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  Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Sioux Falls Roosevelt Executive Showcase 2016

   Event Info

January 30th, 2016


Venue Info

Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
6600 West 41st St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Phone: (605) 362-2860

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  Sioux Falls Roosevelt "Executive Suite"
  Sioux Falls Roosevelt "Capitol Harmony"


  Ben Schrank

  Andrew Last

  Mark Mangold

  Luke Lovegood (Critique/Finals)

  Heath Weber (Critique/Finals)


$12 Adults
$10 Students and Seniors


Sioux Falls Roosevelt Executive Showcase 2016

Event Site
Live Stream




 The Headliners
 Sioux City East High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Band 
Best Male Soloist (Austin Clayton) 

 Friend de Coup
 Mitchell High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 

 Free Spirit
 Papillion-La Vista High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Crew 
Best Female Soloist (Ally Sargus) 

 Skutt Catholic High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Classic Connection
 Sioux Falls Washington High School
4th Runner Up 

 Harmonia Mundi
 Bishop Heelan Catholic School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 Wahoo High School
First Place 


 Elk Point-Jefferson High School
No Placement 

 Rhythm in Red
 Vermillion High School
No Placement 
People's Choice 

 Music Factory

 Spirit Lake High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division



 Stage One
 Millard South High School
First Place 

 Natural Selection
 Sioux Falls Washington High School
Second Place 


 Bishop Heelan Catholic School
No Placement 


 Ralston High School
No Placement 

 Heart and Soul

 Papillion-La Vista High School
No Placement 

   Prep Division



 New Sound
 Sioux City East High School
First Place 

 O'Gorman High School
Second Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 44 members (view all)  







40 comments • Sort by

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yankee96 on Jan 26, 2016, 2:29 AM
Post #20
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453788815' post='569709']

No I didn't say that can't come out and win. I said that I don't expect it happening. Two different things honestly. If the headliners can come out and pull an upset, great I'm happy for them! But what I'm saying is that in reference to years past, mitchell has won 9 times out of 10. It's a simple prediction that honestly isn't harsh at all i'm just stating what I think. It's great to see that so many sioux city east kids are on here and voicing there opinions but it's not necessary to take one post and completely demolish it because I said "Mitchell should win pretty easy [b]IN MY OPINION[/b]. I'm not butt hurt that they downvoted the post because frankly you can do whatever you want with my post, but i'm saying it looks childish and bad whenever that happens because everyone knows sioux city students/fans/faculty/parents are the ones who are doing that.[/quote]

He's not saying that you can't express your opinion. In fact, he's encouraging it, but only in a manner that is respectful and encouraging to others who actively use this site. While your posts aren't nearly as bad as others tend to be, in fact I don't find them particularly harsh at all, what you may view as a simple prediction using past evidence may come across harsh and judgmental depending on your tone to others. Jeff is merely asking for a simple "put yourself in their shoes" situation. Please continue expanding on your thoughts, as I know that I and many others enjoy seeing your thoughtful predictions and opinions.


DrakeBake on Jan 26, 2016, 2:26 AM
Post #19
[quote name='Janice50' date='1453789422' post='569711']
It also looks "childish and bad" when someone throws a grotesque tantrum on social media. This not only reflects poorly on you, but it reflects poorly on your school. This community is designed to promote healthy and productive discourse. If you cannot be civil, I recommend that you log out and take a course on [b]netiquette[/b].[/quote]

And i'll ask you to take a course on spelling. Didn't think what I was saying was "grotesque" or a tantrum by any means... I'm not arguing on this thread anymore. good luck to the competing groups here i wish you all the best of luck


Janice50 on Jan 26, 2016, 2:23 AM
Post #18
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453788815' post='569709']
it looks childish and bad whenever that happens because everyone knows sioux city students/fans/faculty/parents are the ones who are doing that.[/quote]

It also looks "childish and bad" when someone throws a grotesque tantrum on social media. This not only reflects poorly on you, but it reflects poorly on your school. This community is designed to promote healthy and productive discourse. If you cannot be civil, I recommend that you log out and take a course on netiquette.


DrakeBake on Jan 26, 2016, 2:13 AM
Post #17
[quote name='Jeff.' date='1453768911' post='569538']Weren't you, though?

