped make several sets of backdrops think they provide a very neat visual effect and complemented all the colors of clothing really well, expecially in the opener. Like you said to each his own.

GCS_Girl4Ever on Mar 17, 2009, 3:34 PM
Post #127
I loved Petal's show, but I must say, I wasn't a big fan of the lights either. I thought the end effect was cool, but up until that point, the lights make no sense in the songs really...

I dont' know, I guess it's just a matter of personal opinion.


scfan2 on Mar 17, 2009, 2:42 PM
Post #126
Haakon I have to take issue with your comment on Petal's light clashing with their outfits. I have seen their show at least five times and their lights are programed to compliment their clothing, now there is one place where they have green lights and the brown dresses and that is the only place I have seen that it might seem to clash. They are the Soundsations by the way, the Innovations are their girls group and they weren't at this competition. If you want to talk farther about clothing discuss the fact that Waubonise Valley won best costumes. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that as I thought that was the most supprising result I saw all day.

Yuri on Mar 17, 2009, 1:26 PM (Edited)
Post #125
I bought a finals DVD! I will be posting some shows on YouTube when it comes ;).


pplplezr on Mar 17, 2009, 12:05 AM
Post #124
I really wish I could say °Holy Crap° in Italian right now!

Congrats to all groups!

I'm a bit rusty, but I believe it is "schifeza santa".

Häakon on Mar 16, 2009, 11:54 PM
Post #123
And. it's CECELIA, BTW.
Please accept my sincerest apologies. I actually did catch that right after I made the post, but I had horrible internet reception where I was at, was posting from a phone, and couldn't get back on to edit it after it was sent. Having a not-so-usual name myself, I completely understand. I have edited the original post, s'all good now.

cecelia. on Mar 16, 2009, 8:25 PM
Post #122

Before you leave Italy get a mint granita. They absolutley rule.

And go to portofino,
AMAZING. I miss italy.
It has been 3 years :/

JWill on Mar 16, 2009, 7:28 PM
Post #121
I really wish I could say °Holy Crap° in Italian right now!

Congrats to all groups!

Before you leave Italy get a mint granita. They absolutley rule.


bassmoose on Mar 16, 2009, 7:19 PM
Post #120
I was sad I had to miss this, but I'm happy Waubonsie Valley won this.

Anyone care to post the DVD info?

i am pretty sure that the cideo was done by rutherford, and uy cna prolly search it and find it

Jorge on Mar 16, 2009, 5:57 PM
Post #119
I really wish I could say °Holy Crap° in Italian right now!

Congrats to all groups!

cecelia. on Mar 16, 2009, 12:33 PM
Post #118

Waconia "Power Company":

The opening soloists are fantastic. Although I don't believe a choir should be judged based on the performance of a soloist, it makes such a difference to the quality of a song when the one person picked to be on the mic is a standout. Sometimes I'm puzzled as to why a particular soloist was chosen for a song, but you've nailed it here. Wonderful energy throughout. Wow, the third soloist is great too... I'm very impressed! Something about the guys outfits seems odd to me... I feel like the tops and the pants don't quite match well. Very nice tone during the ballad, I'm enjoying your sound a lot. On the flip side of the coin, I wish there was more on the show side both in terms of staging and visual accent. The guys have strong showmanship, though. Major props to the girl who lost her dress and handled it so effectively. Those red pants would have been a huge distraction, but you really did a good job of finishing your section and then appropriately stepping away. It must be heartbreaking to remove yourself from the stage but that was very classy. I like the guys outfits here much more after the change. I didn't think I'd be saying this, but I really like this version of "4 Minutes" a lot. I know of at least ten choirs doing the song this year and I don't think many arrangements do it justice, but this one does. The mash-up with "Final Countdown" is not only cleverly appropriate from a thematic point of view, but the counter-melody sounds really, really cool. Watching you guys is so much fun... out of everyone I've seen so far, you seem to be the most genuinely happy to be doing what you're doing. That passion definitely translates to the audience. Though you didn't make finals, you left an amazing impression on me and I'm really glad I got to see you perform.

An incredibly special thanks to Joe Foltz and Adam Miller for making the trip actually doable at all, and a big shoutout to Aaron, Yuri, Cecilia, Evan, Tim, Aashley, Rob, Gail, Zach, Martin, Beth, Mr. Esser, Mr. Olson, and the entire staff, volunteer team, and body of students at Wheaton-Warrenville for talking show choir, discussing predictions, serving great food, or just sitting with me during performances and making the day really special. I definitely need to get out this way more often!

