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 Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Piqua Show Choir Invitational 2007
Event Info

January 27th, 2007
Venue Info
Piqua High School
Hartzell Center For The Performing Arts
1 Indian Trail
Piqua, OH 45356
Phone: (937) 773-6314
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Piqua "The Company"
Event Judges:
Mike Crandall
David Legg
Verda Slinkard
Ticket prices unknown.
Piqua Show Choir Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Male Soloist (Evan Zimmerman)
Best Female Soloist (Grace Underwood)

Fairfield Senior High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Show Design

Great Expectations
Twinsburg High School
Second Runner Up

F.C. Singers
Franklin Central High School
3rd Runner Up

High Voltage
Franklin Central High School
4th Runner Up

Lehman Catholic High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Treble Division (Prelims) Show
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
138 comments • Sort by

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stcrachelle on Feb 10, 2007, 4:12 PM
Post #138
If anybody else wanted the Piqua DVD call this number so you can get it.....its the right one!!! 1-330-352-4603


musictolast on Feb 8, 2007, 3:12 PM
Post #137
QUOTE(limelight_jenn06 @ Feb 7 2007, 12:16 PM) 381457
Those sights are just the pictures. Anyone know where to get an actual DVD?

The DVD's are through OTSDI's partner company, Just Perfect Video. To order a DVD, you need to CALL them at 330-922-5606.

evanzimm on Feb 7, 2007, 10:09 PM
Post #136
QUOTE(PreachersWife1 @ Feb 7 2007, 03:23 PM) 381524

hahaha...i think he needs to read the name of the topic

PreachersWife1 on Feb 7, 2007, 7:23 PM
Post #135

Stolba on Feb 7, 2007, 6:44 PM
Post #134
QUOTE(Jphill09 @ Feb 7 2007, 02:30 PM) 381508
It looks like it's Fairfield's to lose. How about a race for second place?

QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Feb 7 2007, 02:43 PM) 381513

I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by this.

Rian on Feb 7, 2007, 6:43 PM
Post #133


Jphill09 on Feb 7, 2007, 6:30 PM
Post #132
It looks like it's Fairfield's to lose. How about a race for second place?


limelight_jenn06 on Feb 7, 2007, 4:16 PM
Post #131
Those sights are just the pictures. Anyone know where to get an actual DVD?

Rian on Feb 7, 2007, 1:12 PM
Post #130
I think you can get it from

limelighter23schaef on Feb 7, 2007, 10:24 AM
Post #129
I know you can get the pictures from , and I would assume that you could get the DVD from the same site. Hope that can help you! (I apologize if I'm leading you in the wrong direction!)

StCDude11 on Feb 6, 2007, 4:33 PM
Post #128
I was just wondering if anyone knows where you can get a DVD from this competition? If anyone ordered one and knows where let me know please!!!

limelighter23schaef on Feb 4, 2007, 6:46 PM
Post #127
What can I say?- I pay attention in class

limelighter07 on Feb 2, 2007, 9:18 PM
Post #126
QUOTE(limelighter @ Feb 1 2007, 10:54 PM) 379315
AMEN Brittany!!! hahah i believe i can see some of joe schmiesing's wisdom in these words

chyeah brit, it certainly does sound like joe influenced that sure he didn't type it


limelighter'08 on Feb 1, 2007, 11:54 PM
Post #125
QUOTE(limelighter23schaef @ Jan 31 2007, 01:08 PM) 378929
Okay, first off- That person was just saying what their placements would be. Those obviously weren't the actual placements.

Secondly- Thanks for clearing the air. I would just like to say that I never thought you hated us, so we were clear on that from the beginning Also, as Catholics, we believe in sharing our faith with others. (I've never heard of the views that you've understood on that topic, that's OK.) But you were right, we are competeing for a goal that we would like to accomplish. I guess we are just praising God in the process by saying that we owe EVERYTHING to him, including the talents of singing, dancing, playing, organizing, etc. You say you have a problem bringing Him up so many times in a show, but don't we owe it (and all else) back to him? (I'm not saying that ANY show choir that doesn't have God as a theme is bad, I'm just glad we get the opportunity to praise as we compete.)

AMEN Brittany!!! hahah i believe i can see some of joe schmiesing's wisdom in these words

limelighter07 on Jan 31, 2007, 11:26 PM
Post #124
God is pretty much amazing. I love being able to do that kind of a show.

And no hard feelings Scott (is it scott, i think i saw someone call you that?) I totally understand what you mean, it is interesting and different....but we're having fun, and we'll be ok.

