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  Show Choir Community    Events    2020 Season    Fort Atkinson Showcase 2020

   Event Info

February 7th-8th, 2020

Venue Info

Fort Atkinson High School
925 Lexington Boulevard
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Phone: (920) 563-7811

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  15 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  1 Bass Groups
  5 Middle School Groups


  Fort Atkinson "South High Street Singers"
  Fort Atkinson "Lexington Singers"
  Fort Atkinson "4th Street Singers"


  Heath Weber

  Tatum Mahlen

  Anne Chapman

  John Flanery

  Ann Schoenecker

  Justin Sands

  Tom Cook (Band)

  Gates Crisler (Critique)

  Ben Schrank (Critique)


$10 - All-day Pass (adults)
$5 - All-day Pass (youth)

$16 - All-day Pass (adults)
$10 - All-day Pass (youth)
$12 - Finals only
$5 - Programs


Fort Atkinson Showcase 2020

Event Site
Live Stream




 Wheaton North High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Crew 

 Mundelein High School
First Runner Up 

 Silver Connection
 Monona Grove High School
Second Runner Up 

 Neenah High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist (Wesley Blashka) 

 Reedsburg Area High School
4th Runner Up 

 Craig High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Single Clef Division



 Mundelein High School
First Place 

 Sound FX
 Mundelein High School
Second Place 

 Silver Dimension
 Monona Grove High School
Third Place 

 Octave Above

 Milton High School
No Placement 

 BHS Express

 Brodhead High School
No Placement 


 Craig High School
No Placement 

   Prep Division



 Act II
 Neenah High School
First Place 

 DeForest Area High School
Second Place 

 Milton High School
Third Place 

 Rhythm Rockers
 Campbellsport High School
4th Place 

   Middle School Division


Groups in order of placement

 Next Edition
 Mayville Middle School
First Place 

 Caruso/Shepard Middle School
Second Place 

 DeForest Area Middle School
Third Place 

 Kewaskum Middle School
4th Place 

 Vocal Motion
 New London Middle School
5th Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 26 members (view all)  







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Will. on Nov 10, 2020, 4:08 PM
Post #64
Just gonna throw this out here and see if anybody knows how the middle school division shook out. I doubt anyone knows/remembers cause it seems like last season was a million years ago but it's worth a shot I guess

Will. on Nov 17, 2020, 4:34 PM
Post #65
4RU: New London
3RU: Kewaskum
2RU: DeForest
1RU: Caruso/Shepard
GC: Mayville


ShowboyCole100 on Feb 11, 2020, 2:09 PM
Post #58
I really wonder how Mundelien's men would fare against their women if they stopped getting such bad time slots in comparison. Both groups were phenomenal, they always are, and I believe Lights had a well-deserved win, but as a male singer I wish the schedules would acknowledge how hard it is for men to warm up in the morning, and how hindering I'd imagine it was for the boys.


kmchas on Feb 11, 2020, 3:22 PM
Post #59
Why is it harder for men to warm up?


TWIOFEARHAGCOTN on Feb 13, 2020, 1:43 PM
Post #60
I agree with @kmchas. Warming up isn't that hard in the morning.... I'm also a male singer and I can sing perfectly fine in the morning and like warming up isn't that hard... it's just warming up.... Idk I just see that saying "I wish the schedules would acknowledge how hard it is for men to warm up in the morning, and how hindering I'd imagine it was for the boys" is kinda just an excuse lol.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2020, 1:50 PM (Edited)
Post #61
At La Crosse Central in 2018, Sound FX went much earlier than Lights, and made finals over them. I’m sure there are other examples. If you come out and set the bar so high no one can surpass it, your time slot doesn't matter.

In terms of actual vocal technique, I would argue that it’s actually easier for men to warmup earlier. Most men sing primarily in their chest voice, whereas good technique for women means they need to incorporate much more head voice in their sound. It’s much easier to sing in chest voice earlier in the morning than in a good mix/head voice.


ShowboyCole100 on Feb 13, 2020, 2:01 PM
Post #62
While I COMPLETELY agree with your statement (and I applaud those kids for being able to accomplish such a feat), there’s an acknowledgement that has to be made that performing later just simply tends to be more favorable. There’s no denying it, or else competitions wouldn’t invite returning groups into the finals spots of the day round.

As for warming up, I can completely see that a simple time slot being the reason for a loss is baloney. And yeah, I did think that Lights was simply better than Sound FX vocally, and time slot probably wouldn’t have changed that all that much. Warming up really isn’t that hard, I’ll agree with that above statement, but to the extent that you’d be talking about men with training and age. But specifically at this high school level and age, you can’t deny that anatomically, men have a harder time working with their voices than women, and should. It’s not an excuse, it just means they have to put in more effort than girls, and if they can’t, well, goodbye Grand Champ trophy.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2020, 6:07 PM
Post #63
Actually I completely disagree. An untrained male voice would use even more chest voice and even less head voice than a trained male singer. It’s the cricothyroids that would be the most tight early in the morning, and those are the muscles that help with higher pitches.

vintageschr8r on Feb 9, 2020, 12:37 AM (Edited)
Post #47
Final results:
5RU: Craig
4RU: Reedsburg
3RU: Neenah
1RU: Mundelein

DJLEIGH on Feb 9, 2020, 12:48 AM
Post #48
Wheaton rightfully took this one, but a very competitive day. The only one I thought could possibly be higher is Neenah, but overall seems right for the 6 that were present in finals.


Beau on Feb 9, 2020, 12:28 PM (Edited)
Post #57
I agree. 1 and 2 were right where the should have been. 3 and 4 could have gone either way (fortunately it went the way I hoped it would go.) and 5 and 6 could have gone either way.

I didn't catch everyone at prelims, but from what I saw 5 through about 8 must have been battle with some good choirs just missing the top 6.


puzzlemasterbarb on Feb 9, 2020, 12:55 AM (Edited)
Post #49


rosslemke26 on Feb 9, 2020, 1:01 AM (Edited)
Post #50

BrockLee on Feb 9, 2020, 1:01 AM
Post #51
Wisconsin parents need to chill, holy moly.

ben_tolbert on Feb 9, 2020, 1:05 AM (Edited)
Post #52
I believe all groups did amazing today!! Congrats Wheaton!


fink53050 on Feb 9, 2020, 1:27 AM (Edited)
Post #53
I feel like there is no way that whatever they said is as bad as everyone reading this comment is assuming it was

Patrick on Feb 9, 2020, 1:29 AM
Post #54
i mean.. if you wanna be compared to an 8 month baby and called a buffoon. By all means haha

DJLEIGH on Feb 9, 2020, 11:33 AM (Edited)
Post #55
I don’t know what the comment was. My personal approach when commenting is to use care & certainly no diatribes, however I don’t agree with the censure that caused a poster to completely remove opinion. Social media is a rough place for sure. As we participate in any forum, we should expect soup to nuts in opinions.

vintageschr8r on Feb 8, 2020, 11:43 PM (Edited)
Post #46
Single Gender Results:
2RU: MG Silver D
1RU: Sound FX
GC: Lights

Prep Results:
2RU: Revolution
1RU: DeFortes
GC: Act II

Best Male Soloist: Neenah (didn’t get the name)
Female soloist: Kyra Buckner (sp?) - didn’t catch the group. Mundelein?


halfpint1 on Feb 8, 2020, 9:53 PM
Post #45
+1 Finals

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