AHHH, This means so much. especially coming from you. haha.
We have a tremendous amount of passion for what we do. Performing is what we truly do this for. Trophies are pretty, and the recognition is nice, but in the end it's the performing you remember. You remember the passion, the friendships, the pranks you pulled. I am kinda ina haze right now because I got AWESOME jonas brothers tickets... So again, if this doesn't make sense... ahah. But. Personally, The reason I always want to make finals is to perform again. Not to get a trophy. Although it's nice. Hahaha. I think... our hearts really show on stage. Personally, the only time my head is clear is on stage. Blah Blah blah i am going on for years.

This was my best performance in 6 years of doing show choir. never have I felt better about a performance after leaving the stage. (: So happy you got to see it.

And. it's CECELIA, BTW. Hahah, it's okay. Not offended. Mr.Olson is GUILTY of spelling my name Ce Ce for the last 2 years. For the record it is not C.C. or CiCi or Ce ce or Celia or Sicily or Silje. it is Cece, or Ceec, or the coolest person you will ever meet.

TCSinger on Mar 16, 2009, 4:24 AM
Post #117
I was sad I had to miss this, but I'm happy Waubonsie Valley won this.

Anyone care to post the DVD info?

Häakon on Mar 16, 2009, 3:17 AM
Post #116
What a fantastic day. I met so many amazing people here and enjoyed some of the best show choir I've seen in ages. Everyone who participated should feel great about the job they did because the performances were stellar across the board. I wasn't sure what to expect attending this competition, but I'm so glad I went. Some things I learned:

There is a level where one can objectively say a group is better than another, but then there's another level where some groups are so good that it all comes down to personal taste and what a spectator/clinician/judge wants out of show choir... simple as that. I think several choirs fit into this category this weekend.

I like Mike Weaver's choreography a lot more than I realized I did.

I would like to be the guy getting royalties for "4 Minutes."

I'm really thankful for California's a capella rule. There were a couple of ballads that some groups did that I thought would be really standout a capella pieces if arranged properly (I think I wrote notes about a few of them), and I think even the choirs themselves would be surprised at how amazing they could sound unaccompanied.

I was blown away by the talent of the student bands... what a treat.

Here was my opinion of the groups I thought should have made finals after seeing the prelims:

La Crosse Central
Waubonsie Valley

This was my first time seeing any of these groups this year - and my first time seeing a couple of these groups ever - so I had a very clean slate from which to watch. All of my thoughts were written while seeing these choirs during prelims:

Wheeling High School "New Dawns":

I'm already digging this competition - you guys have great attitude! Facials, especially; everyone's expressions are appropriate for the music. I like the costumes; they almost have a retro feel but they're not too flashy or overdone. The girls feel a bit overpowering compared to the guys... watch the balance. Some of the choreography is not together - it's good stuff, but a little cleaning would help tremendously. It's a shame this is your final competition. I'd like to hear more of the band behind the soloist in the third song. The backing guitar is good, but as she's right on the mic we can hear her very clearly and the foundation isn't quite there. Overall I enjoyed this group but feel that I still want more out of the set. The arrangements are pretty standard, and although you perform them well, I feel like you are going to be overshadowed by some of the other choirs who exhibit a bit more creative edge. That being said, you look like you are genuinely having fun and that's what it's ultimately all about. Good job.

Neenah High School "Vintage":

Your opening picture is quite nice - the dresses in particular look flattering on all of the women. Straight up sequins run the risk of feeling old and tired, but you've given them a fresh and modern take and the colors are especially pleasing. The arrangement of the first song is nice; you have good blend here and the band is showing some effective dynamic control. I like your tone during the ballad as well; nice build to the climax. The soloist has great conviction, but watch those high notes. The transition to the guys number felt very natural, but into the girls felt more forced. "Signed, Sealed, and Delivered" felt like it was in an odd key when the girls were by themselves - almost a step too high - but I'm wondering if this was the case so that it's in a better register for the boys when they join in. I also thought the girls costumes after the change were a little bland when they were by themselves, but they made a nice compliment to the guys after they returned. It looks like some attention was spent on attitude; you have a nice, professional feel. Thanks for sharing some beautiful music with everyone!

