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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Huntington North Midwest Showcase 2009
Event Info

February 28th, 2009
Venue Info
Huntington North High School
450 MacGahan Street
Huntington, IN 46750
Phone: (260) 356-6104
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
10 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Huntington North "Varsity Singers"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Huntington North Midwest Showcase 2009

Event Site
Live Stream

Carmel High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

First Edition
Findlay High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Male Soloist (Boe Wank)

Pike High School
Second Runner Up

Ben Davis High School
3rd Runner Up

Prominent Rendition
Teays Valley High School
4th Runner Up

Class Royale
Homestead High School
5th Runner Up

Treble Finals

Carmel High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up

Pike High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Northern Lights
Northridge High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Crew

Knight Rhythms
East Noble High School
Second Place

Treble Division (Prelims) Show
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
118 comments • Sort by

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Justinrocks9 on Mar 21, 2009, 7:03 AM
Post #118

I think there are some problems with the Northrop show. There is really just too much going on in it. Sometimes it feels chaotic although you executed well. The costumes combination in the closer is awful. Sorry. Keep your second costume on and be done. Also your first two numbers are really good. In fact I think I have seen them before somewhere else. I won't say any more. Is there copyright in show choir?

I'm pretty sure that some groups do have songs that are done by other groups. There is not a problem with that. We each bought the rights to that song to do. No one really finds out what each show each choir is doing until competition either. And if you are going to bash a choir, then I suggest you at least be associated with a choir or at least some informaton. I'm sure everyone else wouldfeel the same.


taylor217 on Mar 5, 2009, 4:37 PM
Post #117
Columbia City was there!


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 4, 2009, 9:10 AM
Post #116
Well I am almost positive that Teays has beaten NC 3 times. Maybe not as good as Carmel.

also keep in mind that those really good teys valley years happened during the carmel theres no telling how carmel would have looked during that time....grant it carmel is always amazing...but *shrug* every choir has a off year at some

KEVDOUG on Mar 4, 2009, 7:44 AM
Post #115
Well I am almost positive that Teays has beaten NC 3 times. Maybe not as good as Carmel.


Wocttocs on Mar 4, 2009, 5:14 AM
Post #114
Teays used to be in the top 3 of Ohio every year. We used to be on the same level as North Central, Carmel, etc. In 2007 we had a director change and they are working their way back up. I am very proud of them though! Congrats to everyone!

Oh, i dunno Kev... Teays used to be one of my fav choirs 2003 2004 2005... but i think saying that they were on the same level as north central or carmel is a bit of a stretch. Definitely a name that you were scared of going into competition, and always a GC contender, but i don't think they were in the top 5 in the nation back then...

I know you did defeat NC in 2005, but that WAS their first contest out (and i was there) and they surpassed teays by far by the end of the season. Though i did think your show was MUCH better than NC's.


ecap13 on Mar 4, 2009, 12:28 AM (Edited)
Post #113

KEVDOUG on Mar 3, 2009, 11:36 AM
Post #112
Teays used to be in the top 3 of Ohio every year. We used to be on the same level as North Central, Carmel, etc. In 2007 we had a director change and they are working their way back up. I am very proud of them though! Congrats to everyone!


soccerrrr24 on Mar 3, 2009, 11:17 AM
Post #111
i had just heard that teays is a big name in ohio, much like findlay. i was looking forward to seeing choirs that i had never seen before i.e. findlay and teays valley. teays show was definitely good and well performed, i just felt it wasnt as entertaining as some of the others.

cablegurl on Mar 2, 2009, 10:31 PM
Post #110
I'm just curious what people heard about Teays before the competition?!?

She probably heard about what it was like the last few times Pike had to compete against Teays. Pike could barely hold a candle to Teays in those competitions.

KEVDOUG on Mar 2, 2009, 10:18 PM
Post #109
I'm just curious what people heard about Teays before the competition?!?


DeFreeuw32 on Mar 2, 2009, 10:01 PM
Post #108

The Guys from Homestead- You guys got the most applause from anyone, the three of you guys made me laugh so badly. I just want to know if that is an original song from you guys or who it is by because it was a great song. I think this was actually the best performance of the night lol.

All in all a very great job by everyone.

