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Westlane Middle School
Bluettes 2025
Bluettes 2025
Choir Information
R. Matthew Ambrosen II
Select a choir to see their historical head-to-head record with Bluettes:
A.D. Johnston Jr/Sr HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Aberdeen Central HS (SD) "Eagle Express"
Aberdeen Central HS (SD) "Special Request"
Abington HS (MA) "Pastiche"
Abraham Lincoln HS (CA) "Varsity Gold"
Academy for Academics & Arts (AL) "Accents"
Academy of Visual and Performing Arts (TX) "Phoenix Harmony"
Act Two Performing Arts (MD) "Overture"
Act Two Performing Arts (MD) "Vertigo"
Ada HS (OH) "Varsity Singers"
Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center HS (IA) "Center Stage"
ADM MS (IA) "Compass"
Adrian HS (MN) "Dragon Fever"
Adrian HS (MN) "Edition"
Adrian HS (MI) "The Balladiers"
AHSTW Community School (IA) "Viking Voices"
AHSTW Community School (IA) "Show Choir"
Akron Springfield HS (OH) "Spartanaires"
Alabama Avenue MS (AL) "VocalPoint"
Alabama School of Mathematics and Science (AL) "Glee Club"
Alan B. Shepard HS (IL) "Nova"
Albany HS (WI) "New Generation"
Albany HS (LA) "Show Choir"
Albemarle HS (VA) "Vocal Ascension"
Albemarle HS (VA) "Ladies First"
Albert Lea HS (MN) "Cat'aclysmic"
Albert Lea HS (MN) "Sass"
Albertville HS (AL) "CenterStage!"
Albertville HS (AL) "CenSations!"
Albertville MS (AL) "VocalPoint"
Albertville MS (AL) "Vocal Point!"
Albia HS (IA) "Electric A's"
Albion MS (OH) "Showstoppers"
Aldo Leopold Community School (WI) "Harmony in Motion"
Alexander Graham MS (NC) "Singing Bulldogs"
Alexandria-Monroe HS (IN) "Crescendoz"
Alexandria-Monroe HS (IN) "Prelude"
Alfred Luther Brown HS (NC) "Vocal Ensemble"
Alfred Luther Brown HS (NC) "Wonders"
Algona HS (IA) "Swingin' Show Dogs"
Algonac Jr/Sr HS (MI) "Rainbow Connection"
Alice Buffett MS (NE) "Bravo"
All Saints Catholic School (ON) "Flash"
All Saints Catholic School (ON) "Glee Club"
All Saints Catholic School (ON) "Flair"
Allen East HS (OH) "Royale Blues"
Allen East MS (OH) "The Mustang Movement"
Alliance HS (OH) "Jet Setters"
Alliance HS (OH) "Flying High"
Alliance HS (OH) "Aviatrix"
Alliance HS (NE) "Harmonics"
Alliance HS (NE) "Velocity"
Alliance MS (NE) "Dynamics"
Alliance MS (NE) "Una Voce"
Alliance MS (OH) "Show Choir"
Alta Loma HS (CA) "Sound Sensations"
Alta-Aurelia HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Althoff Catholic HS (IL) "Crusader Innovation"
Althoff Catholic HS (IL) "Kaleidoscope"
Alton HS (IL) "Red Harmonix"
Altona MS (CO) "Show Choir"
Altoona HS (WI) "Locomotion"
Altoona HS (WI) "Northland Singers"
Altoona HS (WI) "Enginuity"
Altoona HS (WI) "Loco Ladies"
Altoona HS (WI) "LOCO L&L"
Altoona MS (WI) "In Training"
Altus HS (OK) "Showstoppers"
Alva HS (OK) "Electric Gold"
Alva HS (OK) "Women's Show Choir"
Alva HS (OK) "Rumor Has It"
Alva MS (OK) "Electric Voices"
Alva MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Alvarado Intermediate School (CA) "Vocal Motion"
Amanda-Clearcreek MS (OH) "Show Choir"
American Leadership Academy (UT) "Evolution"
American Leadership Academy (UT) "Rhapsody"
American Leadership Academy (UT) "Premier"
American Leadership Academy Junior HS (UT) "InPulse"
Americus-Sumter County South HS (GA) "Singers"
Americus-Sumter County South HS (GA) "Inspiration"
Americus-Sumter County South HS (GA) "Front And Center Singers"
Americus-Sumter County South HS (GA) "Divas"
Americus-Sumter County South HS (GA) "Front and Center"
Amherst County HS (VA) "Amherechos"
Amherst County HS (VA) "Belles of Amherst"
Amos Alonzo Stagg HS (IL) "Ovation"
Anaheim South Junior HS (CA) "Next in Line"
Anaheim South Junior HS (CA) "Up and Coming"
Anamosa HS (IA) "Sadie Street Singers"
Anchor Bay HS (MI) "Stars"
Andersen MS (NE) "Vocal Diversity"
Andersen MS (NE) "Luminescence"
Andersen MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Andersen MS (NE) "Iridescence"
Anderson HS (IN) "Singers Unlimited"
Anderson HS (IN) "Vocal Infusion"
Anderson HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Anderson HS (IN) "Class Act"
Anderson HS (IN) "Vocal Elegance"
Anderson HS (IN) "Starliters"
Anderson Prep Academy (IN) "the Collective"
Anderson Prep Academy (IN) "Vocal Velocity"
Anderson Prep Academy (IN) "Bel Canto"
Anderson Prep Academy (IN) "Adoration Sound"
Andover HS (MA) "From Start to Finish"
Andover HS (MA) "Nothin' But Treble"
Andover HS (MA) "Back To Bass-ics"
Andover MS (MA) "Interlude"
Andover MS (MA) "Voltage"
Andrew Community School (IA) "Show Choir"
Angola HS (IN) "Vocal Infinity"
Ankeney MS (OH) "Connection"
Ankeney MS (OH) "Rainbow Connection"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Spectrum"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Vortex"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Eternal Rush"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Chaos"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "ReMix"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Rhythmic Momentum"
Ankeny Centennial HS (IA) "Project X"
Ankeny HS (IA) "Visual Adrenaline"
Ankeny HS (IA) "Perpetual Motion"
Ankeny HS (IA) "Intensity"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Chain Reaction"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Inferno Fusion"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Ignition"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Internal Combustion"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Ignition Black"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "115 Watts"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Watts"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Dynamite"
Ankeny Northview MS (IA) "Ignition Silver"
Ankeny Southview MS (IA) "Dynamite"
Ansted MS (WV) "Blaze the Trail"
Antelope HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Anthem MSs (AZ) "Boulder Brilliantes"
Anthony W. Ochoa MS (CA) "Glitter and Gold"
Anthony W. Ochoa MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Antioch HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Apple Valley HS (CA) "SunSations"
Apple Valley HS (CA) "Sundevil Singers"
Apple Valley HS (CA) "Vocal Motion"
Apple Valley HS (CA) "SunDevilaires"
Apple Valley HS (CA) "Vocalmotion"
Appleton West HS (WI) "West Singers"
Appling County HS (GA) "Applause"
Appling County MS (GA) "CenterStage"
Appomattox Regional Governor's School (VA) "InAChordDance"
Appomattox Regional Governor's School (VA) "Vocal Inferno"
Aquinas HS (WI) "Synergy II"
Aquinas HS (WI) "Triple Trio and Discords"
Aquinas HS (NE) "Gold Vibrancy"
Aquinas HS (NE) "Forte"
Arbor View HS (NV) "Show Choir"
Arcadia HS (CA) "Chanteurs"
Arcadia HS (CA) "New Spirit"
Arcadia HS (CA) "Harmonix"
Archbishop Chapelle HS (LA) "Showstoppers"
Archie HS (MO) "Sound Of Thunder"
Argo Community HS (IL) "Ebullience"
Argo Community HS (IL) "Argo Ebullience"
Argyle Academy of the Arts (NY) "The Accents"
Argyle MS (TX) "Harmony"
Argyle MS (TX) "Melody"
ARISE Community Group (OH) "Maximum Impact"
Arkansas Arts Academy (AR) "Show Choir"
Arkansas City HS (KS) "Ark High Singers"
Arlington Bowie HS (TX) "Volunteer Voices"
Arlington Heights HS (TX) "Vocamotion"
Arlington Heights HS (TX) "Nitro"
Arlington Heights HS (TX) "Tonal Eclipse"
Arlington Heights HS (TX) "Encore"
Arlington Heights MS (IL) "Center Stage"
Arlington HS (WA) "Flight"
Arlington HS (NE) "Soaring Sound"
Arlington HS (NE) "Melodic Showtation"
Arlington HS (TX) "Choraliers"
Arlington HS (TX) "Take Note"
Arrowhead HS (WI) "Broadway Bound"
Arrowhead HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Arthur Jr/Sr HS (IL) "High Energy"
Arthur Jr/Sr HS (IL) "Jr. High Energy"
ARTS Resources Group (WV) "All Star Show Choir"
Arvada West HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Ashland HS (OH) "Arrow Dynamics"
Ashland HS (WI) "Lake Effect"
Ashland HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Ashtabula Edgewood HS (OH) "Warrior Soundsations"
Ashtabula Lakeside HS (OH) "Melodica"
Ashton Ranch MS (AZ) "Stampede Vocals"
Ashwaubenon HS (WI) "Encore"
Aspen Creek MS (NE) "Accelerando"
Aspire Music Academy (MN) "Adrenaline"
Aspire Music Academy (MN) "Momentum"
Aspire Music Academy (MN) "Impact"
Aspire Music Academy (MN) "Intensity"
Assumption HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Atascadero HS (CA) "No Hesitation"
Atascadero HS (CA) "Greyhound Connection"
Atchison HS (KS) "Adrenaline"
Atchison HS (KS) "Accent"
Atchison HS (KS) "Momentum"
Atchison HS (KS) "Mantime Steamroller"
Atkins Academic & Technology HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Premiere"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Ambassadors"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Diversity"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Adrenaline"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Sensations"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Treble Makers"
Atlantic HS (IA) "Fresh Look"
Atlee HS (VA) "Illusion"
Atlee HS (VA) "Elegance"
Atlee HS (VA) "Serenade"
Atlee HS (VA) "Debonair"
Auburn HS (AL) "Varsity Singers"
Auburn HS (AL) "Èlan"
Auburn HS (AL) "Women's Show Choir"
Auburn HS (AL) "Men at Work"
Auburn Junior HS (AL) "Adrenaline"
Auburn Junior HS (AL) "Jazz"
Auburn Junior HS (AL) "Audacity"
Auburn Junior HS (AL) "TrebleMakers"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Vision"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Rhythm in Red"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Scarlet Swingers"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Reflection"
Auburn Middle/HS (NE) "Blue Notes"
Audubon HS (IA) "Odyssey"
Audubon HS (IA) "Jubilation"
Audubon HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Augusta HS (KS) "Take 2"
Augusta HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Augusta HS (WI) "Mixtape"
Aurora HS (NE) "Rhapsody"
Aurora HS (NE) "Impact"
Aurora HS (OH) "Emerald Ensemble"
Aurora West College Preparatory Academy (CO) "Luminous"
Austin Bowie HS (TX) "Silver Sound"
Austin Bowie HS (TX) "Jazz Choir"
Austin HS (IN) "Dimensions"
Austin HS (IN) "Ladies' Choice"
Austin HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Austin MS (IN) "Adrenaline"
Austintown Fitch HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Avon HS (IN) "Accents"
Avon HS (IN) "Attraction"
Avon HS (SD) "Gold"
Avon HS (SD) "Unike"
Avon MSs (IN) "Ambition"
Avon South MS (IN) "Oriole Fusion"
Ayersville HS (OH) "Chante"
Aynor MS (SC) "Blue Notes"
Azle HS (TX) "Jazz Choir"
Azusa HS (CA) "Aztec Singers"
Bailey APAC MS (MS) "Excalibur"
Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet School (AL) "ShowStoppers"
Ballard MS (IA) "Remix"
Bangor Area HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Baraboo HS (WI) "Harmonix"
Barberton MS (OH) "The Magic Jrs"
Barr MS (NE) "High Impact"
Barron HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Bartlett HS (MA) "Impressions"
Bartlett HS (MA) "New Attitude"
Batavia HS (IL) "Swingsingers"
Batavia HS (IL) "Legacy"
Batesville HS (IN) "Singers"
Batesville HS (IN) "Sensations"
Battle Ground MS (IN) "In-Step"
Battle HS (MO) "Battalion"
Battle HS (MO) "The Muses"
Battle Mountain HS (CO) "High Notes"
Baxterville School (MS) "Charisma"
Bay City HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Bay HS (MS) "Momentum"
Bay HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Bay Port HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Bay Port HS (WI) "Pandemonious"
Bay View MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Bay View MS (WI) "Bay View Beats"
Bay View MS (WI) "Here Comes Treble"
Bayard Secondary School (NE) "21st Century Singers"
Bayard Secondary School (NE) "Magic Rhythm"
Bayard Secondary School (NE) "Junior High Show Choir"
Bayfield HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Bayless HS (MO) "Expression"
Bayless HS (MO) "Xpression"
BCLUW HS (IA) "Rhythmic Force"
BCLUW HS (IA) "Center Street Swing"
BCLUW HS (IA) "Fire & Ice"
BCLUW HS (IA) "Soundrays"
BCLUW HS (IA) "Fire and Ice"
Beaconsfield HS (QC) "Crescendo"
Beadle MS (NE) "Show Dogs"
Beadle MS (NE) "Encore"
Beadle MS (NE) "Show Pups"
Bear Creek Intermediate School (TX) "Limitless"
Bear River HS (CA) "Starlite Express"
Bear Valley Unified School District (CA) "Alti'Dudes"
Bear Valley Unified School District (CA) "Altitude Accelerant"
Bear Valley Unified School District (CA) "Altitude Adrenaline"
Bearden HS (TN) "Treblemakers"
Beatrice HS (NE) "Limited Edition"
Beatrice HS (NE) "First Edition"
Beatrice MS (NE) "Delegation"
Beatrice MS (NE) "Declaration"
Beaver Dam HS (WI) "BD Swazz"
Beaver Dam HS (WI) "A New Media"
Beaver Local HS (OH) "Rhythm in Red"
Beavercreek HS (OH) "Friends"
Beavercreek MSs (OH) "Entourage"
Beavercreek MSs (OH) "New Horizons"
Bedford HS (IA) "Touch Of Class"
Bedford HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Bedford HS (MI) "Soiree Singers"
Bedford-North Lawrence HS (IN) "Star Struck"
Bedford-North Lawrence HS (IN) "Starlets"
Beech Grove HS (IN) "Jubilaires"
Beech Grove HS (IN) "Elan"
Beech Grove HS (IN) "Elan & Co"
Beech Grove HS (IN) "E'lan & Co."
Beech HS (TN) "Melodic Impact"
Beech HS (TN) "Harmonix"
Beech HS (TN) "Charisma"
Beech HS (TN) "Divine Divas"
Beechcroft HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Bell Creek MS (VA) "New Edition"
Bell Intermediate School (CA) "Star Struck"
Bell Intermediate School (CA) "Sound Machine"
Bell Intermediate School (CA) "Showstoppers"
Bell Tower School (CA) "Harmony"
Bell Tower School (CA) "Mini Harmony"
Belle Plaine HS (KS) "Singers"
Bellefontaine HS (OH) "Les Fons"
Belleville East HS (IL) "Blue Revolution"
Belleville East HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Bellevue East HS (NE) "Take II"
Bellevue East HS (NE) "East In Harmony"
Bellevue East HS (NE) "Sensations"
Bellevue HS (OH) "Choraliers"
Bellevue West HS (NE) "West Connection"
Bellevue West HS (NE) "Explosion"
Bellingham HS (WA) "Showstoppers"
Bellmont HS (IN) "Brave Generation"
Bellmont HS (IN) "LEGS"
Belmond-Klemme Jr/Sr HS (IA) "New Group"
Belmond-Klemme Jr/Sr HS (IA) "10th Avenue Singers"
Belton HS (TX) "Madrigal"
Belton HS (TX) "Harmony"
Belzer MS (IN) "Show Choir"
Belzer MS (IN) "Sound"
Bemidji HS (MN) "Vocalmotive"
Bemidji HS (MN) "La Voce Ballo"
Bemidji MS (MN) "Jive"
Bemidji MS (MN) "Pizazz"
Ben Davis 9th Grade Center (IN) "Preview"
Ben Davis HS (IN) "Premiers"
Ben Davis HS (IN) "Sounds"
Ben Davis HS (IN) "Soundsations"
Ben Heppner Vocal Music Academy (ON) "Treble Effects"
Ben Reifel MS (SD) "Unity"
Ben Reifel MS (SD) "Connection"
Benjamin Logan HS (OH) "Standing Ovation"
Benjamin Russell HS (AL) "Traditions"
Benjamin Russell HS (AL) "Women's Chorus"
Benold MS (TX) "Tone Down For What"
Benold MS (TX) "ChordiNation"
Benold MS (TX) "Unaccompanied Minors"
Benson HS (NE) "Harmonizers"
Benson HS (NE) "Maple Street Singers"
Benson HS (NE) "Maple Street Harmonizers"
Benson HS (NE) "Resilience"
Benton Community HS (IA) "Celebration Co."
Benton Community HS (IA) "Jubilation, Inc."
Benton Community MS (IA) "Illusions"
Berea-Midpark HS (OH) "Magic"
Berea-Midpark HS (OH) "Center Stage"
Berea-Midpark MS (OH) "In the Wings"
Berkeley Springs HS (WV) "Show Choir"
Berkley HS (MI) "ENCORE!"
Berlin HS (WI) "Rhythm 'n' Swing"
Berlin MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Bernardo Heights MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Berry MS (AL) "Bravura"
Berry MS (AL) "Berry Singers"
Berry MS (AL) "Code Blue"
Berthoud HS (CO) "Bridge-Between"
Bethany HS (OK) "Vocal Flash"
Bethany HS (OK) "Treblemakers"
Bethany HS (OK) "Bronco Bellas"
Bethany HS (OK) "Fresh Mix"
Bethany HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Bethany HS (OK) "Women's Show Choir"
Bethany HS (IL) "Show Edition"
Bethany MS (OK) "Bronco Beat"
Bethany MS (OK) "Applause"
Bethany MS (OK) "Little Treblemakers"
Bethel HS (VA) "JazZe"
Bethel HS (VA) "Cultured Pearls"
Bettendorf HS (IA) "Surround Sound"
Bettendorf HS (IA) "Audio Intensity"
Bettendorf HS (IA) "Decibelles"
Bettendorf MS (IA) "Reverberation"
Beulah Park MS (OH) "Citation"
Beulah Park MS (OH) "Music in Motion"
Beveridge MS (NE) "Bulldog Beat"
Beverly HS (MA) "Vitality"
Beynon Fields Public School (ON) "Beynon Belles"
Biglerville HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Biloxi HS (MS) "Cabaret"
Biloxi HS (MS) "Sound Surge"
Biloxi HS (MS) "Sound Sirens"
Biloxi HS (MS) "Elite"
Biloxi HS (MS) "Sound Sailors"
Biloxi Junior HS (MS) "Sound Storm"
Birdville HS (TX) "Vocal Edition"
Birdville HS (TX) "Hawks in Harmony"
Bishop Dwenger HS (IN) "Summit Sound"
Bishop Dwenger HS (IN) "Saint Sensations"
Bishop Dwenger HS (IN) "Elegance"
Bishop Garrigan Catholic School (IA) "Show Choir"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "Harmonia Mundi"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "The Classical Advantage"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "Magnifique"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "Starlights"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "Pinnacle"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "moMANtum"
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA) "Genesis"
Bishop Hendricken HS (RI) "Paramount"
Bishop Luers HS (IN) "Minstrels"
Bishop Luers HS (IN) "Knight Stars"
Bishop Luers HS (IN) "Lancers"
Bishop Luers HS (IN) "Reigning Knights"
Bishop McNamara Catholic HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Bishop Neumann HS (NE) "Scarlet Knights"
Bixby MS (OK) "Spartan Singsations"
Black Mountain MS (CA) "It's My Forte"
Black Mountain MS (CA) "Ensemble"
Black Mountain MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Blackford HS (IN) "Expression"
Blackford HS (IN) "Bruin Beat"
Blackford HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Blair HS (NE) "Ovation"
Blair HS (NE) "Innovation"
Blair HS (NE) "Encore"
Blair HS (NE) "Sophisticated Ladies"
Blake HS (FL) "Show Choir"
Blalack MS (TX) "Rhapsody"
Blocker MS (TX) "Soundwaves"
Bloom HS (IL) "Sonic Boom"
Bloomfield Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Center Stage"
Bloomfield Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT) (IN) "Amplitude"
Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT) (IN) "Revelation"
Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT) (IN) "Syncopation"
Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT) (IN) "Synchronicity"
Bloomington HS (WI) "Jazz Singers"
Bloomington HS South (IN) "Sounds of South"
Bloomington Jefferson HS (MN) "Jefferson Connection"
Bloomington Jefferson HS (MN) "Jive"
Bloomington Junior HS (IL) "Junior Show Choir"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "Rhythm in Gold"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "JB Singers"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "East Side Swingers"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "Blue and Gold Velvet"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "East Side Rhythm"
Bloomington Kennedy HS (MN) "Men in Motion"
Blue Hill Consolidated School (ME) "Show Choir"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "BV Singers"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "Chamber Singers"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "Choraliers"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "Classy Ladies"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "Classic Blend"
Blue Valley HS (KS) "Select Blend"
Blue Valley Southwest HS (KS) "Choraliers"
Bluefield MS (WV) "Show Choir"
Bluegrass United Academic Center (KY) "Show Choir"
Bluffs MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Bluffton HS (IN) "Musical Entourage"
Bluffton HS (IN) "Singing Sensations"
Bluffton HS (OH) "Sound Sensation"
Bluffton HS (OH) "Center Stage"
Boaz HS (AL) "Elite"
Boaz HS (AL) "Crimson Extreme"
Boaz MS (AL) "Exclusives"
Boaz MS (AL) "Show Choir"
Boaz MS (AL) "Expressions"
Bob Jones HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Bob Jones HS (AL) "Bel Canto"
Bond Academy (ON) "Dynamites"
Bond Academy (ON) "The Dynamights"
Bondurant-Farrar Junior/Senior HS (IA) "Magic In Motion"
Bondurant-Farrar Junior/Senior HS (IA) "Legacy"
Bonita Vista HS (CA) "The Music Machine"
Bonita Vista HS (CA) "The Blue and Gold Machine"
Bonita Vista HS (CA) "Sound Unlimited"
Bonita Vista HS (CA) "Barontones"
Bonita Vista MS (CA) "Advanced Choir"
Booker T. Washington HS (AL) "Paradigm"
Booker T. Washington HS (TX) "The Entertainers"
Boston Latin School (MA) "Pizzazz"
Boston Latin School (MA) "Pizazz"
Boulder Creek HS (AZ) "Broadway Bound"
Boulder Creek HS (AZ) "Heart & Soul"
Bowsher HS (OH) "The Rebelaires"
Boyden-Hull HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Boyertown Junior HS West (PA) "Show Choir"
Boyertown Senior HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Bradley Central HS (TN) "Vocal Motion"
Bradley Central HS (TN) "Centrifugal Motion"
Bradley Central HS (TN) "Maximum Velocity"
Bradley Central HS (TN) "Ranstrassy"
Brandon HS (MS) "Brio"
Brandon HS (MS) "Celebration"
Brandon HS (MS) "Bellas"
Brandon MS (MS) "Blitz"
Brandon MS (MS) "Brio"
Brandon MS (MS) "Boom"
Brantley County HS (GA) "Herons in Harmony"
Brantley County HS (GA) "Herons Elite"
Brea Junior HS (CA) "Show Choir Express"
Brea Junior HS (CA) "Starlet Express"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Chamber Choir"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Masquerade"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Spellbound"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Silver Note Singers"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Tiffany & Company"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Tiffanys"
Brea Olinda HS (CA) "Thundercats"
Brecksville-Broadview Heights HS (OH) "Music In Motion"
Bremen HS (IN) "Bremen Singers"
Brewer HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Briarwood Christian School (AL) "Radica"
Briarwood Christian School (AL) "Karis"
Bridgeport and Washington Irving MSs (WV) "Rivals in Rhythm"
Bridgeport HS (WV) "The Main Attraction"
Bridgeport HS (WV) "Show Choir"
Bridgeport HS (WV) "Encore"
Bridgeport Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Audacity"
Bridgeport Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Junior High Show Choir"
Bridgeport Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Euphoria"
Bridgeport Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Treble Makers"
Bridgeport MS (WV) "Opening Act"
Brillion HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Brillion HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Brillion HS (WI) "Entertainment Express"
Brillion HS (WI) "Island Heat"
Brindlee Mountain HS (AL) "Sudden Impulse"
Brock's Gap Intermediate School (AL) "Show Choir"
Brockton HS (MA) "Harmonics"
Brodhead HS (WI) "Guys and Dolls"
Brodhead HS (WI) "Boys and Girls"
Brodhead HS (WI) "BHS Express"
Broken Arrow Centennial MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Broken Arrow Centennial MS (OK) "Tiger Valor"
Broken Arrow Centennial MS (OK) "Tiger Synergy"
Broken Arrow Clarence G. Oliver MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Broken Arrow Clarence G. Oliver MS (OK) "Tiger Genesis"
Broken Arrow Clarence G. Oliver MS (OK) "Tiger Tempo"
Broken Arrow Clarence G. Oliver MS (OK) "Tiger Fire"
Broken Arrow Ernest Childers MS (OK) "Tiger Tonez"
Broken Arrow Ernest Childers MS (OK) "Tiger Harmony"
Broken Arrow Freshman Academy (OK) "Tiger Momentum"
Broken Arrow Freshman Academy (OK) "Tiger Beat"
Broken Arrow Freshman Academy (OK) "Tiger Catalyst"
Broken Arrow HS (OK) "Tiger Rhythm"
Broken Arrow HS (OK) "Tiger Mystique"
Broken Arrow Oneta Ridge MS (OK) "Tiger Fever"
Broken Arrow Sequoyah MS (OK) "Tiger Legacy"
Broken Arrow Sequoyah MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Broken Arrow Sequoyah MS (OK) "Tribe"
Broken Bow HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Brooke Point HS (VA) "Select Choir"
Brookhaven HS (MS) "Synergy"
Brookhaven HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Brooklyn Center HS (MN) "Field Of Fire"
Brooklyn HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Aspirations"
Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Dynamics"
Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Silver Image"
Brookwood HS (AL) "Synergy"
Broughton HS (NC) "Carolina Spirit"
Broughton HS (NC) "Capital Touch"
Broughton HS (NC) "Elite"
Broughton HS (NC) "Carolina Company"
Brown County HS (IN) "Rhapsody"
Brown County HS (IN) "Elegance"
Brown County HS (IN) "Serenade"
Brown County HS (IN) "Mystique"
Brownsburg HS (IN) "Spotlight Singers & Company"
Brownsburg HS (IN) "Starlight Voices"
Brownsburg HS (IN) "Bella Voce"
Brownsburg HS (IN) "Dog Pound"
Brownsburg MSs (IN) "Moonlight"
Brunswick Early College HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Brunswick Early College HS (NC) "IGNITE!"
