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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Azusa Aztec Sing XXXII 2007

   Event Info

January 26th, 2007

Venue Info

Citrus College
Haugh Performing Arts Ctr.
700 N. Citrus Ave.
Glendora, CA 91741

Phone: (626) 963-9411

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  9 Mixed Groups


  Azusa "Aztec Singers"

Judges: Unknown




Azusa Aztec Sing XXXII 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I



 Arcadia High School
First Place 

 In Sync
 Burbank High School
Second Place 

 John Burroughs High School
Third Place 

 Diamond Bar High School
4th Place 

 Brea Olinda High School
7th Place 
Time Penalty 

 Royal Stewart Singers

 Glendora High School
No Placement 

 Aztec Singers

 Mark Keppel High School
No Placement 


 El Rancho High School
No Placement 

 Vocal Point
 Serrano High School
No Placement 
Time Penalty 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

194 comments • Sort by

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cherryblossom on Jan 28, 2007, 4:55 PM
Post #114
QUOTE(noah nuthein @ Jan 28 2007, 12:46 PM) [snapback]377949[/snapback]
Actually, one of the most impressive groups there has not been mentioned. There were at least 23 people from Chula Vista in the audience. Driving 5 hours round trip and NOT even competing deserves some kind of

LOL I know!

.kevin. on Jan 28, 2007, 4:54 PM
Post #113
QUOTE(Outofcontrolpsychoshow choirgirl @ Jan 28 2007, 12:11 PM) [snapback]377938[/snapback]
Thanks Junn! All I was saying is like what Rammar you're director don't see Arcadia singing gospell music..I wasn't trying to put Arcadia down...I think Arcadia's intonation is amazing...I think everyone needs to think twice before they type..including don't kow how others are going to Interpret it

All the groups did great!

ya, think before you type, typing is not like talking, you cant hear the way people say things, so things can be read different ways.

i am officially addicted to these forums by the way

merrysan on Jan 28, 2007, 4:49 PM (Edited)
Post #112


noah nuthein on Jan 28, 2007, 4:46 PM
Post #111
Actually, one of the most impressive groups there has not been mentioned. There were at least 23 people from Chula Vista in the audience. Driving 5 hours round trip and NOT even competing deserves some kind of


Outofcontrolpsychosh on Jan 28, 2007, 4:11 PM
Post #110
QUOTE(5AZNsNCounting @ Jan 28 2007, 12:32 AM) [snapback]377804[/snapback]
Bro, she's just stating that Arcadia doesn't traditionally go for a gospelly sound when performing. Mind you, their voices are amazing, but it's just not their style. And in regards to your rudeness and overall crass demeanor, get over it...

Thanks Junn! All I was saying is like what Rammar you're director don't see Arcadia singing gospell music..I wasn't trying to put Arcadia down...I think Arcadia's intonation is amazing...I think everyone needs to think twice before they type..including don't kow how others are going to Interpret it

All the groups did great!


cherryblossom on Jan 28, 2007, 4:04 PM
Post #109


phchubbysinger on Jan 28, 2007, 3:41 PM
Post #108
Everyone in this forum is MEAN!

geterrdone014 on Jan 28, 2007, 3:33 PM
Post #107
QUOTE(coolboy_tank @ Jan 28 2007, 12:32 AM) [snapback]377803[/snapback]
LOL "risers dont do anything except elevate people to create levels so everyone is seen" r u kidding me? come on, everyone knows that risers are also used so the people with better voices can dance less intensely and project their voices better...espicially into the overhead mics...and about our boxes, they are between 2-3 feet high... u r telling me people otherwise would have been 6 feet tall is around 8 feet on the boxes and that is not that much of a difference?

i totally understand what you mean BUT... i wasnt trying to start anything... and i was not trying to talk down on your show or what props you used... so sorry if it came across that way...

but what i meant was AT LEAST in our show we have the people on the risers doing ALMOST as much as the people on the floor do... so basically ours is to elevate people... soooooooooo i just thought that i would throw that in there

im sorry if you took that offensive i was just pointing out the obvious... i dont want to start anything with people i dont know... that isnt what scc is for... its to talk about all positives and to POSSIBLY make friends with other people...

so TO ARCADIA~ i wasnt trying to put your show down i thought what you guys did was great... i saw the YOUTUBE videos but that is basically what i had to base it off of because i was unable to see you guys perform.

on a happy note:



Woody on Jan 28, 2007, 3:02 PM
Post #106
QUOTE(coolboy_tank @ Jan 28 2007, 12:32 AM) [snapback]377803[/snapback]
to jbhsvmasoundwave...u wanna know whats sooooooooooo funny? i dont EVER hear ANYTHING about soundwaves...good or BAD " border="0" alt="zipped.gif" />

that sucks.

