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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Monona Grove Silver Stage Invitational 2008
Event Info

January 12th, 2008
Venue Info
Monona Grove High School
4400 Monona Drive
Madison, WI 53716
Phone: (608) 221-7666
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
1 Middle School Group
Event Hosts:
Monona Grove "Silver Connection"
Event Judges:
Nancy Allen
Pat Dorn
Gary Schwartzhoff
Robin Whitty-Novotny
Ticket prices unknown.
Monona Grove Silver Stage Invitational 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

The Ambassadors
Prairie High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Best Band

West Side Delegation
Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals

Grand Central Station
La Crosse Central High School
Second Runner Up

Old Abe Show Choir
Memorial High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Male Soloist

Milton High School
4th Runner Up

The Class Act
Logan High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Prep Division
Groups in order of performance

Rising Stars
Milton High School
Placement Unknown

Special Effect
Lodi High School
Placement Unknown

Classy Ladies
Logan High School
Placement Unknown

Focal Point
Prairie High School
Placement Unknown

Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
165 comments • Sort by

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Jorge on Jan 27, 2008, 12:51 PM
Post #165
QUOTE(wedabest09 @ Jan 26 2008, 03:22 PM) 413967
Our show is themed "Riding The Storm Out".. our songs includes Life in my Day, Riding the Storm out,Ride the wind,Into the West,and Pirates of Dance

Fantastic! I have been waiting since Lord of The Rings came out to hear "Into The West"! Great choice.


wedabest09 on Jan 26, 2008, 5:22 PM
Post #164
QUOTE(Jorge @ Jan 26 2008, 11:00 AM) 413937
What is Fort's show?

Our show is themed "Riding The Storm Out".. our songs includes Life in my Day, Riding the Storm out,Ride the wind,Into the West,and Pirates of Dance

ItsABeautifulDay on Jan 26, 2008, 3:49 PM
Post #163
It's a collection of songs with a ship/aquatic travel theme...AI don't recall songs, though.

Jorge on Jan 26, 2008, 1:00 PM
Post #162
What is Fort's show?


ashley_nickels08 on Jan 26, 2008, 12:18 AM
Post #161
newsie songs


nickquamme on Jan 25, 2008, 10:05 PM
Post #160
QUOTE(ashley_nickels08 @ Jan 25 2008, 04:56 PM) 413868
we took 9th over all, it was odd, we had keyboard set up problums at the begining and the stage kinda came apart on us (the risers started to come apart it was kinda scary), but overall we have been working really hard so that the rest of the season will go a lot better, and i am confident that it will. great job to everyone who was at monona grove.anyone who actually watched us please feel free to say what you thought about us! (the group that did newsies, if your like me and rember by theme instead of group)

What song's are you doing this year?


ashley_nickels08 on Jan 25, 2008, 7:03 PM
Post #159
QUOTE(wedabest09 @ Jan 25 2008, 02:37 PM) 413863
Fort did a good job,suprised they didn't make finals.. but Ill know they'll do an amazing job this season!

yes fort is always amazing, i'm shure they will bounce back


ashley_nickels08 on Jan 25, 2008, 6:56 PM
Post #158
QUOTE(quamdawg42 @ Jan 22 2008, 04:04 PM) 413315
could someone tell me how mayville's show was?

we took 9th over all, it was odd, we had keyboard set up problums at the begining and the stage kinda came apart on us (the risers started to come apart it was kinda scary), but overall we have been working really hard so that the rest of the season will go a lot better, and i am confident that it will. great job to everyone who was at monona grove.anyone who actually watched us please feel free to say what you thought about us! (the group that did newsies, if your like me and rember by theme instead of group)


wedabest09 on Jan 25, 2008, 6:37 PM
Post #157
Fort did a good job,suprised they didn't make finals.. but Ill know they'll do an amazing job this season!


nickquamme on Jan 22, 2008, 8:04 PM
Post #156
could someone tell me how mayville's show was?


ambassadorgurl07 on Jan 18, 2008, 7:04 PM
Post #155
THAT WAS TOTALLY ME!!! haha! but i don't think i said 'kill.' i hope not at least; that's so morbid.

- OMG you are my hero! i am afraid to tell you though that, you did say kill, i distinctly remember cuz it was my motivation! You are fantastic btw!

C.Arndt on Jan 16, 2008, 11:41 PM
Post #154
QUOTE(Austintan @ Jan 16 2008, 08:43 PM) 412247
LaX Logan- Good show. The choreography was one of the awesome. Your vocals were okay! You're closer was so high energy!! i don't know how you did it!! great work!!
P.S. I love that little Blonde boy LOL

CR Prairie- Cool show you guys! You had excellent vocals in "Hey Mambo" i LOVED It!! You guys are soo much better then your year before! I can't wait to see you at fab five!! CONGRATS

Thank you all soo much for the kind words about WSD!!

that would be Addison
everyone loves him, hes so adoreable


Austintan on Jan 16, 2008, 10:43 PM
Post #153
LaX Logan- Good show. The choreography was one of the awesome. Your vocals were okay! You're closer was so high energy!! i don't know how you did it!! great work!!
P.S. I love that little Blonde boy LOL