Brunswick HS (OH) "Young Folk"
Brush HS (OH) "Soundsation"
Brush HS (OH) "Vocal Motion"
Bryan HS (NE) "Surround Sound"
Bryan HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Bryan MS (IL) "Bryan Beat"
Buckeye Central HS (OH) "Scarlet and Gray"
Buckeye Valley HS (OH) "Visions"
Buckeye Valley MS (OH) "Illusions"
Buckhannon-Upshur HS (WV) "Buccanaires"
Bucyrus HS (OH) "Players"
Bucyrus MS (OH) "Vocal Motion"
Buena Park Youth Theatre (CA) "Spotlight Performers"
Buena Vista HS (NE) "L Street Singers"
Buena Vista HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Buffalo Grove HS (IL) "Expressions"
Buffalo Grove HS (IL) "New Vibes"
Buffalo HS (WV) "Show Time"
Buhler HS (KS) "Singers"
Bumpus MS (AL) "Cadence"
Bunsold MS (OH) "Mini Swingers"
Burbank HS (CA) "In Sync"
Burbank HS (CA) "Impressions"
Burbank HS (CA) "Blue Impressions"
Burbank HS (CA) "Out Of The Blue"
Burbank HS (CA) "Sapphire"
Burbank HS (CA) "Sound Dogs"
Burke HS (NE) "Synergy"
Burke HS (NE) "Ensemble"
Burke HS (NE) "Onyx Ovation"
Burleson Centennial HS (TX) "Shades of Blue"
Burleson HS (TX) "Breakaway"
Burleson HS (TX) "Texas Showdown"
Burlington HS (IA) "Purpleaires"
Burlington HS (WI) "B*JAZZled"
Burlington HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Burrell HS (PA) "Showstoppers"
Burris Laboratory School (IN) "Parliament Sound"
C. Leon King HS (FL) "Pride"
Cabell Midland HS (WV) "Rhythm In Red"
Cabell Midland HS (WV) "Vocal Dimensions"
Cabell Midland HS (WV) "The Scarlettes"
Cabell Midland HS (WV) "Women's Show Choir"
Cabool HS (MO) "Rhythm In Blue"
Cache HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Caddo Middle Magnet School (LA) "Show Stoppers"
Caesar Rodney HS (DE) "Standing Room Only"
Caesar Rodney HS (DE) "Combined Show Choirs"
Calavera Hills MS (CA) "Sound Sensations"
Calhoun County Middle/HS (WV) "Show Choir"
Callanan MS (IA) "Tapestry"
Callaway MS (GA) "Coda"
Callaway MS (GA) "Show Choir"
Cambridge HS (OH) "Jubilation"
Cambridge HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Cambridge HS (NE) "Music Company"
Camden MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Cameron HS (MO) "Lights, Cameron, Action!"
Cameron HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Campbellsport HS (WI) "Rhythm Rockers"
Canal Fulton Northwest HS (OH) "Tribal Tones"
Cañon City HS (CO) "Encore!"
Cañon City HS (CO) "Tiger Ladies"
Canyon Del Oro HS (AZ) "Canyon Singers"
Canyon Del Oro HS (AZ) "Canyon Belles"
Canyon Del Oro HS (AZ) "Vocal Melody"
Canyon Del Oro HS (AZ) "Vocal Velocity"
Canyon HS (TX) "Platinum"
Canyon HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Canyon Ridge HS (ID) "Synergy"
Canyon Springs HS (CA) "Treble Choir"
Cape Coral Performing Arts (FL) "Ovations"
Capital HS (MT) "Saturday's Children"
Capital HS (WV) "Voices In Perfection"
Capital HS (NM) "Runaway Broadway"
Capital HS (NM) "Show Choir"
Caravel MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Carbondale Community HS (IL) "Swing Choir"
Cardinal Community School (IA) "Chromatix"
Cardinal Community School (IA) "Show Choir"
Cardinal Gibbons HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Cardinal HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Cardinal HS (OH) "Cardinaires"
Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School (ON) "CN Explosion"
Cardington-Lincoln HS (OH) "CHS Express"
Caribou HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Caribou MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Caribou MS (ME) "7th/8th Grade Show Choir"
Caribou MS (ME) "5th/6th Grade Show Choir"
Carl Albert HS (OK) "Soundsations"
Carl Traeger MS (WI) "Act 1"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Sound Express"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Encore"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Lancers"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Lancer Choir"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Purple Reign"
Carlsbad HS (CA) "Men's Show Choir"
Carlsbad HS (NM) "Show Choir"
Carlsbad HS (NM) "Encore"
Carmel Catholic HS (IL) "Cadence"
Carmel Catholic HS (IL) "Co-Choir"
Carmel HS (IN) "Ambassadors"
Carmel HS (IN) "Accents"
Carmel HS (IN) "New Edition"
Carmel HS (IN) "Allegro"
Carmel HS (IN) "Greyhound Sound"
Carmel MS (IN) "Class Act"
Carolina Forest HS (SC) "Showcase"
Carrington MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Carroll HS (IA) "Swingsations"
Carroll HS (IA) "Sensations"
Carroll HS (IN) "Magic"
Carroll HS (IN) "Minstrel Magic"
Carroll HS (IN) "Select Sound"
Carroll HS (IN) "JV Singers"
Carroll MS (IN) "Electric Charge"
Carroll MSs (TX) "Green Sound Machine"
Carroll Senior HS (TX) "The SLC"
Carrollton Center for the Arts (GA) "The Carrollton Harmonix"
Carrollton HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Carrollton HS (MO) "Ninth Street Singers"
Carrollton HS (MO) "Touch of Crimson"
Carrollton MS (MO) "10th Street Singers"
Carthage Junior HS (MO) "Sound Machine"
Carthage Junior HS (MO) "Sound Intensity"
Carthage Senior HS (MO) "Soundwave"
Carthage Senior HS (MO) "Suite Sounds"
Caruso/Shepard MS (IL) "Charisma"
Cary-Grove HS (IL) "Swing Choir"
Cascade Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Case HS (WI) "Mastersingers"
Casey-Westfield HS (IL) "Creative Connection"
Cashton Middle/HS (WI) "Ridgetop Revolution"
Cashton Middle/HS (WI) "Ridgetop Singers"
Cass Technical HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Cassville HS (MO) "Center Stage"
Cassville HS (MO) "NBA (No Boys Allowed)"
Castle HS (IN) "Knight Sensations"
Castle HS (IN) "Knightingales"
Castle Park HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Cathedral HS (IN) "Adrenaline Rush"
Cathedral HS (IN) "Irish Adrenaline"
Cathedral HS (IN) "56th Street Singers"
Cathedral HS (ON) "CHS Glee Club"
Cathedral MS (IN) "Lucky Charms"
Catoctin HS (MD) "Standing Room Only"
Cedar Catholic HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Cedar Crest HS (PA) "Crest Connection"
Cedar Grove-Belgium HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Cedar Hill HS (TX) "High Notes"
Cedar Park HS (TX) "Timberwolf Show Choir"
Cedar Park MS (TX) "Good Show"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson HS (IA) "West Side Delegation"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson HS (IA) "Ovation"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson HS (IA) "Ambition"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson HS (IA) "O2"
Cedar Rapids Kennedy HS (IA) "Happiness, Inc."
Cedar Rapids Kennedy HS (IA) "Protégé"
Cedar Rapids Kennedy HS (IA) "Chanteurs"
Cedar Rapids Roosevelt & Wilson MSs (IA) "New Generation!"
Cedar Rapids Roosevelt MS (IA) "Regeneration"
Cedar Rapids Roosevelt MS (IA) "Rubies"
Cedar Rapids Washington HS (IA) "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington HS (IA) "Celebration"
Cedar Rapids Washington HS (IA) "Sensation"
Cedar Rapids Washington HS (IA) "Vivacé"
Cedar Rapids Wilson MS (IA) "StarElite"
Cedar Rapids Wilson MS (IA) "Starfleet"
Cedarbrook Public School (ON) "Hyped on Harmony"
Celebration Entertainment Academy (CA) "Celebration!"
Celebration Entertainment Academy (CA) "Fascination!"
Celebration Entertainment Academy (CA) "Jubilee!"
Centennial HS (TN) "Audacity"
Centennial HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Centennial HS (IL) "Expressions"
Centennial Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Royal Blues"
Centennial Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Glee"
Centennial Junior HS (UT) "Rolling Thunder"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Sound System"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Swing Mates"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Debtones"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Surround Sound"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Junior Varsity Singers"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Great Expectations"
Center Grove HS (IN) "Accents"
Center Point-Urbana HS (IA) "Summit Street Singers"
Center Point-Urbana HS (IA) "Illumination"
Center Point-Urbana HS (IA) "Pointer Sisters"
Centerville HS (OH) "Elktonians"
Central A&M HS (IL) "Cameo Appearance"
Central City HS (NE) "Vocal Eclipse"
Central City HS (NE) "Total Eclipse"
Central City HS (NE) "CC Singers"
Central City HS (NE) "Nominis Expers"
Central City MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Central Crossing HS (OH) "Excelsior"
Central Islip HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Central Lee HS (IA) "CENTRifugAL Force"
Central Lee HS (IA) "Inertia"
Central Lee MS (IA) "Adrenaline"
Central Lutheran School (IA) "Jubilation-Ignited"
Central Lyon MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Central MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Central Noble Jr/Sr HS (IN) "CN CeNsation"
Central Noble Jr/Sr HS (IN) "CeNsation"
Central Noble Jr/Sr HS (IN) "New Dimension"
Central York HS (PA) "Central's Celebration"
Centralia HS (IL) "Singsations"
Centre Learning Community Charter School (PA) "Gleeks"
Centre Stage Theatre School (ON) "Show Choir"
Centre Wellington District HS (ON) "CW Glee"
Centreville HS (VA) "Front n' Centre"
Chadron HS (NE) "Cardinal Singers"
Chamberlain HS (SD) "River City Groove"
Chaney HS (OH) "Choral Company"
Chantilly HS (VA) "Touch Of Class"
Chantilly HS (VA) "Showstoppers"
Chantilly HS (VA) "Charger Commotion"
Chantilly HS (VA) "Magic Touch"
Chantilly HS (VA) "Magic Class"
Chaparral HS (CA) "Platinum FX"
Chaparral HS (CA) "Showstoppers"
Chaparral HS (CA) "Guys & Dolls"
Chaparral HS (CA) "Dynamics"
Chaparral HS (CA) "Forte"
Chapel Hill 7th & 8th Grade Center (IN) "Center Stage"
Chardon HS (OH) "Free Harmony"
Charleston HS (IL) "C-Swing"
Charlotte Learning Academy (NC) "Reigning Harmony"
Charlton MS (MA) "Mirage"
Chase County HS (NE) "9th Street Singers"
Chase County HS (NE) "Junior High Show Choir"
Chatham MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Chattooga HS (GA) "Indian Sonata"
Chelsea HS (AL) "Out Of The Blue"
Chelsea HS (MI) "Company C"
Chelsea HS (MI) "Washington Street Show Choir"
Cheney MS (ND) "Show Choir"
Chesterton HS (IN) "Sandpipers"
Chesterton HS (IN) "Drifters"
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Cheyenne Mountain HS (CO) "Dynamix"
Cheyenne Mountain HS (CO) "Moonlight Metallics"
Cheyenne Mountain Junior HS (CO) "THUNDER!"
Chickahominy MS (VA) "Showstoppers"
Chickasha HS (OK) "Steppin' Out"
Chillicothe HS (MO) "Choraliers"
Chillicothe HS (MO) "CHS Select"
Chillicothe HS (OH) "Cavalites"
Chillicothe HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Chino Valley HS (AZ) "Chino Valley Show Choir"
Chippewa Falls HS (WI) "Chi-Hi Harmonics"
Chippewa Falls HS (WI) "Melodics"
Chippewa Falls MS (WI) "Melodics"
Chippewa Falls MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Chippewa MS (MN) "Charger Pop"
Chisholm Trail Intermediate School (TX) "Sound Check"
Chula Vista HS (CA) "Main Attraction"
Chula Vista HS (CA) "Dreamgirls"
Churubusco Jr/Sr HS (IN) "New Era"
Churubusco Jr/Sr HS (IN) "New Generation"
Cincinnati School for Creative and Performing Arts (OH) "Music Theatre"
Cinco Ranch HS (TX) "Bravo"
Circle HS (KS) "Madrigals"
Circle HS (KS) "Celebration"
Circleville HS (OH) "Melodic Matrix"
Circleville HS (OH) "Formula"
Circleville HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Citrus Valley HS (CA) "Vitamin C"
Citrus Valley HS (CA) "Descant Get Enough"
Claggett & Root MSs (OH) "Applause"
Claremont HS (CA) "Dynamic Divas"
Claremore HS (OK) "Bel Chante"
Clarinda HS (IA) "Cardinal Connection"
Clarion Area Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Clarion-Limestone HS (PA) "Sensations"
Clark County HS (MO) "CCHS Show Choir"
Clark County R-1 MS (MO) "R-1 Show Choir"
Clark County R-1 MS (MO) "Show Choir"
Clark HS (SD) "ICC Show Choir"
Clark Pleasant MS (IN) "Music Makers"
Clark Pleasant MS (IN) "High Frequency"
Classen School of Advanced Studies (OK) "Noteworthy"
Clay HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Clay HS (OH) "Showstoppers"
Clayton Ridge HS (IA) "Cloud 9"
Clear Creek Amana HS (IA) "Vocal Dynamics"
Cleveland Heights HS (OH) "Heights Singers"
Cleveland HS (TN) "Renaissance"
Cleveland HS (NM) "Electric Blue"
Cleveland School of the Arts (OH) "Show Choir"
Clifton Central HS (IL) "New Impressions"
Clinton Christian Academy (MS) "Extreme"
Clinton Christian Academy (MS) "One Life"
Clinton HS (MS) "Attaché"
Clinton HS (IA) "River Royalty"
Clinton Junior HS (MS) "Ambassadors"
Clinton-Massie HS (OH) "Falconaires"
Clover Hill HS (VA) "New Dimensions"
Clover Hill HS (VA) "Iridescence"
Clover Hill HS (VA) "Synergy"
Clover Hill HS (VA) "Aria"
Clover Hill HS (VA) "Protégé"
Cloverleaf HS (OH) "Harmonics"
Cloverleaf HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Cloverleaf HS (OH) "Crescendo"
Clyde HS (OH) "Kaleidoscope"
Coffee County HS (GA) "Center Stage Singers"
Coffee County HS (GA) "Sound FX"
Coginchaug Regional HS (CT) "Show Choir"
Colby HS (WI) "The Coalition"
Colby HS (WI) "Hornettes"
Colby MS (WI) "Crew II"
Coldwater HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Cole Camp HS (MO) "Encore"
Cole Camp HS (MO) "Impressions"
Colerain HS (OH) "Show Cards"
Colerain HS (OH) "Collage"
Colerain HS (OH) "Cardinal Company"
Colerain MS (OH) "Cardinal Heat"
Collingwood Collegiate Institute (ON) "Glee Club"
Collingwood Collegiate Institute (ON) "Major Treble"
Collinsville HS (IL) "Kahok Sound"
Colonel Crawford HS (OH) "Vision"
Colonel White HS (OH) "Jazz-A-Ma-Tazz"
Colonel White HS (OH) "Lifted Voices"
Colonia HS (NJ) "Harmony In Motion"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "Encore"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "Mixed Select"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "C.F. Select"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "CFHS Select"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "Select"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "Treble Makers"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "CFHS Ladies Select"
Colonial Forge HS (VA) "Ladies Select"
Colonial Heights HS (VA) "Sharp Appeal"
Colorado Children's Theater (CO) "Show Choir"
Colquitt County Arts Center (GA) "Senior Company"
Columbia Academy (MS) "Premiers"
Columbia Academy (MS) "Show Choir"
Columbia Academy (MS) "Premiere"
Columbia Academy (MS) "Exclusive"
Columbia Academy (MS) "Exclusives"
Columbia City HS (IN) "City Heat"
Columbia City HS (IN) "City Lights"
Columbia HS (MS) "Limited Edition"
Columbia West MS (MO) "West Harmony"
Columbiana HS (OH) "Sound Check"
Columbine MS (CO) "Show Choir"
Columbine MS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Columbus Catholic HS (WI) "Dons' Dimensional"
Columbus Catholic HS (IA) "Sound Coalition"
Columbus Catholic HS (IA) "Sound Connection"
Columbus Central MS (IN) "Prodigy"
Columbus Community HS (IA) "Chanteurs"
Columbus East HS (IN) "Center Stage"
Columbus East HS (IN) "New Sensation"
Columbus East HS (IN) "Serenade"
Columbus HS (MS) "Front Line"
Columbus HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Columbus HS (NE) "New World Singers"
Columbus HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Columbus HS (NE) "Neptune's Angels"
Columbus HS (NE) "Baker's Dozen"
Columbus North HS (IN) "Debuteens and Music Men"
Columbus North HS (IN) "Debuteens & Music Men"
Columbus North HS (IN) "Vocal Pointe"
Columbus North HS (IN) "North Stars"
Comeaux HS (LA) "Magic Moods"
Community House MS (NC) "Choraliers"
Community School of Davidson (NC) "Show Choir"
Concord Community HS (IN) "Singers"
Concordia Lutheran HS (IN) "Concordia Singers"
Conners Emerson School (ME) "Show Stoppers"
Connersville HS (IN) "Spartones"
Connersville HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Coon Rapids MS (MN) "Show Choir"
Coopersville HS (MI) "Main Event"
Coppell HS (TX) "Vivacé"
Coppell HS (TX) "Respira"
Corinth Holders HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Coronado HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Cory-Rawson HS (OH) "Impressions"
Cosby HS (VA) "Spotlight"
Cosby HS (VA) "Rhapsody"
Coshocton HS (OH) "Essence"
Cotter Jr/Sr HS (MN) "Show Choir"
Coudersport Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Council Bluffs Jefferson HS (IA) "Jefferson Edition"
Council Bluffs Jefferson HS (IA) "Second Edition"
Council Bluffs Jefferson HS (IA) "Junior Jeffs"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Lincoln Volume"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Jazz Connection"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "New Design"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Young Design"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Scarlet & Blue"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "New Edition"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Lincoln Dynamics"
Council Bluffs Lincoln HS (IA) "Lady Lynx"
Council Bluffs Wilson MS (IA) "Wilson Singers"
Covenant Day School (NC) "Show Choir"
Coventry MS (OH) "Treble Makers"
Coy MS (OH) "Guys & Dolls"
Craig HS (WI) "Spotlighters"
Craig HS (WI) "Illuminations"
Craig HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Crawfordsville HS (IN) "Dynamic Expression"
Crawfordsville HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Crawfordsville HS (IN) "Singers"
Creative Learning Studios (GA) "Fayette Fire"
Creek Valley HS (NE) "Storm Siren"
Creek Wood HS (TN) "Revolutionary Sound"
Creek Wood HS (TN) "Treble in the Wood"
Creekview HS (TX) "Legends"
Crestline HS (OH) "Royal Blue Express"
Crestview HS (OH) "Knight Vision"
Crestview HS (FL) "Chanticleer"
Crestview HS (FL) "Destiny"
Crestview HS (FL) "Stardust"
Crete HS (NE) "Duly Noted"
Crete HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Crete HS (NE) "Vibrance"
Crete-Monee HS (IL) "Cavaliers"
Crete-Monee HS (IL) "Faces"
Crete-Monee MS (IL) "Spectrum"
Crete-Monee MS (IL) "Vision"
Cristo Rey Fort Worth College Prep (TX) "Blazin' Blue"
Crossings Christian School (OK) "Vocals"
Crossings Christian School (OK) "Knightingales"
Crowley HS (LA) "Show Toppers"
Culleoka HS (TN) "Singers"
Culleoka HS (TN) "Eclipse"
Culleoka HS (TN) "Kalliope"
Culpeper County HS (VA) "Red N' Fusion"
Culpeper County HS (VA) "Bluettes"
Culpeper County HS (VA) "Devils Virtuosos"
Cuyahoga Falls HS (OH) "Melody Men & Melodettes"
Cuyahoga Falls HS (OH) "Melodymen & Melodettes"
Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (OH) "Royal Vision"
Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (OH) "Royal Rhythm"
Cypress HS (CA) "High Voltage"
Cypress HS (CA) "Prime"
Cypress HS (CA) "Sensation"
Cypress HS (CA) "Thunderstorms"
Cypress HS (CA) "Pink Thunder"
Cypress HS (CA) "Shockwaves"
Cypress HS (CA) "The Sparks"
Cypress HS (CA) "Voltage Unlimited"
Cypress HS (CA) "Decanus"
Cypress HS (CA) "Sparks"
Cypress HS (CA) "Optios"
Cypress HS (CA) "Choir Ensemble"
Cyprus HS (UT) "Show Choir"
Dakota HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Dakota Valley HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Momentum"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Rhythm in Red"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Revelation"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Impulse"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Luminosity"
Dallas Center-Grimes HS (IA) "Acceleration"
Dallas Center-Grimes MS (IA) "Illusion"
Dallas Center-Grimes MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Dallas Center-Grimes MS (IA) "Infinity"
Dalton HS (OH) "Choraliers"
Dana Hills HS (CA) "Golden Lantern Show Choir"
Daniel Hand HS (CT) "VIBE"
Daniel Hand HS (CT) "Aura"
Danville Community HS (IN) "Encore Warrior Choir"
Danville Community HS (IN) "Varsity Voices"
Danville HS (IL) "Delegation"
Danville HS (IL) "Contemporaires"
Danville HS (IL) "Executives"
Danville HS (IL) "The Executives"
Danville HS (OH) "Show Time Singers"
Danville HS (OH) "Devilistics"
Danville HS (IA) "Vocal Chords"
Dartmouth HS (MA) "Dynamix"
Davenport Central HS (IA) "Central Singers, Inc."
Davenport Central HS (IA) "Blue Vibrations"
Davenport Central HS (IA) "Rhapsody In Blue"
Davenport North HS (IA) "Northside Establishment"
Davenport North HS (IA) "Center Stage"
Davenport West HS (IA) "West Connection"
Davenport West HS (IA) "West Connection, Inc."
Davenport West HS (IA) "Harmonics"
Davenport West HS (IA) "This Just In!"
David Prouty HS (MA) "Shockwave"
Davidson Academy (TN) "Treble Makers"
Davidson Academy (TN) "Show Choir"
Davis County HS (IA) "Action Choir of Davis County"
Davis County HS (IA) "DC al fine"
Davis Senior HS (CA) "Jazz Choir"
Dawson-Verdon HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
De Pere HS (WI) "Jam Session"
De Pere HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
De Pere HS (WI) "Chicago Street Singers"
De Pere HS (WI) "Prelude"
De Pere HS (WI) "Illusion"
De Pere HS (WI) "Charisma"
De Pere MS (WI) "Rockin' Redbirds"
De Smet HS (SD) "Vive Voce"
De Smet HS (SD) "Swing Choir"
De Smet HS (SD) "Vice Voce"
Decatur Central HS (IN) "Goldenaires"
Decatur Central HS (IN) "Expressions"
Decatur Central HS (IN) "New Direction"
Decatur HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Decatur Show Choir Complex (IL) "Elite Energy"
Decatur Show Choir Complex (IL) "Collective Sound"
Decker MS (TX) "InstaShow Raven Choir"
Decker MS (TX) "Amplitude"
Declo HS (ID) "Trendsetters"
Deep Run HS (VA) "Sound Steps"
Deer Valley HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Deerfield HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Deerfield HS (IL) "Choraliers"
Deerfield HS (IL) "FoSho"
Deerfield MS (WI) "Show Choir"
DeForest Area HS (WI) "DeFortes"
DeForest Area MS (WI) "Crescendos"
DeKalb HS (IN) "Classic Connection"
DeKalb HS (IN) "Conglomeration"
DeKalb HS (IN) "Sound Sensation"
DeKalb HS (IN) "Skinny Bois"
DeKalb HS (IN) "Guy In The Spotlight"
DeKalb MS (IN) "Midpoint"
DeKalb School of the Arts (GA) "HighLeit"
DeKalb School of the Arts (GA) "ProArte"
Delavan-Darien HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Dell Rapids HS (SD) "Espresso"
Dell Rapids HS (SD) "Espresso Choir"
Delphi Community HS (IN) "Entertainers"
Delta Academy (MS) "Delta Singers"
Delta HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Delta HS (IN) "Selectones"
Delta HS (IN) "Women's Show Choir"
Denbigh HS (VA) "Patriot Phantasy"
Denfeld HS (MN) "Solid Gold"
Denfeld HS (MN) "Solid Gold Company"
Denison HS (IA) "Singing Ambassadors"
Denison HS (IA) "Sixteenth Street Singers"
Denver School of the Arts (CO) "on A SiDe note"
Des Moines Christian School (IA) "Light, Inc."
Des Moines Christian School (IA) "Salt, Co."
