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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Westwood Jubilation 2008
Event Info

March 8th, 2008
Venue Info
Westwood High School
1000 Rebel Way
Sloan, IA 51055
Phone: (712) 428-3303
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
22 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
1 Middle School Group
Event Hosts:
Westwood "Rebelaires"
Westwood "Voices In Motion"
Event Judges:
Katie DiCicco Karin
Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn
Doran Johnson
Tatum Mahlen
Scott Thorne
Ticket prices unknown.
Westwood Jubilation 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Friend de Coup
Mitchell High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography

Rhythm in Gold
Bloomington Kennedy High School
First Runner Up
Best Crew

Xavier High School
Second Runner Up
Best Vocals
Best Band
Best Male Soloist

Lewis Central High School
3rd Runner Up

Gretna High School
4th Runner Up

West in the Groove
Millard West High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Gretna High School
First Place

Ralston High School
Second Place
Best Female Soloist

Harmonia Mundi
Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Third Place
Best Sportsmanship

Okoboji Music Factory
Spirit Lake High School
No Placement

Carroll High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier III
Groups in order of performance

Sioux Center High School
Placement Unknown

T-C Sensations
Tri-Center High School
Placement Unknown

Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr High School
Placement Unknown

Hinton Community School
Placement Unknown

Treble Division
Groups in order of performance

South Sioux City High School
Placement Unknown

Uptown Girls
Millard West High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

East Side Swingers
Bloomington Kennedy High School
Placement Unknown

Prep Division
Groups in order of performance

Swing Cats
Millard West High School
Placement Unknown

Lewis Central High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Middle School Division
Groups in order of performance

Special Effect
Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Sound Explosions
Hinton Community School
Placement Unknown

Maximum Velocity
Mitchell Middle School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
96 comments • Sort by

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EsAreUnimportant on Mar 10, 2008, 10:35 PM (Edited)
Post #96
I have some rough point totals. After the day round...

Mitchell was 24 points ahead of Bloomington, and 4.5 points ahead of Xavier
Xavier was 4.5 points Mitchell, and 19.5 points ahead of Bloomington
Bloomington was 24 points behind Mitchell, and 19.5 points behind Xavier

After finals...

Mitchell was about 25 points ahead of Bloomington, and about 50 points ahead of Xavier
Bloomington was about 25 points behind Mitchell, and about 25 points ahead of Xavier
Xavier was about 50 points behind Mitchell, and about 25 points behind Bloomington.

So... the point gaps between Mitchell and Bloomington remained about the same from day to night. The "only" change is that both of those groups gained about 45 points on Xavier from day to night.

I would really love to see the judges' scoring breakdown... especially a choreography & vocals breakdown, separately. Maybe Mr. Gerking can help us out with this?


Shkel49 on Mar 10, 2008, 6:05 PM (Edited)
Post #95
QUOTE(musiclver08 @ Mar 9 2008, 07:25 PM) 426674
Does he have blonde hair?

it clearly has to be Caleb!

Aboyd on Mar 9, 2008, 10:26 PM
Post #94
QUOTE(ItsABeautifulDay @ Mar 9 2008, 08:40 PM) 426712
"Can I first say I want to marry the girl who is front center for the girls song and then she also stood with a group of guys in the back during the ballad... SHE WAS BY FAR THE BEST PERFORMER OF THE DAY!! Well can I just marry all the girls from this school."

When i saw this i laughed out loud. We see BK at a lot comps during the year and I see that girl all the time. SHE'S AMAZING. I remember seeing her last year and being amazed at just how great of a performer she is.

Agreeable... and on top of all that she is gorgeous, i remember watching their show at Hastings and watching her go from cute, to sexy, to strong, to sophisticated, to overall amazing. I'm surprised she didn't win best performer here.

ItsABeautifulDay on Mar 9, 2008, 9:40 PM
Post #93
"Can I first say I want to marry the girl who is front center for the girls song and then she also stood with a group of guys in the back during the ballad... SHE WAS BY FAR THE BEST PERFORMER OF THE DAY!! Well can I just marry all the girls from this school."

When i saw this i laughed out loud. We see BK at a lot comps during the year and I see that girl all the time. SHE'S AMAZING. I remember seeing her last year and being amazed at just how great of a performer she is.


poiqwe1234 on Mar 9, 2008, 9:27 PM
Post #92
QUOTE(Jorge @ Mar 9 2008, 07:22 PM) 426673
Totino received three 1sts, a 3rd, and a 6th from Paul Gulsvig at Omaha Westside. Had Paul been nice enough to give Totino a "5th" instead of a wrongful "6th", they would have won.