La Crosse Central "Grand Central Station":

The first thing that I wrote down was that your band is insane! I used to hate hearing horns in show choir because most of my exposure was to groups who weren't of this caliber and there is nothing more off-putting to me than horns being out of key - moreso than any other instrument, for whatever reason. Brett Carroll began to change my mind when he brought a brass section to Burbank, but your group has sealed the deal being that you're all students. I heard about the pact that Doc made with the band and I must say it is well deserved. Right off the bat we have some nice soloists; good balance with the group. I think I would even prefer less solos in the first song... perhaps one girl and the ending guy. It's not that any of the soloists sounded bad - they didn't - but the choir sounds good and I just don't think it's necessary. I really like the transitions and backdrops; they're very appropriate for the song selection and overall theme. The staging is very impressive as well - way to keep things moving and interesting. The choreography is extremely polished and clean. I like the costume change into "Golden Rainbow," but I wish the backdrop could also reflect the change. I get the concept that we're still in New York - the buildings are fine - but the colors are clashing to me a little bit with the costumes. There's also the obvious "golden" reference in the song title. Perhaps they could be illuminated with colored lights to achieve a change. Guys, watch your pitch at the end of "Luck Be A Lady;" it's drifting a bit. Beautiful solo by Cameron; nicely done. I'm really enjoying the choreography - it's very refreshing to see full out dancing going on and not just sharp arm movements. I thought the half-song ending was interesting, but I don't know if I'm sold on it. I do like the band feature. Nice walk-off; your show is exceptionally strong and you are definitely a top contender.

Waconia "Power Company":

The opening soloists are fantastic. Although I don't believe a choir should be judged based on the performance of a soloist, it makes such a difference to the quality of a song when the one person picked to be on the mic is a standout. Sometimes I'm puzzled as to why a particular soloist was chosen for a song, but you've nailed it here. Wonderful energy throughout. Wow, the third soloist is great too... I'm very impressed! Something about the guys outfits seems odd to me... I feel like the tops and the pants don't quite match well. Very nice tone during the ballad, I'm enjoying your sound a lot. On the flip side of the coin, I wish there was more on the show side both in terms of staging and visual accent. The guys have strong showmanship, though. Major props to the girl who lost her dress and handled it so effectively. Those red pants would have been a huge distraction, but you really did a good job of finishing your section and then appropriately stepping away. It must be heartbreaking to remove yourself from the stage but that was very classy. I like the guys outfits here much more after the change. I didn't think I'd be saying this, but I really like this version of "4 Minutes" a lot. I know of at least ten choirs doing the song this year and I don't think many arrangements do it justice, but this one does. The mash-up with "Final Countdown" is not only cleverly appropriate from a thematic point of view, but the counter-melody sounds really, really cool. Watching you guys is so much fun... out of everyone I've seen so far, you seem to be the most genuinely happy to be doing what you're doing. That passion definitely translates to the audience. Though you didn't make finals, you left an amazing impression on me and I'm really glad I got to see you perform.

Onalaska "Hilltoppers":

The first soloist has a great tone, but I want to see more confidence - you sound fantastic; be proud! The opening costumes are more traditional, but very classy. You look mature and striking. The choreography feels a bit frantic/mechanical to me. Sometimes I feel like it takes away from your choral tone. I really like the adaptation and arrangement of "Hole Hearted;" you did a great job of making a strong show choir number out of it. The ballad also has a great sound... when the dancing is stripped away a little your tone improves a lot. The blend in particular is great. The circular formation was very nice too. Overall I enjoyed the show but I can't help feeling that it didn't showcase your beautiful voices enough and this cost you a finals placement by mere points in the end.

Marysville "Swingers Unlimited":