Des Moines Christian School (IA) "Destination Excellence"
Des Moines Christian School (IA) "Joy Collective"
Des Moines East HS (IA) "Scarlet Singers"
Des Moines Hoover HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Des Moines Lincoln HS (IA) "Infinity"
Des Moines Lincoln HS (IA) "Lincoln Swing"
Des Moines Lincoln HS (IA) "Sound Attraction"
Des Moines Lincoln HS (IA) "Omega"
Des Moines Lincoln HS (IA) "Delta"
Des Moines Roosevelt HS (IA) "Varsity Show Choir"
Des Moines Roosevelt HS (IA) "Revelation"
Des Moines Roosevelt HS (IA) "Rider Rhythm"
Des Moines Roosevelt HS (IA) "Rider Rebellion"
Des Moines Southside MSs (IA) "Sigma"
Desert Ridge MS (NM) "Rhapsody"
Desert Ridge MS (NM) "Show Choir"
Desert Star HS (AZ) "Harmonic Titans"
Deshler HS (NE) "Purple Reign"
DeWitt HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Dexter Regional HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Marquis"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Encore"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Solitaire"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Diamondtones"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Diamond Tones"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Diamondaires"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Notorious"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Radiant"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Diamond Bar HS (CA) "Diamondettes"
Diamond Ranch HS (CA) "Stylus Singers"
Dickinson HS (DE) "Show Choir"
Dike-New Hartford HS (IA) "Dike Pops"
Diller-Odell Secondary School (NE) "Swing Choir"
Discovery Canyon Campus HS (CO) "Stormsingers"
Divine Savior Holy Angels HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Dixie Attendance Center (MS) "Dixie On Stage"
Dobyns-Bennett HS (TN) "Impact"
Dobyns-Bennett HS (TN) "Pizzazy Ladies"
Doddridge County HS (WV) "Bel Canto Bulldogs"
Doe Creek MS (IN) "Ovations"
Doherty HS (CO) "Momentum"
Dolores Huerta MS (CA) "Madrigals"
Dolores Huerta MS (CA) "Vocal Ensemble"
Dolores Huerta MS (CA) "Cantabile"
Don Mills Collegiate Institute (ON) "Northern Lights"
Donelson Christian Academy (TN) "Legacy"
Donovan Catholic HS (NJ) "The Big Blue Singing Crew"
Donovan Catholic HS (NJ) "The Big Blue Singing Crew, Too"
Dothan HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Dothan HS (AL) "The Dynamics"
Douglas MS (MA) "Impact"
Douglas S. Freeman HS (VA) "Harmony in Motion"
Dover HS (OH) "Crimson Chorale"
Dowling Catholic HS (IA) "Dimensions"
Dr. Lewis S. Libby School (ME) "Show Choir"
Dracut HS (MA) "Measure Up"
Dracut HS (MA) "Show Choir"
Dracut HS (MA) "Dynamics"
Dracut HS (MA) "Sing-Chronized"
Dracut HS (MA) "On Deck"
Drexler MS (IA) "Soundwaves"
Drummond HS (WI) "Jack Attack"
Duarte HS (CA) "Cantabilé"
Dublin HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Dublin HS (CA) "Force"
Duchesne Academy (NE) "Sacre' Chorus"
Dudley MS (MA) "Prestige"
Duke Ellington School of the Arts (DC) "Show Choir"
Duke Ellington School of the Arts (DC) "Voices in Motion"
Duke Ellington School of the Arts (DC) "Sophisticated Ladies"
Dunbar MS (WV) "Singers"
Duncan HS (OK) "Reflections"
Duncan MS (OK) "Honor Choir"
Duncan MS (OK) "Pitchforks"
Dundy County Stratton Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Homegrown Harmonies"
Dunlap HS (IL) "Forte"
Durand HS (IL) "Northern Lights"
Durand HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Durand HS (IL) "Singsations"
Durand HS (IL) "Here Comes Treble"
Durant MS (OK) "Appawse"
Duval MS (WV) "Rolling Tones"
Dwight D. Eisenhower HS (IL) "Express"
Dwight D. Eisenhower HS (IL) "Eisenhower Express"
Dwight D. Eisenhower HS (IL) "Swing Street"
E. E. Smith HS (NC) "Show Choir"
E. E. Smith HS (NC) "The Smith 16 Performance Troupe"
Earl Haig Secondary School (ON) "New Groove"
East Buchanan HS (MO) "Show Choir"
East Buchanan HS (MO) "Women's Show Choir"
East Canton HS (OH) "The Echoes"
East Cary MS (NC) "Show Choir"
East Central HS (IN) "Show Choir"
East Hartford HS (CT) "Jazzappella"
East Hartford HS (CT) "Jazzapella"
East Leyden HS (IL) "Show Choir"
East Liverpool HS (OH) "Show Choir"
East Liverpool HS (OH) "Potter Blues"
East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet (CA) "UPScale"
East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet (CA) "Bella Voce"
East Mills HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
East Newton HS (MO) "Patriot Singers"
East Newton HS (MO) "Here Comes Treble"
East Newton HS (MO) "Vocal Chords"
East Noble HS (IN) "Knight Rhythms"
East Noble HS (IN) "A New Vision"
East Noble HS (IN) "Premiere Edition"
East Ridge HS (FL) "Knight Fever"
East Ridge HS (FL) "Midknight Premiere"
East Ridge HS (FL) "Opening Knight"
East View HS (TX) "Glee"
Eastbrook HS (IN) "Panther Edition"
Eastbrook HS (IN) "Panther Kittens"
Eastern HS (IN) "Encore Singers"
Eastern HS (IN) "Starlets"
Eastern Lebanon County HS (PA) "Odd-18"
Eastern Lebanon County HS (PA) "ELCO ROCS"
Eastern View HS (VA) "Innovation"
Eastern View HS (VA) "Electrified"
Eastlake HS (CA) "Spotlight"
Eastlake HS (CA) "Center Stage"
Eastlake HS (CA) "Spotlight Ladies"
Easton MS (MA) "Image"
Eastside HS (GA) "Singers"
Eastside Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Full Impact"
Eastside Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Cutting Edge"
Eastwood MS (IN) "Espressivo"
Eastwood MS (IN) "Treble Choir"
Eaton HS (TX) "Academy of Singers"
Eau Claire North HS (WI) "Northernaires"
Eau Claire North HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Eau Claire South MS (WI) "Encore"
Ecole Secondaire Toronto Ouest (ON) "Déjà Vu"
Edgewood HS (IN) "Music Warehouse"
Edgewood HS (IN) "Sophisticated Ladies"
Edgewood HS (IN) "New Edition"
Edgewood HS (IN) "Vocal Odyssey"
Edgewood HS (OH) "Choraliers"
Edgewood HS of the Sacred Heart (WI) "Crusader Singers"
Edgewood Junior HS (IN) "Mini Warehouse"
Edgewood Junior HS (IN) "Center Stage"
Edgewood Junior HS (IN) "Sophisticates"
Edgewood MS (OH) "Overtures"
Edison HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Edison MS (IL) "Electric Youth"
Edison Preparatory School (OK) "Energy"
Edmond Central MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Edmond Cheyenne MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Edmond Memorial HS (OK) "Act II"
Edmond Memorial HS (OK) "Take Note"
Edmond North HS (OK) "Northern Lights"
Edmond Santa Fe HS (OK) "Finale"
Edmond Sequoyah MS (OK) "Show Choir"
Edmond Sequoyah MS (OK) "Showtime"
Edmond Sequoyah MS (OK) "Treble Choir"
Edmunds MS (VT) "Show Choir"
Eighth Street MS (GA) "One Voice"
Eisenhower HS (IL) "Elite Energy"
Eisenhower HS (CA) "Finale"
Eisenhower HS (CA) "Ike Singers"
Eisenhower HS (CA) "Madrigals"
Eisenhower HS (CA) "Ikettes"
Eisenhower HS (OK) "Gentry Singers"
Eisenhower MS (NM) "Five Star"
Eisenhower MS (NM) "Sensations"
Eisenhower MS (NM) "Starburst"
Eisenhower MS (NM) "Mike and Ikes"
El Camino HS (CA) "Aurum Adrenaline"
El Centro Jr/Sr HS (CA) "Show Choir"
El Dorado Springs HS (MO) "Sound Collage"
El Dorado Springs HS (MO) "Sweet Harmonies"
El Dorado Springs MS (MO) "Sound Investment"
El Modena HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
El Modena HS (CA) "Harmonia"
El Paso-Gridley HS (IL) "Modulations"
El Paso-Gridley HS (IL) "Hi Fidelity"
El Paso-Gridley HS (IL) "Highlights"
El Paso-Gridley HS (IL) "Crescendo"
El Paso-Gridley HS (IL) "Tonal Perfection"
El Paso-Gridley Junior HS (IL) "Dynamics"
El Paso-Gridley Junior HS (IL) "Music Makers"
El Paso-Gridley Junior HS (IL) "Music Maker"
El Paso-Gridley Junior HS (IL) "Crescendo"
El Rancho HS (CA) "Choraleers"
El Rancho HS (CA) "Song & Dance"
El Rancho HS (CA) "Song and Dance"
El Rancho HS (CA) "Legacy Of Men"
Elba HS (AL) "The Eclectics"
Elder & Seton HSs (OH) "Show Choir"
Eldorado HS (NM) "Gold Rush"
Eldorado HS (NM) "24 Carat"
Eleva-Strum HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Elgin HS (OH) "Energizers"
Elgin HS (OH) "Comet Express"
Elgin HS (TX) "Treble in Paradise"
Elizabeth City MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Elk Grove HS (IL) "Town Criers"
Elk Mound HS (WI) "Sound Sensation"
Elk Point-Jefferson HS (SD) "Audio Picture"
Elk Point-Jefferson HS (SD) "Momentum"
Elk Point-Jefferson HS (SD) "SshhaaBAM"
Elkhorn Grandview MS (NE) "Grand Marquee"
Elkhorn Grandview MS (NE) "Grand Entrance"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Excel"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Exclamation"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Exclamat!on"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Expressions"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Exhilaration"
Elkhorn HS (NE) "Nexus"
Elkhorn MS (NE) "Classics"
Elkhorn MS (NE) "Noteworthy"
Elkhorn North HS (NE) "adrENaline"
Elkhorn North HS (NE) "ENcore"
Elkhorn North Ridge MS (NE) "The Aviators"
Elkhorn Ridge MS (NE) "Bravo!"
Elkhorn Ridge MS (NE) "Encore"
Elkhorn South HS (NE) "Blackout"
Elkhorn South HS (NE) "Shockwave"
Elkhorn South HS (NE) "Power Surge"
Elkhorn Valley Jr/Sr School (NE) "Livewires"
Elkhorn Valley Jr/Sr School (NE) "Show Choir"
Elkhorn Valley View MS (NE) "Voltage"
Elkhorn Valley View MS (NE) "Ignition"
Elklhart Memorial HS (IN) "Varsity Singers"
Ellsworth HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Ellsworth HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Ellsworth MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Elm Creek HS (NE) "High Voltage"
Emmetsburg HS (IA) "High Voltage"
Emmetsburg HS (IA) "Varsity Show Choir"
Emmetsburg HS (IA) "Black and Gold"
Emmetsburg MS (IA) "Evolution"
Encore HS (CA) "Song Burst"
Encore HS (CA) "Hesperia Production X"
Encore HS (CA) "Riverside Production X"
Encore HS (CA) "Production X"
Encore HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Enfield HS (CT) "Enharmonics"
Enid HS (OK) "Rhythm in Blue"
Enrichment Fellowship (TN) "Lyric Ladies"
Enterprise HS (CA) "Starship"
Enterprise HS (AL) "Encores"
Enterprise HS (AL) "Esprit"
Enterprise Junior HSs (AL) "Expressions"
Enterprise Junior HSs (AL) "Expectations"
Esperanza HS (CA) "Reverberation"
Esperanza HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Esperanza HS (CA) "Vivace"
Estherville Lincoln Central HS (IA) "ELC Show Choir"
Estherville Lincoln Central HS (IA) "Momentum"
ETC School of Musical Arts (OH) "The All Americans"
ETC School of Musical Arts (OH) "Rouge"
ETC School of Musical Arts (OH) "Main Street Singers"
Ethel Dwyer MS (CA) "Ripple Effect"
Ethel Dwyer MS (CA) "Rising Waves"
Etobicoke School of the Arts (ON) "Splash"
Etobicoke School of the Arts (ON) "Glo"
Euclid Central MS (OH) "Elite"
Euclid HS (OH) "Varsity Chorale"
Eufaula HS (AL) "Vibe"
Eufaula HS (AL) "Varsity Singers"
Eufaula HS (AL) "Bass Show Choir"
Eureka HS (MO) "Onstage!"
Evans MS (IA) "Supernova"
Evans MS (IA) "Rising Stars"
Evanston Township HS (IL) "E-Town Revue"
Evanston Township HS (IL) "E-Town Showettes"
Evansville HS (WI) "Singers"
Everett HS (MA) "Pop Vox"
Everman HS (TX) "EnChor"
Excelsior Charter School (CA) "Xtreme"
Excelsior MS (IA) "Double Time"
Express Performing Arts (OH) "Rhythmic Xplosion"
Fairbanks HS (OH) "Footnoes"
Fairborn HS (OH) "Valhallas"
Fairbury Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Crimson Elite"
Fairbury Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Fairfax HS (VA) "Fame"
Fairfield Area HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Fairfield Community HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Fairfield HS (IA) "Vox"
Fairfield Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Fusion"
Fairfield Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Music Express"
Fairfield Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Reflections"
Fairfield Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Expressions"
Fairfield MS (OH) "Rhythm Express"
Fairfield MS (OH) "Little Elegance"
Fairfield MS (VA) "Opulence"
Fairfield Senior HS (OH) "Choraliers"
Fairfield Senior HS (OH) "Pure Elegance"
Fairfield Senior HS (OH) "FortissiBROS"
Fairgrove Academy (CA) "Falcon Songbirds"
Fairmont Preparatory Academy (CA) "Show Choir"
Faith Lutheran Middle/HS (NV) "Revelation"
Falcon HS (CO) "Falcon Legacy"
Falcon HS (CO) "Falcon FX"
Falcon HS (CO) "Falcon Fire"
Fall Creek HS (WI) "Cricket Choralation"
Fallbrook HS (CA) "Madrigals"
Fallbrook HS (CA) "Women's Show Choir"
Fallbrook HS (CA) "Warrior Choir"
Falls City HS (NE) "Applederas"
Falls City HS (NE) "Commederas"
FAME School of Performing Arts (ON) "FAME"
FAME School of Performing Arts (ON) "FAME Jr."
Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School (ON) "Show Choir"
Father Ryan HS (TN) "Mosaic"
Fenton HS (MI) "Ambassadors"
Ferguson MS (OH) "Guys & Dolls"
Ferris HS (TX) "Yellowjacket Singers"
Ferris HS (TX) "Jacket Voice"
Ferris Junior HS (TX) "Stinger Choir"
Fillmore Central HS (NE) "L Street Singers"
Fillmore Central MS (NE) "Sound Sensations"
Findlay HS (OH) "First Edition"
Findlay HS (OH) "Voices in Perfection"
Findlay MSs (OH) "Electric Youth"
Fishers HS (IN) "Electrum"
Fishers HS (IN) "Silver Streak"
Fishers HS (IN) "Sound"
Fishers HS (IN) "Silver Sound"
Fishers HS (IN) "Cantabile"
Fishers HS (IN) "Cantus"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Encore Unlimited"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Women's Show Choir"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Nothing But Treble"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Treble Show Choir"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Cookies & Crème"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Cookies and Creme"
Fitzgerald HS (GA) "Men's Show Choir"
Flambeau HS (WI) "Sound Dimension"
Flambeau Junior HS (WI) "Singing Sensations"
Flat Rock MS (GA) "Eagle Show Choir"
Florence HS (AL) "Connection"
Florence HS (AL) "Vivace"
Florence HS (WI) "The Northern Star"
Florence MSs (AL) "Avant Garde"
Florin HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Foley HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Foothill HS (NV) "Legacy"
Foothill HS (NV) "Evolution"
Forbush HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Forest City HS (IA) "Avocado Heights"
Forest City HS (IA) "Pulse"
Forest City HS (IA) "Prep Show Choir"
Forest City MS (IA) "Tempo"
Forest City MS (IA) "Half Notes"
Forest City MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Forest Meadows Junior HS (TX) "Sound Express"
Forest Park HS (OH) "Varsity Ensemble Singers"
Forrest County Agricultural HS (MS) "Aggie Accents"
Fort Atkinson HS (WI) "South High Street Singers"
Fort Atkinson HS (WI) "Lexington Singers"
Fort Atkinson MS (WI) "4th Street Singers"
Fort Calhoun Senior HS (NE) "Phenomenon"
Fort Calhoun Senior HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Fort Calhoun Senior HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Fort Fairfield Middle/HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Fort Fairfield Middle/HS (ME) "Middle School Show Choir"
Fort Frye HS (OH) "Glee Club"
Fort Madison HS (IA) "Swingspan"
Fort Madison HS (IA) "Crimson & Black"
Fort Madison MS (IA) "Fortissimo"
Fort Madison MS (IA) "18th Street Singers"
Fort Recovery HS (OH) "Purple Pride"
Fort Recovery HS (OH) "Elegance"
Fort Recovery MS (OH) "Encore"
Fort Worth Country Day School (TX) "CAST"
Fort Worth Southwest HS (TX) "Southwest Effect"
Fort Worth Southwest HS (TX) "Sound Machine"
Fossil Hill MS (TX) "Voces Pantera"
Fossil Ridge HS (TX) "Pantheon"
Fossil Ridge HS (TX) "Women's Show Choir"
Fossil Ridge HS (CO) "Fossil Fusion"
Founders Academy of Las Vegas (NV) "Show Choir"
Framingham HS (MA) "Vocal Cannons"
Francis Joseph Reitz HS (IN) "Indigo"
Francis Scott Key HS (MD) "Show Choir"
Frankfort Community HS (IL) "REdVolution"
Frankfort Community HS (IL) "Rockin Redbirds"
Frankfort HS (IN) "Fortissimo"
Frankfort HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Frankfort Schuyler HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Franklin Central HS (IN) "F.C. Singers"
Franklin Central HS (IN) "High Voltage"
Franklin Central HS (IN) "Accents"
Franklin Central HS (IN) "Encores"
Franklin Central HS (IN) "Flight"
Franklin Central Junior HS (IN) "Vocal Velocity"
Franklin Central Junior HS (IN) "New Edition"
Franklin Community HS (IN) "Heritage Singers"
Franklin Community HS (IN) "Sensations"
Franklin Community HS (IN) "Legacy"
Franklin Community MS (IN) "Velocity"
Franklin Community MS (IN) "Ovation"
Franklin Community MS (IN) "Radiance"
Franklin HS (WI) "Energizers"
Franklin HS (NC) "B-Naturals"
Franklin MS (IA) "Classic Illumination"
Franklin MS (IA) "FLaPCo"
Franklin MS (IA) "Illumination"
Franklin MS (IA) "Totally Classic"
Franklin MS (IL) "Fantastic Falcons"
Franklinton HS (LA) "Demonaires"
Frankton Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Frankton Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Junior Show Choir"
Frederick HS (MD) "High Fidelity"
Frederick HS (CO) "Varsity Blue"
Fredericktown HS (OH) "Music Company"
Freeman HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Freeport Area HS (PA) "Forte!"
Freeport HS (IL) "Showtime"
Fremd HS (IL) "Soundscape"
Fremont MS (NE) "Tiger Pride"
Fremont MS (NE) "Fame"
Fremont-Mills Middle/HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Front & Center Productions (IA) "Siouxland All City Show Choir"
Fruita MS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Fruita Monument HS (CO) "Mountain Melodies"
Fruita Monument HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Fullerton HS (NE) "8th and Broadway"
Fulton HS (MO) "Sting"
Furman MS (SC) "Standing Ovation"
Gadsden City HS (AL) "Apollon"
Gadsden City HS (AL) "Illusions"
Gahanna Lincoln HS (OH) "Chorale"
Galion HS (OH) "Showtunes"
Gar-Field HS (VA) "Dominants"
Gar-Field HS (VA) "Fantasia"
Gar-Field HS (VA) "Allure"
Gar-Field HS (VA) "Auggies"
Garden City HS (KS) "Modern"
Gardner Edgerton HS (KS) "Blue Blazers"
Garfield Heights HS (OH) "Music Express"
Garfield Heights MS (OH) "Grandeur"
Garfield Heights MS (OH) "Center Stage"
Garfield Magnet School (IL) "Show Choir"
Garner Fine Arts Academy (TX) "Showstoppers"
Garner-Hayfield-Ventura HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Garrett HS (IN) "Encore"
Garrett HS (IN) "Limited Edition"
Garrett HS (IN) "Rhythm Connection"
Gates County HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Gateway College Preparatory School (TX) "Westinghouse Dy-Namx"
Gateway HS (CO) "Athenians"
Gateway HS (CO) "Venus"
Gateway Regional HS (MA) "Gateway2Music"
Gautier HS (MS) "Sensations"
Geneva HS (OH) "Geneva's Image"
Gentry MS (MO) "Jaguar Sound"
George County HS (MS) "Rebelution"
George McGovern MS (SD) "Expressions"
George Washington HS (WV) "Show Choir"
George-Little Rock HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Georgetown HS (TX) "Encore!"
Georgetowne MS (IL) "Tiger Express"
Gering HS (NE) "Harmony"
Gettysburg Area HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Gibsonburg HS (OH) "Spotlight Singers"
Gillett HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Gillett HS (WI) "Kaleidoscope"
Giltner HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Glacial Drumlin MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Gladstone HS (CA) "Sonic Boom"
Gladstone HS (CA) "Dynamic Divas"
Glasgow HS (MT) "Swing Choir"
Glen Allen HS (VA) "Vocal Eclipse"
Glen Este HS (OH) "Counterpoint"
Glen Rose Junior HS (TX) "Fantabulous"
Glenbrook North HS (IL) "Ladies First"
Glenbrook South HS (IL) "Daybreak"
Glencrest 6th Grade School (TX) "Show Choir"
Glendale HS (MO) "Show Choir"
Glendora HS (CA) "Royal Stewarts"
Glendora HS (CA) "Royal Stewart Singers"
Glendora HS (CA) "Tartan Silhouettes"
Glendora HS (CA) "Silhouettes"
Glendora HS (CA) "Illumination"
Glendora HS (CA) "Highland Heirs"
Glenn HS (TX) "Dynamicz"
Glenn Raymond MS (IL) "GRS Singers"
Glenwood Community HS (IA) "Life in the Fast Lane"
Glenwood Community HS (IA) "Fast Lane"
Glenwood Community HS (IA) "Glamour"
Glenwood Community MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Glenwood HS (IL) "Titan Fever"
Glenwood HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Glenwood HS (IL) "Good Times Unlimited"
Glenwood HS (IL) "Titan Flame"
Glenwood MS (IL) "Titan Flare"
Glenwood School (NC) "Gator Show Choir"
Goddard MS (CA) "Allegro"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Rhapsody in Gold"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Voltage"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Melodies of Gold"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Solid Gold"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Golden Gals"
Golden Valley HS (CA) "Vibes"
Goochland HS (VA) "Surround Sound"
Good Hope MS (PA) "Show Choir"
Goshen HS (OH) "Center Stage"
Gothenburg Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Cardinal Knights"
Governor Mifflin HS (PA) "Governors & First Ladies"
Governor Mifflin HS (PA) "Governors"
Grace Jr/Sr HS (ID) "Serendipity"
Graceville HS (FL) "Prodigy"
Graettinger-Terril HS (IA) "Knight Velocity"
Graettinger-Terril MS (IA) "Great Expectations"
Grafton HS (WV) "Entertainers"
Grain Valley HS (MO) "Exclamation!"
Grain Valley HS (MO) "Valley Voices"
Grain Valley HS (MO) "Exclamation"
Grain Valley HS (MO) "Amplified"
Granada Hills Charter HS (CA) "Highlander G-Notes"
Granada Hills Charter HS (CA) "G-Notes"
Granada Hills Charter HS (CA) "Here Comes Treble"
Grand Island Central Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Illumination"
Grand Island Central Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Blue Rhapsody"
Grand Island Central Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Crystal Blue"
Grand Island Central Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Genesis"
Grand Island Central Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Grand Island Northwest HS (NE) "14 Karat Gold"
Grand Island Northwest HS (NE) "Bella Voce"
Grand Island Northwest HS (NE) "The Doods"
Grand Island Northwest MSs (NE) "Euphonix"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Ultimate Image"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Islander Prestige"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Sweet Revelation"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Future Image"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Islander Protégé"
Grand Island Senior HS (NE) "Islander Entourage"
Grand Junction Central HS (CO) "Sound Sensations"
Grand Junction Central HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Grand Junction East MS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Grand Junction HS (CO) "Westwinds"
Grand Junction HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Grand Junction West MS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Grand Valley HS (OH) "Sound Review"
Grandview Heights HS (OH) "Grandview Singers"
Granger Junior HS (CA) "Music in Motion"
Granger Junior HS (CA) "It's a She Thing"
Granite Bay HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Granite Hills HS (CA) "Encore!"
Grant MS (IL) "G-Force"
Gray Stone Day School (NC) "Show Choir"
Grayslake MS (IL) "Illuminations"
Greece Athena HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Green Bay East HS (WI) "Rhapsody in Red"
Green Bay Edison MS (WI) "Musical Impact"
Green Bay Franklin MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Green Bay Southwest HS (WI) "Spotlight Singers"
Green Bay Southwest HS (WI) "Bravo"
Green Bay Washington MS (WI) "Heat Harmonix"
Green Bay Washington MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Green Bay Washington MS (WI) "Harmonix"
Green Bay West HS (WI) "Wildcat Show Choir"
Green Ridge HS (MO) "Harmony"
Green Ridge HS (MO) "Mystique"
Greenbrier East HS (WV) "East Side Swing"
Greenbrier HS (GA) "Soulfege"
Greenbrier HS (GA) "Livewire"
Greenbrier HS (GA) "Show Choir"
Greendale MS (IN) "Bengal Beat"
Greeneview HS (OH) "Sensations"
Greeneville HS (TN) "Show Choir"
Greenfield-Central HS (IN) "Legacy"
Greenfield-Central HS (IN) "Pop Swing"
Greenon HS (OH) "Opening Knights"
Greensburg Community HS (IN) "Elite Edition"
Greenville HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Greenville HS (MI) "Village Green Singers"
Greenville Senior HS (OH) "Wavaires"
Greenwood Community HS (IN) "Jade"
Greenwood HS (SC) "Freedom Alive"
Greenwood HS (SC) "Show Choir"
Grenada HS (MS) "Visions"
Grenada MS (MS) "Entertainers"
Grenada MS (MS) "Starz"
Grenada MS (MS) "Ovations"
Grenada Upper Elementary School (MS) "Pizzazz"
Gretna East HS (NE) "Equinox"
Gretna HS (NE) "Revolution"
Gretna HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Gretna HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Gretna HS (NE) "Evolution"
Gretna HS (NE) "Neo"
Gretna MS (NE) "Anthem"
Gretna MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Grimsley HS (NC) "Code Blue"
Griswold HS (IA) "GT Thrillers and The Rubber Band"
Griswold HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Gross MS (IL) "Pop Stars"
Grosse Ile HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Grosse Pointe South HS (MI) "Pointe Singers"
Grosse Pointe South HS (MI) "Tower Belles"
Grosse Pointe South HS (MI) "South Singers"
Grosse Pointe South HS (MI) "Serendipity"
Grosse Pointe South HS (MI) "Sounds of South"
Groton HS (SD) "Prismatic Sensations"
Grove City Christian School (OH) "Show Choir"
Grove City HS (OH) "Touch of Class"
Grove City HS (OH) "Class Act"
Groves HS (MI) "True or Falsetto"
Grundy Center HS (IA) "GC Show Choir"
Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute (ON) "GCVI Glee Club"
Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute (ON) "GleeCVI"
Gulfport HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Gunnison HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Guntersville HS (AL) "GHS Singers"
Guymon HS (OK) "Royse's Voices"
Guymon HS (OK) "Duly Noted"
Guymon HS (OK) "Timbre Tantrums"
Hackettstown HS (NJ) "Show Choir"
Hahira MS (GA) "Resonate"
Haltom HS (TX) "Haltom Singers"
Haltom HS (TX) "Haltom Harmony"
Hamburg HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Hamilton HS (OH) "Rhapsody In Blue"
Hamilton HS (OH) "Prestige"
Hamilton HS (OH) "Vocal Elegance"
Hamilton HS (OH) "Fascinating Rhythm"
Hamilton HS (OH) "CrescenDudes"
Hamilton HS (WI) "Synergy"
Hamilton MSs (OH) "Cutting Edge"
Hamilton MSs (OH) "Wilsonaires"
Hamilton Southeastern HS (IN) "New Edition"
Hamilton Southeastern HS (IN) "Royal Sound"
Hampden Academy (ME) "Voices Unlimited"
Hampden Academy (ME) "Show Choir"
Hampden Academy (ME) "Ascension"
Hampshire HS (WV) "Harmony"
Hampton-Dumont MS (IA) "High Definition"
Hancock HS (MS) "Elevation"
Hancock MS (MS) "Legacy"
Hancock MS (MS) "Harmony"
Hanes Magnet School (NC) "Show Choir"
Hanes Magnet School (NC) "Dragon Scales"
Hanford West HS (CA) "The Pack"
Hannibal HS (MO) "River City Revue"
Hanover Area Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Hanover Central HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Hanover HS (VA) "Sound FX"
Hanover HS (VA) "Highlights"
Hardin Northern HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Harding MS (IA) "Classic Innovation"
Harding MS (IA) "Neo Classic"
Harding MS (IA) "Keys"
Harding MS (IA) "Classic Voce"
Harding MS (IA) "Classic Revolution/Neo Classic"
Harding MS (IA) "Classic Evolution"
Harding MS (IA) "Neo Voce"
Harlan Community HS (IA) "Breaking Cylence"
Harlan Community MS (IA) "Cytones"
Harlingen HS (TX) "Broadway Bound"
Harold L. Richards HS (IL) "Encore"
Harold L. Richards HS (IL) "Varsity Singers"
Harper Creek HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Harrah HS (OK) "Headliners"
Harris Road MS (NC) "New Beginnings"
Harris-Lake Park HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Harrisburg East MS (SD) "Infinity"
Harrisburg HS (SD) "Eclipse"
Harrisburg HS (SD) "Tiger Tones"
Harrisburg North MS (SD) "Refractions"
Harrisburg North MS (SD) "Spectrum"
Harrisburg North MS (SD) "Radiance"
Harrisburg South MS (SD) "Illumination"
Harrisburg South MS (SD) "Novum Voce"
Harrisburg South MS (SD) "Sotta Voce"
Harrison HS (OH) "Harmonics"
Harrison Junior School (OH) "Causing Treble"
Harrisonville HS (MO) "Music Makers"
Harrisonville HS (MO) "Forefront"
Hart HS (CA) "Sound Vibrations"
Hart HS (CA) "Hartbreakers"
Hart HS (CA) "Hart 'n Soul"
Hart HS (CA) "Hart N' Soul"
Hart HS (CA) "Sweetharts"
Hart HS (CA) "Unleashed"
Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn HS (IA) "HMS Hawks"
Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Harvard HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Harvard HS (NE) "Cardinal & Black Singers"
Harvard HS (NE) "Class Act"
Harvard HS (NE) "Full Impact"
Hastings HS (NE) "Uncaged"
Hastings HS (NE) "Uncaged On Stage"
Hastings HS (NE) "Unlimited"
Hastings HS (MN) "Riverside Company"
Hastings HS (MN) "11th Street Singers"
Hastings HS (MN) "Upstage Revolution"
Hastings HS (MN) "Dynamic Edition"
Hastings HS (MN) "Divaz"
Hastings MS (NE) "Resonance"
Hattiesburg HS (MS) "Expressions"
Hattiesburg HS (MS) "Tiger Expressions"
Hattiesburg HS (MS) "Tigers Untamed"
Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative Junior School (ON) "Double Treble"
Heartland Community HS (NE) "Bradshaw Show Choir"
Heartland Home Educators (MO) "Glass Harmonics"
Heartland MS (OK) "Thunderstruck"
Heartland MS (OK) "8th Grade Show Choir"
Heartland MS (OK) "Thunderettes"
Heartland MS (OK) "7th Grade Show Choir"
Heath HS (OH) "Harmonics"
Heath HS (OH) "Guys and Dolls"
Heath HS (KY) "Kaleidoscope"
Hebron HS (TX) "Harmony!"