.kevin. on Jan 28, 2007, 2:59 PM
Post #105
QUOTE(Rammar @ Jan 28 2007, 10:33 AM) [snapback]377898[/snapback]
we started working on the show January 4th, music and all, and finished it on January 20th. Remember that we choreograph our Christmas Show, so can't start our competition set until after the holidays.

props to arcadia for learning an entire set in 16 days and winning at aztec!


Rammar on Jan 28, 2007, 2:33 PM
Post #104
Calm down, Neil! First of all, you might want to be a little more accurate with your information, especially about the group you were a part of for three years. Our soloist was in the second song and we did change positions during the first song. We never stay in one place, except on the ballad.

Zane, we started working on the show January 4th, music and all, and finished it on January 20th. Remember that we choreograph our Christmas Show, so can't start our competition set until after the holidays.

Our tone is the same that it always is. I have the kids sing in the style that is best suited to the song. Sometimes the girls have more vibrato than other years, but it is almost always under control.

Dynamics is a difficult issue to discuss. We aren't as loud as most groups for two basic reasons: a) we are smaller (33 members) than most of the other groups and I don't teach "belt" and don't believe in forcing the sound at all. We basically have a studio sound. Most of our performances are at close range to the audience and in smaller venues. If we threw out more sound, the audiences would be holding their ears and our blend , balance, and intonation would go out the window. I like to hear the sound most of the groups put out there and , in most cases, it fits the song they are singing. It just isn't our concept. We do very well in the "dynamics" category at every competition because it's about how you use dynamics, not how loud you sing.

I am not anti-risers. We have no place to store risers nor any way to transport them. We can't use them for 95% of our performances (no room), so they would not be cost effective. With the size of our group, they are not necessary in helping us to make it possible to see and hear everyone on stage. Larger groups need the risers, or at least they help, to allow the voices in back to make it to the front and for the performers to be seen.

Wonderful performances at Aztec Sing. Every group has something to offer that is entertaining and educational. I doubt if any group has ever put on a performance that every person in the audience thought was perfect in every way. All the groups are great and all deserve your accolades for doing the best that they can do.

Minuet888 on Jan 28, 2007, 1:00 PM
Post #103
I have nothing but positive things to say.
My students at Golden Valley have had a show choir for two years but have never competed and had never even seen a show choir competition before. We had a rehearsal the very next day and I could instantly see a change in them. They were serious, they were doing things "full out" and just had a sense and respect for it. I have to say that is because of all the great groups that performed at Aztec.
My kids even took
We met some great Arcadia students at Jack in the Box, we also met some great Brea students. My kids loved your costumes with the wigs and asked to take pictures with you.
Golden Valley will be competing intermediate this year and they are excited. They also can't wait to go to Brea and watch the next competition.
What was amusing to me was that while waiting for the awards each student tried to figure out who would be first, and I am not kidding when I say each student had a different choir as first, for a different reason.
Great job by everyone at Aztec and I look forward to seeing everyone again at Brea!


AHSchanteursFAN on Jan 28, 2007, 6:35 AM (Edited)
Post #102

You guys are all big babies. Quit crying over what I said.

People saying that risers are not what people are supposed to be looking at while the group performs. To that I have three things to say. First, if we are not supposed to look at them why have them. Secondly, if you are going to have them and do not want people to stare at them then decorate them so they do not stand out so bad. Lastly, someone else made a good point that the only reason some groups use them is to have their best singers get up high enough to have their great voices heard in the overhead mics.

To people who said I was harsh on Burroughs - come on give me a break. I am not bagging on them. Yet I am not going to baby them and tell them only good things. My criticism is blunt and maybe instead of blaming me on my observations you can all go and fix the problems for next time. By the way, I sure as hell did not praise Arcadia 100% but they got more compliments because they did the best overall.


To people saying Arcadia did not disserve 1st, wow you are pretty stupid and I guess you were not paying any attention to any of the groups last night. Arcadia was at least 1.5x better than the other groups. Even there dancing was better than it has ever been and I am sure it because of the new choreographer from a few years ago. Basically, if you think they did not disserve to win last night you are just being a sore loser. I'm sure if Burbank and Burroughs sound a lot better next time they will have a better chance of winning so stop blaming me and hope for the best for them.

I just want to readdress some thing to you. I do not have to baby any group when I see something they need to fix. These kids are in high school they do not need that. If they didn't want strong critiques then instead of going home right after rehearsals they should have stayed longer, took extra vocal lessons, or even started there competition season earlier. When you get into the real world and mess up in any kind of show, you will get ripped apart. At least in high school you get to try and try again to make your show better.

In no way am I saying that any show choir sucks and does not disserve to perform. I am just telling you what you did that was GREAT, OK, POOR, LAME, or SUCKED.

Chill out and quit crying...

*I'm sure someone's going to try to "1up me".*
**Wow Look at these!!! This is what I am going to compare you to!!!