It is so nice to hear some a capella in the opener! Gorgeous vocal tone; I really like your sound. Very nice arrangement, too. Watch for consistency in your facial expressions: what message do you want to convey? I'm seeing different things. You also have a very strong band. How refreshing. Don't let the dancing get in the way of your singing during "Mysterious Ways;" we're losing just a little bit of that great sound here. Evan's solo is absolutely beautiful... I have seen the stage production of "Rent" on and off-broadway nearly two dozen times now (most recently just last week with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal) and truth be told I have never heard this part sound so lovely. The next soloist sounds great, too, but like the first Onalaska soloist, keep that confidence up. I can tell you have the pipes; don't be afraid to go for those notes! Nice raspy tone. Watch your pitch on the middle section of . Overall, I think you have some of the best vocal sound of the night... I'm highly impressed. I wish your show was amped up just a little more. I think what may hurt you ultimately is that on the whole it feels just a little smaller than some others, especially after seeing Grand Central's effective staging, Petal's giant exploding columns, or Waubonsie's all-out assault. I like your choreography and I'm not suggesting you bring in some cheesy props, but somehow I feel like you could elevate your concept a little more. The ending with the flip was awesome. I am, again, extremely impressed and feel you are some of the strongest singers of the night. In a competition where vocals weigh heavier than "show," I am surprised you did not place higher.

Petal "Soundsations":

Nice dynamics on "Seasons Of Love." I found the multitude of soloists to be a bit scattered, and while both the song and this approach represents "all of us," the tone values varied wildly and it took me out of the moment. For example, I really liked the kind innocence of the second soloist's voice but it ended up feeling slightly weak right after the first soloist belting out the notes with such fortitude. Individually, both were great - but together it didn't work as well for me. "Peace and Love, Inc." feels much more of your kind of style. There is great energy here and I can tell you really like performing this. The arrangement is a bit intense, however; watch the "all loud all the time" approach. Love the soloist on "Anything Goes." Probably my favorite female vocal of the night. I like the costume change, but I'm wondering its relevance to the text. Additionally, I think the colors of the flashing lights clash with what's being worn. Oh well, I guess "anything goes!" (Okay, I promise I'll stop). From a choreography perspective, this number is great. Nice blend on the ballad. I'd like a little more dynamics here; up until the key change it stays pretty constant and there is definitely room for a little color and emotional shift. Uh oh, more "4 Minutes!" Visually, I'm digging it, but I enjoyed Waconia's arrangement more. It does take a lot to stand out from the crowd with this one. Overall I enjoyed this group a lot; while I did feel that there were choirs who outsang you, you had a very nice combination of musicianship and showmanship that was lacking in other groups. Lots of entertainment value and definitely finals-worthy.

Waubonsie Valley "Soundcheck":

Oh, Waubonsie. This is my second time seeing your group after the showdown at last year's FAME Chicago competition, and I will say without hesitation that you stepped it up even more this year. The first thing that jumped out at me is that I love how you use that driving, distorted guitar so effectively in show choir. It can be an inspirational force or a muddied mess and you definitely know how to channel it into the former. Like Burroughs, you really think out of the box and aren't afraid to take any risks. It takes a special group to pull that off, and you have shown that you can do so - consistently - which I value a lot. Your passion is amazingly intense, but borders so close to being out of control sometimes that I honestly feel anxious watching you at some moments. Just playing on the edge the whole show - even if you never step over it - can be enough to overwhelm. The opening number was stellar. Gorgeous sound. I love this change of pace and offering of something unique and fresh. I think my biggest issue with your group is the flow of songs. The second number was extremely inventive and entertaining, but I felt it to be pretty disjointed from the first. The transition felt like shifting to reverse after going 60mph in drive. I know you are singing some very challenging stuff and I'm not making light of the repertoire, but some parts were so frantic that I don't feel like I always get to enjoy what's underneath. You're turned up to 10 for twenty minutes and I need a chance to breathe! Watch out for too many solo acts. Also, please let soloists finish their verses! The "Crazy In Love" soloist sings 80% of her section and then walks away. Let her put the bullet point on the end so she can exit while the choir steps in to blast us with the chorus. I'm probably the most critical of your group because you swept it all, but unlike others I don't feel it was a runaway performance. It's that situation I alluded to above where it's an absolutely tremendous show but just plays to certain strengths over others. So while I do think it was a deserving win, I would have been equally happy with other groups in the top spot. It just depends on what elements we value most. With all of this in mind, you are absolutely a knockout group and after only 3? 4? years in existence, have an unbelievable amount to be proud of. Congratulations on the win.

