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  Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    FAME Chicago 2008

   Event Info

March 29th, 2008


Venue Info

Genesee Theatre
203 N. Genesee Street
Waukegan, IL 60085

Phone: (847) 782-2366

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Anne Chapman

  Marty DeMott

  Heath Weber

  Damon Brown

  Judith Ranaletta

  Andrew Drinkall


Ticket prices unknown.


FAME Chicago 2008

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 John Burroughs High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Show Design 
Most Original Selection 
Best Male Stage Presence (Ben Robinson) 

 Clinton High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 
Best Stage Crew 
Best Rhythm Section 
Best Horn Section 
Best Diction 
Best Male Sound 

 North Central High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Repertoire 
Best Male Soloist (Isaiah) 
Best Female Soloist (Missy Augustine) 

 Sound Check
 Waubonsie Valley High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Female Sound 
Best Female Stage Presence (Meg Carroll) 

 South Jones Jr/Sr High School
4th Runner Up 
FAME Award 

 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
First Place 

 East Side Swingers
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
Second Place 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

1501 comments • Sort by

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Andy08 on Mar 25, 2008, 1:24 PM
Post #421
QUOTE(TaylorB @ Mar 25 2008, 12:22 PM) [snapback]430087[/snapback]
OMG I am so sick of gosh darn snow! It started snowing on Easter, and I got mad. Luckily it's warmed up to a very tropical.....51 degrees along with gusty winds!

" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> I hope Chicago is going to be warm- when it's cold there the wind frecking hurts.

Bae on Mar 25, 2008, 1:22 PM
Post #420
QUOTE(*brittanyskye* @ Mar 25 2008, 12:18 PM) [snapback]430086[/snapback]
haha. okay me too.
can we get the beach and the snow...?

OMG I am so sick of gosh darn snow! It started snowing on Easter, and I got mad. Luckily it's warmed up to a very tropical.....51 degrees along with gusty winds!


*brittanyskye* on Mar 25, 2008, 1:18 PM
Post #419
haha. okay me too.
can we get the beach and the snow...?

Andy08 on Mar 25, 2008, 1:13 PM
Post #418
QUOTE(*brittanyskye* @ Mar 25 2008, 12:10 PM) [snapback]430083[/snapback]
oh yeah cause you got gyped performing in the tropical paradise, Hawaii, on an outdoor stage...

lol good call

I would PREFER to do BOTH dry.gif


*brittanyskye* on Mar 25, 2008, 1:10 PM
Post #417
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Mar 25 2008, 10:05 AM) [snapback]430081[/snapback]
man i just wish i had a chance to perform on that stage yall are lucky ^^

" border="0" alt="thumbsup.gif" />

oh yeah cause you got gyped performing in the tropical paradise, Hawaii, on an outdoor stage...

Andy08 on Mar 25, 2008, 1:05 PM
Post #416
man i just wish i had a chance to perform on that stage yall are lucky ^^

" border="0" alt="thumbsup.gif" />


*brittanyskye* on Mar 25, 2008, 1:03 PM
Post #415
so we have 21 pages of predictions and explanations prophasizing which of the "big" groups will take it, but honestly, as entertainging as predictions are, I think it's been well established that it's all up in the air. I am extremely excited to see all of these fantastic groups in person and together. I think on a different day each of us could take it, it's really going to be the judges mood and the choir on that day. I know we're all going to go out there with all we have and leave it on stage, so I'm just really excited and kinda over reading why so and so will win over so and so. ANYTHING could happen.
p.s. wocttocs, Earth Song is my favorite...EVER. haha

Orbie on Mar 25, 2008, 1:00 PM
Post #414
omg 1 more day till we leaveeee!!! good luck to everyone again!!!

Andy08 on Mar 25, 2008, 12:56 PM
Post #413
QUOTE(TonyAtienza @ Mar 24 2008, 10:13 PM) [snapback]430000[/snapback]
This has to be the MOST HYPED competition I have ever witnessed online here on Look at my member number, then you'll know I've been here since day one

Over 12,000+ hits and the competition has not even begun!!!


I too wish I could be there... Congrats to FAME for hosting such an AMAZING event!!! I do not envy the judges on this one!

Chula went to Fame NY 2006 and made finals with the likes of Burbank, Burroughs, Totino Grace and the spectacular North Central then! I would love to see North Central perform at that calibur they did in 2006 this upcoming weekend!!! It would make life SOOO interesting for everyone competing!

Clinton Attache has personified everything right about show choir! I love the people... the professionalism.. the work ethic... the directors, choreographers and staff, band et al... There is a reason why they are nationally re-known!

John Burroughs was so amazing these last two weeks I saw them... They are so ready for this, and will represent California to the upmost BEST... Can't wait for the world to see them! Would be so awesome if Sound Sensations also made Finals! They are having a GREAT year as well!

I have heard great things about Waubonsie Valley... So.. another contender to watch for! However, I have not seen them nor heard them... So my predictions for them are based on reputation.

My predictions:

Top 2: Burroughs and Clinton
Both are different schools of show choir... The judges preference that day will be curious to see...

so the judges will determine whether they prefer Southern Homemade Cooking...

or California Cuisine...

2RU: North Central
3RU: Waubonsie Valley

ps. You can NEVER get tired of Disneyland...