Hedgesville HS (WV) "High Voltage"
Hedgesville HS (WV) "Drastic Measures"
Hedgesville HS (WV) "Wings"
Hedgesville MS (WV) "Troubadors"
Helena HS (AL) "Spotlight"
Helena HS (AL) "High Frequency"
Helena MS (AL) "Panther Singers"
Helena MS (AL) "Music Machine"
Helias Catholic HS (MO) "Parallel in Motion"
Helias Catholic HS (MO) "Impact"
Helias Catholic HS (MO) "Parallel Motion"
Helix HS (CA) "HLX"
Helix HS (CA) "Guys & Dolls"
Helix HS (CA) "Ladies First"
Helix HS (CA) "HD"
Helix HS (CA) "TBH"
Helix HS (CA) "Show'n Off"
Hendersonville HS (TN) "Charisma"
Henrico HS (VA) "Company 302"
Henry Ford II HS (MI) "Chorale"
Henry Ford II HS (MI) "Varsity Choir"
Henry Ford II HS (MI) "Choraleer"
Henry J. Kaiser HS (CA) "Crazy Bohemian Uptown Funky Cats"
Henry J. Kaiser HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Herbert Hoover HS (WV) "High Impact"
Herbert Hoover HS (WV) "Show Choir"
Heritage Christian Academy (KY) "Zamar"
Heritage HS (VA) "New Heritage Singers"
Heritage HS (VA) "Chantez"
Herkimer HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Hermon HS (ME) "Treblemakers"
Hermon MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Hernando HS (FL) "Spot Lites"
Herscher HS (IL) "Class Act"
Hershey HS (PA) "Choraliers"
Hershey HS (NE) "Harmony"
Hershey HS (NE) "Hymns and Hers"
Hiawatha HS (KS) "Headliners"
Hickman HS (MO) "Harmonix"
Hickory HS (NC) "Tune Twisters"
Hickory Ridge MS (NC) "Maverick Show Choir"
Hidden Valley MS (CA) "Raider Show Choir"
Highland HS (IN) "Highland Singers"
Highland HS (IN) "Starliters"
Highland HS (IN) "Impulse"
Highland HS (IL) "Dissonance"
Highland HS (IL) "Highland Singers"
Highland MS (IN) "New Edition"
Highland MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Highlands HS (PA) "Variations"
Highlands HS (PA) "Variations Impulse!"
Highlands HS (PA) "Variations Acceleration!"
Highlands MS (IL) "Show Choir"
Hill Murray School (MN) "Chamber Singers"
Hillsboro HS (OH) "Expressions Unlimited"
Hillsboro HS (TN) "Sophisticats"
Hillsborough HS (NJ) "Legacy"
Hillsdale MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Hillside HS (NC) "Hornet Harmony"
Hillside School (MA) "Boys In Blue"
Hillwood MS (TX) "Harmonics"
Hillwood MS (TX) "Vox"
Hinsdale Central HS (IL) "Encore"
Hinsdale Central HS (IL) "Women's Show Choir"
Hinsdale MS (IL) "Encore"
Hinsdale MS (IL) "Girl Treble"
Hinton Community School (IA) "Soundwaves"
Hinton Community School (IA) "Sound Explosions"
HLV Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Audacity"
HLV Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Pizzazz"
HLV Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Hobbton HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Holden HS (MO) "Into the Blue"
Holdrege HS (NE) "Gold Dust"
Holdrege MS (NE) "Dusted Royalty"
Holdrege MS (NE) "HMS Show Choir"
Holgate MS (SD) "Harmony"
Holland Patent HS (NY) "Vocal Ensemble"
Holland Patent HS (NY) "Midknight"
Hollister HS (MO) "Blue Harmony"
Hollister HS (MO) "City Lights"
Hollister HS (MO) "Prima Donnas"
Holly Springs HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Holmen HS (WI) "Midwest Express"
Holmen HS (WI) "Varangians"
Holmen HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Holmen HS (WI) "Midwest Magic"
Holmen HS (WI) "A New Expression"
Holmen HS (WI) "Satin Dolls"
Holmen HS (WI) "Swing Glee"
Holmen HS (WI) "Midwest Momentum"
Holmen MS (WI) "Midwest Connection"
Holmes Junior HS (IL) "Swing Chorus"
Holston MS (TN) "Kids in America"
Holy Trinity Catholic Junior HS (ON) "Show Choir"
Holy Trinity Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Commotion"
Holy Trinity Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Jump N' Jive"
Homestead HS (IN) "Class Royale"
Homestead HS (IN) "Variations"
Homestead HS (IN) "Spartan Singers"
Homestead HS (IN) "Elite"
Homewood HS (AL) "The Network"
Homewood HS (AL) "The Legacy"
Homewood HS (AL) "Nexus"
Homewood HS (AL) "The Associate"
Homewood HS (AL) "Continuum"
Homewood MS (AL) "Patriot Singers"
Hoopeston Area HS (IL) "New Direction"
Hoopeston Area HS (IL) "New Connections"
Hoopeston Area HS (IL) "Fusion"
Hoopeston Area MS (IL) "Cornjerker Connection"
Hoover HS (AL) "Chamber Choir"
Hoover HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Hoover HS (AL) "Paradigm"
Hoover HS (AL) "Singers"
Hopewell HS (VA) "Unlimited Voices"
Hopewell HS (VA) "Female Intuition"
Hopewell-Loudon HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Horace Mann HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Horace Mann MS (WV) "Eagle Pride"
Horizon HS (AZ) "Step on Stage"
Horizon HS (AZ) "Show Divas"
Horizon HS (AZ) "Women's Ensemble"
Horizon MS (NE) "Encore"
Horizon MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Horn Lake HS (MS) "Momentum"
Horn Lake HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Horn Lake MS (MS) "Show Choir"
Horton MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Horton MS (NC) "On-Point"
Hortonville HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Hortonville MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Hot Springs HS (SD) "Les Chanteurs"
Hotchkiss HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Houlton Jr/Sr HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Houlton Jr/Sr HS (ME) "Middle School Show Choir"
Houston Academy (AL) "Show Choir"
Houston HS (TN) "Show Choir"
Houston HS (TN) "Natural Rendition"
Howard HS (SD) "Harmonious Echos"
Howell HS (NJ) "Show Choir"
Hubble MS (IL) "Expressions"
Hudson HS (OH) "Vocal Impact"
Hudson HS (IA) "First Edition"
Hudson HS (IA) "Another Edition"
Hudson HS (TX) "New Image"
Hudson MS (OH) "Show Choir"
Hudson MS (TX) "New Image"
Hudson MS (IA) "Premiere Edition"
Hudson MS (IA) "Second Edition"
Hudson MS (IA) "New Edition"
Hueytown HS (AL) "Highlights"
Hughes MS (TX) "Ignite"
Hugo HS (OK) "High Notes"
Hummingbird Music (ON) "Show Choir"
Huntington HS (WV) "Illusions"
Huntington North HS (IN) "Varsity Singers"
Huntington North HS (IN) "Viking Volume"
Huntley HS (IL) "Harmonics"
Hurricane HS (WV) "Red Hot"
Hurricane HS (WV) "Heat Wave"
Idabel MS (OK) "Champion Voices"
Independence HS (OH) "Vocal Ensemble"
Independence HS (TN) "Declaration Singers"
Independence Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Independence MS (OH) "Treble Makers"
Indian Creek HS (IN) "Rhythmaires"
Indian Creek HS (IN) "Jazzettes"
Indian Creek School (MD) "Show Choir"
Indian Hill HS (OH) "Premieres"
Indian Lake HS (OH) "Meistersingers"
Indian Lake MS (OH) "Sophisticlefs"
Indian Lake MS (OH) "Spectaculars"
Indian Springs MS (TX) "Infinity"
Indian Springs MS (TX) "Gold"
Indian Springs MS (IN) "City Stars"
Indianola Academy (MS) "Esprit"
Indianola Academy (MS) "Madrigal Singers Esprit"
Indianola Academy (MS) "Delta Spirit"
Indianola HS (IA) "Side One"
Indianola HS (IA) "Flip Side"
Indianola HS (IA) "Sidewayz"
Indianola HS (IA) "Side Ways"
Indianola MS (IA) "Side Effects"
Indianola MS (IA) "Side Kicks"
International School Of Minnesota (MN) "Show Choir"
International School Of Minnesota (MN) "Universal Appeal"
Iowa City HS (IA) "4th Avenue Jazz Company"
Iowa City HS (IA) "City Lights"
Iowa City HS (IA) "City Rhythm"
Iowa City HS (IA) "Nitelites"
Iowa City HS (IA) "Charisma"
Iowa City West HS (IA) "Good Time Company"
Iowa City West HS (IA) "Showtime"
Iowa City West HS (IA) "Primetime"
Iron Mountain HS (MI) "Mountaineer Magic"
Ironwood Ridge HS (AZ) "Encore!"
Ironwood Ridge HS (AZ) "Glitz"
Irwin County HS (GA) "Tribal Clefs"
Irwin County HS (GA) "Southern Accents"
Isaac Newton Christian Academy (IA) "Hilltop Shock"
Island Community Group (BC) "Tonality"
Island Community Group (BC) "Harmonia"
J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate (ON) "Vocal Thunder"
J. N. Fries MS (NC) "Show Choir"
J.P. Elder MS (TX) "Show Choir"
J.R. Arnold HS (FL) "Marlin Soundwave"
Jack Hille MS (IL) "The Highlights"
Jackson Academy (MS) "Encore"
Jackson Academy (MS) "Showtime"
Jackson Academy (MS) "Finale"
Jackson Center HS (OH) "JC Unleashed"
Jackson Center HS (OH) "JC Sparks"
Jackson County Central HS (MN) "Dynamix"
Jackson County Central HS (MN) "Encore"
Jackson HS (OH) "Jacks-N-Jills"
Jackson MS (OH) "Spark of Class"
Jackson MS (OH) "Show Choir"
Jackson MS (TX) "Jaguar Elite"
Jackson Preparatory School (MS) "Reveillon"
Jackson Preparatory School (MS) "Fusion"
Jackson Preparatory School (MS) "Glitz"
James Hunt HS (NC) "Show Choir"
James Irwin Charter HS (CO) "Harmonia"
James L. Day MS (CA) "Sound Wave"
James L. Day MS (CA) "Treble Tones"
James L. Day MS (CA) "Sparklers"
James L. Day MS (CA) "Minuets"
James Martin HS (TX) "Varsity Show Choir"
James Martin HS (TX) "Class Act"
James Martin HS (TX) "JV Show Choir"
James Monroe HS (WV) "Show Choir"
James River HS (VA) "Current Edition"
James River HS (VA) "Anything Goes"
James River HS (VA) "Priority Male"
James Williams MS (WI) "Show Stars"
Jamestown HS (ND) "Show Choir"
Janesville Edison MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Janesville Franklin MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Jasper County Junior HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Jasper HS (AL) "Encore"
Jasper HS (AL) "Phoenix"
Jasper HS (AL) "Diamonds"
Jasper HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Jay County HS (IN) "Patriot Edition"
Jay County HS (IN) "Friendship Company"
Jay County HS (IN) "Just Treble"
Jay County HS (IN) "Danza Cantata"
Jay M. Robinson MS (NC) "Encore Singers"
Jefferson City HS (MO) "J City Riot"
Jefferson City HS (MO) "Riot"
Jefferson Davis HS (AL) "Starburst"
Jefferson HS (WV) "Pop Singers"
Jefferson HS (WV) "Pop-Singers"
Jefferson HS (WV) "Popsingers"
Jefferson HS (WI) "Singchronicity"
Jefferson MS (CA) "Falcon Singers"
Jefferson MS (CA) "Songbirds"
Jefferson MS (CA) "Music Makers"
Jefferson MS (CA) "Beginning Show Choir"
Jefferson MS (WI) "Loud n Clear"
Jefferson MS (IN) "Show Choir"
Jefferson-Scranton HS (IA) "J-Town Swingers"
Jenks HS (OK) "Trojanaires"
Jenks HS (OK) "Trojanation"
Jenks HS (OK) "Trojan Nation"
Jenks HS (OK) "Trojan Spirit"
Jenks HS (OK) "Treble Tones"
Jenks HS (OK) "Trebleaires"
Jenks HS (OK) "AireMen"
Jennings County HS (IN) "A Touch Of Class"
Jennings County MS (IN) "Una Voce"
Jess Lanier HS (AL) "Lanier Singers"
John A. Holmes HS (NC) "Show Choir"
John A. Rowland HS (CA) "Infusion"
John A. Rowland HS (CA) "Enchantment"
John A. Rowland HS (CA) "Acapella"
John A. Rowland HS (CA) "A Cappella"
John A. Rowland HS (CA) "Charisma"
John Adams HS (IN) "Show Choir"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Powerhouse"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Chamber Choir"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Sound Sensations"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Sound Waves"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Decibelles"
John Burroughs HS (CA) "Men@Work"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Executive Order"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Harmonic Fusion"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Kryptonite!"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Show Choir"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "First Ladies"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Treble Effects"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Central Intelligence"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Jackie"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Secret Service"
John F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Ambassadors"
John F. Kennedy Memorial HS (NJ) "Show Choir"
John Fraser Secondary School (ON) "The Gleediators"
John Glenn HS (OH) "Glenn Tones"
John Glenn MS (MN) "Starstruck"
John Hersey HS (IL) "OnStage"
John Hersey HS (IL) "Ladies First"
John L Nash MS (IL) "First Impressions"
John Muir MS (CA) "Imaginations"
John Muir MS (CA) "Vocal Motion"
John Muir MS (CA) "Guys and Dolls"
John Muir MS (CA) "Innovations"
John Muir MS (CA) "Girls Next Door"
John Warner MS (MO) "Southwest Sound Effects"
John Warner MS (MO) "Grizzly Keynotes"
Johns Hill Magnet School (IL) "Xperience!"
Johns Hill Magnet School (IL) "Singers"
Johnson City HS (NY) "Sophisticats"
Johnston HS (IA) "Innovation"
Johnston HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Johnston HS (IA) "Synergy"
Johnston HS (IA) "Bella Voce"
Johnston MS (IA) "Sound Advice"
Johnston MS (IA) "Impact"
Johnston MS (IA) "Singers on 62nd"
Johnston MS (IA) "7th Sensation"
Johnston Summit MS (IA) "Fusion"
Johnstown HS (OH) "Fantasy"
Joliet Central HS (IL) "Show Steelers"
Joliet Central HS (IL) "Singers"
Joliet Central HS (IL) "Sweet Elite"
Jonathan Alder HS (OH) "High Society"
Jonesport-Beals HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Joplin HS (MO) "Sound Dimension"
Joplin HS (MO) "Sound Dimensions"
Joplin HS (MO) "Touch of Class"
Joplin HS (MO) "New Expressions"
Joplin HS (MO) "Glitz"
Joplin MSs (MO) "New Sounds"
Joseph Case HS (MA) "Showcase"
Judge Memorial Catholic HS (UT) "Judge Show Choir"
Julesburg HS (CO) "Vocal Motion"
Julesburg HS (CO) "Junior High Show Choir"
Junction City Senior HS (KS) "JC Singers"
Junior Musical Theatre Company (MB) "Show Choir"
Junipero Serra HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Jurupa Valley HS (CA) "Treble Choir"
Justin-Siena HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Kahuku HS (HI) "Vocal Motion"
Kankakee HS (IL) "Take Note"
Kankakee HS (IL) "Celebration Singers"
Kankakee HS (IL) "New Images"
Kankakee Junior HS (IL) "First Note"
Kansas Lakota HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Kapa'a HS (HI) "Senior Choir"
Katella HS (CA) "The Wild Cards"
Katella HS (CA) "The Nobles"
Katella HS (CA) "The Queen Bees"
Katella HS (CA) "Knight Singers"
Katella HS (CA) "Royals"
Katella HS (CA) "KingsMen"
Kearney HS (NE) "KHS Pops"
Kearney HS (NE) "Sapphire and Gold"
Kecoughtan HS (VA) "Harbor Lights"
Kecoughtan HS (VA) "Touch of Jade"
Kecoughtan HS (VA) "5th Avenue"
Kekionga MS (IN) "Vocal Explosion"
Keller Central HS (TX) "Voices of Central"
Keller Central HS (TX) "Voltage"
Keller Central HS (TX) "Scarlets of Central"
Keller HS (TX) "Tribe Show Choir"
Keller HS (TX) "Tribe!"
Keller HS (TX) "Blue Lights"
Keller HS (TX) "Lumina"
Keller MS (TX) "Legend"
Kendallville Central MS (IN) "KC Sound Company"
Kenton HS (OH) "Top Twenty"
Kenton MS (OH) "Dimensions"
Kenyon-Wanamingo HS (MN) "Celebration Street"
Keokuk HS (IA) "Purple Harmony"
Keokuk HS (IA) "Vibrations"
Keokuk MS (IA) "Showstoppers"
Keota HS (IA) "EagleRock!"
Keota HS (IA) "Eaglerock"
Kerr MS (TX) "Harmony"
Kerr MS (TX) "Electric Blue"
Kettering Fairmont HS (OH) "Illusion"
Kettering Fairmont HS (OH) "Mirage"
Kettering MS (OH) "Take Note"
Kettle Moraine HS (WI) "Laser System"
Kettle Moraine Lutheran HS (WI) "Echoes"
Kewaskum HS (WI) "Noteables"
Kewaskum HS (WI) "Noteworthy"
Kewaskum MS (WI) "Footnotes"
Kewaunee HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Keystone MS (OH) "Show Kats"
Kickapoo HS (WI) "Classic Edition"
Kiel HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Kiel HS (WI) "Waves Of Rhythm"
Kiel HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Kiewit MS (NE) "First Edition"
Kiewit MS (NE) "Dynamic"
Kilgore Gifted Center (VA) "Singing Seahawks"
Kimball Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Crimson & Cream Singers"
Kimball Jr/Sr HS (NE) "New Dimension"
Kimball Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Infinity"
Kimball Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Velocity"
Kings Mountain HS (NC) "Kings Revue"
Kipp Gaston Prep MS (NC) "Encore"
Kirkwood Senior HS (MO) "Kaleidoscope"
Kirn MS (IA) "Center Stage"
Kirn MS (IA) "North Stars"
Kirn MS (IA) "Live Wire"
Kirn MS (IA) "Celebration"
Kirn MS (IA) "Lyrical Lynx"
Kirn MS (IA) "The Mezzo Fortes"
Kiski Area HS (PA) "Kandescence"
Kiski Area HS (PA) "Kaleidoscope"
Kiski Area HS (PA) "Center Stage"
Kiski Area HS (PA) "Take One"
Knob Noster HS (MO) "Pulse"
Kokomo HS (IN) "Karisma Singers"
Kokomo HS (IN) "Choralieers"
Kuemper Catholic HS (IA) "Show Choir"
KW Community Group (ON) "KW Glee"
KW Community Group (ON) "KW Glee Junior"
La Crosse Central HS (WI) "Grand Central Station"
La Crosse Central HS (WI) "Central Connection"
La Crosse Central HS (WI) "Soundsations"
La Crosse HSs (WI) "River City Revolution"
La Crosse MSs (WI) "Star Power Alpha"
La Crosse MSs (WI) "Star Power Omega"
La Cueva HS (NM) "Main Street"
La Cueva HS (NM) "Underground"
La Cueva HS (NM) "5th Avenue"
La Cueva HS (NM) "Sapphire Sound"
La Mesa MS (CA) "Ensemble"
La Vista MS (NE) "High Adrenaline"
La Vista MS (NE) "Nobility"
La Vista MS (NE) "Monarch Magic"
Ladue Horton Watkins HS (MO) "Footnotes"
Ladysmith HS (WI) "Troubadors"
Lafayette Jefferson HS (IN) "First Edition"
Lafayette Jefferson HS (IN) "Expressions"
Lafayette Jefferson HS (IN) "A Cappella"
Lafayette Jefferson HS (IN) "Chorale Sine Nomine"
Lake Catholic HS (OH) "LC Singers"
Lake Creek HS (TX) "Legacy"
Lake Forest MS (TN) "Boyz to Men"
Lake Forest MS (TN) "Revolution"
Lake Forest MS (TN) "Mirabella"
Lake Gibson HS (FL) "Audio"
Lake HS (OH) "Debonnaires"
Lake Highlands HS (TX) "Espree"
Lake Highlands HS (TX) "CenterStage!"
