So i have heard numerous rumors that this year at south jones groups from the middle division were not allowed to make finals?
I know that they didn't allow women's division groups to participate in finals in 2014, which I believe is part of the reason that Homewood's "Legacy" didn't make it that year. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't allow middle mixed groups in finals, but I do not know for sure.
We had a great time last night!! Excellent atmosphere, great performances, and a lively audience!! Thank you to the South Jones director, parents, students, and everyone who had anything to do with SJSCI 2016!!
Congrats to all groups!! All finalists had above par vocals, in my opjnion.
Very proud of Jackson Academy for making finals. Very energetic sbow!! Your director has been my buddy since elementary school and I look forward to seeing her continued success. She's such a sweet, talented person.
I really enjoyed Brandon's show. The opening costumes are gorgeous IMO. Loved the soloists in the second number with the piano. After the ballad there needs to be a lititle more vocal dynamics. Great performance
Petal- I personally felt like your choreography was the cleanest of the evening. You guys performed your hearts out and the audience definitely felt that. Work on vocal dynamics and unity and you are sure to have an unstoppable year!! Excellent performance.
I love Oak Grove!! Vocally awesome!! As you work on your choreography the show will become more appealing. Love the girls' closing dresses.
Jackson Prep- you guys rock!! The only critique I have was that the opener had too much going on... felt more like a closer to me. Great vocal dynamics. Work on some of those blocking issues and you're sure to be a powerhouse this season!! Love the voodoo queen's purple dress.
I missed seeing West Jones, Enterprise, and the South Jones exhibition. Can't wait to see those groups this year. Also looking forward to seeing Biloxi and all the other groups, for that matter.
Enterprise is so excited to come to this competition! We can't wait to see the hard work everyone has put in as well as having more people see our show!