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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Mooresville Spotlighter Invitational 2009
Event Info

February 28th, 2009
Venue Info
Mooresville High School
550 N. Indiana St.
Mooresville, IN 46158
Phone: (317) 831-9203
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
9 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Mooresville "Spotlighters"
Mooresville "Finesse"
Mooresville "Millenium"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Mooresville Spotlighter Invitational 2009

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Spotlight Singers & Company
Brownsburg High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals

Bishop Luers High School
First Runner Up
Best Choreography

New Era
Churubusco Jr/Sr High School
Second Runner Up

El Paso-Gridley High School
3rd Runner Up

Decatur Central High School
No Placement
Best Band

Mixed Division - Tier II

Silver Streak
Fishers High School
First Place
Best Vocals

Summit Sound
Bishop Dwenger High School
Second Place
Best Choreography
Best Band

Crimson Heat
New Palestine High School
Third Place

Avon High School
4th Place

Treble Division

Starlight Voices
Brownsburg High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Silver Sound
Fishers High School
Second Place

Diamond Sensations
New Palestine High School
Third Place

Hi Fidelity
El Paso-Gridley High School
4th Place

Bishop Dwenger High School
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
31 comments • Sort by

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participation_plaque on Mar 1, 2009, 9:49 PM
Post #31
Bishop Dwenger had a amazing time, thank you so much Mooresville for a thoroughly enjoyable competition. But the entertainment was incredible! Brownsburg, Luers, and especially Mooresville's mixed choirs all have such professionalism and powerhouse vocals I love watching them again and again. The great support and positive attitudes at this competition reminded me of the great world of the show choir family.


duckie25 on Mar 1, 2009, 9:15 PM
Post #30
Churubusco-I haven't seen your show but good luck!

Brownsburg-You guys have an amazzzing show! Def. a HUGE improvement from past years. Other show choirs should watch out bc you def have a chance for GC!

thank you so freaking much, 2 weekends ago we didnt do so hot, and we just busted our butts into gear


duckie25 on Mar 1, 2009, 9:13 PM
Post #29
hell yeah go brownsburg!


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 1, 2009, 6:09 PM
Post #28
CONGRATS BROWNSBURG!!!! im so happy for all of you! after seeing your show at warren i knew you guys were gonna make an impact. Keep working hard. Im not sure if you are competing at state, but i hope you do so i can see your show again!!! and im assuming you are going to pike to compete so good luck there!!!

greytdino on Mar 1, 2009, 5:38 PM
Post #27
Thanks for the nod to BD! OUr kids ahve worked very hard and Alex is amazing. Our Directors are aweseome! Our kids are awesome! Our solosits, Emily Smith and Jimmy Miller are outstanding. Look for us in the small school div. at State! I'm predicting, I know, but something is telling me we will make it!

NEA07 on Mar 1, 2009, 2:48 PM
Post #26
New Era- very happy I got to see you guys yesterday! You had a great show and should be very proud regardless of where you finished. You guys totally rocked out during night show! Congrats and cant wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks.

Jorge on Mar 1, 2009, 2:10 PM
Post #25

GC: Brownsburg (BV)
1RU: Bishop Luers (BC)
2RU: Churubusco
3RU: El Paso Gridley
Best Band: Decatur Central

GC: Brownsburg (BV, BC)
1RU: Fishers
2RU: New Palestine
3RU: El Paso Gridley
Best Band: Brownsburg

GC: Fishers (BV)
1RU: Bishop Dwenger (BC)
2RU: New Palestine
3RU: Avon
Best Band: Bishop Dwenger

GC: Emily Smith - Bishop Dwenger
1RU: Chelsea Roth - Churubusco
2RU: ?? (Sorry - didn't catch name) - Bishop Dwenger

Concert Choir:
GC: Brownsburg Madrigals
1RU: Avon Allegros
2RU: Brownsburg
3RU: Avon Chamber Singers

Congrats Bishop Dwenger on the "Best Choreography" award and the "2nd" place finish! Alex gave you some tight choreography- and you guys really had it clean both times I saw it this season. For such a small group, you really pack a punch. I knew in the back of my head that this award would be given to you sometime in the season! Congrats!


