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 Show Choir Community    Events    2004 Season    Winston Churchill Mid-Atlantic Showcase 2004
Event Info

March 6th, 2004
Venue Info
Winston Churchill High School
11300 Gainsbourough Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854
Phone: (301) 469-1200
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Winston Churchill "Showstoppers"
Winston Churchill "Simply Irresistible"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Winston Churchill Mid-Atlantic Showcase 2004

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division

Current Edition
James River High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals

Knight Scene
Thomas Dale High School
First Runner Up
Best Show Design

Varina High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band

Gar-Field High School
No Placement

Hedgesville High School
No Placement

Mechanicsville High School
No Placement

High Impact
Herbert Hoover High School
No Placement

Patrick Henry High School
No Placement
Best Female Soloist

Nitro High School
No Placement
Best Choreography

Showin' Off
Meadowbrook High School
No Placement
Best Male Soloist

Treble Division

Hanover High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Show Design
Best Soloist

Patrick Henry High School
Second Place
Best Band

New Horizons
Mechanicsville High School
Third Place

Vocal Ascension
Albemarle High School
No Placement

Standing Room Only
Quince Orchard High School
No Placement
Best Choreography

Meadowbrook High School
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
113 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 10, 2004, 10:33 PM
Post #113
QUOTE(Joedaddy in Knightscene @ Mar 10 2004, 08:44 PM)
QUOTE(showfro @ Mar 10 2004, 02:48 PM)
QUOTE(FidgetyFeetKid @ Mar 10 2004, 05:10 PM)
So, are you guys at Winston Churchill excited about Lee-Davis?

oooooooooh yeah ya betcha we are... all we need to do is learn how to sing sometime before the 20th, and then we're set


.....NICE!......ya'll r gonna be awesome!.....

hahaha, we're keeping our fingers crossed... taking in all the feedback we can from our performances last weekend and using it to our best advantage! tough work in two weeks, but hopefully we'll pull it off

Joedaddy on Mar 10, 2004, 9:53 PM
Post #112
QUOTE(ShowOff04 @ Mar 10 2004, 05:46 PM)
Meadowbrook, the new clover hill w/ an upbeat twist lol

NICE RYAN........LOL/!............*cough* **JOCKER** *cough*!....j/k

user deleted  on Mar 10, 2004, 9:46 PM
Post #111
Yea, we worked on Crazy In Love vocals alot today since it was a mess... I get to sing soprano down an octave.. YAY! lol... we'll see if people can even hear us this time...

Meadowbrook, the new clover hill w/ an upbeat twist lol

Joedaddy on Mar 10, 2004, 9:44 PM
Post #110
QUOTE(showfro @ Mar 10 2004, 02:48 PM)
QUOTE(FidgetyFeetKid @ Mar 10 2004, 05:10 PM)
So, are you guys at Winston Churchill excited about Lee-Davis?

oooooooooh yeah ya betcha we are... all we need to do is learn how to sing sometime before the 20th, and then we're set


.....NICE!......ya'll r gonna be awesome!.....

user deleted  on Mar 10, 2004, 6:48 PM
Post #109
QUOTE(FidgetyFeetKid @ Mar 10 2004, 05:10 PM)
So, are you guys at Winston Churchill excited about Lee-Davis?

oooooooooh yeah ya betcha we are... all we need to do is learn how to sing sometime before the 20th, and then we're set


Slick Rick on Mar 10, 2004, 6:10 PM
Post #108
So, are you guys at Winston Churchill excited about Lee-Davis?

user deleted  on Mar 9, 2004, 11:07 PM
Post #107
QUOTE(Joedaddy in Knightscene @ Mar 9 2004, 07:46 PM)
QUOTE(papiwitdavocals20 @ Mar 9 2004, 02:52 PM)
Riva was on point last weekend...but know Dale held it down, like always, ans we STILL aint no joke



mmmmm, beware the head-shaking of the angry carlos...

Joedaddy on Mar 9, 2004, 8:46 PM
Post #106
QUOTE(papiwitdavocals20 @ Mar 9 2004, 02:52 PM)
Riva was on point last weekend...but know Dale held it down, like always, ans we STILL aint no joke




papiwitdavocals20 on Mar 9, 2004, 6:52 PM
Post #105
Riva was on point last weekend...but know Dale held it down, like always, ans we STILL aint no joke


Joedaddy on Mar 9, 2004, 4:03 PM
Post #104
i'm really glad that ya'll ru gonna be there too finally!........b/c we were ready to see ya'll last year but then all that stuff happend.......but it's all!......were making up b/c we're gonna see ya'll 3 times this!.......but it's gonna be an awesome comp and i can't wait!

user deleted  on Mar 8, 2004, 10:47 PM
Post #103
hey yall!!!!! wow mid-atlantic was fun fun fun....cant wai till hanover tho. that will be an awesome competition for everyone. cant wait to see you too Ryan ... congrats to everyone that competed and thanx for comin we really enjoyed all of yall. @ hanover, blake, we gotta talk it up and hang out a lil bit. We r hyped about Hanover.... this is gonna b the first time we actually go to hanover this year. we've been scheduled to go there for like 3 years and this year we r actually going. last we couldnt go cuz of the stupid war and the year before cuz ppl had SAT's. but this year we gonna make up for lost time beleive it

Joedaddy on Mar 7, 2004, 5:34 PM
Post #102
Man that was priceless........would have made an awesome "KODAK MOMENT".....LOL/!.....i'm mad that mall was like a mile! we hardly were able to find the video store....but it's all good....

user deleted  on Mar 7, 2004, 5:27 PM
Post #101
QUOTE(Joedaddy in Knightscene @ Mar 7 2004, 11:45 AM)
QUOTE(showfro @ Mar 7 2004, 08:16 AM)
and blake, we will definitely hang out for more than 10 seconds next time!   yesterday was just soooooooooo busy...

i know!!......replay of Zoe and Blake meetin eachother last night.....

