1st in prep - Norris 68th Street Singers (Best Band)
1st in women’s - Aurora Impact
1st in Tier III - Bishop NewmanScarlet Knights
1st in Tier II - Aurora Rhapsody
1st in Tier I - Lincoln’s Northeast Voices ‘N Harmony
5th Runner-Up - Aurora Impact
4th Runner-Up - York Dukes and Dutchesses (Best Male Solo)
3rd Runner-Up - Auburn Vision
2nd Runner-Up - Lincoln High Momentum
1st Runner-Up - Lincoln Northeast Voices ‘N Harmony (Best Female Solo)
Grand Champion - Aurora Rhapsody
This event is still going on (happening currently), but I believe a few choirs may have withdrawn and the schedule was probably adjusted. Aside from Hastings, let us know if any other choirs ended up not attending!