I just more piqua contests for me... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Choir101 on Jan 31, 2007, 10:45 PM
Post #123
Lehman Catholic, you guys are amazing and i loved your show! Is god amazing or what?

limelighter23schaef on Jan 31, 2007, 5:08 PM
Post #122
QUOTE(show choirnerd88 @ Jan 31 2007, 02:00 AM) 378884
Hey just thought i'd clarify that the order of placements was
GC: Marysville
1 RU: Fairfield
2RU: Twinsburg
3RU: FC Mixed
4RU: FC Girls
5RU: Lehman Catholic

and not that i speak for FC Girls group or anything, but MOST competitions Reserve the first 2 or 3 rows of seats in the center for the Fans of the group that is performing... So it may have just been that the Girls felt they were entitled those seats because they were used to it... I'm sure they were joking. I don't know... the one reputation FC always has at competitions is being super friendly.. i just can't think of who would have said something like that...

Second of all... To the lehman guys... I was not in any way shape or form trying to put you down... I really like you guys. I just, being a pastors kid and how my dad would never let me sing christian music outside of church or prayer/bible study, you know things like that (southern baptist), i have a little bit of a conflict doing so much praise and worship music for a "show". I'm not saying "I HATE YOU! BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY FOR USING THE LORDS NAME IN show choir!!!!" it just made me feel awkward... i'm sorry if i offended you. I Mean, Totino Grace is one of my favorite choirs and they're a Catholic School... I don't know... just wanted to clear the air!!!

Okay, first off- That person was just saying what their placements would be. Those obviously weren't the actual placements.

Secondly- Thanks for clearing the air. I would just like to say that I never thought you hated us, so we were clear on that from the beginning Also, as Catholics, we believe in sharing our faith with others. (I've never heard of the views that you've understood on that topic, that's OK.) But you were right, we are competeing for a goal that we would like to accomplish. I guess we are just praising God in the process by saying that we owe EVERYTHING to him, including the talents of singing, dancing, playing, organizing, etc. You say you have a problem bringing Him up so many times in a show, but don't we owe it (and all else) back to him? (I'm not saying that ANY show choir that doesn't have God as a theme is bad, I'm just glad we get the opportunity to praise as we compete.)

user deleted  on Jan 31, 2007, 6:00 AM (Edited)
Post #121
QUOTE(MattG *The Company* @ Jan 29 2007, 09:56 PM) 378578
just wanted to say great job on saturday to everyone... especially marysville.... you guys amaze me..... you were great before... but the past 2 years.... wow is all i can say!

i would have put finals a little different

GC show is a little slow starting out....but vocally its top notch... i wasnt a big fan of your ballad.... but your soloist def makes it money! guys number on is amazing... so much energy...and you guys are all so friendly .... congrats on GC

1ru twinsburg.... i def think overall this is one of the best shows i have seen from you guys....entertaining the though way through.... killer dance break in the closer... the only thing i can think of is your band backing off some what... but u did that in finals... so yeah....awesome show this year!

2ru fairfield....the last time i seen you guys was the year of your director change......but you guys have improved so much since then! (not saying you were bad before...but u get the picture)... your group is so entertaining to watch... from the front to the back everyone has awesome facials....which tends to not always happen in other groups... steam heat was my favorite part of your show....and major props to the girl this the custom problem.... if i was a girl and that happened to me....i probably would of cried awesome show this year....good luck this season!

3ru FC mixed... your opener is very cool this year.... i havent seen unwritten uptempo so it was a nice guys have so much energy its insane...but at times during your day performance i thought u over sang. dynamics were something i would like to hear more of....specifically at the end of your ballad....start out softer so u have somewhere to go...i felt that the dynamics u had were either really quiet.... or really i think you guys just need to find the happy medium....but i loved your closer.... i still have it stuck in my head... congrats on a very entertaining show

4ru lehman.... you guys get better every year.....its awesome to see you guys grow.....very interesting song selection... but a good interesting....i havent seen any of those songs put together to make a show thus far.... i do remember you guys getting off tempo in finals... during the closer i believe?....but overall a very well thought out ustof luck the rest of the season

5ru FC girls......the beginning of your show was so good.....the girl front center with black hair was an amazing dancer! your second number was the best of the show..... def very entertaining.....after the ballad however i felt like things fell apart....vocally i didnt care for walk away.....i just thought it set in a weird part of your voice to project to the audience...i would of had you and lehman very close....the deciding fact wasn't to do with how your show was though....when you act shows in your performances... when i hear someone from your group make the comment " i hope you enjoyed the show, because you won't make finals to see it again" and then say its disrespectful for someone not to give up their seat, so you can watch your mixed group just seemed like a hypocritical statement.... and im sure that it wasn't intended to be that way.... but you have to understand that eyes and ears are on you at all times... none the less... awesome job this weekend..... best of luck throughout the rest of the season

and finally piqua.... i thought you guys had the most entertaining show of the day.....its so weird to see some of you guys as seniors!....and the guys number is def sweet!......good luck at zionsville? i think thats up next for you guys and awesome job this weekend

Hey just thought i'd clarify that the order of placements was
GC: Marysville
1 RU: Fairfield
2RU: Twinsburg
3RU: FC Mixed
4RU: FC Girls
5RU: Lehman Catholic

and not that i speak for FC Girls group or anything, but MOST competitions Reserve the first 2 or 3 rows of seats in the center for the Fans of the group that is performing... So it may have just been that the Girls felt they were entitled those seats because they were used to it... I'm sure they were joking. I don't know... the one reputation FC always has at competitions is being super friendly.. i just can't think of who would have said something like that...

