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 Show Choir Community    Events    2019 Season    Fairfield Crystal Classic 2019
Event Info

March 16th, 2019
Venue Info
Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014
Phone: (513) 942-2999
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
17 Mixed Groups
9 Treble Groups
6 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Fairfield "Choraliers"
Fairfield "Pure Elegance"
Fairfield "FortissiBROS"
Fairfield "Rhythm Express"
Fairfield "Little Elegance"
Event Judges:
Dave Anderson (Mixed Tier II/Middle School)
Anne Chapman (Mixed Tier I/Women)
Jeff Clark (Mixed Tier I/Women)
Chantz Gould (Mixed Tier II/Middle School)
Jeff Jordan (Mixed Tier II/Middle School)
Johanne McIvor (Mixed Tier I/Women)
Sherry Randall (Mixed Tier II/Middle School)
Stephen Todd (Mixed Tier I/Women)
$15 Prelims
$12 Finals
$20 All Day
Fairfield Crystal Classic 2019

Event Site
Live Stream

In Sync
Burbank High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Female Soloist (Melanie Burks)

By Request
Loveland High School
First Runner Up
Best Band

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
Second Runner Up
Best Show Design

Rhythm Masters
Whiteland Community High School
3rd Runner Up

Ross High School
4th Runner Up
Best Crew
Best Costumes

Finals - Tier II

High Impact
Matoaca High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Center Stage
Milton-Union High School
First Runner Up
Best Show Design

Summit Sound
Bishop Dwenger High School
Second Runner Up
Best Crew

Bull City Lights
Voyager Academy
3rd Runner Up
Best Costumes
Best Female Soloist (Melody Wimberly)

The Silhouettes
Norwood High School
4th Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Connor Williamson)

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Treble Division

Loveland High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Class Act
Grove City High School
Second Place
Best Show Design
Best Crew

Burbank High School
Third Place
Best Costumes
Best Soloist (Kiarah Pollas)

Up Front
Matoaca High School
4th Place

Whiteland Community High School
5th Place

Homestead High School
6th Place

Touch of Swing
Manchester High School
7th Place

Bishop Dwenger High School
8th Place

Olentangy High School
9th Place

Middle School Division

Loveland Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Next Generation
Ross Middle School
Second Place

Mini Swingers
Bunsold Middle School
Third Place

Cutting Edge
Hamilton Middle Schools
4th Place

Rivals in Rhythm
Bridgeport and Washington Irving Middle Schools
5th Place

Spark of Class
Jackson Middle School
6th Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 108 members (view all)
117 comments • Sort by

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24_lakers_2 on Mar 10, 2019, 4:17 AM
Post #64
I truly can’t see anyone but Burbank, not only winning, but sweeping this competition. They’re always great, and they’ve dominated every out of state competition for the last 8-9 years, and I doubt they’ll give that up now. Also, their set this year is phenomenal, and I’m sure it’ll blow everyone away!

My Prediciton
GC: Burbank In Sync (Sweep)
1RU: Marysville
2RU: Loveland ( BB )
3RU: Whiteland
4RU: Olentagy


tylbanark on Mar 9, 2019, 4:23 PM
Post #63
GC: Burbank (BC/BB)
1RU: Marysville (BV)
2RU: Loveland
3RU: Grove City
4RU: Whiteland

shaylerneal on Mar 7, 2019, 10:37 PM (Edited)
Post #62
GC: Marysville "Swingers Unlimited" (BV) (BC)
1RU: Burbank "In Sync"
2RU: Loveland "By Request" (BB)
3RU: Whiteland "Rhythm Masters"
4RU: Grove City "Touch of Class"

I KNOW, seems a little risky, but I just have a good feeling about Marysville. I don't feel like you can lose faith in them after the year they've been having. Also, you never know if the California choirs will be a top 5 or 25 type choir until they step out of Cali, and I just feel like Marysville is more than polished at this point in the season and is set up for a successful weekend. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see Whiteland creeping up the ranks, they've been finishing strong!

