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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Los Alamitos Xtravaganza (Day Two) 2007

   Event Info

March 3rd, 2007

Venue Info

Los Alamitos High School
3591 Cerritos Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Phone: (562) 799-4780

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  13 Mixed Groups
  6 Treble Groups
  3 Bass Groups
  2 Middle School Groups


  Los Alamitos "Sound FX"
  Los Alamitos "Soundtrax"
  Los Alamitos "Xtreme"
  Los Alamitos "Axcent"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Los Alamitos Xtravaganza (Day Two) 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I



 Brea Olinda High School
First Place 

 Arcadia High School
Second Place 

 In Sync
 Burbank High School
Third Place 

 John Burroughs High School
4th Place 

 Sound Vibrations
 Hart High School
5th Place 

 Main Attraction

 Chula Vista High School
No Placement 


 Diamond Bar High School
No Placement 

   Mixed Division - Tier II


Groups in order of placement

 Royal Stewart Singers
 Glendora High School
First Place 

 El Rancho High School
Second Place 

 Vocal Point
 Serrano High School
Third Place 

 Celebration Entertainment Academy
4th Place 

 The Music Machine

 Bonita Vista High School
No Placement 

 Sound Express

 Carlsbad High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division - Tier I


Groups in order of placement

 Burbank High School
First Place 
Musicianship (Tie) 

 Hart High School
Second Place 

 Brea Olinda High School
Third Place 

 New Spirit
 Arcadia High School
4th Place 
Musicianship (Tie) 

 Sound Unlimited
 Bonita Vista High School
5th Place 

 Company B
 Temecula Valley High School
6th Place 

   Bass Division


Groups in order of placement

 Sound Dogs
 Burbank High School
First Place 

 John Burroughs High School
Second Place 

 Hart High School
Third Place 

   Middle School Division


Groups in order of placement

 Travis Ranch Middle School
First Place 

 Show Choir Express
 Brea Junior High School
Second Place 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

296 comments • Sort by

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*brittanyskye* on Mar 4, 2007, 7:38 PM
Post #236
Well in regards to everyone arguing over placements, especially those that bickered over the intermediate division, as i learned personally last night, the reason why we do what we do, at least i hope, is for the feeling when you get off stage. When you are absolutly rushing with adrenaline because you just had so much fun on stage an were the "two words jen said"! Thats why we do this, because we love it, and because it gives us that feeling. I know that it is upsetting when the judges dont seem to see what you felt, but that doesnt take away from the fun you had. So i had a blast, i think that powerhouse did "something we had never done before" and i had fun. Everyone else did so amazing as well, so good luck to all in your future competitions, i know i cannot wait for Orlando, lets go kick ass and slam some doors shut powerhouse!

QUOTE(jkalani @ Mar 4 2007, 09:24 AM) [snapback]391015[/snapback]
congrats to all of the other choirs who made the competition worthwhile, and the placements worth less (if it's necessary). big wheels keep on turning, so dont stop believin, just knock on wood, and sail away with self gratification and a hopeful next competition.

haha, i loved this!!!
and also to what haakon said earlier, i completely agree that there is so much friendship between a lot of the choirs, i know i love meeting new people and i have had so much fun getting to know you all, and i think its amazing how we can all have just as much fun watching each other as we do performing. Thank you to Los Al for all your work and to all the parents and supporters that came and helped in all the ways you do, and of course to all the directors and choirs, we did great!

emmanemgurlie on Mar 4, 2007, 7:34 PM (Edited)
Post #235
QUOTE(guavamangoman @ Mar 4 2007, 02:20 PM) [snapback]391207[/snapback]
BUrbank - Why didn't you guys do this "new" closer last night? And where were your backdrops? No space on the Los Al stage?

No time for them. Everyone will see our entire set at Chula's competition...possibly. Ya'll should just come to Chicago on Friday and see us. " border="0" alt="happy.gif" />

Congrats to everyone last night; I had a great time! The video was pretty great, a little risque in some parts, but that was part of the fun. ;)

BigBen_91190 on Mar 4, 2007, 7:34 PM
Post #234
QUOTE(guavamangoman @ Mar 4 2007, 02:20 PM) [snapback]391207[/snapback]
I will agree with Haakon and say the acoustics were amazing last night
Anyway, every year there's at least one competition with results that a majority will not agree with, so everyone needs to face the outcome of last night.

