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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Holmen Gathering Of The Stars 2007

   Event Info

March 3rd, 2007

Venue Info

Holmen High School
1001 McHugh Road
Holmen, WI 54636

Phone: (608) 526-3372

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  13 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  Holmen "Midwest Express"
  Holmen "Midwest Magic"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Holmen Gathering Of The Stars 2007

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Old Abe Show Choir
 Memorial High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 

 The Class Act
 Logan High School
First Runner Up 

 Executive Session
 Sauk Prairie High School
Second Runner Up 

 New London High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Jam Session
 De Pere High School
4th Runner Up 

 Limited Edition
 Tomah High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Sauk Prairie High School
First Place 

 Classy Ladies
 Logan High School
Second Place 

 Silver Dimension
 Monona Grove High School
Third Place 


 West Salem High School
No Placement 


 Memorial High School
No Placement 

   Prep Division



 Central Connection
 La Crosse Central High School
First Place 

 Eagle Show Choir
 Memorial High School
Second Place 

 Dons' Dimensional
 Columbus Catholic High School
Third Place 


 Tartan High School
No Placement 

 Renegades of Rhythm

 Tomah High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

96 comments • Sort by

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j.bish. on Mar 8, 2007, 11:20 PM
Post #96
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Mar 4 2007, 10:14 PM) [snapback]391441[/snapback]
I agree, their director is young (student taught at La Crosse Central in 2003) and he was great! I think as far as the "chewing of phrases" I think that was an intentional stylistic choice.

The "chewing of phrases" was not intentional. To be honest, it was probably due to lack of rehearsal.

SinisterNights on Mar 5, 2007, 9:49 AM
Post #95
Tohma had what i thought, was a really great show too... I could tell how enthused everyone was!


ajm41827 on Mar 5, 2007, 12:14 AM
Post #94
QUOTE(ItsABeautifulDay @ Mar 4 2007, 09:26 PM) [snapback]391401[/snapback]
Well, I've been doing homework all day so this is my post then it's back to math:

1. Holmen--Great competition. Everything was run so well. And the food for finals was amazing. (if you didn't try the missed out)

2.COMMENTS (I didn't get to see many groups so...)

DePere--Clean show but a tad skinny on the vowels. Overall good blend and it was a pleasure watching you!

Sauk Prairie--Talk about dedication to a character! The moment you stepped on, you were in character. More diction could have been used...(I knew the show already so everything sounded fine to me but that was a comment I heard.) Beautiful sound! Fun! I LOVE SAUK!

Tomah-- Kye Brackett had some fun choreo for you this year! GUY'S NUMBER KICKED UP THE SHOW BIG TIME. Great performers! Make sure you don't chew the end our your phrases. (i.e Where's the party turned into where's the parteeeeeeeeey) Great show and you guys are my choice to be an upcoming program in the coming years. (WRITE IT DOWN, PEOPLE!)

I agree, their director is young (student taught at La Crosse Central in 2003) and he was great! I think as far as the "chewing of phrases" I think that was an intentional stylistic choice.

ItsABeautifulDay on Mar 4, 2007, 11:26 PM
Post #93
Well, I've been doing homework all day so this is my post then it's back to math:

1. Holmen--Great competition. Everything was run so well. And the food for finals was amazing. (if you didn't try the missed out)

2.COMMENTS (I didn't get to see many groups so...)

DePere--Clean show but a tad skinny on the vowels. Overall good blend and it was a pleasure watching you!

Sauk Prairie--Talk about dedication to a character! The moment you stepped on, you were in character. More diction could have been used...(I knew the show already so everything sounded fine to me but that was a comment I heard.) Beautiful sound! Fun! I LOVE SAUK!

Tomah-- Kye Brackett had some fun choreo for you this year! GUY'S NUMBER KICKED UP THE SHOW BIG TIME. Great performers! Make sure you don't chew the end our your phrases. (i.e Where's the party turned into where's the parteeeeeeeeey) Great show and you guys are my choice to be an upcoming program in the coming years. (WRITE IT DOWN, PEOPLE!)