Same thing goes to all you other show choirs! Step up!**


gmangoman on Jan 28, 2007, 5:36 AM
Post #101
ok well, i may not be in the group anymore... but as i learned a few years back, a certain decorum is needed when posting.

having heated debates over what a "riser" and a "box" is, and if you "heard someone say... at the end of the award ceremony" is completely futile.

if you have issues with a group's ability to perform, or with a person who is going off about something random, then send them a message and talk to them personally.

bringing your choir out to the frontlines because of your own huberus just tarnishes your image.

this forum was to talk about the aztec sing COMPETITION, not. the aztec sing faults and problems.

Burbank - I loved your opener and your dresses. The gold lighting just made me(and maybe everyone else) get enveloped in the "Africa-ness" of the song. Your choreography was so different and fluid. I enjoyed every second of it. Your ballad is very different as well, and I'm sure it will only get better as the competitions go by. Many groups are doing purple this year(my alma mater being one of them), but closing outfits are so unique, the go-go outfits? I presume? are really cool. Good job!

Arcadia - Your choreography has changed(obviously because of a new choreographer), the costume change was.. such a change for the group as well. I'm not sure about the "vibrato" issue in the a capella, but your dancing was clean and your personality was really brought out in the upbeat numbers. Congrats and get even better.

Burroughs - Muse was amazing to watch. I really do think the mics were off at the competition, because the soloist did sound louder than the group in the opener. Shadowlands, just like on YouTube was so much fun to watch, even cleaner and more energetic than before. Agina, awesome like always, I like how there was no spotlight on her so that people can focus on the group.

Anyway, check the "joining dates" on each member, and then you can understand why or how they commented in the way they did. Can someone find that video (on youtube?) of "show choir forum rules?" It was hilarious and actually very true.

Can't wait for Brea, different groups will be there, and people will have made changes in the sets.

.kevin. on Jan 28, 2007, 5:21 AM (Edited)
Post #100
aztec was amazing
every single choir was awsum


cherryblossom on Jan 28, 2007, 5:20 AM
Post #99
I totally agree with .kevin.


Mr. Jennings on Jan 28, 2007, 5:10 AM
Post #98
Great job to everyone on Friday night! It was quite exciting for me as a first time director and I really enjoyed a lot of what everyone is doing this year.

On another note, jbhsvmasoundwave....cut it out. Spreading negativity is not what we're about. There is nothing wrong with criticism.

Looking forward to a great year,

Mr. Jennings

.kevin. on Jan 28, 2007, 5:10 AM
Post #97
QUOTE(ILOVEPOWERHOUSE! @ Jan 28 2007, 12:57 AM) [snapback]377812[/snapback]
wow this is a really heated topic everyones being kinda sletchy haha...

well i just wanted to say that i loved serrano!! their set made me really happy... not the creapy parts... well even those part i enjoyed cuz they were so entertaining!!

ummm i really loved burbank purple coustumes purples like one of my fav colors and it really looked cool on stage

arcadia you guys were like always amazing! hehehe!! your sound was different this year but still really good.

brea i loved all the stuff you had on stage everything was over the top!! you guys where really gittery and showie!!

el rancho!!! my fellow latinos i loved your show woot woot!!

woot woot

cant wait to go to the comp next friday cuz its my birthday and i get to spend it singing!!!


i really cant wait to see the sets that werent at aztec like chula, bonita, hart, westlake and the many others who didnt come last night!!

as for jbhsvmasoundwave im in soundwaves andi dont even think that they are in soundwaves cuz thats our intermedite group and only 2 boys came to see the comp and they arent girls and their names arent jen...

woot woot!

con mucho love!

this is wat SCC should be, positive comments and collaboration between the many talented performers of the show choir community



ILOVEPOWERHOUSE! on Jan 28, 2007, 4:59 AM
Post #96
sorry for the many spelling mistakes lol hehehe!!


ILOVEPOWERHOUSE! on Jan 28, 2007, 4:57 AM
Post #95
wow this is a really heated topic everyones being kinda sletchy haha...

well i just wanted to say that i loved serrano!! their set made me really happy... not the creapy parts... well even those part i enjoyed cuz they were so entertaining!!

ummm i really loved burbank purple coustumes purples like one of my fav colors and it really looked cool on stage

arcadia you guys were like always amazing! hehehe!! your sound was different this year but still really good.

brea i loved all the stuff you had on stage everything was over the top!! you guys where really gittery and showie!!

el rancho!!! my fellow latinos i loved your show woot woot!!

woot woot

cant wait to go to the comp next friday cuz its my birthday and i get to spend it singing!!!


i really cant wait to see the sets that werent at aztec like chula, bonita, hart, westlake and the many others who didnt come last night!!

as for jbhsvmasoundwave im in soundwaves andi dont even think that they are in soundwaves cuz thats our intermedite group and only 2 boys came to see the comp and they arent girls and their names arent jen...

woot woot!

con mucho love!

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