BUrbank - Why didn't you guys do this "new" closer last night? And where were your backdrops? No space on the Los Al stage?

BV- It was fun to see your interpretation of the 2 songs you share with Arcadia.

Arcadia- Congrats on your placement, shows off your strong vocal power. Good job on the new power ballad and Corinne as the soloist, very different. =) Love you guys.

Go to Pow Wow! Haha. It'll be awesome.

I heared from a little birdie that bret carrel thought they didnt need the backdrops!!
that they were to good for them!!

honestly i like the backdrops in my opinion whether there good or not!!

but mr carrel said is true!!

simpleperfection on Mar 4, 2007, 7:25 PM
Post #233
QUOTE(dancergurl373 @ Mar 4 2007, 07:50 AM) [snapback]390988[/snapback]
Did Anyone have fun??? i reading a lot of fighting and stuff but did anyone have fun??? anyone love their hosts??? love the movie??? or anything like that???
im mean seriously i know the awards were insane and it was a long day but come on rn't we in show choir to have fun too.
ok well thanks to everyone who came i had some much funn all of u r so nice.
And Hart was great. You all are so much fun to hang with.
and Los Al will see most of u back at Hart.
Thanks for coming!

i loved our hosts they were super cool! and the sack of candy was awesome!!! haha perfect for the ride home.

we didn't get to see the video though can someone post it up on youtube?


bvsingnfrk08 on Mar 4, 2007, 7:18 PM
Post #232
los al was a ton of fun and i dont see y ppl are makin such a big deal out of the placements, as i look at it im in show choir to perform because its wat i love to do. sure i love winning but for me thats not the whole point of going to competitions, i go so i can see all of the other groups perform because i love seeing how they improve throughout the yr. maybe you dont think that certain ppl should hav gotten the placements they got but the thing is that they got them and u cant exactly change that just because u think they dont deserve it. so it doesnt do any good to talk trash about them, the only thing that will get u is a couple new enemies.

on another note, thanks to shane you were a frikin awesome host!


choirrocks on Mar 4, 2007, 7:10 PM
Post #231
Does anyone know if the video is on youtube? If it's not, could someone post it? I've heard that it's great this year, even beter than normal and I want to see it.


PhRt33 on Mar 4, 2007, 7:05 PM (Edited)
Post #230
hey, i just wanted to say that i did enjoy the competition yesterday. it was nice to relax in between divisions.

the majority of powerhouse was ok with the placements last night. yes, we were disappointed that we didn't place higher, but that's the case with everyone. we all know that we gave an amazing performance last night and we are proud of that. Mr. Jennings was very proud of us too because all of us know that our show was the best it has been all year. (the same with alot of other choirs that i saw, including chula, hart, burbank, and so on) this was the performance (not placement) was what we needed to go on to nationals. we feel much more prepared now than ever before.

again, no hard feelings. no, i won't lie and say that i wasn't surprised by the placements but congrats to brea, you guys did give a great show last night.

btw, the video was awesome!!!! great job patricks and all the other awesome los al kids!!!!

TonyAtienza on Mar 4, 2007, 6:58 PM
Post #229
The TECH from Hart and Burbank et. al... HAVE BEEN nothing but AWESOME from the the start of the season. Especially last night! We love them for their "behind the scenes" work. Thanks for combining back there to make one BIG Tech crew!

It was also nice seeing much comraderie with all the show choir kids outside. I am guessing many of you have doubled your myspace friends because of show choir. " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

Congrats to Brea and Arcadia.

Congrats to Burbank for representing the west coast last week and sweeping the competition in Indiana!
Good luck to Burroughs as they go to Orlando, and Hart and Bonita as they travel to New York!

Show choir is such a fantastic venue for talented kids like you all. Don't let the "competition" get in the way of spoiling the fun we all share.

Thanks Los Al for a fun competition! The video was... "all in good fun". Made us all smile.