* bLaKe standing up in the seats, when i hear someone calling my name....i look to the isle and it's Zoe!......."Hey Blake! What's up?".....i answer...."Nothin much! just chillin!" she walks length of convo......10 secs....MAX!....LOL/!*......

:Keeps his composure:
Thanks for keeping your!......

i'm mad when we went to get a movie for the ride home that like 8 big black dudes came up to me and were like.......Knights?....Thomas Dale?! we whooped ya'lls tails last year......and i was like.....thanks for!......

while RyN was rocking his medal for best male soloist in the food!
Classic show choir

Haha yea lol. Ryan was also trying to get all his freakin make up off his face cause he forgot about it and was walking around Potomac Mills lookin' like a freakin Porcelein Doll. UGH... the things you do for show choir...

Joedaddy on Mar 7, 2004, 3:45 PM
Post #100
QUOTE(showfro @ Mar 7 2004, 08:16 AM)
and blake, we will definitely hang out for more than 10 seconds next time! yesterday was just soooooooooo busy...

i know!!......replay of Zoe and Blake meetin eachother last night.....

* bLaKe standing up in the seats, when i hear someone calling my name....i look to the isle and it's Zoe!......."Hey Blake! What's up?".....i answer...."Nothin much! just chillin!" she walks length of convo......10 secs....MAX!....LOL/!*......

:Keeps his composure:

Thanks for keeping your!......

i'm mad when we went to get a movie for the ride home that like 8 big black dudes came up to me and were like.......Knights?....Thomas Dale?! we whooped ya'lls tails last year......and i was like.....thanks for!......

while RyN was rocking his medal for best male soloist in the food!
Classic show choir

user deleted  on Mar 7, 2004, 1:34 PM
Post #99

:Keeps his composure:

Can't wait to see ya at Hanover Hazara!


Slick Rick on Mar 7, 2004, 12:30 PM
Post #98
Well, I am proud of Varina, they also got 3rd at MeadowBrook last year and the song that did it was "Thriller" Their Soloist fregin put on contacts in 2 seconds that gave him yellow demon eyes or something, it was crazy!

user deleted  on Mar 7, 2004, 12:16 PM
Post #97
Varina's show -- they started off w/circle of life, which was interesting but left me wanting more... the props were pretty cool, tho. their choreo on their closer was what got them into the top 3 -SUPER AMAZING COOL AWESOME! ...i don't remember the rest of their show... and i didn't watch patrick henry, i was hosting meadowbrook (congrats RYAN!!! you totally deserved that!)

as for the girl stuff, i still think MBK should have placed, but hanover definitely deserved first place -- good job girls!

and blake, we will definitely hang out for more than 10 seconds next time! yesterday was just soooooooooo busy...


Slick Rick on Mar 7, 2004, 11:55 AM
Post #96
I guess we can all hang out at Lee Davis, sure. But dude, you'all What was Varina's Show and Patrick Henry's?

user deleted  on Mar 7, 2004, 11:50 AM
Post #95
Single Gender:
1st: Hanover "Highlights"
2nd: Patrick Henry "Essence" (BOO!)
3rd: Lee Davis "New Horizons"

Best Vocals: Hanover
Best Visual: Quince Orchard (BOO!)
Best Soloist: Ellen Harvey from Hanover!!!
Best Show: Hanover "Highlights"
Best Band: Patrick Henry

Meadowbrook girls shouldve had Best Show and 2nd Place, Patrick had no bussiness being in the top 3...

1st: James River "Current Edition"
2nd: Thomas Dale "Knight Scene"
3rd: Varina "Struttin - R- Stuff"

Best Vocals: James River
Best Visual: Nitro (BOO!)
Best Male Soloist: ME!!! Meadowbrook
Best Female: Patrick Henry
Best Show: Thomas Dale...
Best Band: Varina

Still confused on the girls night crap...

Joedaddy on Mar 7, 2004, 2:44 AM
Post #94
QUOTE(FidgetyFeetKid @ Mar 6 2004, 09:21 PM)
Overall Bird took home 4 out of 10 overall trophies (if you put together the mixed and single sex divisions) At Manchester!

dude ru tryin to get knocked out?.........get outta my face w/ the Ra Ra!!.......

but yeah.......the dancing tonight waiting for the awards was OFF THE CHIZAIN!.....HOLL@!......AWESOME TIME...........we all need to hang out @ L-D....FOR REAL.....IN REAL LIFE.....LOL/! to ya'll later

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