Thanks a bunch!!! I wish all judging was done this way!!!
people, it's okay if a judge doesn't give out any 9's & 10's -- a scoring system shouldn't force a judge to fall within a certain range of scores or risk being marginalized.
QUOTE(Bobby *The Company* @ Feb 3 2009, 02:36 PM) 451448
Olympic scoring is much easier than that. Each judge has a composite score for a group. Out of the five judges the highest and lowest composite scores are thrown out. So the remaining three judges scores are used.
So lets say there are 5 judges: A,B,C,D,E,. Judge A gives 120/160, B = 150/160, C = 130/160, D = 140/160, E = 160/160.
In this case Judge A and Judge E's scores would not be counted.
The reasoning behind Olympic is so that one judge can not ultimately determine the fate of any group.
Hope this clears things up.
Thanks a bunch!!! I wish all judging was done this way!!! I attended this competition for the first time and Piqua does it right!!!! I received a CD of Albertville's show last year and I wanted to see them first hand. I have to say, "They always have very creative show!" I want to come back next year!!! Save me a seat!!!!
Olympic scoring is much easier than that. Each judge has a composite score for a group. Out of the five judges the highest and lowest composite scores are thrown out. So the remaining three judges scores are used.
So lets say there are 5 judges: A,B,C,D,E,. Judge A gives 120/160, B = 150/160, C = 130/160, D = 140/160, E = 160/160.
In this case Judge A and Judge E's scores would not be counted.
The reasoning behind Olympic is so that one judge can not ultimately determine the fate of any group.
I am told that Piqua judges the Olympic way. They leave out the highest and lowest score of every judge. I have a question. So if a judge scores a 10 on vocals and that is his/hers highest score is it thrown out. On the same note if he/she scores a 5 on vocals and it is his/hers lowest score it is also thrown out. I don't know if this is fair or not, but it must be o.k.. I was wondering if 5 judges highest scores in vocals were their highest for different groups, does this mean that no points are counted for vocals for any groups? Could someone tell me if this is correct or not?
QUOTE(DancingQueen @ Jan 27 2009, 09:31 PM) 449629
Your CenterStage! Show Choir Rocked at Piqua!! I don't think the judges were too opened minded for creative thinking. They seem to understand only dance routines and loud bands. Your show was like a well choregraphed Broadway Show!! Wow!!! What talent!!! I know coming all the way from Alabama your choir was somewhat tired. However, the preliminary show rocked the house. CenterStage! received a standing ovation from the entire audience. The judges were somewhat biased for the Northern Choirs. I hope to hear how you did at your next competition. I heard this was your first competiton of the year!!! Awesome!!! Most of the choirs you competed against had already three competitons under their belt. However, your choir was very poised, professional, and polite!!! Thanks for supporting us!!! I feel CenterStage! should have placed higher. I loved your show last year and this year is great too!!!
Aww! Thank you very much! We enjoy traveling north and we are very proud of our accomplishments at the competition! Thank you again. =)
QUOTE(choirmom_1600 @ Jan 26 2009, 10:35 AM) 449080
Hello Everyone,
I am a CenterStage parent and we traveled from Albertville to Piqua, Ohio over the weekend. It was a long and tiring trip but lots of fun. Thanks to PHS for hosting a great competition! This was our first competition of the season and I was looking forward to it with great anticipation. I enjoyed every performance! One of my favorites was Solon Music in Motion. I loved everything about their show- music selection, costumes, and performance was great!
QUOTE(choirmom_1600 @ Jan 26 2009, 09:35 AM) 449080
Hello Everyone,
I am a CenterStage parent and we traveled from Albertville to Piqua, Ohio over the weekend. It was a long and tiring trip but lots of fun. Thanks to PHS for hosting a great competition! This was our first competition of the season and I was looking forward to it with great anticipation. I enjoyed every performance! One of my favorites was Solon Music in Motion. I loved everything about their show- music selection, costumes, and performance was great!
I agree totally, ChoirMom. I also loved Solon Music in Motion. It was a great show. Congrats to all that made finals.
QUOTE(DancingQueen @ Jan 27 2009, 09:31 PM) 449629
Your CenterStage! Show Choir Rocked at Piqua!! I don't think the judges were too opened minded for creative thinking. They seem to understand only dance routines and loud bands. Your show was like a well choregraphed Broadway Show!! Wow!!! What talent!!! I know coming all the way from Alabama your choir was somewhat tired. However, the preliminary show rocked the house. CenterStage! received a standing ovation from the entire audience. The judges were somewhat biased for the Northern Choirs. I hope to hear how you did at your next competition. I heard this was your first competiton of the year!!! Awesome!!! Most of the choirs you competed against had already three competitons under their belt. However, your choir was very poised, professional, and polite!!! Thanks for supporting us!!! I feel CenterStage! should have placed higher. I loved your show last year and this year is great too!!!