Lake Highlands Junior HS (TX) "Limited Edition"
Lake Mills HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Lake Mills HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Lake Norman HS (NC) "Showformance"
Lake Preston HS (SD) "Gold Xperience"
Lake Zurich HS (IL) "Blue Notes"
Lakeland HS (IN) "New Wave"
Lakeland HS (IN) "Vocal Motion"
Lakeridge HS (OR) "Company"
Lakeside HS (GA) "Soundsation"
Lakeside HS (GA) "Sensation"
Lakeside MS (CA) "Aptitude"
Lakeside MS (CA) "Adrenaline"
Lakeview HS (MI) "Spartanaires"
Lakewood HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Lakota East HS (OH) "Eastside Music Company"
Lakota HS (OH) "Lakota Limited Ensemble"
Lakota West HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Lamar HS (TX) "Madrigals"
Lamar HS (TX) "Harmony"
Lamar HS (TX) "Encore"
Lamar HS (MO) "Rhapsody"
Lancaster HS (OH) "Singing Gales"
Lancaster HS (CA) "Singing Eagles"
Lancaster HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Lancaster HS (CA) "Femmes Fortes"
Lanphier HS (IL) "Lion's Pride"
Lanphier HS (IL) "Fierce Satisfaction"
Lapel HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Lapel MS (IN) "Show Choir"
LaPorte HS (IN) "Ambassadors"
LaPorte HS (IN) "Harmony"
Las Cruces HS (NM) "Modernaires"
Las Vegas HS (NV) "Spectrum"
LaSalle-St. Joseph MS (IA) "CenterStage"
Laurel HS (MS) "Showstoppers"
Laurel HS (MS) "Kinetic"
Laurel HS (MS) "Encore"
Laurel Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Laurel MS (MS) "Insync"
Laurel MS (MS) "Show Choir"
Laurel-Concord Coleridge HS (NE) "Bear Essence"
Laurens-Marathon HS (IA) "Impulse"
LaVille Jr/Sr HS (IN) "LVA"
LaVille Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Lancer Singers"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "Central Sound"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "Sweet Sensation"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "Sweet Sensations"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "Sweets"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "Sound Connections"
Lawrence Central HS (IN) "New Expressions"
Lawrence HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Lawrence HS (ME) "Vocal Vibe"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "Legacy"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "New Dimension"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "Hip Street"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "Bella Bravada"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "Bella"
Lawrence North HS (IN) "The Voices"
Lawrenceburg HS (IN) "Tiger Pizazz"
Lawrenceburg HS (IN) "Encore"
Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Momentum"
Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Special Effect"
Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Vocal Effect"
LD Bell HS (TX) "The Bell System"
Leander HS (TX) "Legacy"
Learning Foundation Performing Arts Charter School (AZ) "Soundsations"
Leavenworth HS (KS) "Power & Life"
Lebanon HS (OH) "Lebanon Singers"
Lebanon HS (OH) "Singers"
Lebanon HS (OH) "Decibelles"
Lebanon HS (IN) "Charisma"
Lebanon Senior HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Lee Academy (ME) "Show Choir"
Lee Burneson MS (OH) "Burneson Brigade"
Lee County HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Lee HS (AL) "Trouveres"
Lee Scott Academy (AL) "Higher Glory"
Leeds HS (AL) "Emerald Voices"
Leesburg HS (FL) "Innovation"
Leesburg HS (FL) "Illusions"
Legacy HS (TX) "Magic"
Legacy HS (TX) "Silver Elite"
Lehighton Area HS (PA) "Music Express"
Lehman Catholic HS (OH) "Limelighters"
LeMars Community HS (IA) "Crimson & Black"
LeMars Community HS (IA) "Crimson And Black"
LeMars MS (IA) "Show Dogs"
Lennox HS (SD) "S B.A.T. Squad"
Lennox HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Lenox Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Leo Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Live Rhythm"
Leo Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Leola HS (SD) "Piraticals"
Leola HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Leominster HS (MA) "Fermata the Blue"
Leominster HS (MA) "Ignition"
Leonardo Da Vinci School For Gifted Learners (WI) "Dynamix"
Lewis and Clark MS (NE) "Xtreme Intensity"
Lewis and Clark MS (NE) "Discovery"
Lewis and Clark MS (NE) "Luminescent Clarity"
Lewis Central HS (IA) "Corporation"
Lewis Central HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Lewis Central HS (IA) "Company"
Lewis Central HS (IA) "Express"
Lewis Central MS (IA) "Titan Force"
Lewis Central MS (IA) "Titan Fire"
Lexington HS (SC) "Golden Blues"
Lexington HS (OH) "Fire N Ice"
Lexington HS (OK) "Southern Accents"
Lexington HS (OK) "Pitch Slapped"
Lexington HS (OK) "Testostertones"
Lexington Junior HS (CA) "Velocity"
Leydens HS (IL) "LHS Swing Choir"
Liberty Christian School (TX) "ShowStoppers"
Liberty HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Liberty HS (IA) "Storm"
Liberty HS (IA) "Impact"
Liberty HS (WV) "One Voice"
Liberty HS (WV) "Women's Show Choir"
Liberty HS (NV) "Patriot Stars"
Liberty Junior HS (IL) "Voices of Freedom"
Liberty MS (NE) "Flight"
Liberty MS (NE) "Ascent"
Liberty MS (GA) "Knights of Liberty"
Liberty Union HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Licking Valley HS (OH) "Vocal Impact"
Licking Valley HS (OH) "Phase II"
Licking Valley HS (OH) "Jazz Choir"
Ligon MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Lima Senior HS (OH) "Scarlet and Gray"
Lima Senior HS (OH) "Scarlet and Grey"
Lincoln East HS (NE) "Express"
Lincoln East HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Lincoln East HS (NE) "Elegance"
Lincoln East HS (NE) "Elevation"
Lincoln East HS (NE) "Elation"
Lincoln HS (MO) "Finale"
Lincoln HS (NE) "Connections"
Lincoln HS (NE) "Momentum"
Lincoln HS (NE) "Chain Reaction"
Lincoln HS (NE) "Varsity Swing Choir"
Lincoln HS (WV) "The Young Professionals"
Lincoln Lutheran Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Lincoln Magnet School (IL) "Spot On"
Lincoln MS (CT) "Silver City Singers"
Lincoln MS (WV) "Soundwaves"
Lincoln MS (WI) "9th Street Connection"
Lincoln MS (WI) "8th Grade Show Choir"
Lincoln MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Lincoln MS (WI) "7th Grade Show Choir"
Lincoln Northeast HS (NE) "Voices 'N Harmony"
Lincoln Northeast HS (NE) "Dynamix"
Lincoln Northeast HS (NE) "Sophomore Swing Choir"
Lincoln Northwest HS (NE) "Aviation"
Lincoln Northwest HS (NE) "First Class"
Lincoln Southeast HS (NE) "Countesses & Noblemen"
Lincoln Southeast HS (NE) "Knight Sounds"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Resonance"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Entourage"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Ambience"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Ambiance"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Southside Intensity"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Diva's Intuition"
Lincoln Southwest HS (NE) "Emergence"
Linda Jobe MS (TX) "First Edition"
Lindbergh HS (MO) "Madrigal Swingers"
Lindbergh HS (MO) "Limelight"
Linden HS (CA) "ACE Show Choir"
Linn-Mar HS (IA) "10th Street Edition"
Linn-Mar HS (IA) "In Step"
Linn-Mar HS (IA) "Hi-Style"
Linn-Mar HS (IA) "Hi Style"
Little Elm HS (TX) "Touch of Class"
Little Wolf Jr/Sr HS (WI) "Swing Singers"
Littlestown Senior HS (PA) "Fantasy"
Livermore HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Liverpool HS (NY) "FAME"
Lloyd C. Bird HS (VA) "Sudden Image"
Lloyd C. Bird HS (VA) "Limitless"
Lloyd C. Bird HS (VA) "High Definition"
Lloyd C. Bird HS (VA) "Reflections"
Lloyd Wood MS (AL) "Show Choir"
Lodi HS (WI) "Special Effect"
Lodi HS (WI) "Celebration"
Logan Elm HS (OH) "Harmonic Havoc"
Logan Elm HS (OH) "Leading Edge"
Logan Elm HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Logan Fontenelle MS (NE) "Perfect Harmony"
Logan HS (WI) "The Class Act"
Logan HS (WI) "Stardust"
Logan HS (WI) "Clowns on Delivery"
Logan HS (WI) "Classy Ladies"
Logan HS (OH) "Hilltop Singers"
Logan HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Logan MS (WI) "Touch of Class"
Logan MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Logan-Hocking MS (OH) "Choraliers"
Logan-Magnolia Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Off-Center Stage"
Lombardi MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Lone Peak HS (UT) "Show Choir"
Lone Star HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Lone Tree Junior-Senior HS (IA) "Rhythmic Distraction"
Long Beach HS (MS) "Tropical Wave"
Longfellow/LDI MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Longfellow/LDI MS (WI) "Junction"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Sound FX"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Soundtrax"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Connexion"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Xquisite"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Xtreme"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Axcent"
Los Alamitos HS (CA) "Renaissance"
Los Alamos HS (NM) "ShowToppers"
Los Altos HS (CA) "Production Choir"
Los Altos HS (CA) "LA Dynamix"
Los Altos HS (CA) "Prestige"
Los Altos HS (CA) "LA Rhythm"
Los Altos HS (CA) "LA Harmony"
Los Amigos HS (CA) "Lobos in Blue"
Los Amigos HS (CA) "Surround Sound"
Los Amigos HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Loudoun County HS (VA) "Raider Rhapsody"
Louise A. Benton MS (VA) "Show Choir"
Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts (LA) "Show Choir"
Loveland HS (OH) "By Request"
Loveland HS (OH) "Allure"
Loveland MS (OH) "Revolution"
Loveland MS (OH) "Expressions"
Lowell HS (MA) "Sound Impressions"
Lowell HS (MA) "Spindles"
Lowell HS (MA) "Soundsations"
Lowell HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Lowell MSs (MA) "Untamed Melodies"
Ludington HS (MI) "Sound Explosion"
Ludington HS (MI) "Sound Explosions"
Ludington HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Lumberton HS (MS) "Touch of Class"
Lumberton HS (MS) "A Touch of Class"
Luther Burbank MS (CA) "Starlight"
Luther Burbank MS (CA) "Spotlight"
Luther Burbank MS (CA) "Luminescence"
Luther Burbank MS (CA) "Illuminations"
Luther Burbank MS (CA) "Limelight"
Luther L. Wright HS (MI) "Accent!"
Luther L. Wright HS (MI) "Crimson and Cream"
Lutheran HS (IL) "Revelations"
Luxemburg-Casco HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Lyme-Old Lyme HS (CT) "Amped Up!"
Lyndon H. Strough MS (NY) "Knight Club"
Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Center (IN) "Elite"
Lynn MS (NM) "Rollin' In The Deep"
Lyons Middle/Senior HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Mabank HS (TX) "Panther Edition"
MacArthur HS (OK) "Showtime Singers"
MacArthur HS (IL) "Generalaires"
MacArthur HS (IL) "Silvertones"
Macomb Senior HS (IL) "MHS Main Street"
Maconaquah HS (IN) "Counterpoints"
Maconaquah HS (IN) "The Next Level"
Madera South HS (CA) "Stallion Synergy"
Madera South HS (CA) "Synergy"
Madison Central HS (MS) "Reveille"
Madison Central HS (MS) "Renown"
Madison Central HS (MS) "Women's Show Choir"
Madison Consolidated HS (IN) "Central Command"
Madison Consolidated HS (IN) "Camerata"
Madison Consolidated HS (IN) "Encore"
Madison East HS (WI) "Encore"
Madison East HS (WI) "Mad City Swing"
Madison Heights HS (IN) "Heighlighters"
Madison HS (OH) "Eclectica"
Madison HS (CA) "Rhythm In Blue"
Madison HS (CA) "Rhapsody In Blue"
Madison HS (CA) "Women's Jazz"
Madison HS (SD) "Madtown"
Madison MS (MS) "Kaleidoscope"
Madison MS (MS) "Kadence"
Madison MS (OH) "Melody Singers"
Madison-Grant HS (IN) "Arguys & Gals"
Madison-Grant HS (IN) "Starfire"
Magee MS (MS) "Show Choir"
Magnolia Intermediate School (CA) "Show Choir"
Main Stage Center for the Arts (NJ) "Harmony"
Mainland Regional HS (NJ) "Show Choir"
Malvern Middle/HS (OH) "Accents"
Manchester HS (VA) "Capital Swing"
Manchester HS (VA) "Touch of Swing"
Manchester HS (VA) "Vocal Swing"
Manchester HS (VA) "Just Swingin'"
Mandeville HS (LA) "Encore"
Manhattan HS (KS) "Pops"
Manhattan HS (KS) "Sugar n' Spice"
Mannford HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Manor HS (TX) "The Mustang Show"
Manson Northwest Webster HS (IA) "Quantum"
Manteno HS (IL) "Magic"
Manteno MS (IL) "Grand Paws"
Manual HS (IL) "Singers"
Manzano HS (NM) "Prestige"
Manzano HS (NM) "Morning Song"
Manzano HS (NM) "Women's Show Choir"
Maple Creek MS (IN) "MC Singers"
Maple Grove Senior HS (MN) "Crimson Chorale"
Maquoketa Valley HS (IA) "Kaleidosteps"
Marathon HS (WI) "New Attitude"
Marble Falls HS (TX) "Encore"
Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute (ON) "Adrenaline!"
Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute (ON) "D-Verse"
Marcos De Niza HS (AZ) "Show Choir"
Marcus HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Margarita MS (CA) "Sound Quest"
Marian HS (NE) "Momentum"
Marianna HS (FL) "Powerhouse"
Marianna HS (FL) "Mixed Show Choir"
Marianna HS (FL) "The Sweet Sensations"
Marianna HS (FL) "Sweet Sensations"
Marianna HS (FL) "Girls' Show Choir"
Marianna HS (FL) "Decibelles"
Marianna HS (FL) "Sensations"
Marietta HS (OH) "Premiere"
Marinette HS (WI) "Impact"
Marion Catholic HS (OH) "MC Sensations"
Marion Harding HS (OH) "Harding Singers"
Marion Harding HS (OH) "Singers Xtreme"
Marion HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Marion HS (IL) "Vocality"
Marion HS (IN) "26th Street Innovations"
Marion HS (IN) "26th Street Singers"
Marion HS (IN) "Sweet Inspirations"
Marion HS (IN) "Marionettes"
Marion HS (IA) "New Creation"
Marion HS (IA) "Vocal Varietas"
Marion HS (IA) "Southside Singers"
Marion HS (IA) "Evolution"
Marion HS (IA) "Revelation"
Marion L. Steele HS (OH) "Jazz Choir"
Marion Pleasant HS (OH) "Spartans in Motion"
Marion-Franklin HS (OH) "Pizzazz"
Mark Keppel HS (CA) "Aztec Singers"
Mark Keppel HS (CA) "Esprit"
Mark Keppel HS (CA) "Women's Choir"
Mark Keppel VPA Magnet School (CA) "Showtime"
Marlborough HS (MA) "Pizazz"
Marley Park MS (AZ) "Sound Sensations"
Marlington HS (OH) "Duke Street"
Maroa-Forsyth HS (IL) "Rhythm Riders"
Marquette HS (MO) "Center Stage"
Mars Hill Bible School (AL) "Celebration"
Marshall HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Marshall HS (MN) "Tiger Drive"
Marshall MS (MN) "Momentum"
Marshalltown HS (IA) "Southside Transit"
Marshalltown HS (IA) "Encore"
Martin Luther King HS (CA) "I Have A Dream"
Martin Luther King HS (CA) "Legacy"
Martin Luther King HS (CA) "Vocal Jazz"
Martin Luther King HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Martin Luther King MS (CA) "Mane Attraction"
Martin Luther King MS (CA) "Mane-iacs"
Martinsburg HS (WV) "Good Times"
Martinsburg HS (WV) "GLITZ"
Martinsburg HS (WV) "Encore"
Martinsburg North MS (WV) "Northern Lights"
Martinsburg South MS (WV) "South Spirit"
Martinsville HS (IN) "Flash 'n Fascination"
Martinsville HS (IN) "Mpulse"
Mary, Seat Of Wisdom School (IL) "Hawk Harmonics"
Marysville HS (OH) "Swingers Unlimited"
Marysville HS (OH) "Swingers Select"
Maryville HS (MO) "Spectrum"
Maryville HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Maryville HS (MO) "Illumination"
Mason Creek MS (GA) "Dynamix"
Mason HS (OH) "Paralell Motion"
Massabesic HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Massaponax HS (VA) "Decibelles"
Massey Hill Classical HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Matoaca HS (VA) "High Impact"
Matoaca HS (VA) "Up Front"
Mattanawcook Academy (ME) "Show Choir"
Mattanawcook Junior HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Maumee HS (OH) "Select Singers"
Mayfair HS (CA) "Showtime"
Mayfair HS (CA) "Mariners"
Mayfield HS (OH) "Limited Edition"
Mayfield MS (OH) "Vocal Dimensions"
Maynard Holbrook Jackson HS (GA) "Crimson and Gold"
Maysville Jr/Sr HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Maysville Jr/Sr HS (MO) "Main Street Singers"
Mayville HS (WI) "Cardinal Singers"
Mayville HS (WI) "Girls Show Choir"
Mayville MS (WI) "Next Edition"
Mayville MS (WI) "New Direction"
Mazzuchelli Catholic MS (IA) "Ignite!"
Mazzuchelli Catholic MS (IA) "Ignite"
McAuley & LaSalle HSs (OH) "Show Choir"
McAuley Catholic HS (MO) "Show Choir"
McAuliffe MS (CA) "Studio Singers"
McAuliffe MS (CA) "Soul Men"
McAuliffe MS (CA) "Soundwaves"
McCombs MS (IA) "Dynamic Pulse"
McCutcheon HS (IN) "Concert Singers"
McCutcheon HS (IN) "Show Choir"
McDonald County HS (MO) "Rhapsody n' Rhythm"
McDonald County HS (MO) "Rhapsody 'n Rhythm"
McDonald County HS (MO) "Dynamic Divas"
McDonell Central Catholic HS (WI) "Magic"
McDonell Central Catholic HS (WI) "Show Choir"
McFarland HS (WI) "New Edition"
McGavock HS (TN) "Capital Sounds"
McGavock HS (TN) "Ladies"
McKinley MS (IA) "Classic Edition"
McKinley MS (IA) "First Edition"
McLaurin HS (MS) "AMBUSH"
McNeil HS (TX) "Musicale"
McNeil HS (TX) "Rhapsody"
Meadowbrook HS (VA) "Showin' Off"
Meadowbrook HS (VA) "Visions"
Meadowbrook MS (CA) "Rhythm In Blue"
Meadowview MS (WI) "Adrenaline Rush"
Meadowview MS (WI) "Sound of Adrenaline"
Meadowview MS (WI) "Sound"
Mechanicsville HS (VA) "Madz"
Mechanicsville HS (VA) "Madrijazz"
Mechanicsville HS (VA) "New Horizons"
Medford Area MS (WI) "In Motion"
Medford Area Senior HS (WI) "Momentum"
Mediapolis HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Mediapolis HS (IA) "Spontaneous Combustion"
Medina HS (OH) "Encore Entertainment Company"
Medina HS (OH) "Spotlights"
Medway MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Mehlville HS (MO) "Adrenaline"
Mehlville HS (MO) "Soundsation"
Melissa HS (TX) "Scarlet Soundwave"
Memorial HS (WI) "Old Abe Show Choir"
Memorial HS (WI) "Eagles"
Memorial HS (WI) "Eagle Show Choir"
Memorial HS (WI) "Eaglettes"
Memorial Junior HS (OH) "Electric Youth"
Memorial MS (SD) "Signature"
Memorial Park MS (IN) "78 Edition"
Menasha HS (WI) "7th Street Swing"
Menasha HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Menasha HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Menasha HS (WI) "Blue Persuasion"
Menchville HS (VA) "(m)pulse"
Menchville HS (VA) "Monarch Magic"
Menchville HS (VA) "Melodies"
Menomonee Falls North HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Menomonie HS (WI) "Music Machine"
Menomonie HS (WI) "Phenomenon"
Menomonie HS (WI) "5th Street Singers"
Mentor HS (OH) "Top 25"
Mercer HS (WI) "M&Ms"
Mercer HS (WI) "Thunder"
Mercy and Xavier HSs (CT) "Vocal Dimensions"
Mercy and Xavier HSs (CT) "Choralations"
Mercy HS (NE) "Treblemakers"
Mercy HS (NE) "Treble Makers"
Meridian HS (NE) "Mustang Show Choir"
Meridian HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Merrill HS (WI) "Mixed Company"
Mesa Grande Academy (CA) "Voice of the Heart"
Mesa Robles School (CA) "Sound-Sations"
Messmer HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Metropolitan Learning Center (CT) "Originality"
MFL MarMac HS (IA) "Young Americans"
MFL MarMac HS (IA) "The Young Americans"
MFL MarMac HS (IA) "Legacy"
Miami East HS (OH) "Explosion"
Miami MS (IN) "Sound Machine"
Michael Power/St. Joseph HS (ON) "Powerhouse"
Middle Tennessee Community Show Choir (TN) "Show Choir"
Middleton HS (ID) "FX Show Choir"
Middleton HS (SC) "Middleton Singers"
Middleton HS (WI) "Choraliers"
Middletown HS (NY) "Pipers"
Middletown HS (OH) "Purple Pizzazz"
Middletown HS (OH) "Mirage"
Middletown HS (OH) "A Touch of Class"
Midland Trail Middle/HS (WV) "Patriot Pride"
Midland Trail Middle/HS (WV) "Blaze the Trail"
Midlothian Heritage HS (TX) "Cliff Notes"
Midlothian HS (VA) "Just For Show"
Midlothian HS (VA) "City Lights"
Milaca HS (MN) "Swing Choir"
Milan HS (IN) "Indian Rhythm"
Milford HS (MI) "Voice Ensemble"
Milford HS (MI) "Center Stage"
Milford HS (OH) "Shades of Harmony"
Mill Creek HS (GA) "Spectrum"
Mill Creek MS (TN) "Momentum"
Millard Central MS (NE) "Central Sound"
Millard Central MS (NE) "Whirlwind"
Millard North HS (NE) "Infinity"
Millard North HS (NE) "Showstoppers"
Millard North HS (NE) "Illumination"
Millard North HS (NE) "Intensity"
Millard North MS (NE) "Stampede"
Millard North MS (NE) "Cavallo"
Millard South HS (NE) "South on Stage"
Millard South HS (NE) "Stage One"
Millard South HS (NE) "Fresh Start"
Millard West HS (NE) "West in the Groove"
Millard West HS (NE) "Uptown"
Millard West HS (NE) "Uptown Girls"
Millard West HS (NE) "Swing Cats"
Miller HS (MO) "Soaring Sounds"
Miller Jr/Sr HS (SD) "Millerettes"
Miller MS (IA) "Pizzazz"
Miller South School for Visual and Performing Arts (OH) "Show Choir"
Millersport Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Illumination"
Millersport Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Select"
Mills E. Godwin HS (VA) "Debut"
Mills E. Godwin HS (VA) "Modern Appeal"
Milton Community Group (ON) "Gleam"
Milton Community Group (ON) "Flash"
Milton Community Group (ON) "Flare"
Milton HS (WI) "Choralation"
Milton HS (WI) "Octave Above"
Milton HS (WI) "Rising Stars"
Milton HS (WI) "Revolution"
Milton-Union HS (OH) "Center Stage"
Milton-Union HS (OH) "Music 'N Motion"
Milwaukee Bay View HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Milwaukee Marshall HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Minden HS (NE) "Amethyst"
Mineral Wells Junior HS (TX) "Rams in Harmony"
Mishicot HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Mission MS (NE) "Brave Notations"
Missouri Valley HS (IA) "MoShow"
Missouri Valley MS (IA) "MoShow Jr. Edition"
Mitchell HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Mitchell HS (SD) "Friend de Coup"
Mitchell HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Mitchell HS (SD) "Music Makers"
Mitchell HS (IN) "Rhythm & Rhapsody"
Mitchell HS (CO) "Added Attraction"
Mitchell Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Limited Edition"
Mitchell Jr/Sr HS (NE) "First Edition"
Mitchell MS (SD) "Maximum Velocity"
Mitchell MS (SD) "Exclamation"
MKS Studio (NE) "BRIO"
Mohawk HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Mohawk HS (OH) "Warrior Rhapsody"
Monacan HS (VA) "Center Stage"
Monacan HS (VA) "Innovation"
Monacan HS (VA) "Steppin' Out"
Monacan HS (VA) "Male Perspective"
Mondovi HS (WI) "Vocal Infinity"
Monmouth-Roseville HS (IL) "Velocity"
Monmouth-Roseville HS (IL) "Encore"
Monona Grove HS (WI) "Silver Connection"
Monona Grove HS (WI) "Silver Dimension"
Monrovia HS (CA) "Camerata Singers"
Monrovia HS (IN) "Shooting Stars"
Monrovia HS (IN) "Magic"
Monte Vista HS (CA) "Sound Odyssey"
Monte Vista HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Montebello HS (CA) "Golden Keys"
Montebello HS (CA) "Hi-Tones"
Montebello HS (CA) "Diamond GIrls"
Monterey HS (CA) "Big Song"
Monterey HS (CA) "Big Song & Dance"
Montezuma-Cortez HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Montgomery Central HS (TN) "Sound Collective"
Montgomery HS (TX) "Dynamix"
Montgomery HS (TX) "Jazz Choir"
Montgomery HS (TX) "Melodic Motion"
Montgomery HS (TX) "Jazz Girls"
Monticello HS (UT) "Swing Choir"
Montpelier HS (OH) "Locomotion"
Monument Academy HS (CO) "Aurum Fortissimo"
Monument Academy MS (CO) "Forte!"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Spotlighters"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Finesse"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Millenium"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Nexus"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Sound Image"
Mooresville HS (IN) "Millennium"
Moravia HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Moravia HS (IA) "Flipside"
Moravia HS (IA) "Inspiration"
Moravia HS (IA) "Blue Boom"
Moravia HS (IA) "Mohawks"
Morgantown Community MS (WV) "Sound"
Morgantown HS (WV) "Images"
Moriarity HS (NM) "Messengers"
Morrill HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Morton HS (MS) "One A'Chord"
Morton HS (IL) "Encore"
Morton HS (IL) "Vocal Motion"
Morton HS (IL) "Pastiche"
Morton HS (IL) "Survivors"
Morton Junior HS (IL) "Limited Edition"
Morton Junior HS (IL) "Voices Unlimited"
Morton Magnet MS (NE) "Inspiration"
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts HS (IL) "Mac Melody"
Mount Mercy Academy (NY) "Pure Magic"
Mount Notre Dame HS (OH) "Jubilation"
Mountain View HS (CO) "Encore!"
Mountain View HS (CO) "Con Brio"
Mountain View HS (AZ) "Avanti"
Mountain View MS (NM) "Horizons"
Mountain View School (ME) "Show Choir"
Mountaineer MS (WV) "Pitch Pride"
MS 51 William Alexander MS (NY) "Show Choir"
Mt. Airy MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Mt. Blue MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Mt. Desert Island HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Mt. Desert Island HS (ME) "Trojan Trebles"
Mt. Eden HS (CA) "Monarch Mirage"
Mt. Eden HS (CA) "Who's Yo Daddy?"
Mt. Garfield MS (CO) "Show Choir"
Mt. Gilead HS (OH) "New Perspective"
Mt. Gilead HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Mt. Mourne School (NC) "Show Choir"
Mt. Pleasant Community HS (IA) "InMotion"
Mt. Pleasant MS (IA) "Chain Reaction"
Mt. Pleasant MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Mt. Salus Christian School (MS) "N Tune"
Mt. Vernon HS (OH) "Pizazz"
Mt. Vernon HS (OH) "MTV Company"
Mt. Vernon HS (OH) "MTV Mystics"
Mt. Vernon HS (OH) "Syncopation Corporation"
Mt. Vernon HS (MO) "Vocal Motion"
Mt. Vernon HS (MO) "Magic"
Mt. Vernon HS (MO) "Velocity"
Mt. Vernon HS (MO) "Vivace"
Mt. Vernon MS (MO) "Vivid Melodies"
Mt. Zion HS (IL) "Swingsations"
Mt. Zion HS (IL) "Swing Choir"
Mt. Zion HS (IL) "Les Femmes"
Mt. Zion HS (IL) "Premiere"
Mt. Zion HS (IL) "You've Got Male"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Sound System"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Sound Check"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Vocal Motion"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Electric Youth"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "6th Grade Sound"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Music Makers"
Mt. Zion Junior HS (IL) "Sound Fusion"
Mukwonago HS (WI) "Guys and Dolls"
Mukwonago HS (WI) "Starstruck"
Muncie Northside HS (IN) "Titan Singing Showcase"
Muncie Southside HS (IN) "Southernaires"
Mundelein HS (IL) "Sound"
Mundelein HS (IL) "Lights"
Mundelein HS (IL) "Reverb"
Mundelein HS (IL) "Sound FX"
Murray Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Excalibur"
Muscatine HS (IA) "River City Rhythm"
Muscatine HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Muscatine HS (IA) "Encore!"
