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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Lincoln Southwest Showdown 2008
Event Info

February 2nd, 2008
Venue Info
Southwest High School
7001 South 14th Street
Lincoln, NE 68512
Phone: (402) 436-1306
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
20 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Lincoln Southwest "Resonance"
Lincoln Southwest "Ambience"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Lincoln Southwest Showdown 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Visual Adrenaline
Ankeny High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Male Performer (Jon Brugioni)

Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
Westside High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Male Soloist (Jeremy Reloj)
Best Female Soloist (Hali Jorgensen)
Best Female Performer (Kelsey McDermott)

Hillside Singers
Pleasant Hill High School
Second Runner Up

Lewis Central High School
3rd Runner Up

14 Karat Gold
Grand Island Northwest High School
4th Runner Up

Norris High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Treble Division
Groups in order of performance

Heart and Soul
Papillion-La Vista High School
Placement Unknown

Ankeny High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Simply Irresistible
Westside High School
Placement Unknown

Prep Division
Groups in order of performance

Islander Entourage
Grand Island Senior High School
Placement Unknown

In Motion
Papillion-La Vista High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Islander Protégé
Grand Island Senior High School
Placement Unknown

Warrior Express
Westside High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
42 comments • Sort by

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thewaterotter9 on Feb 5, 2008, 11:43 PM
Post #42
QUOTE(Tenorboi18 @ Feb 5 2008, 07:37 PM) 416731
Does anyone have point totals for the day/night round?

In daytime ATSC was behind Ankeny by 2 points out of 600 and I think we were a bigger chunk ahead of Pleasant Hill. I don't have the forms in front of me but I know thats how the top 3 were.


Tenorboi18 on Feb 5, 2008, 11:37 PM
Post #41
Does anyone have point totals for the day/night round?

RezShowChoir on Feb 5, 2008, 6:36 PM
Post #40
RealMC, I guess I agree with that and I have been on teams for certain things that are the same way. I guess the only thing that bothered me was hearing about a few select people/parents acting like they were top stuff and they should be catered to unlike anyone else there that day. Not saying everyone in the group is a cocky arrogant person, but I think the wins have gotten to a few people's heads. Ankeny, you did great and hopefully you do well in the future, for those few who act the way I stated, please don't, it is a huge turnoff to your group.

stephhyatt on Feb 4, 2008, 3:00 PM
Post #39

It's all good!!!

galacticalenforc3r69 on Feb 4, 2008, 10:01 AM
Post #38
QUOTE(smt1199 @ Feb 4 2008, 12:14 AM) 416182
What I don't understand is how on earth can Ankeny get best vocals with their anorexic 2 part music, and almost all their songs are sung by like 2 or more soloists, and on top of that who aren't very good according to the judges (cough Westside won both soloist awards cough).

It's alot like the wonderful world of Pokemon...when your facing a really hard gym leader. You've got him on the ropes and you almost have his last Pokemon dead by it survives with 2 points left. It's so annoying, because you know the Gym Leaders are basically robots who don't have any heart, and all they want to do is to crush the Pokemon trainers dreams of becoming Pokemon Masters. Till the next Pokemon Battle.

On a completely different side note MITCHELL RULES!!!!! You're my fav.

I very much agree with the Pokémon part. You see, I used to be a Pokémon master as well. I understand the trials and hardships that one must experience when battling, and presumably defeating, a gym leader. I remember the leader that I had to fight that somehow captured and trained a Mewto. Let me tell you, Mewto gets ya...gets ya good!

Oh ya, the Westside show band ROCKED!


TheTypist on Feb 4, 2008, 4:08 AM (Edited)
Post #37
QUOTE(smt1199 @ Feb 3 2008, 10:14 PM) 416182
What I don't understand is how on earth...

QUOTE(DanceCaptainChica @ Feb 3 2008, 10:31 PM) 416190
Let's be good sports.

Oww... headache...

It's easy to see that that other post (also considering it was post #1 for that person) was a rather knee-jerkish, emotional reaction. Maybe we can pretend it didn't happen.

We like to pride ourselves on how we sing lots of parts. Other choirs may or may not choose to focus on that sort of thing, which is fine. Just a matter of choice. And obviously it can work out really well. I happen to love when we sing in lots of parts. I believe that it has the highest potential. But if on Saturday we couldn't package it all up into something as appealing to the judges as someone else, then it's our problem. Not theirs, ours. Mine. And as such I'd have no right to vent any frustration by insulting someone else.