A fourth place vote would have given them a tie with the tie breaker being best vocals. Fifth place would still leave them one behind Mitchell with Mitchell receieveing 10 points and Totino recieving 12. Mitchell recieved a 1st, three 2nds, and a 3rd place vote.

thewaterotter9 on Mar 9, 2008, 8:32 PM (Edited)
Post #91
QUOTE(Jorge @ Mar 9 2008, 07:22 PM) 426673
Totino received three 1sts, a 3rd, and a 6th from Paul Gulsvig at Omaha Westside. Had Paul been nice enough to give Totino a "5th" instead of a wrongful "6th", they would have won.

I think a 5th would have only tied them with Mitchell, 4th would have made them win out right. I believe that TG would have won the tie breaker due to Vocal scores during the day. But yes, at our competition it was very close between Mitchell and Totino.

Congrats Mitchell. Your show is so awesome this year. I wish I could have seen you guys another time besides at our competition.

edited due to ana showing me the error in my way


musiclver08 on Mar 9, 2008, 8:25 PM
Post #90
QUOTE(Zdog37 @ Mar 9 2008, 02:32 PM) 426588
Lewis Central - Ummmmmmmmm... LOVED IT. All your songs were amazing. Stephen does such an awesome job with his groups and I feel that you like his choreography a lot more. It was hard I had either you or Heelan being the last show choir to make it into finals, but you proved me wrong. Your opener "Just around the Riverbend" was right on during finals. There is a curly haired guy in your show choir that is an amazing performer.

Does he have blonde hair?

Jorge on Mar 9, 2008, 8:22 PM
Post #89
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Mar 9 2008, 12:51 PM) 426555
Let's remember that Mitchell beat Sioux City East and Totino-Grace at Omaha Westside

Totino received three 1sts, a 3rd, and a 6th from Paul Gulsvig at Omaha Westside. Had Paul been nice enough to give Totino a "5th" instead of a wrongful "6th", they would have won.


bcahoy on Mar 9, 2008, 7:42 PM
Post #88
Congrats to everyone! What a great competition! Thanks again to you amazing Westwood kids and parents - you all are terrific! And I definitely agree with showy2456... the food rocked!


showy2456 on Mar 9, 2008, 6:50 PM
Post #87
Best food of the season, hands down.


peterjohannelson2 on Mar 9, 2008, 4:41 PM
Post #86
In the past 7 years, I don't think I have seen a competition quite like Westwood Jubilation. This show choir competition has turned into a showcase for some of the best talent in the Midwest. I remember when this competition was dominated by Sioux City Heelan and some of the smaller show choirs from around the area. But seeing how more and more well known choirs are coming to Westwood, has given this competition credibility as one of the best competitions in Iowa and possibly the Midwest. Congratulations on another successful competition and many more to come.

EsAreUnimportant on Mar 9, 2008, 4:30 PM (Edited)
Post #85
This was an excellent competition and we were extremely happy to win Best Vocals and Best Band over such touch competition! I only watched three shows - Gretna, Bloomington, and Millard West - and I was extremely impressed with all of them.

The intimate performance setting is interesting... every group I saw filled that place up with sound. To everyone who saw our show thanks for the good comments! We are very happy with our performance.

One thing I would love to see is an individual judges' scoring breakdown from finals... does anyone have that?

juliofrommississippi on Mar 9, 2008, 3:44 PM
Post #84
I love Lewis Central's show. The end.

dzomer on Mar 9, 2008, 3:32 PM
Post #83
1.) I want to say awesome job to everyone that competed yesterday. Finals was awesome!

2.) Congrats to Mitchell. Three GC's in one season?! That has to be some sort of record in Mitchell history.

3.) This has been the first competition I have been too for the past two seasons... sad. I had withdrawals. It's funny to hear all the smack that people say when you sit next to a group. Not that I personally care what is said it's just amusing because I know everyone has done it before.

Best Female soloist came from Ralston
Best Male soloist came from Cedar Rapids Xavier

After Day performances
3rd - Sioux City Heelan
2nd - Ralston
1st - Gretna

3rd: Bloomington Kennedy
2nd: Cedar Rapids Xavier
1st: Mitchell

Sportsmanship: Heelan

I was blown away by all the performances... When Cedar Rapids and Bloomington came on... My mouth hit the floor. I had NO idea what the rankings would be after the day performances.