Muscatine HS (IA) "Freshman Show Choir"
Music Academy of Western New York (NY) "SHOUT"
Music Academy of Western New York (NY) "Show Choir"
Music Academy of Western New York (NY) "ROAR"
Musselman HS (WV) "Kaleidoscope"
Musselman HS (WV) "Vivid Image"
Musselman HS (WV) "Vivid Images"
Musselman HS (WV) "Elite Dimension"
Musselman MS (WV) "Spectrum"
Musselman MS (WV) "Empire"
Mustang HS (OK) "Backstage Broncos"
Myers Park HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Myrtle Beach HS (SC) "Seahawk Show Choir"
Myrtle Point HS (OR) "Vibe"
N.R. Burger MS (MS) "Tiger Encores"
Naperville Central HS (IL) "Momentum"
Naperville North HS (IL) "Entourage"
Naperville North HS (IL) "High Heeled Harmony"
Naperville North HS (IL) "Vivant"
Naperville School of Performing Arts (IL) "Main Melody"
Nathan Hale MS (NE) "Patriot Pride"
Natick HS (MA) "West Street Singers"
Nebraska City HS (NE) "Expressions"
Neenah HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Neenah HS (WI) "Vintage"
Neenah HS (WI) "Act II"
Neillsville HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Nekoosa HS (WI) "Keynotes"
Nekoosa HS (WI) "The Sound Advantage"
Nelson County HS (VA) "Governors"
Nelson County HS (VA) "NTensity"
Nelsonville-York HS (OH) "Buckeye Sound Emporium"
Neosho HS (MO) "Choraleers"
Neosho HS (MO) "Sugar & Spice"
Neosho HS (MO) "Sugar and Spice"
Neosho HS (MO) "Phenomenon"
Neosho Junior HS (MO) "Wildcat Singers"
Neosho Junior HS (MO) "Sho Stoppers"
Nevada HS (IA) "Starburst, Inc."
Nevada HS (IA) "Satin Dolls"
Nevada HS (IA) "Music In Motion"
Nevada HS (MO) "Soundsational Singers"
Nevada HS (MO) "Treble Effects"
Nevada HS (MO) "Vocal Fusion"
Nevada MS (MO) "Future Sounds"
Nevada MS (MO) "Sounds of the Future"
Nevada MS (MO) "Phase 1"
New Bedford HS (MA) "Pure Energy"
New Bedford HS (MA) "Charisma"
New Bedford HS (MA) "Reflections"
New Bedford MS (MA) "Vida Musical"
New Berlin Eisenhower Middle/HS (WI) "Hot Jazz"
New Britain HS (CT) "Show Choir"
New Castle HS (IN) "Red Hot Blues"
New Castle HS (IN) "Dynamiques"
New England School of the Arts (NH) "Sixth Sense"
New Hampton HS (IA) "Main Street West Singers"
New Hartford Senior HS (NY) "Spartan Singers"
New Hartford Senior HS (NY) "Chorale"
New Haven HS (IN) "Symphonic Fusion"
New Haven HS (IN) "Sound Edition"
New Haven MS (IN) "Soundwave"
New Holstein HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
New Hope HS (MS) "Take One"
New Hope MS (MS) "Encore"
New Hope Youth Performing Arts Center (HI) "Vox808"
New Hope Youth Performing Arts Center (HI) "Vox808 Wahine"
New Lexington HS (OH) "Panthertones"
New Lexington HS (OH) "Panther Pizzazz"
New Lexington HS (OH) "Panther Pride"
New London HS (WI) "Vision"
New London HS (OH) "Wildcat Singers"
New London Junior-Senior HS (IA) "Black & Gold Company"
New London MS (WI) "Vocal Motion"
New London MS (WI) "Show Choir"
New London MS (WI) "First Sight"
New London MS (WI) "Singers"
New London MS (WI) "Premonition"
New Palestine HS (IN) "Crimson Heat"
New Palestine HS (IN) "Diamond Sensations"
New Prague HS (MN) "Emotion"
New Prairie HS (IN) "Innovation"
New Prairie HS (IN) "Sing Sensation"
New Sweden Consolidated School (ME) "Show Choir"
Newberg HS (OR) "Show Choir"
Newman Catholic HS (WI) "Singers"
Newman Grove HS (NE) "Swingin' Blue Jays"
Newton Community HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Newton County HS (MS) "Vivace"
Newton County HS (MS) "Vivacé"
Newton County HS (MS) "Pizzazz"
Newton County HS (MS) "Pizzaz!"
Newton HS (IA) "Midnight Express"
Newton HS (IA) "Syncopation"
Newton HS (IA) "Jubilation"
Niagara Community Group (ON) "Star Singers"
Niceville HS (FL) "Opus One"
Nicholson Performing Arts Academy (IN) "Cool Cats"
Nickerson HS (KS) "Madrigals"
Niles HS (MI) "Counterpoints"
Nitro HS (WV) "Showcats"
Nitro HS (WV) "Expressions"
Nitro HS (WV) "Sophisticats"
Nitro HS (WV) "Tomcats"
Noble HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Noblesville East MS (IN) "Vocal Revolution"
Noblesville HS (IN) "NHS Singers"
Noblesville HS (IN) "New Dimension"
Noblesville HS (IN) "Accents"
Noblesville HS (IN) "Sensation"
Noblesville HS (IN) "Descants"
Noblesville HS (IN) "MaleTonez"
Noblesville West MS (IN) "West Side Sound"
Noblesville West MS (IN) "Accents"
Nodaway Valley HS (IA) "Vivace"
Nogales HS (CA) "Singers"
Nogales HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Nogales HS (CA) "Dream Street Singers"
Nokomis Regional Middle/HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Nokomis Regional Middle/HS (ME) "Fermata Nowhere"
Nokomis Regional Middle/HS (ME) "Warrior Pride"
Nokomis Regional Middle/HS (ME) "Junior High Show Choir"
Nokomis Regional Middle/HS (ME) "Treble Rebels"
Norco HS (CA) "New Generation"
Norco HS (CA) "Singers"
Norco HS (CA) "The Society"
Nordonia HS (OH) "Music Machine"
Norfolk Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Shining Knights"
Norfolk Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Norfolk Catholic Middle/HS (NE) "Radiant Knights"
Norfolk Christian HS (VA) "Reflections"
Norfolk Junior HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Norfolk Junior HS (NE) "Voltage"
Norfolk Senior HS (NE) "Royal Pride"
Norfolk Senior HS (NE) "Velocity"
Norfolk Senior HS (NE) "Showstoppers"
Normal Community HS (IL) "New Dimension"
Normal West HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Normandy HS (OH) "Pop Ensemble"
Norris HS (NE) "Gold"
Norris HS (NE) "68th Street Singers"
Norris HS (NE) "Titanaires"
Norris HS (NE) "Expression"
Norris MS (NE) "Redbird Inferno"
Norris MS (NE) "Redbird Singers"
Norris MS (NE) "Redbird Singers 7th Grade"
North Carroll HS (MD) "Ensemble"
North Central HS (IN) "Counterpoints"
North Central HS (IN) "Descants"
North Central HS (IN) "Accents"
North Central HS (IN) "Varsity Singers"
North Central HS (IN) "Encores"
North Central Junior HS (IA) "New Connections"
North Clayton MS (GA) "Tiger Riff"
North Forrest HS (MS) "BELLEcosity"
North Forrest HS (MS) "Illusions"
North Forrest Junior HS (MS) "Sensations"
North Gaston HS (NC) "North Gaston Choral Society"
North HS (IN) "Northernaires"
North HS (IN) "Aurora"
North Kansas City HS (MO) "Harmonaires"
North Marion HS (WV) "Noteables"
North Marion HS (WV) "Sound Station"
North Montgomery HS (IN) "Rhapsody in Blue"
North Montgomery HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
North Oldham HS (KY) "Northern Lights"
North Paulding HS (GA) "EnChorus"
North Pike MS (MS) "Fierce Melody"
North Pike MS (MS) "Show Choir"
North Pitt HS (NC) "Show Choir"
North Platte HS (NE) "Solid Gold Singers"
North Platte HS (NE) "Blue & Gold Singers"
North Polk HS (IA) "Vivace"
North Polk HS (IA) "Nexus"
North Polk MS (IA) "Revolution"
North Ridge MS (IL) "Redcoats"
North Ridge MS (IL) "Radiant Reds"
North Ridgeville HS (OH) "Spectrum of Sound"
North Royalton HS (OH) "Royal Harmony"
North Royalton MS (OH) "Show Choir"
North Sentral Kossuth HS (IA) "Code Blue"
North Sentral Kossuth HS (IA) "Show Choir"
North Side HS (IN) "Wave of Distinction"
North Side HS (TN) "Northern Lights"
North St. Paul HS (MN) "Northern Lights"
North St. Paul HS (MN) "Soundsations"
North Surry HS (NC) "Show Choir"
North Torrance HS (CA) "Hi-Lite"
North Torrance HS (CA) "Northern Lights"
North Torrance HS (CA) "Spotlight"
North Union HS (IA) "Kinetic Fusion"
North Union HS (IA) "Stars"
North Union HS (IA) "Show Choir"
North Union HS (IA) "The Green Machine"
North Union HS (OH) "Noteables"
North Union MS (IA) "Sound in Motion"
North Union MS (IA) "Show Choir"
North Valley HS (OR) "Free Design"
North White Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Ambassadors"
North White Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Valhallas"
Northeast Academy for A&AT (NC) "High School Show Choir"
Northeast Academy for A&AT (NC) "Middle School Show Choir"
Northeast Guilford HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Northeast HS (LA) "Southern Harmony"
Northeast HS (LA) "Voices in Harmony"
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Gold Horizons"
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Special Edition"
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Tiger Vibe"
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Tiger Prep"
Northeastern HS (IN) "Sound Express"
Northglenn HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Northland HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Northmont HS (OH) "Encore"
Northmor HS (OH) "Knight Sounds"
Northridge HS (OH) "Young American Sound"
Northridge HS (IN) "Northern Lights"
Northridge HS (IN) "Starlights"
Northridge HS (IN) "Radiance"
Northridge HS (IN) "Varsity Lights"
Northridge MS (IN) "Knight Lights"
Northrop HS (IN) "Charisma"
Northrop HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Northrop HS (IN) "Allure"
Northrop HS (IN) "Ville de Filles"
Northrop HS (IN) "Villes De Filles"
Northrop HS (IN) "Mystique"
Northshore HS (LA) "Silvertones"
Northside MS (IN) "Titanium"
Northside MS (IN) "Titations"
Northview MS (IN) "Gold Rush"
Northview MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Northwest HS (TN) "Mainstream"
Northwest HS (MO) "Razzamatazz"
Northwest HS (OH) "Knight Lights"
Northwest HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Northwest HS (TX) "Encore"
Northwest Junior HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "Renaissance"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "Rhapsody"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "The Ambassadors"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "Reflection"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "The Allure"
Northwest Rankin HS (MS) "The Ambition"
Northwest Rankin MS (MS) "Cougar Show Choir"
Northwest Rankin MS (MS) "Reverb"
Northwest Rankin MS (MS) "The Accord"
Northwestern HS (MD) "Undercats"
Northwestern HS (WI) "Tiger Beat"
Northwestern HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Northwood HS (IN) "Dawning Generation"
Northwood MS (IN) "Wave of Youth"
Norwalk HS (IA) "Sound Revolution"
Norwalk HS (IA) "Jazz Revue"
Norwalk HS (IA) "Sound Adrenaline"
Norwalk HS (IA) "Treble Threat"
Norwalk MS (IA) "Sound Sensation"
Norwalk MS (IA) "Sound Intensity"
Norwalk MS (IA) "Sound Amore"
Norwell HS (IN) "Knight Moves"
Norwell HS (IN) "Swing Set"
Norwell HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Norwell HS (IN) "Knight Stars"
Norwell MS (IN) "Knight Sounds"
Norwich HS (NY) "Madrigal Choir"
Norwood HS (OH) "The Silhouettes"
Notre Dame de la Baie Academy (WI) "The Guys and Gals"
Notre Dame HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Notre Dame HS (WV) "The Shamrocks"
Notre Dame Preparatory (AZ) "Vocal Impact"
Notre Dame Preparatory (AZ) "Saints Alive"
Notre Dame Preparatory (AZ) "Lady Saints"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Dynamo"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Broadway Bound"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Live Wire"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "West Coast Energy"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Platinum"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Platinum Girls"
Notre Dame Regional Secondary (BC) "Treble Threats"
O'Fallon Township HS (IL) "Great Expectations"
O'Fallon Township HS (IL) "Innovations"
O'Fallon Township HS (IL) "Expressions"
O'Gorman HS (SD) "Ovation!"
O'Gorman HS (SD) "Infinity"
O'Gorman HS (SD) "KnightLights"
O'Gorman Junior HS (SD) "Innovation"
O'Neill HS (NE) "Vocal Motion"
OABCIG HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Oak Grove HS (MS) "Center Stage"
Oak Grove HS (MS) "Center Stage!"
Oak Grove HS (MS) "Radiance"
Oak Grove HS (MO) "Show Choir"
Oak Grove HS (MO) "Impact"
Oak Grove HS (MO) "Radiance"
Oak Grove MS (MN) "Husky Harmony"
Oak Grove MS (MS) "Spotlight!"
Oak Grove MS (MS) "Focus"
Oak Grove MS (CA) "Revolution"
Oak Grove MS (CA) "One Step Ahead"
Oak Harbor HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Oak Hill HS (IN) "Eagle Review"
Oak Hill MS (IN) "Oak Hill Singers"
Oak Hills HS (OH) "Encore"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowCase"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowStoppers"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowTime"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowTunes"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowStars"
Oak MS (CA) "ShowMen"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "Singers"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "Con Brio"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "The Muses"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "Chanter"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "Corazon"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "Craftsmen"
Oak Mountain HS (AL) "The Craftsmen"
Oak Mountain MS (AL) "Elevation"
Oak Mountain MS (AL) "Class Act"
Oak Mountain MS (AL) "Show Case"
Oak Park and River Forest HS (IL) "Noteworthy"
Oak Park HS (MO) "Oak Street Singers"
Oak Park HS (MO) "Treble FX"
Oak Ridge HS (TN) "Showcats"
Oak Ridge MS (IA) "Ovation"
Oakdale HS (MD) "Illuminations"
Oakland Early College (MI) "Glee"
Oakville HS (MO) "Showcase"
Oakville HS (MO) "Legacy"
Oasis HS (FL) "Ovations"
Ocean Springs MS (MS) "The Showhounds"
Oceanside HS (CA) "Soundwaves"
Oceanside HS (CA) "Riptides"
Oceanside HS (CA) "High Seas"
Oceanside HS (CA) "Sea Notes"
Oconee County HS (GA) "Glitz n' Ritz"
Oconto Falls HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Oconto HS (WI) "The Soundsations"
Odell HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Odessa HS (MO) "Ovation"
Ogden HS (IA) "Bulldog Beat"
Okoboji HS (IA) "Vocal Adrenaline"
Okoboji HS (IA) "Dynamic Divas"
Old Sturbridge Academy (MA) "Standing Ovation"
Olentangy Berlin HS (OH) "The Blue Notes"
Olentangy Berlin HS (OH) "Singers [untitled]"
Olentangy HS (OH) "Keynotes"
Olentangy HS (OH) "She-Notes"
Olentangy HS (OH) "Shimmer"
Olentangy Orange HS (OH) "Revolution"
Oliver Ames HS (MA) "Panache"
Olson MS (MN) "Pizazz"
Olympic Heights Community HS (FL) "Soundsation"
Olympus HS (UT) "Singers"
Omaha North HS (NE) "Explosion!"
Omaha North HS (NE) "TNT"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Crown Point Majestics"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Studio Singers"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Pure Crimson & Gold"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Pure Crimson and Gold"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Sparkling Scarlet Sensations"
Omaha Northwest HS (NE) "Scarlet Sensations"
Omaha South HS (NE) "The Ambassadors"
Omaha South HS (NE) "Radiance"
Omaha South HS (NE) "Amplify"
Onalaska HS (WI) "Hilltoppers"
Onalaska HS (WI) "Express"
Onalaska MS (WI) "8th Grade Show Choir"
Onalaska MS (WI) "Top O' The Middle"
Onalaska MS (WI) "7th Grade Show Choir"
Onalaska MS (WI) "In The Middle"
Onalaska MS (WI) "6th Grade Show Choir"
Onate HS (NM) "Legends"
Oostburg HS (WI) "Women's Show Choir"
Opelika HS (AL) "Ovations"
Opelika HS (AL) "Impressions"
Opelika MS (AL) "Imaginations"
Orange Glen HS (CA) "Center Stage"
Orange Glen HS (CA) "Opus 1"
Orange Glen HS (CA) "Sweet Harmonies"
Orchard Mesa MS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Orchard View Intermediate School (WV) "Harmony"
Ord Jr/Sr HS (NE) "18th Street Singers"
Ord Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Oregon HS (WI) "Sound Company"
Oriskany Jr/Sr HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Orono HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Orono MS (ME) "Riot Sound"
Osage HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Osbourn HS (VA) "Center Stage"
Oswego HS (IL) "Commotion"
Oswego HS (IL) "Ambiance"
Otay Ranch HS (CA) "Full Effect"
Ottawa HS (KS) "Cytones"
Ottawa Hills HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Ottawa-Glandorf HS (OH) "Out Of The Blue"
Otte Blair MS (NE) "Odyssey"
Otte Blair MS (NE) "On Stage"
Ottoson MS (MA) "Dynamics"
Ottumwa HS (IA) "Sudden Impact"
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic HS (ON) "The Pitches"
Our Lady of Mercy HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Overhills HS (NC) "Perfect Intentions"
Overhills MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Owasso Mid-HS (OK) "Rampage"
Owasso Mid-HS (OK) "Voice of Owasso"
Owen Valley HS (IN) "The Valley Soundwaves"
Owen Valley HS (IN) "Soundwaves"
Owen Valley HS (IN) "Sweet Pizazz"
Owen Valley MS (IN) "The Valley Beat"
Owensboro HS (KY) "Encore!"
Oxford Academy (CA) "Show Choir"
Oxford Academy (CA) "JV Singers"
Oxford Academy (CA) "Girls Ensemble"
Oxford Academy (CA) "Mens Ensemble"
Oxford Academy (CA) "JV Girls"
Oxford HS (AL) "Sound"
Oxford HS (AL) "Opus"
Oxford MS (AL) "Fusion"
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School (FL) "Showstoppers"
Pacific HS (MO) "Pizzazz"
Pacifica HS (CA) "Encore"
Pacifica HS (CA) "Pearls"
Pacifica HS (CA) "Vocal Ensemble"
Paducah Tilghman HS (KY) "Swing Choir"
Page HS (AZ) "Guys & Dolls"
Pagosa Springs HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Palatine HS (IL) "Forte"
Palisade HS (CO) "Popular Acclaim!"
Palm Desert HS (CA) "Summer Breeze"
Palm Desert HS (CA) "Harmony in Motion"
Palm MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Palmyra Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Paradigm"
Palmyra Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Preludes"
Palo Verde HS (NV) "Vocal Infinity"
Papillion MS (NE) "Reflections"
Papillion-La Vista HS (NE) "Free Spirit"
Papillion-La Vista HS (NE) "In Motion"
Papillion-La Vista HS (NE) "Heart and Soul"
Papillion-La Vista HS (NE) "Monarchy"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Titanium"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Titan Express"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Titan Prep"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Titan Radiance"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Illumination"
Papillion-La Vista South HS (NE) "Titan Revolution"
Paradise Honors HS (AZ) "Wildfire"
Paramount HS (CA) "Corsaires"
Paramount HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Parchment HS (MI) "Choraliers"
Pardeeville HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Park Hill HS (MO) "Park Avenue Singers"
Parklane Academy (MS) "Pioneer Sound"
Parkrose HS (OR) "Debonaires"
Parkston HS (SD) "Trojan Blues"
Parkview HS (WI) "Pizazz"
Parkview HS (WI) "Express"
Parkview HS (WI) "Pizazz Express"
Parkview HS (WI) "Pizazzy Ladies"
Parkview HS (WI) "Shimmer"
Parkview Junior HS (WI) "Pizazz Express"
Parkview Junior HS (WI) "Pizzazz Jr."
Parkview Junior HS (WI) "Pizazz Jr."
Parkview MS (WI) "Show Choir"
Parkway Central HS (MO) "Pizzazz"
Parkway Central HS (MO) "Razzle Dazzle"
Parkway Central HS (MO) "Encore"
Parkway Central MS (MO) "Show Choir"
Parkway Northeast MS (MO) "North By Northeast"
Parkway South HS (MO) "Showstoppers"
Parkway South HS (MO) "Southern Belles"
Parkway South HS (MO) "Southern Gentlemen"
Parkwood Hill Intermediate School (TX) "Applause"
Parsons Junior HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Pascagoula HS (MS) "Impact"
Paschal HS (TX) "Vox"
Pasco HS (WA) "10th Avenue Singers"
Pass Christian HS (MS) "Luminary"
Patapsco HS (MD) "Great Expectations"
Patrick Henry HS (VA) "Soundsations"
Patrick Henry HS (VA) "Sounds"
Patrick Henry HS (VA) "Essence"
Patrick Henry MS (SD) "City Lights"
Patrick Henry MS (SD) "Treble Makers"
Paul Hadley MS (IN) "Fusion"
Paul Hadley MS (IN) "Reaction"
Paul Hadley MS (IN) "Rhythmaires"
Paul Harding HS (IN) "Rhythm Express"
Pawnee City HS (NE) "Showstoppers"
Paxton-Buckley-Loda HS (IL) "Unlimited"
Paxton-Buckley-Loda HS (IL) "PBL Unlimited"
Paxton-Buckley-Loda Junior HS (IL) "Unlimited Attitude"
Paxton-Buckley-Loda Junior HS (IL) "Three City Singers"
PCM HS (IA) "Singspiration"
PCM HS (IA) "Mustangs in Motion"
PCM HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Pearl River Central HS (MS) "Central Attraction"
Pearl River Central HS (MS) "New Attitude"
Pearl River Central HS (MS) "Illumination"
Pearl River Central MS (MS) "New Edition"
Pekin Community HS (IL) "Noteables"
Pekin Community HS (IL) "Intuition"
Pekin Community HS (IL) "Advance Notice"
Pelham HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Pell City HS (AL) "Showstoppers"
Pell City HS (AL) "Fantasia"
Pella HS (IA) "AcaPella"
Pella HS (IA) "Bravo"
Pella HS (IA) "Dutch Divas"
Pella MS (IA) "Pelladrenaline"
Pemetic School (ME) "Show Choir"
Pendleton Heights HS (IN) "Pendletones"
Pendleton Heights HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Pendleton Heights HS (IN) "Emerald Suites"
Pendleton Heights HS (IN) "Added Attraction"
Pendleton Heights HS (IN) "New Edition"
Pendleton Heights MS (IN) "The Pipers"
Peninsula School (ME) "Show Choir"
Penn Wood MS (PA) "Show Choir"
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio (IL) "Soundwave"
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio (IL) "Mixed Harmony"
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio (IL) "Dynamic Energy"
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio (IL) "Vocal Velocity"
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio (IL) "Music Maniacs"
Peotone HS (IL) "Powerhouse"
Peotone HS (IL) "Pizzazz"
Perquimans County MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Perry HS (OH) "Buccaneers"
Perrysburg HS (OH) "Jacket Elite"
Perrysburg HS (OH) "The Swarm"
Perrysburg HS (OH) "Jazz Singers"
Perrysburg HS (OH) "Jackettes"
Perrysburg HS (OH) "Women's Select"
Perrysburg Junior HS (OH) "On Step"
Perrysburg Junior HS (OH) "Golden Jackets"
Peshtigo Middle/HS (WI) "Northern Fire"
Petal HS (MS) "Soundsations"
Petal HS (MS) "Innovations"
Petal HS (MS) "SSA"
Petal MS (MS) "Spark"
Petal MS (MS) "Showtimers"
Pettisville HS (OH) "Noteworthy"
Phenix City Central HS (AL) "Red Devil Resonance"
Philadelphia HS (MS) "Philly Harmony"
Phillips HS (WI) "Phil-Harmonix"
Philo HS (OH) "The Electrics' Company"
Picayune Memorial HS (MS) "Tidal Rave"
Picayune Memorial HS (MS) "Genesis"
Picayune Memorial HS (MS) "Girls! Girls! Girls!"
Pickering HS (ON) "Euphonix"
Piedmont Community Charter School (NC) "Show Choir"
Pierce Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Pierce Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Synergy"
Pierce Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Junior Show Choir"
Pierre Laporte MS (ON) "PLP Pride"
Pike HS (IN) "Encores"
Pike HS (IN) "Mystiques"
Pike Road HS (AL) "Prestige"
Pike Road HS (AL) "Patriot Show Choir"
Pike Road HS (AL) "Panache"
Pike Road Junior HS (AL) "Premiere"
Pike Road Junior HS (AL) "Panache"
Pine Forest MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Pine Lake Prep (NC) "Show Choir"
Pine Tree HS (TX) "P.T. Express"
Pinecrest Academy Cadence (NV) "Show Choir"
Piney Grove MS (GA) "Premiers"
Piqua HS (OH) "The Company"
Pisgah Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Innergy"
Pisgah Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Sequence"
Pisgah Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Prodigy"
Pittsville HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Pius X HS (NE) "Spectrum"
Pius X HS (NE) "Sotto Voce"
Pius X HS (NE) "Prism"
Placerita Junior HS (CA) "Major Minors"
Placerita Junior HS (CA) "Major Minorettes"
Plainfield Community MIddle School (IN) "Debut"
Plainfield Community MIddle School (IN) "Mademoiselles"
Plainfield HS (IN) "Belles et Beaux"
Plainfield HS (IN) "Les Chanteuses"
Plainfield HS (IN) "Femmes Fatales"
Plainfield HS (IN) "Nouvelles"
Plainfield HS (IN) "Vogue"
Plainview Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Platte County HS (MO) "Sound Express"
Platte County HS (MO) "Sound Elegance"
Platte County HS (MO) "Sound Explosion"
Platteview HS (NE) "Platinum"
Platteview HS (NE) "Swing Choir"
Plattsmouth HS (NE) "Sapphire and Ice"
Plattsmouth HS (NE) "Out Of The Blue"
Pleasant Hill HS (MO) "Hillside Singers"
Pleasant Hill HS (MO) "Hilltop Harmony"
Pleasant Hill HS (MO) "Hillsound"
Pleasant Hill HS (MO) "Freshmen Choir"
Pleasant Hill HS (MO) "Powerhouse"
Plymouth HS (WI) "Momentum"
Plymouth HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Poca HS (WV) "Visual Volume"
Poca HS (WV) "Music In Motion"
Pocahontas Area HS (IA) "Showstoppers"
Pocono Mountain East HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Point Pleasant HS (WV) "Sound Wave"
Polson MS (CT) "Show Choir"
Pomona HS (CO) "Soundsations"
Pomona HS (CO) "Melodia"
Ponca HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Pope John XXIII Central Catholic Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Poplar Bank Public School (ON) "Vocal Harmony"
Poplar Bank Public School (ON) "CrescenDOES"
Poquoson HS (VA) "Soundsation"
Poquoson HS (VA) "Evolution"
Poquoson HS (VA) "Garnet & Gold"
Port Arthur Lincoln MS (TX) "Show Choir"
Portola HS (CA) "Portola H S"
Portola HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Portsmouth East HS (OH) "Madrigals"
Portsmouth HS (OH) "Expressions"
Portsmouth West HS (OH) "High Intensity"
Poteau HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Poudre HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Powhatan HS (VA) "Resonance"
Powhatan HS (VA) "Revv'd Up!"
