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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Marysville Showcase 2008
Event Info

January 12th, 2008
Venue Info
Marysville High School
800 Amrine Mill Road
Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 642-0010
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Marysville "Swingers Unlimited"
Bunsold "Mini Swingers"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Marysville Showcase 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Band
People's Choice

Great Expectations
Twinsburg High School
First Runner Up
Best Choreography
Best Show Concept
Best Dressed Director
Best Citizenship

The Company
Piqua High School
Second Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Ryan Mouser)

Olentangy High School
3rd Runner Up

Prominent Rendition
Teays Valley High School
4th Runner Up
Best Costumes

Music Express
Garfield Heights High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III

Visual Volume
Poca High School
First Place
Best Female Soloist (Heather Gatens)

Music Company
River Valley High School
Second Place

New Addition
River Valley High School
No Placement

Lehman Catholic High School
No Placement

All Star Show Choir
ARTS Resources Group
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
211 comments • Sort by

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Yuri on Jan 13, 2008, 8:40 AM
Post #171
To anyone from Piqua - who's the original artist of your ballad? I'm trying to download the song. Thanks.

J_man on Jan 13, 2008, 5:14 AM
Post #170
hey, thanks to marysville for haveing a great competiton again. and congrats to all of the groups

Rian on Jan 13, 2008, 4:22 AM
Post #169
Equalizer Brett?!?! durr... lol jk You going to Garfield?


pocavvbass10 on Jan 13, 2008, 4:04 AM
Post #168
oh and twinsburg's thingy from last year is my stereo's sound equalizer thingy :-D


pocavvbass10 on Jan 13, 2008, 3:59 AM (Edited)
Post #167
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Jan 12 2008, 12:36 AM) 411255
Brett Olentangy is choreographed by Andy as well... just saying

oh, touche <~~ (too-shay) rian ... oh and by the way, to whoever i told that i didn't see olentangy making it that high, i eat my words

Rian on Jan 13, 2008, 3:28 AM (Edited)
Post #166
haha you got jokes! " border="0" alt="happy.gif" />


GAsax27 on Jan 13, 2008, 3:15 AM (Edited)
Post #165
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Jan 13 2008, 02:13 AM) 411469
I have Twinsburg's set around my dorm somewhere...

it fit? ha...I'm funny " border="0" alt="huh.gif" />

anyway....what are Teays and Twinsburg doing this year?

also I remember when Olentangy was competing in the festival division at Teays Valley...what a long way their program has come.

Edit- Oh BTW would anyone care to comment on how Marysville looked/sounded?

Rian on Jan 13, 2008, 3:13 AM
Post #164
I have Twinsburg's set around my dorm somewhere...

FallOutGirl_08_VC on Jan 13, 2008, 3:09 AM
Post #163
AWWW.I really wish I could have been there! I'm very excited to see Twinsburg ad garfield, I hope I have an oppurtunity to see Piqua sometime? Although i don't know about that one

Yuri on Jan 13, 2008, 3:01 AM (Edited)
Post #162
Well, tonight was awesome. It was a great show, it was very fun to watch.

Fairfield - Stepped it up from their prelims performance soooo much. It was unbelievable how much energy they put into their finals performance. The ballad was really beautiful, I was really impressed. It's kind of funny how much Ohio show choir is going to dominate this year.

Olentangy - Great vocals, loved the opening Spring Awakening section, and then your ballad. The closer was really cool as well. I was a little surprised when I heard you were entering finals in first place, but then I thought about it, and it really did make sense. You guys have come such a long way from last year (and last year you were one of my favorite groups - so I hope that says something about how much I liked you guys). Oh, and the boys number was so sweet. Seriously, it was awesome. Very cool.

Teays Valley - Awesome show. Great vocals. Closer was really cool, although the first time you brought those things up to the front of the stage I freaked out and thought you guys were all going to fall off the stage, haha. But after I got over the initial fear, I appreciated how cool it was that you guys did that. Awesome. Keep cleaning - you guys would have been right up there in the rankings fighting for the top spot had your choreography been a bit more polished. You guys were kind of sloppy at times. Nonetheless, great show, I really loved the opener.

Garfield - The boys number is hilarious. Holy crap, hahahaha. I loved it so much. I don't want to say too much about it because it will spoil it for everyone else, and the first time you see (unknowing of what's to come) is when it's the best . You guys have come a long way, and I can see you continuing your success on this coming season. Ballad was next favorite number after the boys number - I love that song, and you guys did a really good job.

Piqua - WOW! PIQUA! I have to admit. I've always understood that Piqua is a very solid and very good group, but Piqua shows have never been my favorites at the end of the year when I look in on the season. BUT, this one? HOLY CRAP. After prelims I was like "Hmmm - they could win this." The opener was incredible. You guys built up so well to the first chorus of "Beautiful Day" ... it was like an explosion of vocals, choreography, and energy. Then the ballad was my favorite of the day (soloist was awesome). It was very emotional and it gave me chills a couple of times. You all sang with your hearts and showed a lot of passion on stage (which is what I love most). It was beautiful. Not to mention how damn cool your costumes are. The opening outfits reminded me of a very nicely designed Easter Card, haha. And the closers were awesome. No show choir could pull off "Glamorous" wearing anything else, but what your girls had on.

