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  Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Brodhead In The Spotlight 2016

   Event Info

February 27th, 2016


Venue Info

Brodhead High School
2501 West 5th Avenue
Brodhead, WI 53520

Phone: (608) 897-2155

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Brodhead "Guys and Dolls"
  Brodhead "BHS Express"


  Lora-Jean Jones


Ticket prices unknown.


Brodhead In The Spotlight 2016

Event Site
Live Stream




 Wheaton North High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals (TIE) 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist (Sam Sohmer) 

 Onalaska High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals (TIE) 
Best Band 
Best Female Soloist (Abby Saner) 

 Craig High School
Second Runner Up 

 River City Rhythm
 Muscatine High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Dressed 

 Neenah High School
4th Runner Up 

 South High Street Singers
 Fort Atkinson High School
5th Runner Up 
Best Crew 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Prospect High School
First Place 

 Lexington Singers
 Fort Atkinson High School
Second Place 

   Prep Division



 Act II
 Neenah High School
First Place 

 Hamilton High School
Second Place 

 Craig High School
Third Place 

 Spotlight Singers

 Green Bay Southwest High School
No Placement 


 Kewaskum High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 33 members (view all)  







31 comments • Sort by

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ACCOUNT_DELETED on Mar 1, 2016, 5:09 PM (Edited)
Post #31

user suspended  on Feb 29, 2016, 3:10 PM
Post #30
OMG Brodhead -- You put one super show!


zoedeboer on Feb 28, 2016, 2:51 PM
Post #29
We actually found out around 1am that Ona and Wheaton tied for Best Vocals!!


goinggray on Feb 28, 2016, 10:02 AM
Post #28
Onalaska, I could not be more proud of you and your continuing excellence!! You guys are a joy to teach and a blessing to me. Keep going STRONGER THAN EVER through your final 2 competitions!!!! God bless, Damon

watchaa on Feb 28, 2016, 2:40 AM
Post #27
ONALASKA AND WHEATON TIED FOR VOCALS. Sorry, I'm just excited! But our director got a phone call from Brodhead about an hour ago about a tabulation error! Congrats to Wheaton north!

abe.martinez on Feb 27, 2016, 11:21 PM (Edited)
Post #26
GC: Wheaton North
1RU: Onalaska
2RU: Craig
3RU: Muscatine
4RU: Neenah
5RU: Fort Atkinson

Best Vocals: Wheaton North and Onalaska
Best Choreography: Wheaton North

Jeff. on Feb 27, 2016, 9:07 PM
Post #25
they competed in the open division but they are not on the score sheet we received. not sure why.
Oh, ok. No problem. I'm not necessarily interested in their score, just wanted to make sure we had everything listed properly here. Thanks for the response.


Brightside97 on Feb 27, 2016, 9:01 PM
Post #24
Male Soloist is "Sam Sohmer"

asdfghjkl1223 on Feb 27, 2016, 8:47 PM
Post #23
I see Westosha Central was missing from the prelims ranks list, but were on the original performance schedule. Did they end up not attending?
they competed in the open division but they are not on the score sheet we received. not sure why.

Jeff. on Feb 27, 2016, 8:42 PM
Post #22
I see Westosha Central was missing from the prelims ranks list, but were on the original performance schedule. Did they end up not attending?

asdfghjkl1223 on Feb 27, 2016, 8:23 PM (Edited)
Post #21

Do you happen to know the rest of the point spread?

Onalaska 803.5
Flight 794.5
Vintage 782
Fort 782
RCR 776
Craig 742.5
Prospect 736
DePere 665.5
Parkview 640.5
Burlington 605.5
Turner 576.5
Onalaska is ahead in vocals by 7 and choreo by 2

abe.martinez on Feb 27, 2016, 8:12 PM
Post #20

1 Onalaska
2 Wheaton North
3 Neenah (tie)
3 Fort (tie)
5 Muscatine
6 Craig
7 Prospect
8 DePere
9 Parkview
10 Burlington
11 Beliot Turner

9 points between first and second, 67 between 1st and 7th, 6.5 between 6th and 7th, and 70.5 between 7th and 8th

Do you happen to know the rest of the point spread?

watchaa on Feb 27, 2016, 8:07 PM
Post #19
Female soloist from Onalaska Hilltoppers is Abby Saner* (:

asdfghjkl1223 on Feb 27, 2016, 8:03 PM
Post #18

1 Onalaska
2 Wheaton North
3 Neenah (tie)
3 Fort (tie)
5 Muscatine
6 Craig
7 Prospect
8 DePere
9 Parkview
10 Burlington
11 Beliot Turner

9 points between first and second, 67 between 1st and 7th, 6.5 between 6th and 7th, and 70.5 between 7th and 8th

abe.martinez on Feb 27, 2016, 7:29 PM
Post #17
7:15 Craig
7:40 Muscatine
8:05 Onalaska
8:30 Neenah
8:55 Wheaton North
9:20 Fort Atkinson

Onalaska is in first!

abe.martinez on Feb 27, 2016, 7:19 PM
Post #16


GC: Prospect
1RU: Fort Atkinson


GC: Neenah
1RU: Hamilton
2RU: Craig

Best Male Soloist: Sam Summer Wheaton North
Best Female Soloist: Abby Saur Onalaska
Best Dressed: Muscatine
Best Band: Onalaska
Stage Crew: Fort Atkinson SHSS
Peoples Choice: De Pere

Finalists (random order):

Wheaton North
Fort Atkinson

vintageschr8r on Feb 27, 2016, 8:45 AM
Post #15
Looking at the list of Groups Coming to this Competiton! It will be a tough one to predict but I have a few in mind! So Here I List My Predictions!
GC: Onalaska
1RU: Wheaton
3RU: Muscatine
May The Best Group Win! Leave it All on the Stage!!

Nothing would make this ol' Vintage alum happier than to see them place in the top three here. Unfortunately, Vintage 2016 has not bested Craig or Fort in their match-ups this year. And though I think Neenah has put together a pretty exciting show, I'm not sure it will happen today, either. Looking forward to seeing the final result today! Good luck!

vintageschr8r on Feb 27, 2016, 8:33 AM (Edited)
Post #14

sadiegurl on Feb 25, 2016, 8:48 PM
Post #13
PLEASE!!!!! Tell me that there is a live stream for this competition! I won't be able to come to the competition but I would LOVE to still watch.

abe.martinez on Feb 25, 2016, 8:04 PM
Post #12
Surprised there's not more talk about this contest!

Onalaska, Craig, and Fort are all coming in with winning their most recent competitions.

Wheaton and the three above have grand champs under their belts.

Craig and Fort have been close all season!

And of course Onalaska has taken best vocals all season!

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