Women's Division:
GC: Loveland "Allure" (BC) (BB)
1RU: Burbank "Impressions" (BV)
2RU: Grove City "Class Act"
3RU: Whiteland "Expressions"
4RU: Homestead "Elite"


tenortone on Mar 7, 2019, 12:31 AM (Edited)
Post #61
GC: Marysville (BV)/Burbank (BC)
1RU: Burbank (BC)/Marysville (BV)
2RU: Loveland
3RU: Grove City
4RU: Whiteland/Ross/Homestead

I honestly feel like either Burbank or Marysville can take it all, but if I truly have to choose one to win, my bet is on Marysville. Also, everything from 3RU down is gonna be a bloodbath. Grove City has truly stepped it up this year, and Whiteland, Homestead, and Ross all bring amazing shows with different unique strengths. This comp is gonna be wild!


rigilmax on Mar 4, 2019, 12:59 PM
Post #60
GC: Burbank (BC)/Marysville (BV)
1RU: Marysville (BV)/Burbank (BC)
2RU: Loveland (BB)
3RU: Grove City
4RU: Whiteland

The top 2 spots are gonna be a photo finish!!! I think Burbank or Marysville could take GC here.


Johnxreth on Mar 1, 2019, 9:58 PM
Post #59
GC: Burbank (BC)
1RU: Marysville (BV)
2RU: Loveland (BB)
3RU: Grove City
4RU: Whiteland

Captions are boutta be EXTREMELY close, but I can’t wait to see how this turns out!!

Ross H on Feb 28, 2019, 3:36 PM
Post #57

GC: Burbank “In Sync” (BV)
1RU: Marysville “Swingers Unlimited” (BC)
2RU: Grove City “Touch Of Class”
3RU: Loveland “By Request” (BB)
4RU: Whiteland “Rhythm Masters”
5RU: Homestead “Class Royale”
6RU: Manchester “Capital Swing”
7RU: Ross “Legacy”
8RU: Olentangy “Keynotes”

GC: Matoaca “High Impact” (BV, BC, BB)
1RU: Bishop Dwenger “Summit Sound”
2RU: Voyager “Bull City Lights”
3RU: Milton “Center Stage”
4RU: Norwood “The Silhouettes”
5RU: Jessamine “Dually Noted”
6RU: Northwest “Knight Lights”
7RU: Whitehall “Music Unlimited”

GC: Homestead “Elite” (BV)
1RU: Burbank “Expressions” (BC)
2RU: Grove City “Class Act” (BB)
3RU: Loveland “Allure”
4RU: Matoaca “Up Front”
5RU: Manchester “Touch Of Swing”
6RU: Whiteland “Expressions”
7RU: Olentangy “She-Notes”
8RU: Bishop Dwenger “Elegance”

GC: Ross “Next Generation (BV)
1RU: Loveland “Revolution” (BC, BB)
2RU: Jackson “Spark Of Class”
3RU: Bunsold “Mini Swingers”
4RU: Bridgeport And Washington “Rivals In Rhythm”
5RU: Hamilton “Cutting Edge”


showchoiralum09876 on Jan 31, 2019, 7:38 PM (Edited)
Post #45
We are excited to announce the 2019 Fairfield Crystal Classic Schedule and judges!