Living only 1 hour drive away, I go at least 2-3 times a month! =) It is soooo magical!

Lol Mr. Atienza, this has to be one of the coolest posts I've ever seen on SCC " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


Wocttocs on Mar 25, 2008, 11:35 AM
Post #412
QUOTE(amysinthenavy @ Mar 25 2008, 08:58 AM) [snapback]430065[/snapback]
BOTH John Burroughs choirs won FAME Orlando.

Powerhouse AND the advanced women's group, Sound Sensations.

Sound Sensations in that sentence is an appositive. That is what I learned in English...and, of course, I applied it to choir. :]

Thats true, I did forget about Fame orlando.


amysinthenavy on Mar 25, 2008, 10:58 AM (Edited)
Post #411
BOTH John Burroughs choirs won FAME Orlando.

Powerhouse AND the advanced women's group, Sound Sensations.

Sound Sensations in that sentence is an appositive. That is what I learned in English...and, of course, I applied it to choir. :]

C.Arndt on Mar 25, 2008, 10:02 AM
Post #410
QUOTE(evanzimm @ Mar 25 2008, 08:15 AM) [snapback]430061[/snapback]
This is a competition that Jesus himself would love to attend.

Umm Im pretty sure that he is coming back for this one. I mean, its about time!

can anyone confirm this?


sjcompany15 on Mar 25, 2008, 9:26 AM
Post #409
QUOTE(Addicted2Swingers @ Dec 4 2007, 12:47 AM) [snapback]408799[/snapback]
I have heard some pretty interesting groups are coming to this competition. Who all will be performing at the Fame Chicago Competition this year? Should be a great one

yeah your right! I'm looking forward to seeing all the good groups we are competing against. And I want the judges we had in indianna seeing how much we've done to improve our show.

evanzimm on Mar 25, 2008, 9:15 AM
Post #408
This is a competition that Jesus himself would love to attend.

Axlboi201 on Mar 25, 2008, 4:22 AM
Post #407
QUOTE(TonyAtienza @ Mar 24 2008, 08:13 PM) [snapback]430000[/snapback]
ps. You can NEVER get tired of Disneyland...

Living only 1 hour drive away, I go at least 2-3 times a month! =) It is soooo magical!

i saw you there once mr. a ! haha :]

p.s. - Wocttocs, we kinda won FAME orlando last year haha


pocavvbass10 on Mar 25, 2008, 3:10 AM
Post #406
QUOTE(*brittanyskye* @ Mar 25 2008, 12:41 AM) [snapback]430021[/snapback]
I watched it on youtube like a week ago or so, so unless someone took it down it's already up.

I mean the 2007 show with Free Bird, etc. Like, a video of the actual dvd footage, not one that was filmed from the third row, " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


Wocttocs on Mar 25, 2008, 3:02 AM
Post #405
QUOTE(pocavvbass10 @ Mar 24 2008, 12:23 AM) [snapback]429805[/snapback]
NC was the best they have EVER been IMO in 2006. From what I understand, this year is a far cry from that show.

And holy crap was it really only six points?

well it was weighted right... 6 points is actually a big margin for a fame event... and i'd say NC was the most Entertaining they've ever been in 2006... But 2005 was an amazing show as well. I actually thought it was more Technically impressive than 2006... Though the vids most people are watching are far from representative... 2007 also was an amazing show, but didn't get much attention because they didn't win state... 2004's show was amazing in person... i remember seeing them at state in 2005 and at first being like "uh, i don't get it, why did they win" but the more you pay attention to their shows the more you realize how good they really are...

North Central in my opinion has HUGE vocals, Extremely fun to watch, Ridiculously clean choreography, and a killer band. They are what show choir should be... Not a million Props and hundreds of costume changes... and spending tons of money on ridiculous smoke machines and effects... I mean all that is well and good... But NC doesn't need ANY of that to be a top 5 in the country contender. I know some people will disagree with this but i think over the past years NC has proven that they are a dangerous name at any competition.

I think if Anybody is going to beat clinton at this competition, it will be North Central. Every year we hear that John Burroughs is just going to "blow everyone away" and every year they are Incredible, but for some reason still don't Score Really well at the big comps... I personally would say Burroughs is my fav choir at this competition.

BTW Burroughs folks, When i talk to people here in canada who don't know about show choir, i have them watch Earth Song 2005 to give them an example, and every single person i've shown has been like "omg, thats so cool!" For some reason when i show them other choirs competing at this competition they're like "oh... thats cool....". lol i dunno.



amysinthenavy on Mar 25, 2008, 1:57 AM
Post #404
Sure you can. They just might be biased.

I'm hoping that we win a best performer. :]


*brittanyskye* on Mar 25, 2008, 1:31 AM
Post #403
aww Haakon, always have to one-up me. haha
But, this is very true, hence why I've never made predictions, well that and obviously I can't make a prediction in a competition I'm competing in ;)

Häakon on Mar 25, 2008, 1:19 AM (Edited)
Post #402
QUOTE(*brittanyskye* @ Mar 24 2008, 09:41 PM) [snapback]430021[/snapback]
how are people supposed to predict who's going to get best performer or soloist, we haven't seen each other!

Kinda begs the question how anyone is even supposed to predict what choir is going to win the whole thing when I doubt there are many (if any?) people who have seen all of these choirs live this year.

Just sayin...

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