Miss_Buddaha on Mar 4, 2007, 5:12 PM
Post #92
wow. my last competition. ever.

the day went well. i really appreciate what holmen did for us (the schedule changes and all). we got the perfect time between the girls group and exec.

i couldnt be more PLEASED with taking the SIXTH spot on stage for finals. Jflkwajelfkjalwef.
in case none of you know, we've gone first into finals at almost every competition, and as you know this is not an easy thing seeing as we go on last in prelims most the time. that, right there was our biggest achievement of the night!

performing was great yesterday. the day show went PERFECT for us. and as usual, scores mean very little to us. id rather be satisifed with the fact that people truly enjoyed what we gave them!
a shout out to Alex from DePere: we talked with your mom all throughout the dinner break. awesome people, she told us how you were her baby and absolutely loved you! its great to know that parents from other groups respect the show we put on, she was non stop compliments!

our night show was very very very hard for all the seniors. we didnt get much time in warm up, so we were all on the side of the stage crying before we went on. jlkjwefl its so hard. i cried in the CLOSER of our show..thats not normal for me. of course my hair was stupid and plopped over to the side of my head so i looked like an idiot for most of the show, but otherwise i took every moment for my last.

thank you holmen, i love you guys.


WisconsiniteShowChoi on Mar 4, 2007, 4:45 PM (Edited)
Post #91
Colby had a really fun show. Their guys number was Hilarious, especially at the end. How they used the mini-stage for their next song for their show was extremely creative, I was impressed. I hope their show goes on youtube just so I can watch that again.

Monona Grove had a fun show too, I loved the Batman bit.

melis_a09 on Mar 4, 2007, 4:09 PM
Post #90
I had an amazing time yesterday! Everything went really well and everyone was really nice!

EAU CLAIRE- I love watching you guys! Your vocals were really good and your band sounded amazing, especially during your day show. We were getting ready for our exhibition and we could hear you through the wall, and you had me dancing around! I got so pumped up from that!! Your night show was really good and clean and once again, your vocals were right on! I really liked your guy number and girl number, they were both very good! CONGRATULATION ON GC!

LOGAN- I LOVE YOUR SHOW! Rhythm of Life was amazing, the soloist was perfect for it! Your ballad was really good, and I like the energy you had in the 2nd half of the show! You had me dancing in my seat!!

thank you to everyone that came; hopefully you had a good time and will be back next year!!


j.bish. on Mar 4, 2007, 3:30 PM
Post #89
Just wanted to say that Sauk Prairie was wonderful!

Ambie110 on Mar 4, 2007, 3:06 PM
Post #88
Congrats Eau Claire and Logan on fantastic performances! Logan you guys have so much fun and it was a blast hanging out with you guys all day! (especially perkins :D) also congrats on best female soloist logan!


esahc6636 on Mar 4, 2007, 2:06 PM (Edited)
Post #87
This was definetely my most favorite competition this year because I had the most fun that i have ever had in show choir last night. Unfortunately we did drop from 4th to 5th during finals, but i dont care because that was so much fun. Now the season is over and that was my last competition for high school and it was definetly the best one yet! By the way all of those days getting up for rehearsals everyday at 6am for the 7am rehersals were worth it!

GCS_Baritenor07 on Mar 4, 2007, 11:19 AM (Edited)
Post #86
Congratulations to Central Connection!!!! I'm so proud of you guys. Both you and us have had fairly early performance times this season...although GCS has never quite had to perform at 7!!! Regardless of the time, you guys kicked it up and I wish I could have been there to support. I love you guys.!!

Edited because I swore...oops


jimb0 on Mar 4, 2007, 5:34 AM
Post #85
eau claire- You guys blow me away everytime i see you! maybe its cause i know you ...i dunno. you guys owned that stage yesterday. congrats!!!

i was very very impressed witgh de pere. keep it up, you definately will be a contender soon if you do!


ajm41827 on Mar 4, 2007, 2:37 AM (Edited)
Post #84
My quick thoughts:

Remember I'm an alumni.

