yea...there really isnt that much talk about this invite and it is only 5 days away. . . kinda weird. lol. but yea. anyone have predictions.. anything??
lmao. I didn't even notice that I forgot the "9". Wow. That is pretty funny tho. If I knew how to change it, I would...
Kayla..I don't know if you can. I think everything is now limited to 20 characters and that includes spaces. I think orginally you had it right but with the changes it took off your "9". It changed my username because of the character thingy. I took me 4 days to get logged in because of that.
Wh00t!!! I'm so going to this competition. It'll be the first one I've gone to that I haven't performed at in a loooong while. But I figure Central Connections needs a cheering section, and everyone knows I have a big mouth. =P
I was a member of Brodhead's group while in high school and I can't recall a time when Onalaska's Varsity Group came to the competition while I was in high school.