Minuet888 on Mar 4, 2007, 6:39 PM
Post #228
Just to add on to what Mr. Willert said.
This was my student's first competition. They were really nervous. There was a technical problem in the women's show and unfortunately it didn't go well for us there. However, in the mixed catagory, the student's nailed a lot of what we had been working on.
Were they perfect? No.
Do they need to work on stuff? You bet.
But when they got off that stage they were SO happy, in fact I had never seen them like that before. They told me it didn't matter what they placed, they were just happy with that performance, especially for a first time out.
We ended up getting dead last (yeah for the dead last people, lol), and although the student's were disapppointed they remember the feeling they had going off that stage far more than getting last place. And that, is what it is all about.
Thanks to Los Alamitos for a great competition!

haleylenore on Mar 4, 2007, 6:30 PM
Post #227
i'll be at powwow.
yes the acoustics were amazing.
but i hated how much heals stood out because of it! aha.

gmangoman on Mar 4, 2007, 6:20 PM
Post #226
I will agree with Haakon and say the acoustics were amazing last night

Anyway, every year there's at least one competition with results that a majority will not agree with, so everyone needs to face the outcome of last night.

BUrbank - Why didn't you guys do this "new" closer last night? And where were your backdrops? No space on the Los Al stage?

BV- It was fun to see your interpretation of the 2 songs you share with Arcadia.

Arcadia- Congrats on your placement, shows off your strong vocal power. Good job on the new power ballad and Corinne as the soloist, very different. =) Love you guys.

Go to Pow Wow! Haha. It'll be awesome.


powerhousechoirmouse on Mar 4, 2007, 6:13 PM
Post #225
QUOTE(Roger Smith @ Mar 4 2007, 01:40 PM) [snapback]391176[/snapback]
Congratulations to everyone! It was basically the same groups just in a different order. Arcadia has already won music and Brea has already won show. I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's not like Arcadia or Brea came out of nowhere. I'm starting to think that some groups really have sucky attitudes and are just BIG whiners. Not to insult anyone, but some of you have gone emo when it comes to Burbank and Burroughs - reality - you can always come back to it!

Gone emo when it comes to Burbank and Burroughs? I am slightly confused...? Emotional? Or like, I am going to slit my wrists?


taketheplunge on Mar 4, 2007, 6:09 PM
Post #224
the chocolate cherry cake that you guys sold over there was amazing! I bought 3 pieces... pretty much the highlight of my night I <3 Chula, Hart, and Burroughs. Thank you to our sweet hosts<3


Roger Smith on Mar 4, 2007, 5:40 PM
Post #223
Congratulations to everyone! It was basically the same groups just in a different order. Arcadia has already won music and Brea has already won show. I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's not like Arcadia or Brea came out of nowhere. I'm starting to think that some groups really have sucky attitudes and are just BIG whiners. Not to insult anyone, but some of you have gone emo when it comes to Burbank and Burroughs - reality - you can always come back to it!

ShaneFX on Mar 4, 2007, 5:14 PM (Edited)
Post #222
QUOTE(Häakon @ Mar 4 2007, 10:03 AM) [snapback]391037[/snapback]
Shane - it was really great to get to know you better and thanks for being such a great host. You really made the evening fun (and those were the best goodie bags ever!!) " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> To the rest of the SoCal show choir circuit, thank you for being so positive and amazing people. I've seen more inter-choir friendships this year than ever before, and it really feels to me like there has been a lot less emphasis on "winning," and more on celebrating each other's music and enjoying the time we have to spend with each other. There is nothing like a great SoCal lineup, and every single one of you make it what it is.

Thank you so much, this makes me feel so good! I also agree with everything in that paragraph.

Bonita, you guys were awesome and you improved so much from last week. This was your best show yet and i'm hoping that you guys know that.

To everyone who competed, every choir was flawless and amazing, and we hope that you had a great time at Los Al!


katie g on Mar 4, 2007, 5:14 PM
Post #221
I agree with Jen. It wasn't just Burroughs kids so I dont think we should be generalizing it... like patrick said, we are a community.. every competition is different.. thats why we all go to so many right? if we just wanted one outcome then we would only go to one competition.. the season is built so that people can improve and get better scores and better placing. I hope that everyone can learn from this competition to expect the unexpected because you neeeever know whats goin on in those judges minds....