PAC (Middle School/HS Small Mixed/Collegiate)
- Hamilton MS | Cutting Edge | 8:30a
- Ross MS | Next Generation | 8:55a
- Loveland MS | Revolution | 9:20a
- Jackson MS | Spark of Class | 9:45a
- Bunsold MS | Mini Swingers | 10:10a
- Washington Irving/Bridgeport MS | Rivals in Rhythm | 10:35a
- Fairfield MS (Exhibition) | Little Elegance | 11:00a
- Jessamine HS | Dually Noted | 12:00p
- Norwood HS | The Silhouettes | 12:30p
- Voyager Academy HS | Bull City Lights | 1:00p
- Milton Union HS | Center Stage | 1:30p
- Wright State University | Surround Sound | 2:00p
- University of Cincinnati | Queen City Sound District | 2:30p
- Whitehall Yearling HS | Music Unlimited | 3:15p
- Northwest HS | Knight Lights | 3:45p
- Matoaca HS | High Impact | 4:15p
- Bishop Dwnger HS | Summit Sound | 4:45p
- Fairfield MS (Exhibition) | Rhythm Express | 5:15p
- Preliminary Awards in PAC | 6:00p
- Small Mixed Finalist #1 | 8:00p
- Small Mixed Finalist #2 | 8:30p
- Small Mixed Finalist #3 | 9:00p
- Small Mixed Finalist #4 | 9:30p
- Small Mixed Finalist #5 | 10:00p

Arena (HS Single Gender/HS Large Mixed)
- Manchester HS | Touch of Swing | 8:00a
- Matoaca HS | Up Front | 8:30a
- Bishop Dwenger HS | Elegance | 9:00a
- Grove City HS | Class Act | 9:30a
- Olentangy HS | She Notes | 10:00a
- Burbank HS | Impressions | 10:45a
- Homestead HS | Elite | 11:15a
- Whiteland HS | Expressions | 11:45a
- Loveland HS | Allure | 12:15p
- Fairfield HS (Exhibition) | FortissiBROS | 12:45p
- Ross HS | Legacy | 1:45p
- Manchester | Capital Swing | 2:15p
- Grove City HS | Touch of Class | 2:45p
- Olentangy HS | Keynotes | 3:15p
- Homestead HS | Class Royals | 3:45p
- Burbank HS | In Sync | 4:30p
- Whiteland HS | Rhythm Masters | 5:00p
- Marysville HS | Swingers Unlimited | 5:30p
- Loveland HS | By Request | 6:00p
- Fairfield HS (Exhibition) | Pure Elegance | 6:30p
- Preliminary Awards in Arena | 7:00p
- Female Solo Comp Champion | 8:30p
- Male Solo Comp Champion | 8:35p
- Large Mixed Finalist #1 | 8:45p
- Large Mixed Finalist #2 | 9:15p
- Large Mixed Finalist #3 | 9:45p
- Large Mixed Finalist #4 | 10:15p
- Large Mixed Finalist #5 | 10:45p
- Fairfield HS (Exhibition) | Choraliers | 11:15p
- Final Awards for PAC and Arena in Arena | 11:45p

During the Jr. High, Small Mixed, and Collegiate division competition, all choirs will be evaluated by score sheet from the following four adjudicators: Sherry Randall, Ohio; Jeff Jordan, New York; and Chantz Gould, West Virginia, and Dave Anderson, Ohio.

During the Single-Gender and Large Mixed division of competition, all choirs will be evaluated by score sheet from the following four adjudicators: Johanne McIvor, Massachusetts; Stephen Todd, New York; Jeff Clark, Ohio; and Anne Chapman, Iowa.

Tickets are $15 for Prelims / $12 for Finals / $20 for All Day
VIP Ticket ($20) sales have been extended to February 15th, 2019! This ticket gets you discounts on items throughout the day! Don't miss out! Ticket will not be available at the door.


DancingShoes on Feb 26, 2019, 6:29 PM (Edited)
Post #56
WOW! Impressive list. I need a nap after reading it. I like to see that college music programs are performimg.