Hersey "On Stage":

Great commitment to the opener. There's a girl with red hair in the front with really nice, genuine facials. It's so nice when you can tell it's not fake. Watch the balance with the band; they're on the verge of overpowering you. What a lovely ballad. Here is one case where I think the entire first section would have much more impact sung a capella - at least until that first soloist comes in, then the band can pick it up. Try it in class; focus on the words and listen to your teammates around you. I think you will really be moved at how good you sound. When you can inject that emotion into the music, you'll take it to the next level and leave us with something even more special. You are another earnest group who I feel believes what they sing. Similarly to Marysville, I was left wanting just a little more in the "show" department. I think your group was a little smaller, but you also followed the Waubonsie juggernaut and it was a tough act to follow. They showed, however, that you don't need backdrops or video screens to put on a show - so your lack of extra visuals wasn't necessarily the deal-breaker. I just felt that you were a great choir in the midst of some tremendous ones, and unfortunately putting one group in first means someone else doesn't get that place. Congratulations on making it to the finals, however, and on an overall job well done.

Eisenhower "Elite Energy":

Wonderful opening harmonies - you really set the stage and got our attention. Fantastic energy, but it bordered slightly on feeling contrived; be careful that it doesn't come across as insincere. Amazing guitar tone; I think you had the best player of the night. I'm seeing varying levels of commitment on stage... get everyone up to the same level when you clean. We see everyone - not just the front row dancers - and the weakest link draws attention quickly. Gorgeous solo on "Not Too Far." This was my favorite ballad of the night... partly because of the song choice and partly because of the conviction, but mostly because it was it just just done really well. Great bit of choreography between the guys in the guys number. Very nice wardrobe choices throughout. I actually thought there was going to be one more song when you finished - the closer didn't quite feel like enough of a closer to me. And I was enjoying the show very much; I wanted another song! This is another great group with a good balance of music and visual energy. I think that ultimately I preferred Marysville's vocals and GCS's show, but it's the combination that matters and clearly you did enough to secure the first runner-up slot. Well done.

I want to apologize to the choirs in the womens division, as well as to the first mixed group for not getting to the competition in time to see your shows. Due to some craziness at the airport, I ended up having to fly from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, from Las Vegas overnight to Charlotte (yes, that Charlotte), and then from Charlotte to Chicago at 6 in the morning. Not only was I a zombie by the time I got to Wheaton-Warrenville, but I didn't make it to the auditorium until around noon. I would have loved to see your shows! Additionally, as valiantly as I tried, I could not fight the necessity of a bathroom break after 6 hours of show choir and Palatine was the unlucky victim. I'm sure that's more information than you needed, but I didn't want you to feel like I had somehow purposely left you out. Because Palatine was not in the finals, I sadly did not get to see their show in person. West Jones... I have no idea what happened to your page of comments. I will have to get back to you.

It is always fun to get to attend FAME or one of the other big national events, but there is something different and special about these local Midwest competitions that I've really become fond of. I literally bought my plane ticket for this show on Friday afternoon (still less than 36 hours ago as of the writing of this post!) after wrestling with the decision to do this or watch Burroughs, Burbank, and Clinton duke it out at Los Al. And while I know full well that California lay host to a truly epic showdown, I opted to expand my horizons and take the one-time chance of seeing this really, really amazing lineup of show choir in the end. I love my Burroughs and Burbank friends to death and seeing Clinton is always an incredible treat, but I was so glad to have this experience (besides, I'm already packing my bags for the cup at FAME NYC, so there's more amazing show choir still to come!). It was great to put faces to so many of the friends I have made through SCC in the last few years and reconnect with others I have known even longer. We really do belong to an amazingly special community and are incredibly lucky to be able to share this special form of art together. And just remember that years down the road, no one will remember who got Grand Champion or who walked home empty-handed... we'll just remember the memories we made and the time we got to share. Unless of course you look the results up in the snazzy new SCC database...

An incredibly special thanks to Joe Foltz and Adam Miller for making the trip actually doable at all, and a big shoutout to Aaron, Yuri, Cecelia, Evan, Tim, Aashley, Rob, Gail, Zach, Martin, Beth, Mr. Esser, Mr. Olson, and the entire staff, volunteer team, and body of students at Wheaton-Warrenville for talking show choir, discussing predictions, serving great food, or just sitting with me during performances and making the day really special. I definitely need to get out this way more often!

GCS_Girl4Ever on Mar 16, 2009, 12:02 AM
Post #115
Oh my gosh, I know how you feel. I've been in show choir since the eighth grade, and our day show yesterday was by far the best performance I've ever had. We walked off stage and everyone just had a great feeling. We're like, "yes, we've finally done it". It was a great way to end the season.

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