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Event Info

March 20th-22nd, 2025
Venue Info
Grand Ole Opry
Opry House
2804 Opryland Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: (615) 871-6779
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
Event Hosts:
Clinton "Attaché"
Event Judges:



Cash or Card
Show Choir Nationals 2025

Event Site

We do not have a list of groups that will be attending this event on this day.
Attending Members displaying 6 of 42 members (view all)
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streamshowchoir on Mar 11, 2025, 11:21 AM (Edited)
Post #15
can't believe it. We will be livestreaming - here's the link :


Karen_G Saturday at 8:44 PM
Post #16
Do you know how long each live stream will be available for each day??


jacobmiller Saturday at 11:54 PM
Post #17
It is live access only


Karen_G Sunday at 1:56 AM
Post #18
Thank u


Violet Monday at 10:28 PM
Post #23
It's really only going to be available live? That's kind of frustrating especially considering the prices being charged. I'll be there in person but was looking forward to buying the streams to rewatch afterward.

jdcritt Monday at 11:24 PM
Post #24
There are numerous videographers here who will post to YouTube. You’ll be able to rewatch, just not via the livestream.


streamshowchoir Tuesday at 9:30 AM
Post #25
Hi Violet,
That’s so great that you’ll be attending in person. It's going to be such an incredible experience! I totally understand wanting to rewatch the performances later. We really struggled with the decision to charge for the livestream, but the Grand Ole Opry (not SCN) charges a really tremendous amount. We knew going into this that we’d probably take a loss, but we also knew how much this competition means to people, and we couldn’t imagine not giving everyone the chance to experience it, even if they can’t be there in person. When we were in school this was our favorite!

We’re really trying to keep it as affordable as possible! $60 for all three days is 33% less than the in-person ticket, and for a professionally produced livestream at such an iconic venue, we hope it feels like a fair deal.

Also, just to clarify what JDcritt mentioned. There actually will not be numerous videos posted to YouTube. Because of the investment we’ve made to make this a high-quality production, other recordings won’t be allowed. We’re putting so much into this because we love this competition and know how special it is to our community.

Thank you so much for your support!! It really means a lot to us. We’re doing this because we care about the performers and the fans, and we hope it’s something you’ll be proud to be part of! ??


Violet Tuesday at 10:52 AM
Post #26
I don't think the price is too much to charge necessarily; after all, I'd planned to pay it when I thought I'd be able to watch after getting back home. I'm just bummed that it will only be available if you watch it live, especially considering that mixed prelims are during a workday when a lot of people who would otherwise pay to watch will be at work or at school.

I also understand why you're not allowing other recordings, but I feel that not allowing people to buy the recordings from you further restricts who will be able to see these amazing performances to only those who can be there in person or whose schedule allows them to watch live. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the vast majority of these kids and I know most of them and their families would treasure being able to have copies.

Is there any way you would consider selling downloads of the competition? I'm sure it's expensive to preserve the recordings online, but even if you only offered them for download for a week or two afterward, I imagine you'd sell enough to make it worth it. I would absolutely pay to be able to rewatch my senior get to sing, dance, and play his viola on the Opry Stage and I'm sure most parents would if they're made aware of the opportunity.


streamshowchoir Tuesday at 12:48 PM
Post #27
Violet you are absolutely preaching to the choir. no pun intended. I totally get why you’d want to be able to rewatch it later, and honestly, I wish we could make that happen. But the truth is, copyright issues, especially with Tresona, make selling recordings really tricky. They’ve gone after situations like this before, and we’d hate to get into trouble that could stop us from being able to livestream events like this in the future.

We’ve also learned over the years that it’s best to let the directors decide what to do with their group’s videos. Some are totally fine with posting them online, others have asked us to take videos down before. To keep things simple and respectful, we just send a copy of each group’s performance directly to the director after the event, and it’s up to them if they want to share it.

I know it’s not the same as being able to hit “replay,” but we really hope the livestream gives everyone a chance to experience the beauty of this event as it happens. This is such a huge moment for these kids, and we’re just so excited to be able to share it live from the Opry.

Thanks so much for understanding. seriously, it means a lot that you care so much about this.

JWill Tuesday at 12:51 PM
Post #28
Trollsona strikes again.


Violet Tuesday at 2:59 PM
Post #29
Knowing that our director will get a copy actually really eases my mind as I imagine he will share with us. Thank you for the detailed responses!


frenchfry98 on Feb 22, 2025, 5:13 PM
Post #14
What is the Showcase Nationals for on March 20th?


Karen_G on Feb 22, 2025, 11:54 AM
Post #13
Does anyone know if they are going to do a live steam this year?

itsevankonig on Feb 14, 2025, 3:01 PM
Post #11
Mid-ish Season Predictions

GC: Los Alamitos "Sound FX" (BV) (BC)
1st Runner-Up: Carmel "Ambassadors" OR Zionsville "Royalaires"
2nd Runner-Up: Zionsville "Royalaires" OR Carmel "Ambassadors"
3rd Runner-Up: Petal "Soundsations"
4th Runner-Up: Auburn "Varsity Singers" (BB)
5th Runner-Up: Olentangy "Keynotes" OR Daniel Hand "VIBE"

I will be interested to see how this turns out! It's really hard for me to predict the Carmel/Zionsville part of the matchup because Zionsville doesn't compete until this weekend. The competition is also stiff for that sixth spot! Wishing all teams luck.

Zville_CrewGirl on Feb 17, 2025, 12:34 PM
Post #12
Can confirm that Zionsville Royalaires got 1st runner up (2nd) and Zionsville Choralaires got 2nd runner up (3rd) After seeing how other groups have done this season, these are some solid predictions!

Will. on Jan 16, 2025, 4:26 PM
Post #2
Schedule is posted.

10:00 - awards

2:30 - prelim awards / announcement of finalists

9:00a - finals begin (six groups)
12:15p - Clinton Attaché exhibition
12:45 - final awards


ILoveShowchoir222222 on Feb 10, 2025, 11:31 AM
Post #7
Is finals 3 univoice and 3 mixed or 6 each?

dobbsdurkin on Feb 10, 2025, 11:37 AM
Post #8
Finals at SCN is only for mixed choirs. There will be 6 mixed choirs performing on Saturday morning. There have never been treble finals here either, although I personally think that would be very interesting.


joechoir on Feb 10, 2025, 3:04 PM
Post #9
It is a shame! Would absolutely love to see these Treble groups get a second performance as well - should be very close this year.

jdcritt on Feb 10, 2025, 3:34 PM
Post #10
The big issue is timing. Comp has to be out of the venue by a certain time in the afternoon on Friday and Saturday (I believe this is due to other events occurring there), which is why there’s a limit on how many groups can come, with many booking a couple of years in advance.

Treble group can’t make it because of the scoring. Scoresheet has a section for both male and female sound, which is an obvious flaw if you wanted to include those groups. However, on Thursday night, they are judged the same way that the finals groups are, where it’s purely based on ranks. All five judges vote without a scoresheet 1st through 6th (or whatever it is) overall, then by vocals and by choreography. Consensus rankings determines placement and captions.

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