[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1452786579' post='568529']Mitchell should win pretty easily in my opinion. Stephen and Chris are untouchable in South Dakota and a lot of other states as well and so I see this going to them.[/quote]

Personally, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with your posts. But I do think you could learn a lesson in tact. You tend to phrase things in dramatic fashion or in absolutes which often times lead to negative votes on here. As Mitch so simply stated, the down vote is used many times just to disagree. When you say things so bluntly and matter-of-factly (ex. "should win pretty easily"), it can understandably lead to hurt feelings. When you post, you have to not only consider your intentions, but consider the impact your post is going to have on others. That is what makes for a healthy discussion and community.[/quote]

No I didn't say that can't come out and win. I said that I don't expect it happening. Two different things honestly. If the headliners can come out and pull an upset, great I'm happy for them! But what I'm saying is that in reference to years past, mitchell has won 9 times out of 10. It's a simple prediction that honestly isn't harsh at all i'm just stating what I think. It's great to see that so many sioux city east kids are on here and voicing there opinions but it's not necessary to take one post and completely demolish it because I said "Mitchell should win pretty easy [b]IN MY OPINION[/b]. I'm not butt hurt that they downvoted the post because frankly you can do whatever you want with my post, but i'm saying it looks childish and bad whenever that happens because everyone knows sioux city students/fans/faculty/parents are the ones who are doing that.


Janice50 on Jan 26, 2016, 1:48 AM
Post #16
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453764672' post='569529']
So why did that deserve -8 downvotes?[/quote]

Hmmm. I think the most significant lesson that ought to be learned is that down votes are not personal. I find it quite ridiculous that one would cause a mild riot over something as idiotic as down votes. Perhaps if one cannot handle the down votes, they cannot handle social media? This is just an observation from someone that is particularly distant from the mainstream social media stream...

Jeff. on Jan 25, 2016, 8:41 PM
Post #15
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453764672' post='569529']I wasn't saying that the headliners can't come out and win,[/quote]
Weren't you, though?

[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1452786579' post='568529']Mitchell should win pretty easily in my opinion. Stephen and Chris are untouchable in South Dakota and a lot of other states as well and so I see this going to them.[/quote]

Personally, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with your posts. But I do think you could learn a lesson in tact. You tend to phrase things in dramatic fashion or in absolutes which often times lead to negative votes on here. As Mitch so simply stated, the down vote is used many times just to disagree. When you say things so bluntly and matter-of-factly (ex. "should win pretty easily"), it can understandably lead to hurt feelings. When you post, you have to not only consider your intentions, but consider the impact your post is going to have on others. That is what makes for a healthy discussion and community.


DrakeBake on Jan 25, 2016, 7:31 PM
Post #14
[quote name='mitchpolley18' date='1453742562' post='569475']I believe people implement the dislike button as a way of communicating their disagreement with a prediction. It is not childish or dramatic to simply say you disagree with someone's prediction. However, the excessive down votes on the previous comment were maybe caused by the suggestion that the other groups will not hold their own against Mitchell? I cannot speak for everyone, but that is the way I interpreted the statement, "Mitchell should win pretty easily." That being said, I know for sure East High has a large amount of respect for Mitchell's fantastic program, and are more than eager to see what Mitchell brings to the competition.[/quote]

So why did that deserve -8 downvotes? it's since gone down but originally 8 people felt the need to downvote what i said simply because I thought Mitchell would sweep. Mitchell comes out very strong every year and they've had tradition of doing well every single performance and every competition. I wasn't saying that the headliners can't come out and win, i'm just referncing the track record in the past. People say all the time on here that group A will win over group B, but do members from group B downvote that prediction a million times? No. Use the anger that you put in your downvotes and portay that energy on the stage and maybe you'll prove me wrong! good luck headliners!


SWill17 on Jan 25, 2016, 6:18 PM
Post #13

GC- Mitchell (BV,BC,BB)
1st RU- SIoux City East
2nd RU- Bishop Heelan
3rd RU- Skutt Catholic
4th RU- Papillion La Vista
5th RU- Sioux Falls Washington


DrakeBake on Jan 25, 2016, 4:53 PM
Post #12
[quote name='davidsuhr' date='1453736757' post='569461']
I don't think it's because you don't have us in first place, I think it was just because you'd said that we have another new director. We don't have a new director, just the return of an old director.[/quote]

It's not just that post though. Everytime someone places you in a ranking that you all think is too low, there are so many downvotes. I didn't say anything offensive I just said that director changes are hard and I didn't know that a previous director was coming back so a simple answer would've sufficed, I didn't need all the downvotes.


