I know, i got caught behind stage all day. and then when you all came in, you all sorta looked the same when it was dark back there. But i found ya while you were on stage. I felt horrible lol.
a friend of mine got his like a week ago.... but he only ordered our choir, so maybe what they were talking about when patrick called was the whole evening? idk!
Hey! It was cool getting to talk to you! Everyone I met at Edgewood was awesome.
Yes Yes -- especially me .. right? LOL just playing -- but seriously I had alot of fun meeting you all!! I wish I could've stayed to like scream as loud as I could for you guys ::sniff::sniff:: You all would've been (insert name here) if I would've .. Because I can make the judges do that .. lol
i personally had so much fun at this competition!!at dinner i hung out with some laf. jeff band kids, they were so funny!we had a good time tipping the lil kids money when they would take our trays from us!lol shout out to Mark from laf. jeff! even tho i think me and lindsay kinda scared him off...lol!oh yeah and this guy kept throwing like quarters at me....kinda wierd, one hit me in the head! i mean i know i looked like i was tryin to make a fast buck with all the make-up i had on, but puleeze, at least throw $5 bills or blank checks!LOL!!!
Well, I don't think we got points taken off for our ballad, actually they said it was the most musical ballad they'd heard (and we were last). But yea, like Claire said, oh well...
whoever said it was an equal problem for everyone with the blowers... i dont know if any of the choirs there had an acapella ballad... but i would think if they did it would affect them more because there would be no band at all to cover up ther noise
I think that's probably the reason that I noticed it more, because during our ballad, which is acapella, I heard this loud noise. But, it's done and over with and I had a good time.