Eau Claire: Congrats on the win. I've seen you at Viterbo, Monona Grove, Hastings and now here. While you guys came out very strong at the beginning of the season, I haven't seen much improvement from you. However, your pitch on the opening section of Peace of Mind was just GREAT tonight. It was dead on, the best it's been. Scary situation with your band person at night, but they recovered alright, and he didn't fall! Congrats on the GC, I did have you in first place.

Logan: WOW WOW WOW. IMPROVEMENT! You guys have gotten SO much better from Sauk Prairie, I was thrilled with your night show! It was just great. While the opener doesn't feel openerish to me, it's clean choreographically, and sung fairly well. The ballad is beautiful. My favorite number is the closer, the energy is just so great!!! Too bad about the backdrop at night, but good decision just to take it off, I would've done the same thing. D.R. had to be proud, it was a FANTASTIC night show! I'm so glad that I got to see you guys again before the season was over.

Sauk Prairie: Okay, so I like Pippin. It's a great musical, and I think you pull it off well. You sing it fairly well, and choreographically (while some may argue it's not there) I think it was fitting for Pippin. Several of your members were crying on stage, and it was REALLY touching! I know how it feels at your last competition. Congrats on a good show.

New London: Your show was good, your sound was very very bright, and I thought it was a bit bright and too nasally. Be careful not to have too much of an edge to your sound, it leads to nasality. You guys have improved so much from Sauk where I last saw you, nice work and congrats on a good season.

De Pere: Hey, you guys have gotten so much better! I LOVE Billy Joel and everything about it was just great. The Longest Time quintet, check teh last pitch, I know that arrangement like the back of my hand, you sang it well, except that last chord! Overall I was very impressed with the improvement from last year! Wow!

Tomah: Hey, it's Mr. Jorgenson! I had him as a student teacher in high school. You guys are continuing to grow. The change of directions didn't hurt too much at all. Way to go, a very solid show.

I had a fun time hanging out with Cameron and some other kids from my old high school. Here are a couple highlights of the night and morning groups (I went home for afternoon groups):

1. Central Connection, for 7:45, dang! Nice show, and congrats, WELL deserved.
2. De Pere's Improvement
3. Sauk's Heartfelt show
4. Logan Logan!!!
5. Hanging with Cam and being the bearer of results. hahahaha

It was fun...nice contest once again Holmen!

I had it like this:

GC: Eau Claire (BC, TIE BV)
1RU: Logan (TIE BV)
2RU: Sauk Prairie
3RU: De Pere
4RU: New London
5RU: Tomah


ellarose07 on Mar 4, 2007, 2:03 AM
Post #83
yay!! everyone did so great!

i had a ton of fun today. great comp.

ps: i heart caffine!


ajm41827 on Mar 4, 2007, 1:49 AM
Post #82
Class A Results:

GC: Central Connection - La Crosse Central
1RU: Eau Claire Eagles
2RU: Marshfield, WI


GC: Sauk Prairie YTBN
1RU: La Crosse Logan Classy Ladies
2RU: Monona Grove Silver Dimension

GCS_Baritenor07 on Mar 4, 2007, 12:38 AM
Post #81
Congrats Eau Claire. This one didn't surprise me one bit!!!

Jorge on Mar 4, 2007, 12:35 AM
Post #80

Grand Champion- Eau Claire
1st Runner Up- La Crosse Logan
2nd Runner Up- Sauk Prairie
3rd Runner Up- New London
4th Runner Up- DePere
5th Runner Up- Tomah

Best Vocals- Eau Claire
Best Choreography- Eau Claire
Best Band- Eau Claire

Jorge on Mar 4, 2007, 12:05 AM
Post #79
(top three in day round point order)
1st- Eau Claire
2nd- La Crosse Logan
3rd- Sauk Prairie

(these three made finals also, but I do not have their day round placements)
New London


alib8921 on Mar 3, 2007, 12:22 AM
Post #78
im soo excited for tomarrow! it feels like it has been way to long since weve had a competition!

ItsABeautifulDay on Mar 2, 2007, 11:55 PM
Post #77
I'm pumped! And even though lately I haven't been hitting the high notes in my solo...IT'S ALL GOOD.

See you all bright and early!

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