Millard West - Your finals performance was 100x better then the afternoon, I was sure you would have placed higher then Lewis and Gretna. I was sitting behind the judges and two of them looks at each other after you performed your closer with this amazement in their eyes. I thought your Paris Hilton song was fun, and can I just say HOLY F your ballad was awesome.

Heelan - Loved the show. I love your kids. I love HEELAN!

Gretna - Loved your last two songs. Congrats on the win at Mitchell the day before (a lot of these groups went to Mitchell then came to Westwood the next day.. ick. I remember doing that.

Lewis Central - Ummmmmmmmm... LOVED IT. All your songs were amazing. Stephen does such an awesome job with his groups and I feel that you like his choreography a lot more. It was hard I had either you or Heelan being the last show choir to make it into finals, but you proved me wrong. Your opener "Just around the Riverbend" was right on during finals. There is a curly haired guy in your show choir that is an amazing performer.

Cedar Rapids Xavier - I wrote little notes in my program and one note I circled was your ballad. It was the only ballad or even song that gave me chills all day/night.. When it was done I didn't know if I should clap or stand up or I DON'T KNOW! I do know I downloaded it right away when I got home last night It's awesome when you can make a crowd as big as last night be silent after a ballad because they seem to be awe-struck from the awesomeness of you folks (Is that a word?) Another thing I wrote down... "OMFG" that is in regards to your closer "Strangers Like Me." When I saw that in the afternoon I couldn't stop smiling. I actually had you guys first going into finals. The drum part in the end of your closer was SOOOOOOO COOL! Your second number was funny. I wasn't sure if I should get what the gorillas were doing or if it was just a completely random animal costume you found, if that is the case, I LOVED IT... I am all about being random.

Papillion - I actually had you in finals. Your show rocked and the energy was amazing yesterday. Your last song was by far one of my favorites all day.

Bloomington Kennedy - Can I first say I want to marry the girl who is front center for the girls song and then she also stood with a group of guys in the back during the ballad... SHE WAS BY FAR THE BEST PERFORMER OF THE DAY!! Well can I just marry all the girls from this school. I liked the first song from high school musical. I actually liked your whole theme. Really, really well thought out. I am a big Hairspray fan and I liked your "Without Love" number also. "Come What May" ....... speechless. I was really nervous for Mitchell when you guys got off stage. I was like damn they want to win, and you also showed 100x more effort in finals. I honestly probably enjoyed your show the most overall with the whole theme thing going on.

Mitchell - Being in the front row is always hard because I can only hear single people, but wow! Your opener is by far my favorite song that Mitchell has ever done.. Well maybe not the closer from my senior year, but it's close up there. I really did not write any notes down for I was screaming too much, but congrats once again on this season. What an awesome way to end it.

I just realized that in finals there were two Jarad Voss groups and two Stephen Todd groups. Neat!

All together awesome job folks. I am happy that I was able to attend this competition. It was good to see other SCA counselors from camp and some of my campers that lived on my floor from this past summer. Alright well time to download more music... :-D

juliofrommississippi on Mar 9, 2008, 1:51 PM (Edited)
Post #82
QUOTE(TaylorB @ Mar 9 2008, 11:33 AM) 426551
Wow. Good job Gretna.

Mitchell and BK must have been really good to have beaten the group that could be the best CR school behind Kennedy.

Papillion just seems to be having an off year. I watched their show on my Gretna DVD and I thought that they were fairly good, but it was too much rock.

Congrats to all choirs

Mitchell's show is dynamite this year. There is SOOOOO much energy on stage. Mitchell's vocals are 10 times better than they have been in years. Let's remember that Mitchell beat Sioux City East and Totino-Grace at Omaha Westside, so this win was not unexpected. Xavier lost to Totino at Onalaska and day round at Kennedy (Xavier beat Totino in finals). Sioux City East just came off a huge competition at Millard West, where they grabbed Best Choreography off a strong Ankeny group. Mitchell is a VERY strong group. I personally love their show. And since Bloomington Kennedy did beat Mitchell at Hastings, I knew this would be a close one. I am not surprised to see Xavier get third but I'm sure it was VERY close.