The song they did was from Flight of the Concords. They have been doing that all year, and it never gets old. They do it during practice and everything and it still gets us ever time!

Good competition everyone! Very intense and I know we were very thrilled to make finals.
Homestead has been working their butts of to get where they are this year, and we're only going up. 2 competitions left, and we're leaving nothing on the stage!


soccerrrr24 on Mar 2, 2009, 9:19 AM
Post #107
wow, what an incredible competition to go to. it was outstanding and every choir there was awesome.

here is what i thought after finals (before awards)

FINDLAY-you guys were absolutely INCREDIBLE. from the VERY first note of how can i keep from singing to the VERY last note in your closer. your vocals were the greatest i heard all day, by far. and for only 40 PEOPLE! Your coffee number was hilarious, clean, and ridiculous. your ballad, chills, and puttin on the ritz was the cleanest number ive seen with canes. i thought you had GC in the bag. GREAT show, i absolutely loved it.

CARMEL-i personally had you in a VERY close 2nd. your show was clean and sounded great. you guys definitely stepped up your finals show from your prelims. your closer was my favorite and i believe it was your best performed number. i think if you had sang that way in the rest of your show, i would have had you in first. BUT congrats very much on the win! i'm sure you guys will have a great rest of the season.

PIKE-Do NOT even think about gettin down on yourself for 3rd. i am SOOO proud of you guys and i know that you are proud of that 3rd also. it was a VERY tough competition and you guys performed your hearts out. you have had a WONDERFUL season and its not over yet! I'm ready for you to win state :> your ballad yesterday was the best it has been ever. CONGRATS! see you all at musicfest :>

BD-Holy crap, what is in your water? Your vocals are absolutely amazing and you only have 36 people. GREAT job. I am with the rest of the people posting in saying that the screen behind is very distracting and the guitar hero number wasnt as clean as ive seen it. in my personal opinion i just dont like the closer, but your dynamics in that song were incredible. great job.

TEAYS-I was really looking forward to seeing you guys because of what I had heard, but wasn't as impressed as i thought i would be. it was a very well performed show, it just didnt catch my attention as much as the others.

HOMESTEAD-A Very tough competition, you guys performed very well. Congratulations!

CONGRATS to all the choirs that competed. it was a great competition to go to


Praetorian on Mar 1, 2009, 1:12 PM
Post #106
I would like to start out saying that hosting Northridge made the day fun. You guys were great to host and you are a group of great people and had a great entertaining show. Hope you come back next year.

Now for the shows that I found entertaining. (I only got to see finals and random shows during the day)

Ben Davis-Your closer has some of my favorite dynamics and vocals out of any group. I got to hear you a bit in warm-up and the last half of your show. To get third runner up would be horrible at competetions without this much, I have a feeling it was incredibly close for all.

Findlay-WOW! That is all I can say, I thought you were going to win, barely because carmel was also amazing but still ahead(maybe 0.5 points). I Had heard stories about you and you lived up to them. I was flat out amazed by you. Drawn in the entire time.

Carmel- Your show was definetly better than last years in my opnion. I saw a bit last year ad it did not entertain me. This year I was drawn in the entire time (after not sleeping for about 41 hours when you performed, that is no easy feat) I knew it was down between you and Findlay so congrats on your win in a extremely tough contest.

The Guys from Homestead- You guys got the most applause from anyone, the three of you guys made me laugh so badly. I just want to know if that is an original song from you guys or who it is by because it was a great song. I think this was actually the best performance of the night lol.

All in all a very great job by everyone.


Wocttocs on Mar 1, 2009, 12:55 PM
Post #105

They had already been beaten by Larwence Central.

Don't worry Kev, he knows that, he's just mocking Pike's fans.


Not all of you.
JFreak, we've met before and if i remember right got along pretty well. Pike is having an incredible year, no doubt about it!!! I'm only poking fun at one of their supporters.

joE on Mar 1, 2009, 12:51 PM
Post #104
What a great competition! I got to see everyone in the day show except Teays and Findlay. Decided not to stay for finals because they were already running late, and Teays and Findlay didn't perform until the end of finals...