In the wonderful world of pokemon, there was a lot of respect between the good gym leaders and the challengers. And even if our aspiring pokemon masters would lose, they'd simply train their butts off for the next challenge, wherever that was. It was a POSITIVE experience.

My sincerest apologies

stephhyatt on Feb 4, 2008, 2:31 AM
Post #36
QUOTE(smt1199 @ Feb 3 2008, 10:14 PM) 416182
What I don't understand is how on earth can Ankeny get best vocals with their anorexic 2 part music, and almost all their songs are sung by like 2 or more soloists, and on top of that who aren't very good according to the judges (cough Westside won both soloist awards cough).

It's alot like the wonderful world of Pokemon...when your facing a really hard gym leader. You've got him on the ropes and you almost have his last Pokemon dead by it survives with 2 points left. It's so annoying, because you know the Gym Leaders are basically robots who don't have any heart, and all they want to do is to crush the Pokemon trainers dreams of becoming Pokemon Masters. Till the next Pokemon Battle.

On a completely different side note MITCHELL RULES!!!!! You're my fav.

I'd just like to say, that the students at Ankeny are just like the students at any other school, they work just as hard or harder than anyone else out there, and most of them are really passionate about performing and becoming the best they can be. Just like everyone else! They get nervous about competing against other good groups, just like everyone else. So, the members of the choir, including the soloists, deserve the same respect as anybody else. Let's be good sports.


smt1199 on Feb 4, 2008, 2:14 AM (Edited)
Post #35
Hello all,

I'd like to apologize for expressing my comments regarding Ankeny and the entire Southwest Showdown.

It was a highly emotionally charged competition, and my disappointment after the fact of finals lingered too long and found its way to the boards and that was very wrong of me.

Please don't reflect my dumb comments onto Westside or any other members of our show choirs. It was very immature and I regret making those late night ridiculous and untrue statements.

Please accept my heartfelt apology for my extremely dumb comments.

I feel very small right now, and hope you don't think to much of my unsportsmanlike comments.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 3, 2008, 1:24 PM
Post #34
QUOTE(Rezshow choir @ Feb 3 2008, 02:07 AM) 415883
This competition was amazing, seriously, should have had another 3 or 4 spots for finals.

Stephen Todd was sitting right behind me and he was getting giddy through a couple parts of it, it was fun.

GISH-I also thought you would make finals. I thought back at Midwest Cup that you guys might have took a little more than you could handle in the level of choreography you were doing but you did it tonight and made it look good, together, so congrats with that.

Whoa. I was sitting a few seats down from Stephen in finals. lol weird. But yah he was getting really giddy about Lewis Central, because their performance was freaking AWESOME. I cannot get over how good their show was. Really really good!

I have to disagree with you about Grand Island Senior. They did not sing well at all. You seriously could not hear a word they were singing in the first two songs at all. The band was really loud (it covered up the singing). The choreography was intense. I didnt think it was the cleanest looking on stage. I mean it was clean, it just didnt not present a clean image on the stage.

What I really liked about this competition was they included the scoresheet in the program so we got to score the groups!! lol

This is what I had from the groups I got to see:

1st- Ankeny
2nd- Westside
3rd- Lewis Central
4th- Pleasant Hill
5th- Grand Island Northwest
6th- Papillion LaVista
7th- Grand Island Senior
8th- Sioux City Bishop Heelan

1st- Ankeny
2nd- Westside
3rd- Lewis Central
4th- Pleasant Hill
5th- Norris

I didn't get to see Norris in day round or Grand Island NW in finals. otherwise I thought I did a pretty good job! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> If you want individual thoughts pm me.


musiclver08 on Feb 3, 2008, 11:55 AM (Edited)
Post #33
Bishop Heelan also had about 10 people in Harmonia Mundi that were sick. I think that everyone that was there yesterday did an amazing job. Congrats to everyone. Will see a lot of you guys in a few weeks at Grand Island and Westwood.

ATSChicks on Feb 3, 2008, 4:58 AM
Post #32
QUOTE(Headliner14 @ Feb 2 2008, 09:53 PM) 415842
Best Male Soloist: Omaha Westside (Name?)
Best Female Soloist: Omaha Westside (Name?)

