Thank you so much! And holy cow, that was such a JOY to watch!!! I wasn’t able to make it to the showcase because I have the flu, but I watched the livestream and I was living for it. Excellent arrangement my friend!!!
Schedule is now posted. Additional detail below. Quick question for the Andover or Northeast show choir folks - Dracut "On Deck" is listed on the schedule within the middle school and treble/bass division section. I'm not sure if that means they're a treble group this year or if they just have an early performance slot. It's not clear. If folks happen to know, just post a comment and we can update as needed.
NEW ENGLAND SHOW CHOIR SHOWDOWN 2025 Judges Kevin McDonald: VOCAL JUDGE Christopher Landis: VOCAL JUDGE Lennie Machado: VISUAL JUDGE Darvin Hernandez: VISUAL JUDGE, Middle and High School Divisions Chris Nelson: BAND JUDGE, High School Division