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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Opelika Southern Showcase 2008
Event Info

February 9th, 2008
Venue Info
Opelika High School
Opelika Center for the Performing Arts
1700 Lafayette Parkway
Opelika, AL 36801
Phone: (334) 745-9715
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
9 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
Event Hosts:
Opelika "Ovations"
Opelika "Impressions"
Event Judges:
Tammy Carney-Maxie
Jeff Clark
Gates Crisler (Finals)
Archie Messersmith
Semonne Strawbridge
Ticket prices unknown.
Opelika Southern Showcase 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Enterprise High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Overall Effect

Petal High School
First Runner Up
Best Costumes
Spirit Award

The Network
Homewood High School
Second Runner Up

Albertville High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Band

West Jones High School
4th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

North Forrest High School
First Place

Prattville High School
Second Place

Cleveland High School
Third Place

Treble Division

Atlee High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Petal High School
Second Place
Best Overall Effect

West Jones High School
Third Place

New Image
Tallassee High School
No Placement

Auburn High School
No Placement

Brookwood High School
No Placement

Vestavia Hills High School
No Placement

Oak Mountain High School
No Placement

The Legacy
Homewood High School
No Placement

Bass Division
Oak Mountain High School
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
79 comments • Sort by

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scfan2 on Feb 17, 2008, 4:38 AM
Post #79
Well I was there and I knew he was announced as the solo judge, just didn't know they added the solo judge in to judge the finals.

TreyAU21 on Feb 16, 2008, 9:59 AM
Post #78
QUOTE(scfan2 @ Feb 16 2008, 12:32 AM) 419729
Is the info above correct that Gates Crisler was added as a judge for the finals?

My guess is that it is (based on who posted it above)... why?


scfan2 on Feb 16, 2008, 1:32 AM (Edited)
Post #77
Is the info above correct that Gates Crisler was added as a judge for the finals?

TreyAU21 on Feb 14, 2008, 2:17 PM
Post #76
QUOTE(ashley09 @ Feb 13 2008, 10:49 PM) 419357
can someone please post the songs in petals show this year...
i have yet to see them, & i am vey curious..

For that matter... what are the set lists of ALL choirs?

ashley09 on Feb 13, 2008, 11:49 PM (Edited)
Post #75
QUOTE(CSdude1 @ Feb 10 2008, 09:24 PM) 418398
Most of Petal's songs this year were popular back in the old days (late 40's - early 50's, I think). I knew and liked the song selection very much. That's one of my favorite styles of music!

can someone please post the songs in petals show this year...
i have yet to see them, & i am vey curious..


MalloryLauren on Feb 13, 2008, 10:31 PM
Post #74
i know that we can definitely perform better. so hopefully that's just what we'll do on saturday.

TreyAU21 on Feb 13, 2008, 6:42 PM
Post #73
QUOTE(Spain_Park_Parker @ Feb 13 2008, 11:40 AM) 419203
My younger brother goes to auburn and told me the judge sheets. they got 192, 184, 181, and 142. if the other judge would have given them a decent score of atleast 165 or above they would ave made finals. look for them at homewood this weekend, it should be better than auburn has ever been

That's always a tricky subject though. All judges are judging the competition subjectively. What Judge A considers an 8... Judge B sees as a 6. So, my guess is (and you'll see this regularly) is that the judge that gave Auburn a 142 probably gave EVERY choir their lowest score. I'm not stating this as fact, I'm just guessing. Also to say that if "that" judge would have given Auburn a 165 probably also means that the judge would have given ALL choirs higher scores... ergo, Auburn would have needed an even higher score to make finals.

I talked to a couple of people who were at the competition, and they all agreed with the judges decisions for who made it into finals. The average place they were putting Auburn was ~7ish. Tell your bro to keep up the good work though and not get too focused on the judges sheet... just perform the best that he can!


ShowchoirJudge on Feb 13, 2008, 3:56 PM
Post #72
QUOTE(johnsaloser @ Feb 13 2008, 12:21 PM) 419221
Who were the judges?

Semonne Strawbridge - Indianola, MS
Jeff Clark - Fairfield, OH
Tammy Carney - Clinton, MS
Archie Messersmith - NY, NY

Gates Crisler - Solos and Finals (replaced Shawn Eck who had to back out last minute)

johnsaloser on Feb 13, 2008, 2:21 PM
Post #71
Who were the judges?

user deleted  on Feb 13, 2008, 12:40 PM
Post #70
QUOTE(drewcaves @ Feb 10 2008, 10:04 AM) 418060
They only gave a Grand Champion for A division, and that was North Forrest...

My thoughts:

Enterprise: Wow... You guys were fantastic... I absolutely loved the closer... And they sounded absolutely wonderful...

Petal: I loved the show...They are much better than last year... The ballad gave me chills... The female soloist is one of the best singers I have ever heard...

Homewood: They had my favorite show design... All of their soloists sang very well... The April James choreography was very intense and they had a nice sound too...

Albertville: I really thought that they should have gotten 1st RU in Finals behind Enterprise... The closer was fabulous and they had a very nice choral sound the whole show...