I'm so excited about Piqua!! They host a great competition every year! CenterStage cant wait til this weekend! Ahh!!! excitement!! anyways.. See you there!!!
Your CenterStage! Show Choir Rocked at Piqua!! I don't think the judges were too opened minded for creative thinking. They seem to understand only dance routines and loud bands. Your show was like a well choregraphed Broadway Show!! Wow!!! What talent!!! I know coming all the way from Alabama your choir was somewhat tired. However, the preliminary show rocked the house. CenterStage! received a standing ovation from the entire audience. The judges were somewhat biased for the Northern Choirs. I hope to hear how you did at your next competition. I heard this was your first competiton of the year!!! Awesome!!! Most of the choirs you competed against had already three competitons under their belt. However, your choir was very poised, professional, and polite!!! Thanks for supporting us!!! I feel CenterStage! should have placed higher. I loved your show last year and this year is great too!!!
Their closer is (unknown) Everything Louder than Everything Else. Their second song is like There's some kind of Hush/Hush/Hush All over the World or something like that...
Ok. Just so everyone knows, Findlay First Edition members aren't allowed to post on SCC. It's an old FFE rule. A friend of mine from FFE also told me there was nobody in their group named Jenn Licious, whos name belongs to the above post.
I just wanted to make sure everyone understands that the above post is not from a real Findlay First Edition member, but from an individual who is portraying a fictitious member of FFE.
Congratulations to every group yesterday. The amount of talent on that stage was amazing. Also, a big thanks goes out to Piqua for hosting an amazing competition!
Again, thanks for clarifying.
I was a little taken back that someone from Findlay would say that!
Like past Twinsburg shows, there are several medleys with songs that aren't easily recognized. The opener does include "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel (my favorite part of the show). The ballad is "Louder Than Words" from tick, tick... BOOM!.
Fun day, random part for me was the critiquers judged in night show so that something new all in all fun day fun day, shows for Charisma 2009 are on youtube so check them out, search Charisma 2009
These are just a few of my comments from the weekend:
Northrop: I didn't get to see your prelims performance, but I saw you in finals. I wasn't surprised with your show. I feel like it was exactly what I suspected it would be like. I was a little annoyed with the people standing up after every song right in front of me, but I mean, I understand they just want to support you. I thought you had decent vocals, and decent choreography.
Albertville: I thought your opener and closer were very very strong, but the middle portion of your show I was left very confused. It did have its vocal moments, but I was left wondering why you didnt just stick to the type of song your opener was. If you all would have done more songs like those two songs, I felt you would have placed higher, because they were very good.
Marysville: You all had my favorite show of the evening. It has the potential to be my favorite Marysville show yet. I thought your first songs were very clean and entertaining, while the last part of the show was lacking in cleanliness and vocal integrity. You all improved a lot in the evening performance, I noticed some blocking issues in the daytime performance. Your vocals are always strong, and I loved the show.
DeKalb: I missed your night show, but I caught the daytime show. I've only seen you all one other time a few years ago, and I was pleasantly surprised. You all had a lot of energy, but I could tell you all were getting vocally and physically tired by your closer. The opener was solid, and I really enjoyed the rest of the show. Very interesting ballad choice.
Findlay: WOW! I LOVE YOUR VOCALS. I don't think I've ever heard Findlay sound this strong. I was amazed at the crispness and sound of your vocals. Normally, I HATE novelty songs, but I must say that Coffee in a Cardboard Cup was amazing. You all have nice contrast in your louds and softs, and it was amazing. Choreographically, it was a typical Findlay show, but it was clean. I thought it was VERY close between you and Twinsburg.
Twinsburg: You all have crazy dance breaks. I loved the dance break with all the sound effects. While I felt that Findlay sang better, you all had the best all around package of the evening performances. You all sounded great, and danced great. The energy from your opener carried all the way to the closer, which many show choirs can't say they can do that. I had your closer stuck in my head all day. Congrats on a well deserved GC!
Piqua: This was by far the best Piqua show I've seen in a while. I LOVED the show up untill the girls/guys song. The girls song was messy, and I couldnt hear the guys song because of all the screaming in the audience. But you all came back for a great closer. I couldn't tell though if they guys hoodies were supposed to be up or down, because different people kept putting them on then pulling them off. Congrats on a great performance, and also hosting a great competition!
people, it's okay if a judge doesn't give out any 9's & 10's -- a scoring system shouldn't force a judge to fall within a certain range of scores or risk being marginalized.
use. standardized. scoring.