Male soloist was Jeremy Reloj, from the ballad.

And Female soloist was Hali Jorgensen, who was our back-up soloist for the opener. Really the back-up position wasn't official, but our director just asked her to do it a couple hours before the show. They actually announced her as Whitney Swift though, our normal soloist who was in the program.


realmc on Feb 3, 2008, 4:33 AM
Post #31
QUOTE(Rezshow choir @ Feb 3 2008, 12:07 AM) 415883
This competition was amazing, seriously, should have had another 3 or 4 spots for finals.

Ankeny, I know you guys are good, but I was a little upset that you guys didn't really get super excited or anything. To me, you acted like you knew you had it won and it wasn't a big deal. Some of those groups that performed today showed a lot more heart for show choir than you did and would have tore the place down to get that trophy and those medals. With that being said though, great show, loved every bit of it. Moves are so sharp, and vocals are deadly, keep up the good work

Westside-Being from Southwest , whether you know it or not, we kind of see you guys as our show choir rivals so this was a nice competition to watch you at so I didn't have to wish you to lose under Resonance. Your songs were awesome, great energy in finals. I consistantly enjoy your shows and think you guys will do great this year.

Hillside-Where was the trampolines? Haha, no, it was fine without them. As someone else said before, I thought the last few songs were really good, the show continually kept getting better and better. Cool flips, great vocals, great dancing.

Lewis Central-Didn't see you during the day but your finals performance was pretty good. Stephen Todd was sitting right behind me and he was getting giddy through a couple parts of it, it was fun.

GINW-Your show was probably one of the most fun shows there tonight. Lion King Medley=awesome awesome awesome, don't usually like songs with a lot of stuff like props and completely different outfits but you pulled it off very well. Guys piece was also one of the best I thought.

Norris-Stepped it up a lot during finals. Dance moves need to be a little more intricate to impress people dance wise but your singing was done very very well. Great diction, tone, and just overall sound.

Papio-I thought you guys would make finals, you have such a great show and compare close to everyone here. Come a long way from "Hollaback Girl"

GISH-I also thought you would make finals. I thought back at Midwest Cup that you guys might have took a little more than you could handle in the level of choreography you were doing but you did it tonight and made it look good, together, so congrats with that.

Bishop Heelan-You guys have a great show as well, keep working at it and don't give up. A couple caffeine shots before a show and you will be fine. Just have a bit more energy!

Congrats to everyone, great competition!

Thanks for the compliments (I think).
There is a saying about teams competing for sports championships. "Act like you've been there before"
Like when you score a big touchdown. VA doesn't participate in some of the "antics" while waiting for awards or do much "high fiving" before or after performances. This has been a long standing tradition even before Mr. Dean arrived and it will continue. Some call is "class". Others may call it "lack of heart for show choir." We think the show speaks for itself without a lot of "cheerleading." I know lots of choirs
have a different approach and more power to them.
Congratulations to all the participants at LSW. I think you all showed a lot of heart..some just performed better or were judged to have done so on this loooong February day.
And so it goes...Urbandale awaits next weekend.


realmc on Feb 3, 2008, 4:20 AM
Post #30
QUOTE(TheTypist @ Feb 2 2008, 11:31 PM) 415874
Best female performer also went to Westside. Kelsey McDermott.

Best male performance was Ankeny, and I'm not sure of that name.
Best male/female performers doesn't seem like it's as common as soloist awards, but I like them. They contrast well with soloist awards, I think.

Best Male Performance Visual Adrenaline Jon Brugioni Does the tap solo in the finale amongst his other "duties." 3rd year in VA.

RezShowChoir on Feb 3, 2008, 4:07 AM
Post #29
This competition was amazing, seriously, should have had another 3 or 4 spots for finals.

Ankeny, I know you guys are good, but I was a little upset that you guys didn't really get super excited or anything. To me, you acted like you knew you had it won and it wasn't a big deal. Some of those groups that performed today showed a lot more heart for show choir than you did and would have tore the place down to get that trophy and those medals. With that being said though, great show, loved every bit of it. Moves are so sharp, and vocals are deadly, keep up the good work

Westside-Being from Southwest , whether you know it or not, we kind of see you guys as our show choir rivals so this was a nice competition to watch you at so I didn't have to wish you to lose under Resonance. Your songs were awesome, great energy in finals. I consistantly enjoy your shows and think you guys will do great this year.