QUOTE(JenOundjian @ Mar 4 2007, 12:33 PM) [snapback]391138[/snapback]
Actually there were a lot of people outside complaining not just us. I guess We just complained louder, sorry! Won't happen again.


powerhousechoirmouse on Mar 4, 2007, 5:12 PM
Post #220
QUOTE(JenOundjian @ Mar 4 2007, 12:33 PM) [snapback]391138[/snapback]
Actually there were a lot of people outside complaining not just us. I guess We just complained louder, sorry! Won't happen again.

Amen sista'


x0dncr4life0x on Mar 4, 2007, 4:57 PM
Post #219
QUOTE(DAVE @ Mar 4 2007, 12:47 PM) [snapback]391150[/snapback]
Hi everyone,

My congratulations to Dr. Randi Carp and her wonderful parents and students for hosting such a wonderful competition this weekend. I always say, everyone has a great time until the awards are announced. Just like sports, we all want our home team to win. I personally wish this were possible. I was in that auditorium from 9 Am to 10:30 PM watching and listening to some wonderful groups. The thing that always impresses me is how hard everyone works, and how dedicated they are to their art. WOW! This competition was full of great music, dance, energy, humor, creativity and passion. I couldn't have asked for a more inspiring day. Our Los Alamitos hosts were so accomodating, and as a teacher, I really appreciated the special care Randi and the kids gave us.

Congratulations to all of the groups competing at Los Alamitos who participated and shared their awesome talent, skill and passion for the arts. I am so excited about so many groups loving what I love, and my kids love, MUSIC and PERFORMING. I've been doing this since the late seventies, and it never gets old. For me, competition is not about the final rankings, but about the final experience. Show choir is alive and well in Southern California because of all of us who love it. Thank you all for creating the energy that allows us to keep going show after show, year after year, because we love it. In a perfect world, the negativity brought on by competition will give way to the love of show choir that ties us all together.

Congratulations to everyone!! Dave Willert

thank you dave=) better words couldnt have been spoken

DAVE on Mar 4, 2007, 4:47 PM (Edited)
Post #218
Hi everyone,

My congratulations to Dr. Randi Carp and her wonderful parents and students for hosting such a wonderful competition this weekend. I always say, everyone has a great time until the awards are announced. Just like sports, we all want our home team to win. I personally wish this were possible. I was in that auditorium from 9 Am to 10:30 PM watching and listening to some wonderful groups. The thing that always impresses me is how hard everyone works, and how dedicated they are to their art. WOW! This competition was full of great music, dance, energy, humor, creativity and passion. I couldn't have asked for a more inspiring day. Our Los Alamitos hosts were so accomodating, and as a teacher, I really appreciated the special care Randi and the kids gave us.

Congratulations to all of the groups competing at Los Alamitos who participated and shared their awesome talent, skill and passion for the arts. I am so excited about so many groups loving what I love, and my kids love, MUSIC and PERFORMING. I've been doing this since the late seventies, and it never gets old. For me, competition is not about the final rankings, but about the final experience. Show choir is alive and well in Southern California because of all of us who love it. Thank you all for creating the energy that allows us to keep going show after show, year after year, because we love it. In a perfect world, the negativity brought on by competition will give way to the love of show choir that ties us all together.

Congratulations to everyone!! Dave Willert


JenOundjian on Mar 4, 2007, 4:33 PM
Post #217
Actually there were a lot of people outside complaining not just us. I guess We just complained louder, sorry! Won't happen again.

QUOTE(Tamer of Dark Stars @ Mar 4 2007, 11:01 AM) [snapback]391067[/snapback]
I want to apologize for the Burroughs VMA. As former student president, reading something like that is both embaressing and upsetting. Our new director Mr. Jennings doesn't condone such behavior, nor do any of the members or parents with real integrity. So sorry to hear that happened! I hope anyone that did that acts with more respect next time, that's not what we're about!

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