DancingShoes on Feb 26, 2019, 6:26 PM (Edited)
Post #55
Seems like a lot of people are predicting Burbank. I have never seen them perform. I am looking forward to it.


bryan. on Feb 26, 2019, 2:53 PM
Post #54

GC: Burbank BV BC
1RU: Marysville
2RU: Loveland BB
3RU: Whiteland
4RU: Grove City


jackaloin on Feb 26, 2019, 9:55 AM (Edited)
Post #53
gc: Manchester/Burbank (bc/bv)
1ru: Burbank/Manchester (bv/bc)
2ru: Marysville
3ru: Loveland
4ru: Grove City (bb)
these are just my predictions. here is some of the reasons why i predicted the way i did: i just saw manchester live at hoa and i was blown away. their show was extremely incredible and their choreography was insane. their record doesnt represent them well at all. burbank is ridiculously amazing so i wouldnt be surprised if they came out on top. they always have great shows and amazing choreo and vocals. i also saw marysville live and they are a force to be reckoned with. impressive balad and energy. loveland is very strong in their choreo. i've never seen them live but i have seen videos and live streams so i am excited to see them battle but from what i've seen and heard their record doesnt represent them well either. i am also extremely eager to see grove city. this competition is going to be a bloodbath.


ross2975 on Feb 26, 2019, 9:44 AM
Post #52
GC: Burbank (BV)
1RU: Manchester (BC)
2RU: Marysville
3RU: Loveland
4RU: Grove City


Ijustlovesinging on Feb 25, 2019, 11:47 AM
Post #51
1ru:Marysville (BC)
2ru:Grove City (BB)


ClassyGal on Feb 24, 2019, 8:37 AM (Edited)
Post #49
I have not had the opportunity to see some of these choirs, looking forward to it. So many with a strong history of great programs.

thebetterbauer on Feb 22, 2019, 1:58 PM
Post #48
GC: Marysville
1RU: Burbank
2RU: Loveland
3RU: Homestead
4RU: Ross

These are just my thoughts but honestly good luck to everyone competing here this weekend! It’s goimg to be tough but I’m excited to see how it all turns out

casual.kyle on Feb 22, 2019, 10:40 AM
Post #47
-Bored in Study Hall Updated Predictions-

GC: Burbank (BV)
1 RU: Marysville (BC)
2 RU: Loveland (BB)
3 RU: Grove City
4 RU: Homestead / Whiteland / Ross / Manchester

I'm just now realizing how much of a bloodbath it's gonna be for the last 2 finals spots. I was really impressed with Homestead when I saw them live this last weekend, and their current record really doesn't represent how great their show is. They're very solid vocally, and they have some great technique on their partner choreo! I've never actually seen Whiteland, but they had a very impressive win at Loveland last year so I can't count them out. I think that they'll stand a very good chance at making finals, especially if they do well at Franklin Central this weekend. I watched Ross on the Hamilton livestream and I was really impressed with them! They're continuing to improve the program and it looks like they have a ton of new members this year. They'll definitely be bringing their A-game to Fairfield so they can't be counted out either. Finally, I wanted to include Manchester in the realm of possibility too because I've heard that they have an incredibly entertaining show this year and that they were within about 20 points of Homewood at Clover Hill this weekend! Can't wait to see how this comp turns out, it's gonna be wild.


showchoiralum09876 on Jan 29, 2019, 11:13 AM
Post #44
Don't forget - Crystal Classic VIP tickets are on sale! This sale ends February 1st! The VIP ticket costs the same as the ticket at the door, but gets you discounts for different items throughout the day! Visit for more information!

peytonsmith on Jan 12, 2019, 1:08 PM (Edited)
Post #42
So excited that my show choir “Rivals In Rhythm” from WV gets to compete at this competition this year. We usually never compete out of state so I’m excited to get to experience this! And kick some butt too XD

DPillie on Jan 5, 2019, 11:27 AM
Post #41
Not exactly news to the folks here but Bishop Dwenger's Choir and Music Boosters are pleased to share that Summit Sound will be returning to the spectacular Fairfield Crystal Classic to defend their championship.

Last year Quinton Davis also won best male soloist and Summit Sound received Best Vocals, Best Choreo and Best Show Design.

Both Elegance and Summit Sound are looking forward to this year's Crystal Classic!

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