Carmel definitely had the best sound of the day, though at least in the day round I wouldn't say they were the cleanest group. Pike lived up to the hype from last week, my favorite show of the day. Ben Davis was great, but all of the extras seemed to bring the show down. The Windows Media Player in the background was distracting, and the guitar choreo wasn't sharp. You guys were great when you were just singing and dancing.

Now, after the day show, I had the finals as:
Findlay (From what I saw earlier in the year)
Ben Davis
Teays / Carroll / Highland

Homestead improved A LOT from when I saw them at the Classique, but I didn't feel their show had enough strength to beat out several other groups. Not seeing Teays, I can't really say, but I'm sure it was very close between the last few groups.

Overall, great day! Some of the best shows I've seen in a while. And even more importantly, they had Tysons Chicken sandwiches... made my day.

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 1, 2009, 11:08 AM
Post #103
Way to go findlay!!! WOW beating the unbeatable pike encores!

They had already been beaten by Larwence Central.

Don't worry Kev, he knows that, he's just mocking Pike's fans.


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 1, 2009, 10:51 AM
Post #102

Findlay-you guys are amazing. im sad i couldnt make it to this competition because your shows are always some of my favorites.

Carmel-amazing as always. im really sad that i wont get to see you guys this year since ur not going to state....but great job!!! Good luck at Carrol and Pike!!!! I know everyone at music fest is excited that you are coming back!


sequinlover on Mar 1, 2009, 10:25 AM
Post #101
Only saw the day show, but I would say that the whole line up was very strong.

I am not overly surprised by the results based on the day performance. All though I didn't predict completely right.

I had Northrop in finals as opposed to Homestead. The Homestead group was okay, but I thought Northrop was better. Homestead went first which is usually the kiss of death, but maybe the judges were in a better mood early in the day!

I think there are some problems with the Northrop show. There is really just too much going on in it. Sometimes it feels chaotic although you executed well. The costumes combination in the closer is awful. Sorry. Keep your second costume on and be done. Also your first two numbers are really good. In fact I think I have seen them before somewhere else. I won't say any more. Is there copyright in show choir?

Teays Valley I actually had you on the bubble making finals. I wasn't surprised you got in, but I thought it could have just as easily been someone else. I thought maybe Carroll. You were vocally better but I liked their show better it was a bit more unique. I was a little disappointed after all the hype. You looked beautiful and the show is well designed. Very show choiry (sp) You first came out and I thought wow! They are going to be great, but then the show slowly went down hill vocally and it was just all right.

Ben Davis I had you neck in neck with Pike in the day show. You guys sound beautiful this year. I liked the show for the most part. It was clean and well performed. The biggest distraction for me was that big screen behind you. I know the purpose was for guitar hero, but It was hard to see, and it distracted from what you were doing. I'd lose it. It is probably a pain in the neck to drag around anyway.

Pike. You guys had an amazing sound and your show was performed well. The hype was real about your group. Your show is really pretty simple. It is not a bad show just no bells and whistles. Normally I like bells and whistles. It entertains me and I think they can break a tie between two otherwise good groups if you use those extras well. All I can say is when you are doing this well without them, you know you have a very good choir. Sadly, you needed them though this week to get past the top two.

Findley you are always one of my favorite choirs. Based on the day show I thought it would be close. There was really nothing not to like. You had beautiful powerhouse vocals, a well designed show, you were clean, what more could anyone want right? In most comps you would be hands down GC.

Carmel this is only the second time I have seen you and I have watched for seven or eight years now. I always thought you were some fairy tale group that legends are made of, but maybe really didn't exist. HA! I will say you live up to your billing. Your vocal quality is in a different league from most groups and your style is very unique and artistic. I wouldn't call you show choiry (sp) which is what usually plays well for most judges, but you deserved the win.

Great competition and congrats to all groups

Rian on Mar 1, 2009, 9:53 AM
Post #100
Great job FFE! I'm so proud of you guys for representing Ohio so well . FFE!

KEVDOUG on Mar 1, 2009, 9:05 AM
Post #99
and thats the way it should be... Gimmicks aside, Carmel is the strongest choir in indiana undoubtedly every single year.

Way to go findlay!!! WOW beating the unbeatable pike encores!

They had already been beaten by Larwence Central.

Congrats everyone!

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