musicfool on Mar 1, 2009, 2:07 PM
Post #24

GC: Brownsburg (BV)
1RU: Bishop Luers (BC)
2RU: Churubusco
3RU: El Paso Gridley
Best Band: Decatur Central

GC: Brownsburg (BV, BC)
1RU: Fishers
2RU: New Palestine
3RU: El Paso Gridley
Best Band: Brownsburg

GC: Fishers (BV)
1RU: Bishop Dwenger (BC)
2RU: New Palestine
3RU: Avon
Best Band: Bishop Dwenger

GC: Emily Smith - Bishop Dwenger
1RU: Chelsea Roth - Churubusco
2RU: ?? (Sorry - didn't catch name) - Bishop Dwenger

Concert Choir:
GC: Brownsburg Madrigals
1RU: Avon Allegros
2RU: Brownsburg
3RU: Avon Chamber Singers


lovetosing13 on Mar 1, 2009, 1:47 PM
Post #23
So what were the results? Also, who were the finalists in the solo competition and who won?


goinggray on Mar 1, 2009, 1:29 PM
Post #22
Congrats Brownsburg! Mrs Stainbrook texted me about the win this morning, and I'm really happy for you guys. God Bless, Damon Brown


jesspass08 on Feb 28, 2009, 12:14 PM
Post #21
Churubusco-I haven't seen your show but good luck!

Brownsburg-You guys have an amazzzing show! Def. a HUGE improvement from past years. Other show choirs should watch out bc you def have a chance for GC!

New Era CEO on Feb 28, 2009, 4:44 AM
Post #20
Not sure how many finalist but I will guess 4. This competition has really shrunk since the Teays Valley and North Central days.

GC: Churubusco
1st RU: Brownsburg
2nd RU: Bishop Lures
3rd RU: Avon

Yes, there are 4 finalists in large mixed. Thanks for the GC prediction, by the way! (for whatever predictions are worth)

About the competition shrinking since days past... I agree. But if you look at the schedule for that day, they are competing with about 3 or 4 other, very big invitationals, also in the Indianapolis area. I have a feeling only one or two of them are probably "full"; there's only so many show choirs! Add in the fact that ISSMA solo and ensemble state finals are today too (hence why I'm typing this at 3:40am, since we hit the road in about an hour and a half)... that's not a very good combination for a large invitational.

Since Mooresville is under new direction this year, perhaps they will consider changing weekends to draw more groups in the future. Who knows...

Best of luck everyone! See you in a few hours....


neweraguy on Feb 27, 2009, 8:20 PM
Post #19
I cant believe this comp is tomorrow!!!! Good Luck to all the groups going!!

KEVDOUG on Feb 27, 2009, 3:39 PM
Post #18
Not sure how many finalist but I will guess 4. This competition has really shrunk since the Teays Valley and North Central days.

GC: Churubusco
1st RU: Brownsburg
2nd RU: Bishop Lures
3rd RU: Avon

NEA07 on Feb 27, 2009, 3:33 PM
Post #17
did avon get 1stru in small divison at ben davis cause i know they werent part of large mixed finals


cattamer on Feb 27, 2009, 2:40 PM
Post #16
did avon get 1stru in small divison at ben davis cause i know they werent part of large mixed finals


EmmaLouBelle on Feb 26, 2009, 11:24 PM
Post #15
avon's definitely gotten better this year. they used to have the same choreographer as plainfield...then plainfield got a new avon "kinda" got a new one; half done by the old, half by the new and BAM you can tell the difference! they got 1st runner up at Ben Davis last weekend so i'm sure with a week of cleaning they'll definitely be competition!


neweraguy on Feb 26, 2009, 10:34 PM
Post #14
I believe finals start at 6:10.
I guess they have a eally long finals so thats y its starting a little earlier.


ldunlap on Feb 26, 2009, 7:38 PM (Edited)
Post #13
Avon's show choir is a relatively new program compared to marching band. It is a growing/improving program, but not yet at the "national championship" level of the marching band.

Bae on Feb 26, 2009, 7:28 PM
Post #12
How good is Avon in show choir, because they're amazing at marching band.

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