davidsuhr on Jan 25, 2016, 4:21 PM
Post #11
[quote name='yankee96' date='1453739388' post='569463']
That's no reason for anyone to downvote a prediction though.....[/quote]

Sure but it also could have been someone else from some other school. It's not fair to make us the scapegoat

mitchpolley18 on Jan 25, 2016, 1:22 PM
Post #10
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453734029' post='569458']I'm just gonna say this not to be offensive but it doesn't look good on sioux city's part when they are constantly downvoting a person's post simply because they don't have them winning. It's childish and dramatic and i know it's sioux city because they've always had a huge following on here and there's always +8 or -8 depending on what type of post and where they have Sioux City ranked.[/quote]
I believe people implement the dislike button as a way of communicating their disagreement with a prediction. It is not childish or dramatic to simply say you disagree with someone's prediction. However, the excessive down votes on the previous comment were maybe caused by the suggestion that the other groups will not hold their own against Mitchell? I cannot speak for everyone, but that is the way I interpreted the statement, "Mitchell should win pretty easily." That being said, I know for sure East High has a large amount of respect for Mitchell's fantastic program, and are more than eager to see what Mitchell brings to the competition.

yankee96 on Jan 25, 2016, 12:29 PM
Post #9
[quote name='davidsuhr' date='1453736757' post='569461']
I don't think it's because you don't have us in first place, I think it was just because you'd said that we have another new director. We don't have a new director, just the return of an old director.[/quote]

That's no reason for anyone to downvote a prediction though.....


davidsuhr on Jan 25, 2016, 11:45 AM
Post #8
[quote name='DrakeBake' date='1453734029' post='569458']I'm just gonna say this not to be offensive but it doesn't look good on sioux city's part when they are constantly downvoting a person's post simply because they don't have them winning. It's childish and dramatic and i know it's sioux city because they've always had a huge following on here and there's always +8 or -8 depending on what type of post and where they have Sioux City ranked.[/quote]

I don't think it's because you don't have us in first place, I think it was just because you'd said that we have another new director. We don't have a new director, just the return of an old director.


DrakeBake on Jan 25, 2016, 11:00 AM
Post #7
I'm just gonna say this not to be offensive but it doesn't look good on sioux city's part when they are constantly downvoting a person's post simply because they don't have them winning. It's childish and dramatic and i know it's sioux city because they've always had a huge following on here and there's always +8 or -8 depending on what type of post and where they have Sioux City ranked.

courk_dork on Jan 22, 2016, 1:27 PM
Post #6
GC: Mitchell Friend de Coup (Sweep)
1RU: Sioux City East The Headliners
2RU: Papillion La-Vista Free Spirit
3RU: Sioux Falls Washington Classic Connection
4:RU: Skutt Catholic Vivace
5RU: Bishop Heelan Harmonia Mundi


KalebD17 on Jan 18, 2016, 11:48 AM
Post #5
After seeing Sioux City East last weekend, I'm going to add my predictions here. Sadly I've yet to see Mitchell, along with some of the other attending groups this season, so, I'm basing their placement solely off last season.

GC: Sioux City East (Best Vocals, Best Band)
1st RU: Mitchell (Best Choreography)
2nd RU: Papillon La-Vista
3rd RU: Sioux Falls Washington
4th RU: Skutt Catholic
5th RU: Bishop Heelan

Jayhesse on Jan 14, 2016, 3:29 PM
Post #4
Sioux City East has actually gained back a director we had in the 2014 season so its not a major change.


DrakeBake on Jan 14, 2016, 11:49 AM
Post #3

GC: Mitchell (Sweep)
1RU: Sioux City East
2RU: SF Washington
3RU: Papillion La-Vista
4RU: Bishop Heelan
5RU: Ralston

Mitchell should win pretty easily in my opinion. Stephen and Chris are untouchable in South Dakota and a lot of other states as well and so I see this going to them. Sioux City has another new director as well as Washington having a new director and choreographer. I can see 1RU-3RU going anyway as Papillion has been getting better in the past few years and I've heard good things about them this year as well.

Häakon on Jan 11, 2016, 7:09 AM
Post #2
Schedule added. There will be six finalists.


DrakeBake on Jan 11, 2016, 3:56 AM
Post #1
Schedule? Groups competing?

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