I was also very impressed with Auburn and Atlee... Auburn has improved much from years past, and I thought Atlee did very well...

My younger brother goes to auburn and told me the judge sheets. they got 192, 184, 181, and 142. if the other judge would have given them a decent score of atleast 165 or above they would ave made finals. look for them at homewood this weekend, it should be better than auburn has ever been

drewcaves on Feb 11, 2008, 5:04 PM
Post #69
QUOTE(CSdude1 @ Feb 11 2008, 10:35 AM) 418492
Hey, West Jones people! I really like your show a lot. 2 comments: Your opening soloist is wonderful! Second, when yall break out into the Justin Timberlake song, I always expect to hear the girls sing "talk to me boy" like in the original song. LOL! The way yall do it is fine, I just always hear "talk to me boy" in my head. LOL!

Thank you very much... Natalie really is a wonderful singer, and she did better than she's ever done this past weekend... I don't have much to say about your comment about our Justin Timberlake song, because there's not much that can be said... I think this may be the best Albertville ever... I am absolutely in love with the closer... The fog effect is so cool! I near about peed on myself the first time I saw the soloist walk out of the fog... It's so unexpected! I really think you guys should have gotten 1st RU... I also thought you guys should have been named Grand Champion at South Jones... I hate yall aren't going to Homewood, because I won't get to see Centerstage live again for the rest of the year...

But best of luck to you guys and all other groups that made finals this weekend... I can't argue that we should have placed higher, even though we possibly should have, because all the groups that beat us were awesome...

DanielWilliams on Feb 11, 2008, 2:35 PM
Post #68
Hey, West Jones people! I really like your show a lot. 2 comments: Your opening soloist is wonderful! Second, when yall break out into the Justin Timberlake song, I always expect to hear the girls sing "talk to me boy" like in the original song. LOL! The way yall do it is fine, I just always hear "talk to me boy" in my head. LOL!

Scotty B. on Feb 11, 2008, 10:57 AM
Post #67
Congrats to enterprise for coming home with grand champion!!! I enjoyed your show this year!

DanielWilliams on Feb 11, 2008, 1:24 AM
Post #66
QUOTE(scfan2 @ Feb 10 2008, 09:31 PM) 418343
Hey Cody I saw them at their dinner theatre and all I can say is they have stepped it up big time since then. I had refrained from posting a response when questions were asked earlier in this thread about why were people picking them so low, as I knew they would improve. To me it's a little diffrent type of show than I have seen them do, don't know how to describe it, the music seems to have a lot of broadway feel to it, but I'm not even certain where it's all from. One thing is for sure they brought their A game this weekend and I was really impressed with their show.

Most of Petal's songs this year were popular back in the old days (late 40's - early 50's, I think). I knew and liked the song selection very much. That's one of my favorite styles of music!

SCO Transfer on Feb 11, 2008, 12:20 AM (Edited)
Post #65
QUOTE(scfan2 @ Feb 10 2008, 09:31 PM) 418343
Hey Cody I saw them at their dinner theatre and all I can say is they have stepped it up big time since then. I had refrained from posting a response when questions were asked earlier in this thread about why were people picking them so low, as I knew they would improve. To me it's a little diffrent type of show than I have seen them do, don't know how to describe it, the music seems to have a lot of broadway feel to it, but I'm not even certain where it's all from. One thing is for sure they brought their A game this weekend and I was really impressed with their show.

Hopefully no one thought I was saying that I thought they were having a down year. I said that in response to those who were placing them so low in their predictions. I've heard nothing but good things out of the Soundsations camp this season.

Congrats to all finalists at Opelika; I look forward to seeing most of you at Homewood next weekend.

edit: grammar/punctuation...what else?


scfan2 on Feb 10, 2008, 11:31 PM
Post #64
Hey Cody I saw them at their dinner theatre and all I can say is they have stepped it up big time since then. I had refrained from posting a response when questions were asked earlier in this thread about why were people picking them so low, as I knew they would improve. To me it's a little diffrent type of show than I have seen them do, don't know how to describe it, the music seems to have a lot of broadway feel to it, but I'm not even certain where it's all from. One thing is for sure they brought their A game this weekend and I was really impressed with their show.

SCO Transfer on Feb 10, 2008, 10:41 PM
Post #63
So much for Petal having a down year, huh?


showchoirhasbeen on Feb 10, 2008, 8:18 PM
Post #62
QUOTE(jondenson @ Feb 10 2008, 12:44 PM) 418109
In Finals, Homewood and Petal tied for second on both the scoresheet and the ranking system, but Petal had the better vocal score allowing them to move ahead.


geeah791 on Feb 10, 2008, 5:10 PM
Post #61
Prelims for A

GC: North Forrest Illusions
1R: Prattville Spotlight
2R: Cleveland Renaissance


jondenson on Feb 10, 2008, 2:44 PM
Post #60
Petal won Best Costumes, as well.

In Prelims, First and Forth were seperated by 7 points, not sure on what scale. It was just what I was told.

In Finals, Homewood and Petal tied for second on both the scoresheet and the ranking system, but Petal had the better vocal score allowing them to move ahead.

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