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  Show Choir Community    Events    2022 Season    Manteno Main Event 2022

   Event Info

February 11th-12th, 2022

Venue Info

Manteno High School
443 North Maple Street
Manteno, IL 60950

Phone: (815) 928-7100

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  18 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups
  1 Bass Groups
  7 Middle School Groups


  Manteno "Magic"
  Manteno "Grand Paws"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Manteno Main Event 2022

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I



 El Paso-Gridley High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 

 Titan Fever
 Glenwood High School
Second Place 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 

 John Hersey High School
Third Place 
Best Male Soloist 

 Sullivan High School
4th Place 
Best Female Soloist 

 Danville High School
5th Place 

 Batavia High School
6th Place 

 Pekin Community High School
7th Place 

 Sound Wave
 Twin Lakes High School
8th Place 

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 Dwight D. Eisenhower High School
First Place 
Best Choreography 

 Class Act
 Herscher High School
Second Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Band 

 Alan B. Shepard High School
Third Place 

 Vocal Rush
 Unity High School
4th Place 

 Watseka Community High School
5th Place 

 Take Note
 Kankakee High School
6th Place 

 Crete-Monee High School
7th Place 
Best Female Soloist (Alaynah Houston) 

 Highland High School
8th Place 
Best Male Soloist (Daniel Williams) 

 Peotone High School
9th Place 

 New Direction
 Hoopeston Area High School
10th Place 

   Single Clef Division



 Hi Fidelity
 El Paso-Gridley High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Danville High School
Second Place 

 Danville High School
Third Place 
Best Soloist 

   Middle School Division



 El Paso-Gridley Junior High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography (TIE) 

 Sound System
 Mt. Zion Junior High School
Second Place 
Best Choreography (TIE) 

 North Ridge Middle School
Third Place 
Best Male Soloist (Bryce Martin) 

 Singers, Jr.
 Sullivan Middle School
4th Place 

 First Note
 Kankakee Junior High School
5th Place 

 Cornjerker Connection
 Hoopeston Area Middle School
6th Place 

 Prairie Junior High School
7th Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 19 members (view all)  







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18 comments • Sort by


batavia421 on Feb 12, 2022, 3:33 PM
Post #16
streaming ???


MAX G. on Feb 12, 2022, 3:52 PM
Post #17


batavia421 on Feb 12, 2022, 4:14 PM
Post #19
thanks fam


MAX G. on Feb 12, 2022, 3:28 PM
Post #15
Male Outstanding Soloist: Highland Dissonance (Daniel Williams)
Female Outstanding Soloist: Crete Monee (Alaynah Houston)
Best Combo: Herscher Class Act
9th Runner Up: Hoopeston New Direction
8th Runner Up: Peotone Powerhouse
7th Runner Up: Highland Dissonance
6th Runner Up: Crete Monee Cavaliers
5th Runner Up: Kankakee Take Note
4th Runner Up: Watseka Sensations
3rd Runner Up: Unity Vocal Rush
Best Choreography: Eisenhower Express
Best Choral Sound: Herscher Class Act
2nd Runner Up: Alan B Nova
1st Runner Up: Herscher Class Act
Grand Champions: Eisenhower Express

Jeff. on Feb 12, 2022, 1:22 AM
Post #10
I caught a stream of the middle school awards, so those are now posted. They didn't announce which school the best female soloist belonged to, so if anyone wants to fill that in please do. I also didn't hear North Ridge Radiant Reds announced in the participation awards, so I'm assuming they did not perform tonight? Feel free to clarify.


jwo on Feb 12, 2022, 2:36 AM
Post #14
Male Soloist -Bryce Martin from Redcoats. No Radiant Reds tonight.

SWINGS.EP on Feb 12, 2022, 1:28 AM
Post #11
Middle School Results:
GC: El Paso (BV, BC Tie)
1RU: Mt. Zion (BC Tie)
2RU: Northridge
3RU: Sullivan
4RU: Kankakee
5RU: Hoopeston

SWINGS.EP on Feb 12, 2022, 1:30 AM
Post #12
Jeff is always on his A-game ;)

Jeff. on Feb 12, 2022, 1:35 AM
Post #13
I try to be. But please know it's always so very helpful and appreciated when y'all list out awards like this, especially on weekends like this where there are 26 (!!!) total competitions. We will definitely need y'alls help!


michaela.kelly on Feb 11, 2022, 1:25 PM
Post #9
idk i think modulations might sweep #underdog sweep


JacobShowChoir on Feb 8, 2022, 1:17 PM
Post #8
I'm going against the grain here and taking Modulations to beat Titan Fever closely. Would be their first time ever beating Glenwood.