CR Prairie- Cool show you guys! You had excellent vocals in "Hey Mambo" i LOVED It!! You guys are soo much better then your year before! I can't wait to see you at fab five!! CONGRATS

Thank you all soo much for the kind words about WSD!!


skyzurguy08 on Jan 15, 2008, 11:59 PM
Post #152
im sorry that i seemed to misinterpret what i was saying... I was meaning no harm to anyone. I just was stating that scoring is subjective and that is why many competitions have lost this scoring system. Our choreographer thinks there should be a universal show choir judging system so that no matter what it is always as fair as possible.

sunglasses_chic08 on Jan 15, 2008, 6:43 PM
Post #151
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Jan 15 2008, 12:17 AM) 411958
lol well maybe you should check your facts about those Great River rankings.... first of all there were only 3 judges in day round... 2nd of all your rankings were 4, 6, 6..... not 2, 3, 4, 5. anyways that is moot point. The group that got the 1, 5, 7 rankings had 2 of the 3 judges place them ahead of you and would have been 3 placement points ahead of Prairie, so that would be why they beat you... And don't forget there was another school ahead of you that didn't make finals. But otherwise your point is valid: Judging is completely subjective and of course the judges are not always going to favor you. do you guys remember stuff like this?! Its incredible! " border="0" alt="blink.gif" />


pizzacutter13 on Jan 15, 2008, 11:26 AM
Post #150
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Jan 14 2008, 06:44 PM) 411866
I may be able to get class A scores, but first this is the thing more people have been asking for:


GCS: 1,1,4,3
Prairie: 2,3,2,1
Westside: 3,2,1,2
Eau Claire: 4,6,3,3
Milton: 5,4,6,4
Logan: 6,5,5,6

So here's the big question. There were five judges ranking at night, but only 4 scores were used. Anyone know why only 4 scores were used?

have we established why the number of judges and the number of ranking differ??? lol...maybe?? " border="0" alt="ermm.gif" />

juliofrommississippi on Jan 15, 2008, 9:27 AM
Post #149
QUOTE(Jorge @ Jan 15 2008, 01:48 AM) 411969
I hear an echo! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

i'd be echoing if you had the right numbers..... lol.

skyzurguy08's rankings were closest to Momentum's and since Mo was 6th in day round there I assumed he was talking about them. Linn-Mar's placings in day round at Great River were 1, 7, 9. Also, skyzurguy08 you cannot use Great River scores in this situation since, unlike Monona Grove, it was not the judges placements that determined rank, but rather the actual points.

Jorge on Jan 15, 2008, 3:48 AM
Post #148
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Jan 15 2008, 12:17 AM) 411958
lol well maybe you should check your facts about those Great River rankings.... first of all there were only 3 judges in day round... 2nd of all your rankings were 4, 6, 6..... not 2, 3, 4, 5. anyways that is moot point. The group that got the 1, 5, 7 rankings had 2 of the 3 judges place them ahead of you and would have been 3 placement points ahead of Prairie, so that would be why they beat you... And don't forget there was another school ahead of you that didn't make finals. But otherwise your point is valid: Judging is completely subjective and of course the judges are not always going to favor you.

I hear an echo! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

juliofrommississippi on Jan 15, 2008, 2:17 AM
Post #147
QUOTE(skyzurguy08 @ Jan 14 2008, 09:04 PM) 411913
I agree that the judging is a little wierd. But its just the way it works sometimes. Last year we went to the davenport great river competition and we had a set of rankings of like 2,3,4,5 and the other school had a ranking of like 1,5, 7,3 and they beat us and it just doesn't make sense sometimes. but its not worth arguing, its not like you can change the past.

lol well maybe you should check your facts about those Great River rankings.... first of all there were only 3 judges in day round... 2nd of all your rankings were 4, 6, 6..... not 2, 3, 4, 5. anyways that is moot point. The group that got the 1, 5, 7 rankings had 2 of the 3 judges place them ahead of you and would have been 3 placement points ahead of Prairie, so that would be why they beat you... And don't forget there was another school ahead of you that didn't make finals. But otherwise your point is valid: Judging is completely subjective and of course the judges are not always going to favor you.

sunglasses_chic08 on Jan 15, 2008, 12:31 AM
Post #146
I just read through this thread, and it sounds like this was a great competition! I must congratulate CR Prairie, for I love your show dearly. Lol, I feel like I bonded with your group when I saw you at Viterbo, and I've been rooting for you every since. So congrats on your 2-0 record (lol) and good luck the rest of the season.

GCS, oh how I love you ;) I wish SO badly that I could see your show this year! I want to compete against you because i enjoy our rivarly so much. Also, you are one of our "sister-show choirs", so its nice to be able to cheer for each other at a competition and just enjoy each other's shows. I have heard great things about you this year, and I'm sure you will have a very strong season, as always

That's all I have to say, really. Its hard to say much when I wasn't there ;)

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