Papillion-LaVista is having a rough year. I was actually just having this conversation with some Papillion alum and other Nebraska show choir people when we were up at the regional ACDA convention in Fargo. Papillion's vocals are down this year. Their choreography is very disjointed and robotic. There is no flow to either the vocals or the choreography, and that makes for a rough year. And, they haven't really improved much since the beginning of the season. It seems that Papio beat a lot more groups at the beginning of the year, and now they are consistently losing to them. So, while I am surprised to see Gretna and Millard West (and maybe Ralston?) beat Papio this weekend, I am also not surprised. But this year has been a crazy year results wise. Groups are proving they can beat whoever they want if they have a great performance. People are just really close this year.

Bae on Mar 9, 2008, 1:33 PM
Post #81
Wow. Good job Gretna.

Mitchell and BK must have been really good to have beaten the group that could be the best CR school behind Kennedy.

Papillion just seems to be having an off year. I watched their show on my Gretna DVD and I thought that they were fairly good, but it was too much rock.

Congrats to all choirs

The Ethan Price on Mar 9, 2008, 1:25 PM (Edited)
Post #80
My predictions were a little off, as they were:
. Cedar Rapids Xavier
. Mitchell
. Bloomington Kennedy
. Millard West
. Gretna
. Papillion La Vista

BUT i do believe I was one of the, if not the only person to even give Gretna any credit. And they pulled it off Those guys are amazing. We have competed against them at Marshall and Emmetsburg. At Marshall, they recieved second place behind Heelan Harmonia Mundi.. But the crowd disagreed and believed Gretna should have won.. And Gretna proved that here, making finals when Heelan didn't.

Mitchell. I'm glad to see you bring home another GC from woodbury county, iowa. I really am disappointed I wont get to see your show this year. It sounds amazing and from the GCs you've gotten from these tough competitions, it obviously is amazing. Congratulations.

Kennedy. Another awesome day for the school that comes all that way from Mineapolos. But i bet if there were such thing as a 'show choir rivalry', it would be between Mitchell and Kennedy. You two have finished in the top two spots 3 times this year (correct me if i'm wrong), with Kennedy winning once and FdC winning twice? Jeeze. Crazy times. Anyway. Congrats on another wonderful day in Woodbury County.

Xavier. Now sayin I'm disappointed in you isn't correct because finishing where you did in a competition like this is AMAZING at the least, and I'm not trying to take away from Mitchell or Kennedy. But from all of the hype on you guys and everything, I was just expecting a little more from you. Lets just say if this was a basketball game, i would have been rootin for ya. You were my team of the day. But still, you guys did amazing and you should feel great.

Lewis Central. I feel like I should appologize to you guys. I didn't even have you in the finals in my predicitions and then you get 3RU. I feel like a jerk. Haha. Sorry I love being proved wrong.

Gretna. Oh my Gretna. Do I need to say more after my little spat up there? I knew you could do it I only watched you guys during the day at Emmetsburg, because you guys performed right after us in finals, so i was still changing out of my costume when you guys were peforming. But this competition was stacked and you came in as the underdog and proved you could sneak your way in there. Great day for the kids Gretna!

And Millard West. What a day. This competition was probably one of the hardest in western Iowa this year. Actually, it was probably one of THE hardest in Iowa this year. And you made the finals. Congrats What a wonderful day. You guys did great.

I really wished i could have gone and watched this competition. It just seems crazy that some teams didn't make finals that you would normally see at the top of the list. Crazy

thewaterotter9 on Mar 9, 2008, 3:36 AM (Edited)
Post #79
GC: Mitchell
1RU: Bloomington Kennedy
2RU: Xavier
3RU: Lewis Central
4RU: Gretna
5RU: Millard West

Best Vocals: Xavier
Best Choreography: Mitchell
Best Band: Xavier

Stolba on Mar 9, 2008, 3:31 AM (Edited)
Post #78
GC- Mitchell
1st RU- Bloomington Kennedy
2nd RU- Xavier
3rd RU- Lewis Central
4th RU-Gretna
5th RU- Millard West

Best Vocals- Xavier
Best Choreo- Mitchell
Best Band- Xavier
Best Stage Crew- Bloomington Kennedy

Love to hear thoughts on this!

ATSChicks on Mar 8, 2008, 4:02 PM
Post #77
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Mar 7 2008, 05:05 PM) 426177
True, but didn't Papillion-LaVista beat Ralston at Omaha Westside. (and maybe Lincoln SW? I can't remember if Ralston was there) This years results have really proven anyone can do well when they perform well, and groups can have off-nights. These results can really go any way.

Papio definitely can beat Ralston, you just can't ignore Ralston either.

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