JonHad on Feb 8, 2022, 1:15 PM
Post #7
Updated Middle School Schedule: (Friday)

Kankakee Middle School "Notable" 5:00 PM
Mt Zion Jr High "Sound System" 5:25 PM
Northridge Middle School "Radiant Reds" 5:50 PM
Prairie Jr High "Prairie Powerhouse" 6:15 PM
Hoopeston Area Middle School "Cornjerker Connection" 7:15 PM
Sullivan Middle School "Singers JR" 7:40 PM
Northridge Middle School "Redcoats" 8:05 PM
El Paso Gridley Jr. High "Dynamics" 8:30 PM
Manteno "Grand Paws" 9:05 PM (exhibition)
Awards: 9:30 PM

JonHad on Feb 8, 2022, 12:36 PM
Post #6
Mt. Zion Jr. High is now attending Friday night. Updated schedule forthcoming.

JonHad on Feb 6, 2022, 10:05 PM
Post #5
Crete Monee has moved to tier 2 and is now performing at 12:30.
Twin Lakes has moved to tier 1 and is now performing at 4:00.

JonHad on Jan 18, 2022, 8:45 PM
Post #4
Olivet Nazarene University "Sound Foundation" has dropped from the competition and as a result some performance times have changed:

Updated Schedule:
Single-Gender Division:
Danville High School "Contemporaries" 2:30 pm
El Paso Gridley High School "Hi Fidelity" 3:00 pm
Danville High School "Executives" 4:30 pm

Open Division:
Batavia High School "Swingsingers" 3:30 pm
Crete-Monee High School "Cavaliers" 4:00 pm
Sullivan High School "Singers" 5:30 pm
Glenwood High School "Titan Fever" 6:00 pm
Pekin Community High School "The Noteables" 6:30 pm
John Hersey High School "OnStage" 7:00 pm
Danville High School "Delegation" 7:30 pm
El Paso Gridley High School "Modulations" 8:00 pm
Manteno High School "Magic" 9:00pm (exhibition)

Festival Division (Tier 2) remains unchanged.

JonHad on Jan 12, 2022, 2:50 PM
Post #3
Danville High School "Executives" is performing at 4:45 pm, not 3:45 pm.

JonHad on Jan 11, 2022, 10:15 PM
Post #2
2022 Schedule: High School Divisions:

Festival Division:
Herscher High School "Class Act" 8:00 am
Watseka High School "The Sensations" 8:30 am
Highland High School "Dissonance" 9:00 am
Eisenhower High School "Express" 9:30 am
Hoopeston Area High School "New Direction" 10:00 am
Kankakee High School "Take Note" 11:00 am
Alan B. Shepard High School "NOVA" 11:30 am
Peotone High School "Powerhouse" 12:00 pm
Twin Lakes High School "Sound Wave" 12:30 pm
Unity High School "Vocal Rush" 1:00 pm
Olivet Nazarene University "Sound Foundation" 1:30 pm (exhibition)

Single-Gender Division:
Danville High School "Contemporaries" 2:45 pm
El Paso Gridley High School "Hi Fidelity" 3:15 pm
Danville High School "Executives" 4:45 pm

Open Division:
Batavia High School "Swingsingers" 3:45 pm
Crete-Monee High School "Cavaliers" 4:15 pm
Sullivan High School "Singers" 5:45 pm
Glenwood High School "Titan Fever" 6:15 pm
Pekin Community High School "The Noteables" 6:45 pm
John Hersey High School "OnStage" 7:15 pm
Danville High School "Delegation" 7:45 pm
El Paso Gridley High School "Modulations" 8:15 pm
Manteno High School "Magic" 9:15 pm (exhibition)

JonHad on Jan 11, 2022, 10:06 PM
Post #1
2022 Schedule: Middle School Division:
Northridge Middle School "Radiant Reds" 5:00 pm
Kankakee Jr. High School "First Note" 5:25 pm
Hoopeston Area Middle School "Cornjerker Connection" 5:50 pm
Sullivan Middle School "Singers Jr." 6:15 pm
Prairie Jr. High School "Prairie Powerhouse" 7:15 pm
Northridge Middle School "Redcoats" 7:40 pm
El Paso Gridley Junior High School "Dynamics" 8:05 pm
Manteno Middle School "Grand Paws" 8:40 pm (exhibition)


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