Hillside-Where was the trampolines? Haha, no, it was fine without them. As someone else said before, I thought the last few songs were really good, the show continually kept getting better and better. Cool flips, great vocals, great dancing.

Lewis Central-Didn't see you during the day but your finals performance was pretty good. Stephen Todd was sitting right behind me and he was getting giddy through a couple parts of it, it was fun.

GINW-Your show was probably one of the most fun shows there tonight. Lion King Medley=awesome awesome awesome, don't usually like songs with a lot of stuff like props and completely different outfits but you pulled it off very well. Guys piece was also one of the best I thought.

Norris-Stepped it up a lot during finals. Dance moves need to be a little more intricate to impress people dance wise but your singing was done very very well. Great diction, tone, and just overall sound.

Papio-I thought you guys would make finals, you have such a great show and compare close to everyone here. Come a long way from "Hollaback Girl"

GISH-I also thought you would make finals. I thought back at Midwest Cup that you guys might have took a little more than you could handle in the level of choreography you were doing but you did it tonight and made it look good, together, so congrats with that.

Bishop Heelan-You guys have a great show as well, keep working at it and don't give up. A couple caffeine shots before a show and you will be fine. Just have a bit more energy!

Congrats to everyone, great competition!


TheTypist on Feb 3, 2008, 3:31 AM
Post #28
Best female performer also went to Westside. Kelsey McDermott.

Best male performance was Ankeny, and I'm not sure of that name.

Best male/female performers doesn't seem like it's as common as soloist awards, but I like them. They contrast well with soloist awards, I think.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 3, 2008, 3:00 AM
Post #27
Lewis Central BLEW ME AWAY in finals. Wow! What a great performance. The whole audience was in love with you guys! Great job. I was sitting with Stephen Todd and he was so thrilled with your performance. Really really good!

Ankeny. I have to say I was not thrilled with your daytime performance. But, you stepped it up in finals. Everyone had done their best and it was a great finals... Then you came out and killed it. Absolutely amazing finals performance. The vocals were dead on. The choreography was great. The band sounded 10 times better. Everything was just on. really good job.

Seriously, everyone at this competition did so well today. I was really wowed by a lot of groups today.

Omaha Westside- Your ballad was gorgeous. Really beautiful.
Pleasant Hill- The second half of your show was so much fun. Good job!
Grand Island Northwest- Your ballad soloists are AMAZING. they were my picks for best soloists.
Norris- I was really surprised with you in finals, but you really had a great show!
Papillion- I was really impressed with the choreography energy you had in your show. I had you guys in finals, but I hadn't seen Norris and they just snuck in.
Grand Island Senior- loved the girls dresses. there was a ton of energy onstage and the choreography was really clean. good job!

Thanks to Lincoln Southwest for hosting a very good competition!


Tenorboi18 on Feb 3, 2008, 2:04 AM
Post #26
Great job, P Hill!!!

QuikDrawMcGraw14 on Feb 3, 2008, 1:53 AM
Post #25
Grand Champion: Ankeny
1st Runner-Up: Omaha Westside
2nd Runner-Up: Pleasant Hill
3rd Runner-Up: Lewis Central
4th Runner-Up: Grand Island Northwest
5th Runner-Up: Norris

Best Vocals: Ankeny
Best Choreography: Ankeny
Best Band: Omaha Westside

Best Male Soloist: Omaha Westside (Name?)
Best Female Soloist: Omaha Westside (Name?)


Tenorboi18 on Feb 3, 2008, 12:33 AM
Post #24
QUOTE(Headliner14 @ Feb 2 2008, 07:35 PM) 415781
Finalists in order of daytime placement:

1st: Ankney
2nd: Omaha Westside
3rd: Pleasant Hill
4th: Lewis Central
5th: Norris
6th: Grand Island Northwest

Wow. No Papio?

QuikDrawMcGraw14 on Feb 2, 2008, 11:35 PM (Edited)
Post #23
Finalists in order of daytime placement:

1st: Ankney
2nd: Omaha Westside
3rd: Pleasant Hill
4th: Lewis Central
5th: Norris
6th: Grand Island Northwest

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