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  Show Choir Community    Events    2019 Season    Show Choir Nationals 2019

   Event Info

March 21st-23rd, 2019

Venue Info

Grand Ole Opry
Opry House
2804 Opryland Drive
Nashville, TN 37214

Phone: (615) 871-6779

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  12 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  2 Middle School Groups


  Clinton "Attaché"


  David Fehr

  David Legg

  Ellie Jordan

  John Baker

  Allen Chapman

  Shane Coe (Solos)

  Robert Allen (Band)


$20 - Women's Division and Middle School (Thursday)
$20 - Mixed Division Prelims (Friday)
$20 - Mixed Division Finals (Saturday)


Show Choir Nationals 2019

Event Site
Live Stream




 Sound FX
 Los Alamitos High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Bass Soloist [Prelims] (Julian Naremore) 
Best Bass Soloist [Finals] (Julian Naremore) 

 Titan Fever
 Glenwood High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band (Prelims) 
Best Band (Finals) 
Best Treble Soloist [Finals] (Leanne Telger) 
Allen and Sandra Chapman Outstanding Director Award (Jeff Gemar) 

 Sound System
 Center Grove High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Overall Performer [Finals] (Romero Gee) 
Best Overall Performer [Prelims] (Ashlyn Glover) 

 First Edition
 Findlay High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Overall Performer [Prelims] (Wade Hiatt) 

 Petal High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Crew 
Best Overall Performer [Finals] (Madeline Case) 

 Riverside Company
 Hastings High School
5th Runner Up 
Best Bass Soloist [Prelims] (Sam Kelly) 
Best Treble Soloist [Prelims] (Eva Storkamp) 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Los Alamitos High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Center Grove High School
Second Place 

 Auburn High School
Third Place 
Best Band 
Best Crew 

 Petal High School
4th Place 

 Hi Fidelity
 El Paso-Gridley High School
5th Place 

   Middle School Division



 South Spirit
 Martinsburg South Middle School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Crew 
Best Treble Soloist (Trinity Jenkins) 

 Oak Grove Middle School
Second Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 63 members (view all)  







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SwingsJadon on Mar 22, 2019, 1:16 AM
Post #206
So is the performance Clinton is giving like a spring show for them?

willieboi2000 on Mar 22, 2019, 1:29 AM
Post #207
Apparently they perform a few songs Thursday night of Show Choir Nationals that are part of their Spring show in May, then they do their competition show Saturday after finals.

SwingsJadon on Mar 22, 2019, 1:29 AM
Post #208
Okay that makes sense!

shaylerneal on Mar 22, 2019, 12:16 AM
Post #205
Single Gender Results:
GC: Los Alamitos "Sound Trax" (BV) (BC)
1RU: Center Grove "Debtones"
2RU: Auburn "Elan" (BB) & Best Crew
3RU: Petal "Innovations"
4RU: El-Paso Gridley "Hi-Fidelity"


Thee_b_c on Mar 21, 2019, 11:49 PM (Edited)
Post #201
Middle school
GC: south spirit(Best Vocals, best visuals, best stage crew, best soloist(trinity jenkins)
1st ru: Oak Grove


ksloan2010 on Mar 22, 2019, 12:01 AM
Post #202
any word on Single-Gender results?

shaylerneal on Mar 22, 2019, 12:03 AM
Post #203
I heard from someone in attendance that Los Al took 1st, with CG taking 2nd!

RonSwanson on Mar 22, 2019, 12:05 AM
Post #204
Los Al "Sound Trax" was reported to be GC of Advanced Women's. Don't know the rest of the results yet.

casual.kyle on Mar 21, 2019, 10:30 PM
Post #200
Time to update my predictions!

GC: Los Al (BV) (BC) - as little as I understand their show, it would be ignorant to say that Los Al’s vocals and choreo are anything short of perfect. Despite that, I honestly don’t think that they have this GC in the bag, and anything can happen at nationals. Still, I would be very surprised to not see them taking home the GC with a show that is just so technically perfect.
1 RU: Auburn
2 RU: Hastings
3 RU: Petal
4 RU: Glenwood
5 RU: Findlay

Honorable mentions: Sioux City and Center Grove

I would’ve given reasoning for the rest of the finalists but I’m too tired and I don’t feel qualified to comment on most of their shows

thebetterbauer on Mar 21, 2019, 10:03 PM
Post #199
My Finals Predictions are:
GC: Auburn BC
1RU: Los Al BV
2RU: Hastings
3RU: Findlay
4RU: Petal
5RU: Center Grove
Its so hard to make predictions for a comp like this where so many of these groups have had really successful seasons. Best of luck to all groups competing here this weekend!

willieboi2000 on Mar 20, 2019, 7:18 PM
Post #190
I'm hoping someone will record and post the finalists' performances here (including Clinton) since there won't be a live stream.

Jeff. on Mar 20, 2019, 7:24 PM
Post #191
Robert Allen usually posts Clinton's SCN performance. Or at least, he has for the past 5 years. They're typically great quality. You can find his channel [url=]here[/url] and cross your fingers that the trend continues.


kmchas on Mar 20, 2019, 4:07 PM
Post #189
For fun, I looked up the last time any of the groups competing did NOT make finals. I only listed those who have made finals at every competition this year. If the competition where they didn't make finals was particularly stacked, I listed it.

Sioux City East -2014
Hastings - 2004 (2006 has two comps with no data, so it could have been then, too)
Petal - 2018 (Heart of America Orlando)
El Paso-Gridley -2017
Auburn -2011
Findlay - 2011 (Finale Nationals)
Glenwood - 2013 (Wheaton Warrenville Sounth)
Peoria - 2018
Las Alamitos - 2008
Center Grove -2013 (Fame Show Choir Nationals)


petersings on Mar 19, 2019, 11:01 PM
Post #181
If y'all want to watch Auburn's show, it is the first one in this video.


petersings on Mar 19, 2019, 11:31 PM
Post #182
But if anyone has the link to a Los Al video, that would be greatly appreciated.


jschultz18 on Mar 20, 2019, 12:10 AM
Post #183
It was up earlier, but I think it got taken down again.


Natshow on Mar 20, 2019, 12:17 AM
Post #184
I found it!

Häakon on Mar 20, 2019, 2:09 PM
Post #188
I must say, I'm incredibly impressed with a group that does all-original music from start to finish - especially when the songs are GOOD and the performers are solid. That's fantastic.


boden.halvorsen on Mar 20, 2019, 1:08 PM
Post #185

GC: Pella "AcaPella"
1ru: EPG "Modulations"
2ru: Glenwood "Titan Fever"
3ru: Los Alamitos "Sound FX"
4ru: Center Grove "Sound System"
5ru: Hastings "Riverside Company"

itsbreyer on Mar 20, 2019, 1:21 PM
Post #186
you’ve gotta be pretty talented to take GC in a comp you’re not even attending lol

Patrick on Mar 20, 2019, 2:09 PM
Post #187

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