Twinsburg - TWINSBURG! My favorite group of the night. Hands down. So entertaining. Dancing like crazy from start to finish (Mitch Benko is probably the best choreographer ever). Vowels and blend like no other. Congratulations, the final product of your show is amazing, and you guys should all be so proud of the job you did tonight. I hope there are many GC's in your future this season, because you guys deserve it. I get worn out just watching you guys. Oh, and I love Nancy Slife .

So anyway, great job to everyone. As I said, Ohio show choir is truly going to dominate this year. Any of the top 4 could have won the GC, I feel. It must have been a really tough and really close decision with all the judges. That being said, no one should feel disapointed on the jobs they did tonight. It was truly an amazing show.

Not that it matters but this is how I would have put the top 4:
GC - Twinsburg (choreo)
1ru - Piqua (show design)
2ru - Fairfield
3ru - Olentangy

I dunno who I would have given vocals too, it's between all 4 of them really, haha.

All groups also really stepped it up from prelims. Like the improvement from every single group was ridiculous. It made it really difficult for me (or anyone) to pick a favorite and place people.

pumpitup07 on Jan 13, 2008, 2:47 AM
Post #161
btw,(thank you Keith for telling me) Garfield was apparently up by 12 over Piqua and 20 over Teays going into finals. then the bottom dropped out. o well, so goes life in show choir. everything is unpredictable!!

pumpitup07 on Jan 13, 2008, 2:23 AM
Post #160
How did you all like garfields show?? I know that thursday they had their first run through with all the costuming and everything finally, and also with the set. they never can get their stuff in before christmas break so they can work on it then, but wutever. it worked for us last year at Beavercreek getting our stuff in at the last moment and practicing a few times with it all. pernod probably thought it would work this year too.


ShwChoir8907 on Jan 13, 2008, 2:10 AM
Post #159
by the way
GC- Fairfield
1st rup- Twinsburg
2nd rup- Piqua
3rd rup- Olentangy
4th rup- Teays
5th rup- Garfield Hieghts

Choreo- Twinsburg
Vocals - Fairfield
Band - Fairfield


ShwChoir8907 on Jan 13, 2008, 1:58 AM (Edited)
Post #158
This was such a great competition to watch!!
I got to see everyone (Jeff bishop, Zack, Aaron, and met some new people)

The Crank that move was used in three groups today lol but was very funny.
A lot of the guy numbers were also very good.

Olentangy was amazing. I think they definatley deserved to make finals. The show was just so good. Congrats to Mr. S (cause i cant remember how to spell his last name lol) on his show and Andy's choreo was used well in this show I cant wait to hear how this group does later in the year.

Piqua had such a fun show
their opener was very dark in my opinion ( i liked it!!)
The ballad soloist was amazing. Mad props bro.
I think Piqua will do very well this year

OH what to say about Twinsburg.
That Gwen's solo was very good. or that the opener medley with "World" by five for fighting was amazing. The choreography was flowy and it was such a great show. I enjoyed the second to last number. The arrangement was very well done. Congrats to Ms. Slife and Mitch on another great show.

The opener was great! Zach you did such a great job. I liked the movement that was done for the song. It fit it very well. The scafolding was a nice touch at the end. Good luck at the rest of the year.

Congrats to everyone and way to go fairfield

SteffahnMaclin on Jan 13, 2008, 1:57 AM
Post #157
i know......this was freakn amazing i cant wait to compete now!!!!!!!!!!! congrats to all the choirs i love the fact that we show choirs know hw to put on one heck of a show congrats again

FallOutGirl_08_VC on Jan 13, 2008, 1:54 AM
Post #156
I know, this is so excited, sorry I'm writing about Beavercreek in this forum but it jus gets me so pumped to go compete!

asda08 on Jan 13, 2008, 1:52 AM
Post #155
omg! wow this sound really really really exciting!!! I just want to say congrats to Fairfield. You must have showed what you guys can really do. Keep up the excellent work!! I know you will. Twinsburg, it had to be close because I know that you guys are really awesome and you gave it your all. Congrats to you too!!! ;) Reading this forum about the competition made me anxious about next week at Beavercreek.. ahhhh stop it!!!

FallOutGirl_08_VC on Jan 13, 2008, 1:43 AM
Post #154
haha, i'll take that as a compliment? even though 'm slightly confused by it but i think thats good? =>

reptheheights on Jan 13, 2008, 1:33 AM
Post #153
i cant wait to garfield next weekend..oh and twinsburg


dylan1988 on Jan 13, 2008, 1:31 AM
Post #152
I just talked to my brother and I guess Piqua went from 6th in the daytime to 3rd and lost by either .5 or 1.5. So I wonder how close Fairfield and Twinsburg were!

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