Powhatan HS (VA) "Radiance"
Prairie HS (IA) "The Ambassadors"
Prairie HS (IA) "Focal Point"
Prairie HS (IA) "Prairie Lights"
Prairie HS (IA) "Ignite"
Prairie Junior HS (IL) "Powerhouse"
Prairie Point MS (IA) "Ovations"
Prairie Point MS (IA) "Singsations"
Prattville HS (AL) "Spotlight"
Prattville HS (AL) "Women's Show Choir"
Preble HS (WI) "Center Stage"
Preble HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Preble HS (WI) "Rendezvous"
Prescott HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Preston HS (WV) "Electric Knights"
Preston HS (IA) "Fusion"
Preston HS (IA) "A Touch of Class"
Princeton Community HS (IN) "Innovations"
Princeton Community HS (IN) "Varsity Singers"
Princeton HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Princeton HS (OH) "Spectrum"
Princeton MS (WV) "Show Choir"
Princeton Senior HS (WV) "Center Stage"
Proctor HS (NY) "Polyphonics"
Prospect HS (IL) "Mixed Company"
Prospect HS (IL) "Company"
Prosper HS (TX) "Progression"
Puckett HS (MS) "Perception"
Puckett HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Pueblo West HS (CO) "Show Choir"
Pulaski HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Pulaski HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Pulaski HS (WI) "Forever Red"
Purvis HS (MS) "Pizzaz"
Purvis HS (MS) "Pizzazz"
Purvis MS (MS) "Velocity"
Putnam City North HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Putnam City North HS (OK) "Showstoppers"
Quabbin Regional HS (MA) "B-Sharps"
Quabbin Regional HS (MA) "Show Choir"
Qualters MS (MA) "Bella Voci"
Quince Orchard HS (MD) "Standing Room Only"
Quincy Senior HS (IL) "Electric Blue"
Quitman HS (MS) "Show Choir"
R. Dan Nolan MS (FL) "The Decibelles"
R.M. Marrs MS (NE) "Viva Vivace"
Ralston HS (NE) "RUSH"
Ralston HS (NE) "Supernova"
Ralston HS (NE) "Superstars"
Ralston HS (NE) "Runway"
Ralston HS (NE) "Rampage"
Ralston HS (NE) "Anacrusis"
Ralston MS (NE) "Riot!"
Ralston MS (NE) "Rams Show Choir"
Ralston MS (NE) "Resonance"
Ramona HS (CA) "Varsity Show Choir"
Ramona HS (CA) "Encore!"
Ramona HS (CA) "Encore"
Ramona HS (CA) "Melody Express"
Ramona MS (CA) "Bella Voce"
Rancho Buena Vista HS (CA) "Silverado Showcase"
Rancho Buena Vista HS (CA) "Silver Ensemble"
Rancho Verde HS (CA) "Scarlet Rhapsody"
Rancho Verde HS (CA) "CenterStage"
Randolph Community MS (MA) "Blue Flame"
Randolph HS (MA) "Illusions"
Randolph HS (MA) "Iridescence"
Randolph MS (NC) "Raider Show Choir"
Randolph MS (NC) "Rockin' Raiders"
Rangeview HS (CO) "Chromatics"
Rangeview HS (CO) "Rhapsody"
Ravenswood HS (WV) "Chamber Singers"
Ravenswood HS (WV) "Rave Revue"
Ravenswood MS (WV) "Jr. Revue"
Rawlins HS (WY) "Sage"
Raymond Cree MS (CA) "Applause"
Raymore-Peculiar Senior HS (MO) "Rush"
RB Chamberlain MS (OH) "RBC Singers"
Reavis HS (IL) "Ramblin' Rams Road Show"
Red Smith MS (WI) "Sussex Street Swing"
Red Springs HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Redlands East Valley HS (CA) "Sweet Sensation"
Redlands East Valley HS (CA) "Sweet Sensations"
Redlands East Valley HS (CA) "Revaliers"
Redlands HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Redlands HS (CA) "Les Chanteuses"
Redlands HS (CA) "Counterpoint"
Redlands HS (CA) "Ambassadors"
Reeds Brook MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Reedsburg Area HS (WI) "Choraliers"
Reedsburg Area HS (WI) "Corodonna"
Regis MS (IA) "Eclipse"
Regis MS (IA) "Illusion"
Regis MS (IA) "Radiance"
Regis MS (IA) "Pizzazz"
Reid Ross Classical MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Remsen Jr/Sr HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Rensselaer Central HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Reynolds HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Rhinelander HS (WI) "Shodags"
Rice Lake HS (WI) "Gold"
Rich East HS (IL) "X-Perience2"
Rich South HS (IL) "Inspired Legacy"
Rich South HS (IL) "Infinite Harmony"
Richland HS (TX) "Rebellaires"
Richland HS (TX) "Southern Belles and Beaus"
Richland HS (MS) "Resonance"
Richmond Heights HS (OH) "Rich Melodies"
Richmond Hill HS (ON) "Vocal Fusion"
Richton HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Rick Hansen Secondary School (ON) "Storm Chasers"
Rider HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Ridgedale Jr/Sr HS (OH) "RSC Sound"
Ridgedale Jr/Sr HS (OH) "RSC Productions"
Ridgedale Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Rocket Ovation"
Ridgedale Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Rocket Rhythm"
Ridgemont HS (OH) "Company R"
Ridgewood HS (OH) "Dynamics"
Ridgewood HS (OH) "Expression"
Ridgewood HS (OH) "Traveling Troubadours"
Rio Linda HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Rio Middle/HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Ripley HS (TN) "Show Choir"
Ripley HS (WV) "Phoenix Blue"
Ripley HS (WV) "Blue Persuasion"
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington HS (OH) "Tone, Notes, and Harmony"
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington HS (OH) "Enchantment"
Rising Star Center for the Arts (OH) "The Fire-Tones"
Rising Star Center for the Arts (OH) "Akron Echos"
River Falls HS (WI) "Show Choir"
River Valley HS (OH) "Music Company"
River Valley HS (OH) "New Addition"
River Valley MS (OH) "Revolution"
River View HS (OH) "Certified Gold"
River View HS (OH) "Singers"
Riverchase MS (AL) "Class Act"
Riverdale HS (OH) "Soundsation"
Riverside Community HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
Riverside HS (NC) "River Rhapsody"
Riverside HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Riverside HS (WV) "Melodic Fusion"
Riverside HS (WV) "Voices 'N' Harmony"
Riverside HS (OH) "Ma Joie Singers"
Riverside Junior HS (IN) "Golden Harmony"
Riverside Polytechnic HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Riverside Polytechnic HS (CA) "Sound Check"
Riverside University HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Riverton HS (WY) "Harmonix"
Riverton HS (WY) "Accabellas"
Riverton HS (IL) "Dynamics"
Riverview/Crestview MSs (IN) "Singers"
Riverview/Crestview MSs (IN) "RC Singers"
Road Show, Inc. (IL) "Starlights & Dynamites"
Road Show, Inc. (IL) "The Dynamics"
Robert Abbott Accelerated MS (IL) "Treblemakers"
Robert C. Byrd HS (WV) "Radiant Rhythm"
Robert C. Byrd HS (WV) "Vocal Intensity"
Robert C. Byrd HS (WV) "Eaglettes"
Robert F. Kennedy HS (CA) "Thunder Tones"
Rock Bridge HS (MO) "City Lights"
Rock Bridge HS (MO) "Satin 'n Lace"
Rock Bridge HS (MO) "Southside Singers"
Rock Bridge HS (MO) "Green Machine"
Rock Port HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Rock Valley Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Valley Voices"
Rock Valley Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Rocket Shop"
Rocklin HS (CA) "Center Stage"
Rocklin HS (CA) "Music and Motion"
Rockridge HS (IL) "Double Edge Harmony"
Rockridge HS (IL) "The High Notes"
Rockridge HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Rockwell City-Lytton HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Rockwood MS (MO) "Rising Stars"
Rocky Mountain HS (CO) "Center Stage"
Rocky Mountain HS (CO) "Women's Show Choir"
Rocky River HS (OH) "River's Edge"
Roger Bacon HS (OH) "Rhapsody"
Roger Bacon HS (OH) "Spartan Express"
Rogers HS (AR) "FX Show Choir"
Rogers-Herr MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Rolling Meadows HS (IL) "New Directions"
Rolling Meadows HS (IL) "Leading Ladies"
Rolling Meadows HS (IL) "Trebelious"
Rolling Meadows HS (IL) "Trebellious"
Rome Free Academy (NY) "Rhapsody"
Rome HS (GA) "Grand Finale"
Rome MS (GA) "Grand Illusion"
Ronan HS (MT) "Powerhouse"
Ronan HS (MT) "Show Choir"
Roncalli HS (IN) "Rebel Rhapsody"
Roncalli HS (IN) "New Dimension"
Roncalli HS (IN) "Royal Rhapsody"
Roncalli HS (IN) "Women's Show Choir"
Roosevelt HS (CO) "Rhythm Bandits"
Roosevelt HS (CO) "Rhapsody Riders"
Rosa Scott HS (MS) "Radiance"
Rosemead HS (CA) "Chamber Singers"
Rosemont MS (TX) "Revolution"
Ross HS (OH) "Rhythm and Motion"
Ross HS (OH) "Legacy"
Ross MS (OH) "Next Generation"
Round Rock HS (TX) "Dracarys"
Round Rock HS (TX) "ShowStoppers"
Round Rock HS (TX) "Legacy"
Round Rock HS (TX) "Ignition"
Round Valley HS (AZ) "Ambassadors"
Rouse HS (TX) "IntoneNation"
Roxbury HS (NJ) "Revelation"
Royal Palm Beach HS (FL) "IMPACT!"
Rufus King International HS (WI) "Jazz Express"
Rulon T. Shepherd Junior HS (AZ) "Stallions Onstage"
Rush City HS (MN) "New Horizons"
Russell MS (NE) "Leaders of the Pack"
Russell MS (NE) "Subwoofers"
Russell MS (NE) "Ladies of the Pack"
Rutherford B. Hayes HS (OH) "The Hayes Singers"
Ruthven-Ayrshire Jr/Sr School (IA) "Raider Rhythm"
Ruthven-Ayrshire Jr/Sr School (IA) "Legacy Elite"
Ruthven-Ayrshire Jr/Sr School (IA) "Show Choir"
Sabetha HS (KS) "Odyssey"
Sabetha HS (KS) "Infinity"
Sabetha HS (KS) "Chantee"
Sacred Heart Academy (CT) "Sisters"
Sacred Heart-Griffin HS (IL) "Women's Show Choir"
Safford HS (AZ) "Taste of Sound"
Saint Joseph HS (MI) "Show Choir"
Salem HS (IN) "Mane Event"
Salem HS (OH) "Encore"
Saltillo HS (MS) "Show Choir"
Saltillo HS (MS) "Horizon"
Sam Houston HS (TX) "TexTones"
Sam Houston HS (TX) "Sam Side Sound"
Sam Rayburn HS (TX) "Encore"
San Marin HS (CA) "Show Choir"
San Pasqual HS (CA) "Showtime"
San Pasqual HS (CA) "Razzmatazz"
San Tan Charter School (AZ) "Show Choir"
Sandburg MS (CA) "Golden Notes"
Sandburg MS (IL) "Show Choir"
Sandia HS (NM) "Continentals"
Sandia HS (NM) "Women's Show Choir"
Sandra Day O'Connor HS (AZ) "Harmonics"
Sandwich HS (MA) "Soul"
Sanford H. Calhoun HS (NY) "Crescendo"
Santa Barbara Junior HS (CA) "Sound the Beat!"
Santa Fe HS (NM) "Show Choir"
Santa Susana HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Santa Susana HS (CA) "Vivace"
Santa Susana HS (CA) "Sing-co-pation"
Saraland HS (AL) "Southern Lights"
Saraland MS (AL) "TreBelles"
Saraland MS (AL) "Treble Threat"
Satellite HS (FL) "Ten Tones"
Saugatuck HS (MI) "Glee Club"
Saugus HS (CA) "Blue Heat"
Sauk Prairie HS (WI) "Executive Session"
Sauk Prairie HS (WI) "YTBN"
Sauk Prairie MS (WI) "Soaring Sound"
Sauk Prairie MS (WI) "Middle Level Motion"
Sauk Rapids-Rice HS (MN) "Storm Singers"
Sauquoit Valley HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Savannah HS (MO) "Savage Sound FX"
Savannah HS (MO) "Sound FX"
Savannah HS (MO) "Show Stoppers"
Savannah HS (MO) "Rhapsody"
Sayreville War Memorial HS (NJ) "Vox Humana"
Schenck HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Schuyler Central HS (NE) "Music In Motion"
Scotland HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Scottsbluff HS (NE) "Choralaires"
Scottsbluff HS (NE) "27th St. Singers"
Scottsbluff HS (NE) "Powerhouse"
Scottsbluff HS (NE) "Treble Makers"
Scranton HS (PA) "First Edition"
Scranton HS (PA) "Glitter & Gold"
Seaman HS (KS) "Show Choir"
Seaman HS (KS) "Viking Voices"
Seaman HS (KS) "Viking Show Choir"
Sebasticook Valley MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Sebasticook Valley MS (ME) "Show Chorus"
Sedalia MS (MO) "Sound Effects"
Sedgefield MS (SC) "Show Choir"
Seguin HS (TX) "Vocal Motion"
Seguin HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Seguin HS (TX) "Cabaret"
Seguin HS (TX) "Bluebelts"
Selinsgrove Area HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Seminole County Middle/HS (GA) "Legacy"
Seminole HS (FL) "Destiny"
Seminole HS (FL) "Pizazz"
Seneca East HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Seneca East HS (OH) "Glitter Girls"
Seneca HS (MO) "Jive Tribe"
Seneca HS (MO) "Starstruck"
Seneca HS (MO) "Dream Catchers"
Seneca Junior HS (MO) "Choir Company"
Sergeant Bluff-Luton HS (IA) "Unleashed"
Sergeant Bluff-Luton MS (IA) "Music in Motion"
Serrano HS (CA) "Vocal Point"
Serrano HS (CA) "Showvinistics"
Serrano HS (CA) "Bedazzled"
Serrano HS (CA) "Velocity"
Serrano HS (CA) "Forte"
Serrano Intermediate School (CA) "Singspiration!"
Seventy-First Classical MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Seventy-First HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Seward HS (NE) "Singers"
Seward HS (NE) "Gold Dynamics"
Seward HS (NE) "Blue Harmony"
Seymour HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Seymour HS (WI) "Women's Show Choir"
Seymour HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Shades Valley HS (AL) "Singers"
Shades Valley HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Shadow Ridge HS (AZ) "Stellar FX"
Shadow Ridge HS (AZ) "Galaxy"
Shadow Ridge HS (AZ) "Equinox"
Shaker Heights HS (OH) "The Chanticleers"
Shanahan MS (OH) "Leading Tones"
Shawano HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Shawe Memorial Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Encore!"
Shawnee MS (IN) "Sound Explosion"
Shawnee MS (IN) "Showstoppers"
Sheboygan Falls HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Shelby County HS (KY) "Blast"
Shelby County HS (KY) "Sequins"
Shelby HS (NC) "Lion Experience"
Shelbyville HS (IN) "Synergy"
Shelbyville HS (IN) "Show Group"
Shelbyville HS (IN) "Soundwave"
Shelbyville MS (IN) "Elevate"
Sheldon HS (IA) "Orab Intensity Company"
Sheldon HS (IA) "Impact"
Sheldon HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Shelley HS (ID) "Sentinels"
Shelley HS (ID) "Horizons"
Shenandoah MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Shepard Magnet MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Shepherd Hill Regional HS (MA) "Fantasy"
Shepherd Hill Regional HS (MA) "Illusion"
Shepherd Hill Regional HS (MA) "Testostertones"
Shepherd Hill Regional HS (MA) "Lights, Camera, Action!"
Sheridan HS (WY) "Spectrum"
Sheridan HS (OH) "Accent"
Sheridan HS (OH) "Northern Stars"
Sheridan HS (OH) "Accents"
Sherwood HS (MO) "Dynamix"
Sherwood HS (MO) "Starlets"
Shippensburg Area Senior HS (PA) "Audio Audacity"
Shore MS (OH) "Shoreline Singers"
Shorewood HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Sibley-Ocheyedan HS (IA) "Vocalvary"
Sibley-Ocheyedan HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Sibley-Ocheyedan HS (IA) "S-O Show!"
Sidney HS (NE) "Singers"
Sidney HS (NE) "Sidney State of Mind"
Sidney HS (NE) "Heartbreakers"
Sidney HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Sierra Canyon School (CA) "Show Choir"
Sierra MS (NM) "Sound Sensations"
Sierra MS (NM) "Soundsations"
Simley HS (MN) "Show Choir"
Simmons MS (AL) "Chorale"
Simmons MS (AL) "Synergy"
Simmons MS (SD) "Singers"
Simón Rivera Early College HS (TX) "Accord"
Simón Rivera Early College HS (TX) "Affinity"
Sinclair Secondary School (ON) "Sinclair Beltics"
Sioux Center HS (IA) "Satisfaction"
Sioux Center HS (IA) "Revolution"
Sioux Center MS (IA) "Breakout"
Sioux Center MS (IA) "Adrenaline"
Sioux Center MS (IA) "Show Choir"
Sioux Center MS (IA) "Sound Check"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "The Headliners"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "New Sound"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "Prestige"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "Entourage"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "Impulse"
Sioux City East HS (IA) "Premiere"
Sioux City East MS (IA) "Evolution"
Sioux City East MS (IA) "Sparks"
Sioux Falls Jefferson HS (SD) "Legacy"
Sioux Falls Jefferson HS (SD) "Revelry"
Sioux Falls Jefferson HS (SD) "Rising Stars"
Sioux Falls Lincoln HS (SD) "Lightwave"
Sioux Falls Roosevelt HS (SD) "Executive Suite"
Sioux Falls Roosevelt HS (SD) "Capitol Harmony"
Sioux Falls Roosevelt HS (SD) "Rider Revolution"
Sioux Falls Roosevelt HS (SD) "Unity, Inc."
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Classic Connection"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Declaration"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Show Choir"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Stagelights"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Stage Lights"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Natural Selection"
Sioux Falls Washington HS (SD) "Elevate"
Sir Ernest MacMillan Senior Public School (ON) "Mac Glee"
Sissonville HS (WV) "Touch of Class"
Sissonville HS (WV) "Feminine Touch"
Skowhegan Area MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Skutt Catholic HS (NE) "Vivace"
Skutt Catholic HS (NE) "Allegro"
Sky Valley Education Center (WA) "Another Step"
Skyview MS (CO) "Show Choir"
Slauson MS (CA) "Treble Tones"
Slinger HS (WI) "Nightwatch"
Sloan-Hendrix HS (AR) "Show Choir"
Smith MS (CT) "Backbeat"
Smith-Cotton HS (MO) "New Score Singers"
Smith-Cotton HS (MO) "Cabaret"
Smith-Cotton HS (MO) "Broadway Velocity"
Smith-Cotton HS (MO) "Vocal Velocity"
Smith-Cotton Junior HS (MO) "Sound Effects"
Smith-Cotton Junior HS (MO) "Broadway Velocity"
Smithton HS (MO) "Sound Collage"
Smithton HS (MO) "Legacy"
Smithton HS (MO) "Show Choir"
Smithton HS (MO) "Leading Ladies"
Smithville HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Smithville HS (MO) "Pink Ladies"
Smoky Mountain HS (NC) "Show Choir"
SNJ Studio of Music (NE) "Center Stage"
SNJ Studio of Music (NE) "Spotlight"
Snowflake HS (AZ) "Madrigal Singers"
Socastee HS (SC) "Noteworthy"
Socastee HS (SC) "Women's Show Choir"
Soldotna HS (AK) "Show Choir"
Solon HS (OH) "Music in Motion"
Solon MS (IA) "Synergy"
Solon MS (IA) "Affinity"
Somerset Berkley Regional HS (MA) "Electrify"
Somerset Berkley Regional HS (MA) "Amplified"
Somerset Berkley Regional HS (MA) "Voltage"
Somerset HS (WI) "Dynamics"
Somerset Valley MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Somerset Valley MS (ME) "Show Chorus"
Sound Check Music Studio (OH) "Frequency"
Sound Check Music Studio (OH) "Amplitude"
South Carleton HS (ON) "Storm Surge"
South Charleston HS (WV) "Chorale"
South Dearborn HS (IN) "Opening Knight"
South Dearborn HS (IN) "Knight Edition"
South Dearborn MS (IN) "Showcase"
South Decatur Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Show Choir"
South Florence HS (SC) "Choraliers"
South Forrest Attendance Center (MS) "Variations"
South Granville HS (NC) "Shades of Blue"
South Granville HS (NC) "Chord on Blues"
South Hadley HS (MA) "Adrenaline"
South Hardin HS (IA) "Cabaret"
South Harrison HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
South Harrison HS (WV) "Hawks in Harmony"
South Harrison MS (WV) "Show Hawks"
South Harrison MS (WV) "Show Choir"
South Harrison MS (WV) "Sound Check"
South Harrison MS (WV) "Pizzazz!"
South Hills HS (TX) "The Constellations"
South Houston HS (TX) "Red Rhythm"
South Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Company"
South Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "New Edition"
South Jones Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Infusion"
South Keller Intermediate School (TX) "Gold"
South MS (WV) "Spirit"
South MS (WV) "South Spirit"
South Milwaukee HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
South O'Brien Secondary School (IA) "Center Stage"
South O'Brien Secondary School (IA) "Show Choir"
South Page HS (IA) "Swing Choir"
South Platte Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Singers"
South Platte Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
South Pointe MS (CA) "Showtime"
South Pointe MS (CA) "Diamond Girls"
South Ripley HS (IN) "Show Choir"
South Shore Jr/Sr HS (WI) "Fermata Nowhere"
South Side Catholic School (IN) "South Side Singers"
South Side HS (IN) "Sound Waves"
South Side HS (IN) "Leading Era"
South Side HS (IN) "Harmonic Archers"
South Sioux City HS (NE) "Sound Sensations"
South Sioux City HS (NE) "Royalettes"
South St. Paul Secondary (MN) "SouthSide Sensation"
South St. Paul Secondary (MN) "Brace For Impact"
South St. Paul Secondary (MN) "Diamond Divas"
South St. Paul Secondary (MN) "Soundsations"
South St. Paul Secondary (MN) "Show Choir"
South Tama County HS (IA) "Harding Street Singers"
South Torrance HS (CA) "Crescendos"
South Torrance HS (CA) "Show Choir"
South View MS (IL) "Encore"
South View MS (IL) "Green Machine"
South Webster Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Select Sound"
South Webster Jr/Sr HS (OH) "Show Choir"
South Western Senior HS (PA) "Singchronicity"
South Windsor HS (CT) "Choral Spectrum"
Southbridge HS (MA) "Lyrics"
Southbridge HS (MA) "Crimson Classics"
Southeast Junior HS (IA) "Sound Express"
Southeast Polk HS (IA) "RAMification"
Southeast Polk HS (IA) "Vocal Gold"
Southeast Polk HS (IA) "Southeast Celebration"
Southeast Polk Junior HS (IA) "Sudden Impulse"
Southeast Polk Junior HS (IA) "Rebel Rams"
Southern Door HS (WI) "Beat 57"
Southern Door HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Southern HS (NE) "Southern Harmony"
Southern HS (NE) "Revolution"
Southern HS (NE) "JV Southern Harmony"
Southern HS (NE) "Sweet and Sassy"
Southern Valley HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Southern Wells Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Singers"
Southern Wells Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Raider Rhythm"
Southern Wells Jr/Sr HS (IN) "New Horizons"
Southern Wells Jr/Sr HS (IN) "New Temptations"
Southmont Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Panache"
Southmont Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Elite Dimension"
Southmont Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Sudden Impulse"
Southmont Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Young Originals"
Southport HS (IN) "SHS Select"
Southport HS (IN) "Simply Chic"
Southport HS (IN) "Ladies First"
Southview HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Southwest Christian School (TX) "The Songbirds"
Southwest MS (MN) "Blue Sky"
Southwest Valley HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Southwestern HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Southwestern Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Esprit"
Sowers MS (CA) "Mixed Melodies"
Sowers MS (CA) "Melody in Motion"
Sowers MS (CA) "Uptown Girls"
Spain Park HS (AL) "Rhapsody In Blue"
Spain Park HS (AL) "Park Singers"
Spain Park HS (AL) "Park Harmony"
Spain Park HS (AL) "Southern Sensations"
Spain Park HS (AL) "Sensations"
Spanaway Lake HS (WA) "Music Company"
Spanish Fork HS (UT) "Ambassadors"
Spanish Fork HS (UT) "Premier"
Sparkman HS (AL) "Senator Sensations"
Sparkman HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Sparks HS (NV) "Skyfire"
Sparta HS (WI) "Upstage Adrenaline"
Sparta HS (WI) "Upstage Revue"
Sparta HS (WI) "Rise of Adrenaline"
Spencer HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Spencer Jr/Sr HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Spencer MS (WV) "Show Choir"
Spencerville HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Spirit Lake HS (IA) "Music Factory"
Spirit Lake HS (IA) "Okoboji Music Factory"
Spirit Lake HS (IA) "Sonic Boom"
Spirit Lake HS (IA) "Vocal Jazz Ensemble"
Spirit Lake MS (IA) "Spirit Rising"
Sprayberry HS (GA) "Gold Company"
Spring Mills HS (WV) "Flight"
Spring Mills HS (WV) "Ethereal"
Spring Mills MS (WV) "Show Choir"
Spring Mills MS (WV) "Revolution"
Springdale Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Springdale Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Dynamics"
Springfield Community Group (IL) "City Starz!"
Springfield Community Group (IL) "Kids, Inc."
Springfield Conservatory of the Arts (MA) "Revolution"
Springfield HS (IL) "IN Session"
Springfield HS (IL) "Scarlet Harmony"
Springfield HSs (IL) "Collage"
Springfield Jefferson MS (IL) "J-Jazz"
Springfield Shawnee HS (OH) "Solid Gold"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "Spartan Sensations"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "Sensations"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "Sweet Sensations"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "New Generations"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "Spartan Sillhouettes"
Springfield Southeast HS (IL) "Vocal Vibe"
Springhouse MS (PA) "Show Choir"
St. Agnes Academy (TX) "Performance Workshop"
St. Agnes Catholic School (NE) "Singspirations"
St. Albans HS (WV) "Classix"
St. Albans HS (WV) "Class Act"
St. Andrew Catholic School (SC) "Salt Water Singers"
St. Andrew's Catholic School (ON) "Vocal Avengers"
St. Anne Community HS (IL) "Top Priority"
St. Anne School (CA) "Harmon Knights"
St. Benedict at Auburndale (TN) "Celebration Show Choir"
St. Bonaventure HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
St. Clairsville HS (OH) "St. C Singers"
St. Columbkille Catholic School (NE) "CruSingers"
St. David HS (AZ) "Anthem"
St. David HS (AZ) "Echelon"
St. Denis Catholic School (ON) "St. Denis Show Choir"
St. Edmond Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Gael Force"
St. Edmond Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Gael Show Choir"
St. Francis Catholic HS (CA) "Show Choir"
St. Francis HS (MN) "Bridge Street Singers"
St. Francis HS (MN) "Prima Voce"
St. Francis MS (MN) "Vocalocity"
St. Francis MS (MN) "Adrenaline"
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School (ON) "Sound FX"
St. Genevieve HS (CA) "Valiant Voices"
St. George's School of Montreal (QC) "G Major"
St. Isaac Jogues Parish Catholic School (IL) "Cadence"
St. James Academy (KS) "High Voltage"
St. James Middle/HS (MN) "Limited Edition"
St. James Middle/HS (MN) "Second Edition"
St. James School (AL) "St. Jazz"
St. James School (AL) "Sound FX"
St. John's Community Group (NF) "Dynamic Fusion"
St. Joseph Central HS (MO) "Encore"
St. Joseph Central HS (MO) "Viva La Diva"
St. Joseph School (WV) "Genesis"
St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School (IN) "Joyful Noise"
St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School (IN) "Brooklyn Street Singers"
St. Marys Memorial HS (OH) "Glitter N Gold"
St. Michael Parish School (IL) "Shine!"