Second of all... To the lehman guys... I was not in any way shape or form trying to put you down... I really like you guys. I just, being a pastors kid and how my dad would never let me sing christian music outside of church or prayer/bible study, you know things like that (southern baptist), i have a little bit of a conflict doing so much praise and worship music for a "show". I'm not saying "I HATE YOU! BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY FOR USING THE LORDS NAME IN show choir!!!!" it just made me feel awkward... i'm sorry if i offended you. I Mean, Totino Grace is one of my favorite choirs and they're a Catholic School... I don't know... just wanted to clear the air!!!

user deleted  on Jan 31, 2007, 5:50 AM
Post #120
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Jan 28 2007, 09:44 PM) 378188

I don't understand why you didn't bring this up with FC's ballad, it's the Lord's Prayer over and over again. You seem to have no problem with that (which is meant to praise god) but have a problem with Lehman's show...It's just odd. I'm not trying to start an argument, and hope that you respond with just a simple answer (if anything) as to why FC's ballad is okay in your mind, but this show isn't.
And for the record, I'm fine with songs like that being sung in shows.

i actually do have a little bit of a problem with FC's ballad...just as i did with the gospel medley in 2005 and in Eisenhowers show 2005... i guess that the reason Lehman's show got to me is because Normally there's only one Number that is Religious. So i'm thinking of 4 other songs when i think about the show. I don't dwell on that you know what i mean? When it's every song it kind of makes me think about it the entire 20 minute show. It's not that i have a Problem with it persay...i wasn't offended... i'm just not sure how i feel about it...

And as far as the Being biased part... yeah i'm a little biased... Picky? no... i just know what i like and what makes me think...


MattG *The Company* on Jan 30, 2007, 1:56 AM (Edited)
Post #119
just wanted to say great job on saturday to everyone... especially marysville.... you guys amaze me..... you were great before... but the past 2 years.... wow is all i can say!

i would have put finals a little different

GC show is a little slow starting out....but vocally its top notch... i wasnt a big fan of your ballad.... but your soloist def makes it money! guys number on is amazing... so much energy...and you guys are all so friendly .... congrats on GC

1ru twinsburg.... i def think overall this is one of the best shows i have seen from you guys....entertaining the though way through.... killer dance break in the closer... the only thing i can think of is your band backing off some what... but u did that in finals... so yeah....awesome show this year!

2ru fairfield....the last time i seen you guys was the year of your director change......but you guys have improved so much since then! (not saying you were bad before...but u get the picture)... your group is so entertaining to watch... from the front to the back everyone has awesome facials....which tends to not always happen in other groups... steam heat was my favorite part of your show....and major props to the girl this the custom problem.... if i was a girl and that happened to me....i probably would of cried awesome show this year....good luck this season!

3ru FC mixed... your opener is very cool this year.... i havent seen unwritten uptempo so it was a nice guys have so much energy its insane...but at times during your day performance i thought u over sang. dynamics were something i would like to hear more of....specifically at the end of your ballad....start out softer so u have somewhere to go...i felt that the dynamics u had were either really quiet.... or really i think you guys just need to find the happy medium....but i loved your closer.... i still have it stuck in my head... congrats on a very entertaining show

4ru lehman.... you guys get better every year.....its awesome to see you guys grow.....very interesting song selection... but a good interesting....i havent seen any of those songs put together to make a show thus far.... i do remember you guys getting off tempo in finals... during the closer i believe?....but overall a very well thought out of luck the rest of the season

5ru FC girls......the beginning of your show was so good.....the girl front center with black hair was an amazing dancer! your second number was the best of the show..... def very entertaining.....after the ballad however i felt like things fell apart....vocally i didnt care for walk away.....i just thought it set in a weird part of your voice to project to the audience...i would of had you and lehman very close....the deciding fact wasn't to do with how your show was though....when you act shows in your performances... when i hear someone from your group make the comment " i hope you enjoyed the show, because you won't make finals to see it again" and then say its disrespectful for someone not to give up their seat, so you can watch your mixed group just seemed like a hypocritical statement.... and im sure that it wasn't intended to be that way.... but you have to understand that eyes and ears are on you at all times... none the less... awesome job this weekend..... best of luck throughout the rest of the season

and finally piqua.... i thought you guys had the most entertaining show of the day.....its so weird to see some of you guys as seniors!....and the guys number is def sweet!......good luck at zionsville? i think thats up next for you guys and awesome job this weekend

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