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  Show Choir Community    Events    2020 Season    Omaha South Classic 2020

   Event Info

February 21st-22nd, 2020

Venue Info

Omaha South High School
4519 S. 24th St.
Omaha, NE 68107

Phone: (402) 557-3600

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups
  11 Middle School Groups


  Omaha South "The Ambassadors"
  Omaha South "Radiance"


  Molly Gonring (Friday Scoring)

  Abby Thompson (Friday Scoring)

  Monika Peters (Friday Critique)

  Erinn Beck Keefe (Fri/Sat Critique / Finals)

  Dina Else (Fri/Sat Scoring)

  Linda McEachran Southard (Saturday Scoring)

  Kristina Sims (Saturday Scoring)

  Caroline Edgeton (Saturday Critique)


Ticket prices unknown.


Omaha South Classic 2020

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Papillion-La Vista South High School
Grand Champion 
Best Band 
Best Ballad 

 Millard North High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Soloist (McKenna Cottone) 

 Millard North High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Closer 

 Executive Suite
 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Gretna High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Soloist (Jonah Bricker) 

 14 Karat Gold
 Grand Island Northwest High School
5th Runner Up 
Best Opener 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Millard North High School
First Place 
Best Closer 

 Titan Radiance
 Papillion-La Vista South High School
Second Place 

 Touch of Class
 Joplin High School
Third Place 
People's Choice 

 Capitol Harmony

 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
No Placement 


 O'Gorman High School
No Placement 

 Onyx Ovation

 Burke High School
No Placement 

   Prep Division



 Millard North High School
First Place 

 Titan Express
 Papillion-La Vista South High School
Second Place 

 Bella Voce
 Grand Island Northwest High School
Third Place 

 Titan Revolution

 Papillion-La Vista South High School
No Placement 


 Pius X High School
No Placement 

 Rider Revolution

 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
No Placement 

   Middle School Division - Tier I



 Westside Connection
 Westside Middle School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Liberty Middle School
Second Place 

 Titan Force
 Lewis Central Middle School
Third Place 
Best Soloist (Ethan Bortmess) 


 Papillion Middle School
No Placement 

 Perfect Harmony

 Logan Fontenelle Middle School
No Placement 

 Live Wire

 Kirn Middle School
No Placement 

   Middle School Division - Tier II



 Ralston Middle School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
People's Choice 
Best Soloist 

 Millard North Middle School
Second Place 

 Beatrice Middle School
Third Place 


 Alice Buffett Magnet Middle School
No Placement 

 The Mezzo Fortes

 Kirn Middle School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 27 members (view all)  







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16 comments • Sort by

willbyers on Feb 23, 2020, 12:46 AM
Post #17
Final results:
3RU:Executive Suite
5RU:14 Karat Gold


Johnathon on Feb 23, 2020, 1:03 AM
Post #18
lol not this again


ShowChoirFanatic2 on Feb 22, 2020, 8:30 PM
Post #15
Any results yet?

Jeff. on Feb 22, 2020, 8:39 PM
Post #16
Now posted!

Andrew Schnitker on Feb 22, 2020, 12:10 AM
Post #14
MS Awards
Division 2
3rd - Beatrice
2nd - Millard North
Best Solo - Ralston
GC/BV/BC - Ralston

People’s Choice - Ralston

Division 1
3rd - Lewis Central
2nd - Papillion Liberty
Best Solo - Lewis Central Ethan Bortmess
GC/BV/BC - Westside


morganrrthompson on Feb 21, 2020, 12:45 PM
Post #12
Does anyone know ticket prices for finals?


bradleybaumhover on Feb 21, 2020, 4:31 PM
Post #13
According to their website, a ticket to see just the 6 Finalists + The Ambassadors is $8.


TypicalFanGirl on Feb 20, 2020, 9:36 PM
Post #11
GC: Papillion-La Vista South "Titanium"
1st Runner: Millard North "Infinity"
2nd Runner: Gretna "Revolution"
3rd Runner: Sioux Falls Roosevelt "Executive Suite"
4th Runner: Grand Island Northwest "14 Karat Gold"
5th Runner: Pius X "Spectrum"

I would give Best Band to Papillion, but Best Vocals could go either way depending on how each group has improved throughout the season thus far. I would give Best Choreography to Papillion, but that caption will be a toss-up depending on the judges' preferences. Infinity's show is visually pleasing, but a large portion of the choreography is built through "fight scenes" whereas Papillion's is quite clean and more typical "show choir", so I could see that caption going either way depending on judges.


maggiesmith on Feb 20, 2020, 2:01 PM
Post #7
Anyone know what the divisions are this weekend? Like classes?

LoganRuby18 on Feb 20, 2020, 2:13 PM
Post #8
I believe it's the standard of Prep, Women's and Open Division.


maggiesmith on Feb 20, 2020, 2:18 PM
Post #9
Do you know what the awards list is?

LoganRuby18 on Feb 20, 2020, 4:22 PM
Post #10


Justuhfan on Feb 19, 2020, 5:35 PM
Post #6
stoked to see capital harmony this weekend!

Andrew Schnitker on Jan 29, 2020, 1:08 PM (Edited)
Post #3
Middle School Schedule: Friday, Feb. 21

Division II
Buffett Middle School “Bravo” 5:50 p.m.
Millard North “Cavallo” 6:10 p.m.
Beatrice Middle School “Delegation” 6:30 p.m.
Ralston Middle School “Riot” 6:50 p.m.
Kirn Middle School “The Mezzo Fortes” 7:10 p.m.

Division I
Papillion “Reflections” 7:40 p.m.
Liberty Middle School “Flight” 8:00 p.m.
Logan Fontenelle “Perfect Harmony” 8:20 p.m.
Kirn Middle School “LiveWire” 8:40 p.m.
Lewis Central Middle School “Titan Force” 9:00 p.m.
Westside Middle School “Westside Connection” 9:20 p.m.

osvaldopvOZ15 on Jan 15, 2020, 9:34 PM (Edited)
Post #2
GC: Millard North “Infinity”
1RU: Papillion-La Vista South “Titanium”
2RU: Sioux Falls Roosevelt “Executive Suite”
3RU: Gretna “Revolution”
4RU: Millard North "Illumination"
5RU: Pius X "Spectrum"


Paigem on Jan 15, 2020, 2:04 PM
Post #1
7:30- Titan Revolution (Papillion LaVista South)
7:55- Intensity (Millard North)
8:20- Prism (Pius X)
8:45- Bella Voce (Grand Island Northwest)
9:10- Rider Revolution (Sioux Fall Roosevelt)
9:35- Titan Express (Papillion LaVista South)

10:10- Illumination (Millard North)
10:35- Touch of Class (Joplin)
11:00- Capitol Harmony (Sioux Fall Roosevelt)
11:25- Infinity (O’Gorman)
11:50- Onyx Ovation (Burke)
12:15- Radiance (Papillion LaVista South)

1:20- Explosion (Omaha North)
1:45- Ovation (O’Gorman)
2:10- Rythm in Red (Vermillion)
2:35- Revolution (Gretna)
3:00- Surround Sound (Bryan)
3:25- 14 Karat Gold (Grand Islan Northwest)
4:00- Infinity (Millard North)
4:25- Spectrum (Pius X)
4:50- Sound Dimension (Joplin)
5:15- Synergy (Burke)
5:40- Executive Suite (Sioux Falls Roosevelt)
6:05- Titanium (Papillion LaVista South)

6 finalists
The first group starts at 8:00 and the last starts at 10:05.


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