St. Patrick HS (NE) "Saintsations"
St. Patrick HS (NE) "Jr Saintsations"
St. Paul's Catholic School (ON) "St. Paul’s Glee"
St. Peter Catholic HS (ON) "SPSC"
St. Peter Catholic HS (ON) "Treble Threat"
St. Peter Catholic Junior HS (ON) "Glee"
St. Peter Claver Cristo Rey Catholic HS (NE) "New Sound"
St. Pius X HS (NM) "Breath of Heaven"
St. Thomas Aquinas HS (KS) "Swingin' Saints"
St. Thomas Aquinas HS (KS) "Saintsations"
St. Thomas More HS (WI) "Show Choir"
St. Viator HS (IL) "The Revelations"
St. Vincent-St. Mary HS (OH) "Irish Melodies"
St. Wenceslaus MS (NE) "Expressions"
St. Wenceslaus MS (NE) "Ovation"
STAGES Performing Arts Youth Academy (OR) "Singsations"
Stallings Island MS (GA) "Show Choir"
Stanberry HS (MO) "Swing Choir"
Standing Bear HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Standing Bear HS (NE) "The Renegades"
Stanton HS (IA) "Show Stoppers"
Star Valley HS (WY) "Singcopation"
Starline Academy (MA) "Show Choir"
Starmount HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Starr's Mill HS (GA) "Swinging Stars"
Statesboro HS (GA) "Musical Theatre"
Statesville HS (NC) "Show Choir"
Statesville MS (NC) "Show Choir"
STEAM MS (TX) "Soundwaves"
Steamboat Springs HS (CO) "Swing Choir"
Stearns & Schenck Middle/HSs (ME) "Unified Harmony"
Stearns & Schenck Middle/HSs (ME) "Junior Unified Harmony"
Stearns Jr/Sr HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Stearns Jr/Sr HS (ME) "Middle School Show Choir"
Stebbins HS (OH) "Round IV"
Stephen Decatur HS (MD) "Show Choir"
Sterling HS (NJ) "Silvertones"
Sterns Junior HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Stevens Point Area Senior HS (WI) "Counterpointers"
Stevenson HS (MI) "Satin Starlights"
Stilwell HS (OK) "Reflections"
Stivers School for the Arts (OH) "5th Street Revue"
Stone HS (MS) "Entourage"
Stonewall Jackson MS (WV) "Ensemble"
Stonewall Jackson MS (WV) "Vocal Ensemble"
Stoughton HS (MA) "Knight Moves"
Stoughton HS (MA) "Show Choir"
Stover HS (MO) "Showtime"
Stow-Munroe Falls HS (OH) "Noteables"
Stow-Munroe Falls HS (OH) "Sensations"
Strafford HS (MO) "Sound FX"
Stratford HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Strike It Up Artistic Center (NY) "Vocal Motion"
Stripling MS (TX) "The Stingers"
Stripling MS (TX) "Swinging Stingerz"
Strongsville HS (OH) "Mustang Express"
Struthers HS (OH) "Starlight Singers"
Struthers HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Stuarts Draft HS (VA) "Class Act"
Studio 3 Performing Arts (AZ) "Showstoppers"
Studio 3 Performing Arts (AZ) "Sapphire Company"
Studio 3 Performing Arts (AZ) "Showstoppers Elite"
Studio 3 Performing Arts (AZ) "Junior Showstoppers"
Studio 3 Performing Arts (AZ) "Amethyst Company"
Sturgeon Bay HS (WI) "Broadway and Company"
Sturgeon Bay HS (WI) "Best of Broadway"
Sturgeon Bay HS (WI) "City Rhythm"
Sudlow Junior HS (IA) "UpRoar!"
Sullivan HS (IL) "Singers"
Sullivan HS (IL) "New Generation"
Sullivan HS (IN) "Golden Arrow Singers"
Sullivan HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Sullivan MS (IL) "Singers, Jr."
Sullivan MS (IL) "Middle School Chorus"
Summerville HS (CA) "Constellation"
Sumner Memorial HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Sumner-Fredericksburg HS (IA) "Sensations"
Sumrall HS (MS) "Legacy"
Sumrall MS (MS) "Impact"
Sumter HS (SC) "The Swing Singers"
Sun Prairie HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Sundance HS (WY) "Adrenaline"
Sunnyvale HS (TX) "Daybreak"
Sunnyvale MS (TX) "Platinum"
Sunnyvale MS (TX) "Show Choir"
Sunset Ridge School (AZ) "Soaring Sounds"
Superior HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Surfside MS (FL) "Soundwaves"
Suring HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Sutherland Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Strictly Business"
Sutherland Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Anchored"
Sweetwater HS (CA) "An International Affair"
Sycamore HS (OH) "The Touring Co."
Sylacauga HS (AL) "Signature"
Sylvan Hills HS (AR) "Sylvan Sound"
Taft MS (IA) "Inspiration"
Taft MS (IA) "Adrenaline"
Taft MS (IA) "Kids From Taft"
Tallassee HS (AL) "Voltage"
Tallassee HS (AL) "First Edition"
Tallassee HS (AL) "Divas"
Tallassee HS (AL) "New Image"
Tallassee HS (AL) "Gold Edition"
Tallmadge HS (OH) "High Definition"
Tantasqua Junior HS (MA) "Maestros"
Tantasqua Junior HS (MA) "Debut"
Tantasqua Regional HS (MA) "ENCORE!"
Tantasqua Regional HS (MA) "Radiance"
Tantasqua Regional HS (MA) "Applause"
Tara HS (LA) "Show Choir"
Tarpon Springs HS (FL) "Syndicated Sound"
Tarpon Springs HS (FL) "Sophisticated Ladies"
Tartan HS (MN) "Tartaneers"
Taunton HS (MA) "Tour de Force"
Tavares HS (FL) "Harmonic Spectrum"
Taylor County HS (KY) "Show Choir"
Taylor HS (IN) "Glitz and Glamour"
Taylor MS (IN) "Impressions"
Tchefuncte MS (LA) "Spotlight"
Teays Valley HS (OH) "Prominent Rendition"
Teays Valley HS (OH) "Varsity Vocals"
Teays Valley HS (OH) "Glamorous Edition"
Teays Valley MS (OH) "Junior Edition"
Tecumseh HS (MI) "The Company"
Tecumseh HS (MI) "Women's Show Choir"
Tehachapi HS (CA) "Treble Ensemble"
Temecula Valley Charter School (CA) "Roaring Harmony"
Temecula Valley Charter School (CA) "Cougar Crescendo"
Temecula Valley HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Temecula Valley HS (CA) "Company B"
Templeton MS (WI) "Harmony"
Tetzlaff MS (CA) "Show Choir"
Texas City HS (TX) "Soundsations"
Texas City HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Thayer Central HS (NE) "Rhythmaires"
The Brawley School (NC) "Show Choir"
The King's Academy (CA) "Knightshine"
The King's Academy (CA) "Royal Union"
The LIGHT Project (AZ) "LIGHT Entertainment Company"
The Meadows School (NV) "Show Choir"
The Preuss School (CA) "Triple Threat"
The Rising Stars Company (IL) "Chicagoland Ambassadors"
The Rising Stars Company (IL) "Junior Ambassadors"
The Show Choir Studio (VA) "Sounds Like Treble"
The Show Choir Studio (VA) "Surround Sound"
Thomas Dale HS (VA) "Knight Scene"
Thomas Dale HS (VA) "Knightingales"
Thomas Dale HS (VA) "U-Knighted"
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy (NC) "Show Choir"
Thomas Jefferson MS (IL) "Music Machine"
Thomas Wootton HS (MD) "Chromatics"
Thompson HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Thompson MS (AL) "RedTown"
Thompson MS (NJ) "T20"
Thorne MS (NJ) "B Naturals"
Thornton Fractional South HS (IL) "Glee"
Thorp HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Thurmont MS (MD) "TMS Spirit"
Tift County HS (GA) "8th Street Singing Company"
Tift County HS (GA) "Eighth Street Singing Company"
Tift County HS (GA) "Ladies Choice"
Tift County HS (GA) "Singers Incorporated"
Tift County HS (GA) "Ninth Harmony"
Tift County HS (GA) "Tiftosterone"
Timber Creek HS (TX) "Falcon Pizzazz"
Timber Creek HS (TX) "Aerodynamix"
Timber Creek HS (TX) "Timber Lights"
Timber Creek HS (FL) "Show Stoppers"
Timberview HS (TX) "Show Choir"
Timberview HS (TX) "Viva di Voce"
Timberview MS (TX) "Ovation"
Timberview MS (TX) "Encore"
Timothy Edwards MS (CT) "Spotlight"
Tippecanoe HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Tipton HS (IN) "Young Originals"
Tishomingo County HS (MS) "Brave Voices"
Toledo Central Catholic HS (OH) "Center State Troupe"
Tomah HS (WI) "Limited Edition"
Tomah HS (WI) "One Note Above"
Tomah HS (WI) "Renegades of Rhythm"
Tomah MS (WI) "Soundsations"
Tomah MS (WI) "Crescendo"
Tony Hillerman MS (NM) "Full Impact"
Tony Hillerman MS (NM) "FINE"
Tony Hillerman MS (NM) "Full Impact New Edition"
Tony Hillerman MS (NM) "Xhilleration"
Tooele HS (UT) "Show Choir"
Tooele HS (UT) "Cabaret"
Topeka HS (KS) "Show Choir"
Torrance HS (CA) "Troubadours"
Totino-Grace HS (MN) "Company of Singers"
Totino-Grace HS (MN) "Encore Singers"
Totino-Grace HS (MN) "Leading Ladies"
Totino-Grace HS (MN) "Testostertones"
Tourtellotte Memorial HS (CT) "Genesis"
Travis Ranch MS (CA) "Encore!"
Travis Ranch MS (CA) "Uptown Girls"
Trenton HS (MO) "Gold Rush"
Trenton School (ME) "Trentones"
Tri County Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Golden Blues"
Tri-Center HS (IA) "T-C Sensations"
Tri-Center MS (IA) "Thrive"
Tri-Center MS (IA) "Jr. Sensations"
Tri-Center MS (IA) "T-C Junior Sensations"
Tri-Central Middle/HS (IN) "Singers"
Tri-Point Junior HS (IL) "Vocal Express"
Tri-State STEM+M Early College HS (OH) "Rockin' Ravens"
Trimble Technical HS (TX) "Techtonics"
Trinity Christian Academy (TX) "Show Choir"
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School (TX) "Agility"
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School (TX) "Rush"
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School (TX) "Stampede"
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School (TX) "Ignite"
Trinity Presbyterian School (AL) "Guys & Dolls"
Trinity Springs MS (TX) "Titanium"
Trinity Springs MS (TX) "Fusion"
Triton Central HS (IN) "TC Singers"
Triton HS (NC) "Showstoppers"
Triton Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Trojan Swingers"
Triton Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Trojan Singers"
Triway HS (OH) "Downstage"
Trotwood-Madison HS (OH) "Eclectic Blend"
Troy Buchanan HS (MO) "Express"
Troy Buchanan HS (MO) "Soundwave"
Troy HS (CA) "Ladies First"
Troy HS (OH) "Tones"
Troy MSs (MO) "Tonali-T"
Troy MSs (MO) "TMS Tonali-T"
Tuffree MS (CA) "Jabop!"
Tuffree MS (CA) "Overdrive"
Tullahoma HS (TN) "AristoCats"
Tullahoma HS (TN) "Singers"
Tupelo HS (MS) "Wave Connection"
Tupelo HS (MS) "Soundwave"
Tupelo HS (MS) "Synergy"
Tupelo MS (MS) "Splash"
Tupelo MS (MS) "Wave"
Turner HS (WI) "Impact"
Tuscaloosa County HS (AL) "Show Choir"
Tuscarora HS (MD) "Titan Tempo"
Twin Falls HS (ID) "Jive"
Twin Lakes HS (IN) "Sound Wave"
Twin Lakes HS (IN) "Singsations"
Twinsburg HS (OH) "Great Expectations"
Twinsburg HS (OH) "Blue Harmony"
Twinsburg HS (OH) "Mood Swingers"
Twinsburg HS (OH) "Judge's Break"
Twinsburg HS (OH) "Boys'R'Us"
Two Rivers HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Tyrone Area HS (PA) "T.A.H.S. Pops Extension"
U.S. Grant HS (OK) "Vocal Remix"
Ulysses S. Grant MS (OH) "Prexie Singers"
Underwood HS (MN) "Amplify"
Underwood HS (IA) "Unlimited"
Underwood HS (IA) "Limited Edition"
Union County Early College (NC) "Show Choir"
Union HS (NJ) "Starfire"
Union HS (IA) "Union Station"
Uniondale HS (NY) "Rhythm of the Knight"
Unionville HS (ON) "Synergy"
Unioto HS (OH) "Rhapsody"
United HS (OH) "Flight"
United HS (OH) "Touch of Gold"
United South Central HS (MN) "Show Choir"
Unity HS (IL) "Vocal Rush"
University HS (WV) "Impact"
University Laboratory School (LA) "Premiere Company"
University Lake School (WI) "Show Choir"
Upland HS (CA) "Express"
Upper Arlington HS (OH) "The Golden Sound"
Upper Sandusky HS (OH) "Upper Class"
Urbana HS (MD) "Soaring Sensations"
Urbandale HS (IA) "Studio"
Urbandale HS (IA) "Vitality"
Urbandale HS (IA) "Affinity"
Urbandale MS (IA) "Pizzazz"
Urbandale MS (IA) "Ambition"
Ursuline Academy (IL) "Supersonics"
Valadez MS Academy (CA) "Show Choir"
Valders HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
Valencia HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Valencia HS (CA) "Just 4 Show"
Valley City HS (ND) "Show Choir"
Valley HS (IA) "Choralation"
Valley HS (IA) "Ignition"
Valley HS (IA) "Rhythmic Ignition"
Valley HS (IA) "Vertigo"
Valley HS (IA) "Amplification"
Valley Jr/Sr HS (PA) "Harmony in Motion"
Valley MS (CA) "Showstoppers"
Valley MS (CA) "Valley Girls"
Valley View MS (MN) "Valley View Voices"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Vocal Thunder"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Ignition"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Voltage"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Avalon"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Tempest"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Excalibur"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Vortex"
Valley Vista HS (AZ) "Ascension"
Valor Collegiate Academy (TN) "Big Reputation"
Valparaiso HS (IN) "Carolers"
Van Buren HS (OH) "The Association"
Van Meter Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Vocal Locomotion"
Van Meter Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Vocal Loco-Motion"
Vandegrift HS (TX) "Select Women"
Vandegrift HS (TX) "Venom"
Vanity Theater (IN) "Inspirations"
VAPA Legacy HS (CA) "Voices Glee Club"
VAPA Legacy HS (CA) "Aurora"
Varina HS (VA) "Struttin'-R-Stuff"
Varina HS (VA) "Harmonic Soul"
Varina HS (VA) "Sassy-N-Sapphire"
Vasquez HS (CA) "The Heard"
Verdugo Hills HS (CA) "Verdugo Voices"
Verdugo Hills HS (CA) "Fiesta Forte"
Vermilion HS (OH) "Soundsation"
Vermilion HS (OH) "Sailor Soundsation"
Vermillion HS (SD) "Rhythm in Red"
Vermillion HS (SD) "Maganda Boses"
Vermillion MS (SD) "Music in Motion"
Vernon MS (IA) "Velocity"
Vernon MS (IA) "Voltage"
Vernon Verona Sherrill Senior HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Verrado HS (AZ) "Show Choir"
Vestal HS (NY) "Show Choir"
Vestavia Hills HS (AL) "Singers"
Vestavia Hills HS (AL) "Trebles"
Vestavia Hills HS (AL) "Just Singin'"
Vidalia Comprehensive HS (GA) "Show Choir"
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School (MO) "Villa Duchesne"
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School (MO) "A Touch Of Class"
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School (MO) "Villa Voce"
Villa Rica HS (GA) "V Harmonics"
Villa Rica HS (GA) "Horizons"
Villa Rica HS (GA) "Voices"
Vincent Massey Collegiate (QC) "Clef Notes"
Vinton-Shellsburg HS (IA) "DanSing Corp."
Vista Del Lago HS (CA) "Vista Voices"
Vista HS (CA) "Showcats"
Vista HS (CA) "Show Cats"
Vista HS (CA) "Treble Cats"
Vista HS (CA) "Tom Cats"
Vista PEAK Exploratory (CO) "Advanced Choir"
Vista PEAK Preparatory (CO) "Ascension"
Vista PEAK Preparatory (CO) "Aspyre"
Vista Ridge HS (CO) "Rhythm"
Vista Ridge HS (CO) "Harmony"
Vista Ridge MS (TX) "Musica Pantera"
Volcano Vista HS (NM) "Vocal Velocity"
Voyager Academy (NC) "Bull City Lights"
Voyager Academy (NC) "Vocal Affinity"
Voyager Academy (NC) "Company V"
VUSD All-District Show Choir (CA) "Company"
Wabash HS (IN) "New Light Encores"
Waconia HS (MN) "Power Company"
Waconia HS (MN) "The Current"
Waconia HS (MN) "Illuminations"
Waconia MS (MN) "Shockwave"
Waconia MS (MN) "The Pulse"
Wadsworth HS (OH) "Rhythm in Red"
Wadsworth HS (OH) "New Edition"
Wadsworth MS (OH) "Mixed Show Choir"
Wadsworth MS (OH) "Women's Show Choir"
Wagner MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Wahlert Catholic HS (IA) "Impulse"
Wahlert Catholic HS (IA) "Impact"
Wahlert Catholic HS (IA) "Intuition"
Wahoo HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Wahoo HS (NE) "Royalty"
Wahoo HS (NE) "Legacy"
Wahoo MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Wahoo MS (NE) "Majesty"
Wahpeton MS (ND) "Husky Singers"
Wahpeton Senior HS (ND) "Encore"
Wakefield-Marenisco School (MI) "Show Choir"
Walcott Intermediate School (IA) "The Panther Prowl"
Walker Junior HS (CA) "Legacy"
Walker Junior HS (CA) "Socialite"
Walnut Community School (IA) "Singers"
Walnut Community School (IA) "Show Choir"
Walnut HS (CA) "Rhapsody In Blue"
Walnut HS (CA) "Women's Ensemble"
Walnut HS (CA) "Show Choir"
Walnut HS (CA) "Treble Choir"
Walnut Hill MS (LA) "Jazzin"
Walnut MS (NE) "Wild and Free"
Walsh Jesuit HS (OH) "Harmony Gold"
Walter Johnson HS (MD) "Popfly"
Walter Reed MS (CA) "UpBeat!"
Walter Reed MS (CA) "Fanfare"
Walter Reed MS (CA) "Chordially Yours"
Waltham HS (MA) "Music Unlimited"
Waltham HS (MA) "Music Express"
Waltham HS (MA) "Music Odyssey"
Wapakoneta HS (OH) "Singsation"
Wapakoneta HS (OH) "Harmony In Motion"
Wapakoneta HS (OH) "Starlettes"
Wapakoneta MS (OH) "Nothing But Treble"
Warner MS (OH) "Show Choir"
Warren Central HS (KY) "Tonal Vision"
Warren Central HS (MS) "Total Sound"
Warren Central HS (IN) "Connection"
Warren Central HS (IN) "Hi-Lites"
Warren Central HS (IN) "Vivace"
Warren Central HS (IN) "Expressions"
Warren Central HS (IN) "Spirit"
Warrensburg HS (MO) "SoundWave"
Warrensburg HS (MO) "Prism"
Warsaw MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Waseca HS (MN) "State Street Singers"
Waseca HS (MN) "Showtime"
Washburn District HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Washburn District MS (ME) "Show Choir"
Washburn HS (WI) "Fire and Ice"
Washburn HS (WI) "Mixed Swing Choir"
Washburn HS (WI) "Girls Swing Choir"
Washburn HS (WI) "Superior Ladies"
Washburn HS (WI) "Northern Ladies"
Washburn MS (WI) "Illumination"
Washington Academy (ME) "Show Choir"
Washington Community HS (IL) "The Company"
Washington Court House HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Washington HS (IN) "Impulse"
Washington HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Washington HS (IN) "Accents"
Washington HS (WV) "Vocal Fusion"
Washington HS (IA) "Cinematics"
Washington HS (IA) "Sono Con Moto"
Washington Irving MS (WV) "Show Stoppin' Toppers"
Washington Township MSs (IN) "North Side Sound"
Waterford Union HS (WI) "Music Corporation"
Waterloo East HS (IA) "The Expressions"
Waterloo East HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Waterloo HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Waterloo West HS (IA) "West High Story"
Waterloo West HS (IA) "Reverberations"
Waterloo West HS (IA) "Vocal Expressions"
Waterloo West HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Watertown HS (WI) "River City Rhapsody"
Watertown HS (WI) "WHS Show Choir"
Watertown HS (WI) "Femme Fusion"
Watertown HS (WI) "Men In Bleu"
Waterville Jr/Sr HS (NY) "Swing Choir"
Waterville Senior HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Watkins Memorial HS (OH) "Golden Impact"
Watseka Community HS (IL) "Sensations"
Watseka Community HS (IL) "Sweet Sensations"
Waubonsie Valley HS (IL) "Sound Check"
Waubonsie Valley HS (IL) "Resonance"
Waubonsie Valley HS (IL) "Girls in Heels"
Waubonsie Valley HS (IL) "Guys in Ties"
Wauconda HS (IL) "Power Up!"
Waukee HS (IA) "Millennium"
Waukee HS (IA) "Nova"
Waukee HS (IA) "Spirit"
Waukee MS (IA) "Momentum"
Waukee MS (IA) "High Voltage"
Waukee MS (IA) "Stellar Force"
Waukee MS (IA) "Revolution"
Waukee Northwest HS (IA) "Eos"
Waukee Northwest HS (IA) "Aurora"
Waukee Prairieview School (IA) "Velocity"
Waukee Prairieview School (IA) "Revolution"
Waukee South MS (IA) "¡En Fuego!"
Waukee South MS (IA) "High Octane"
Waukee South MS (IA) "Spark"
Waukee Timberline School (IA) "Inferno"
Waukee Timberline School (IA) "En Fuego"
Waukee Trailridge School (IA) "Polaris"
Waukee Trailridge School (IA) "Stellar Force"
Waukesha South HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Waupun Area Jr/Sr HS (WI) "The Jammin’ Jailbirds"
Wausa Junior HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Waverly HS (NE) "Encore"
Waverly HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Waverly MS (NE) "Inspiration"
Wawasee HS (IN) "Vocal Motion"
Wawasee HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Wawasee HS (IN) "Warrior Soundscapes"
Wayne County HS (MS) "Orange Sensations"
Wayne County HS (MS) "New Image"
Wayne HS (IN) "Sensation Singers"
Wayne HS (IN) "Show Choir"
Wayne HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Wayne HS (IN) "Ovation"
Waynedale HS (OH) "Goldenaires"
Waynesboro Area HS (PA) "Show Choir"
Webb City HS (MO) "Singers"
Webb City HS (MO) "Show Choir"
Webb City HS (MO) "Bella Vocé"
Webb City HS (MO) "DoMENance"
Webb City Junior HS (MO) "Polyphonics"
Webb City Junior HS (MO) "Euphonics"
Webster Central HSs (NY) "Show Choir"
Webster City HS (IA) "Music n Motion"
Webster City HS (IA) "Motivation"
Webster MS (MA) "New Attitude"
Wedgwood 6th Grade Center (TX) "Show Choir"
Wedgwood MS (TX) "Voices of Wedgwood"
Wedgwood MS (TX) "Warrior Harmonium"
Wedgwood MS (TX) "6th Grade Show Choir"
Wedgwood MS (TX) "Vocal Warriors"
Weeping Water HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Wellston HS (OH) "Opus"
Wellsville HS (OH) "Ebony & Ivory"
Wesleyan Christian Academy (NC) "Faith"
Wessington Springs HS (SD) "WS Natural High"
West Allegheny HS (PA) "Show Choir"
West Bloomfield HS (MI) "Laker Express"
West Branch HS (IA) "Christopher Jive and the Uptown 45"
West Branch HS (IA) "EnerJive"
West Branch HS (OH) "Young and Alive"
West Branch MS (OH) "Warrior Explosion"
West Branch MS (IA) "JiveWired"
West Brunswick HS (NC) "Harmony In Motion"
West Burlington Arnold HS (IA) "DyNAMix"
West Burlington Arnold HS (IA) "ShoWBiz"
West Carrollton HS (OH) "Pirateers"
West Central Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Melodyaires"
West Central Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Rhythmaires"
West Clermont MS (OH) "Counterpoint"
West Covina HS (CA) "Wescovaires"
West De Pere HS (WI) "The Phantastics"
West Delaware HS (IA) "WD Forté"
West Delaware HS (IA) "Crescendo"
West Delaware HS (IA) "Soul Sisters"
West Delaware MS (IA) "Sforzando"
West Grant HS (WI) "Swing Choir"
West Jefferson HS (ID) "Panther Cabaret"
West Jefferson HS (OH) "Gold Ensemble"
West Jessamine HS (KY) "Dually Noted"
West Jessamine HS (KY) "Fortissima"
West Jessamine MS (KY) "Crescendo"
West Jones HS (MS) "Imagination"
West Jones HS (MS) "Elite Connection"
West Jones HS (MS) "Revolution"
West Jones HS (MS) "Sassy"
West Jones MS (MS) "Center Stage"
West Liberty HS (IA) "Black Satin"
West Liberty HS (IA) "Voices Unlimited"
West Liberty-Salem Middle/HS (OH) "Sound Check"
West Lyon Junior HS (IA) "Show Choir"
West Marion Jr/Sr HS (MS) "New Era"
West Marion Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Charisma"
West Marion Jr/Sr HS (MS) "Synergy"
West Mesa HS (NM) "Mustang Showettes"
West Pine MS (NC) "Show Choir"
West Point HS (MS) "Dynasty"
West Point HS (MS) "Show Choir"
West Salem HS (WI) "Singsations"
West Salem HS (WI) "Salem Singsations"
West Salem HS (WI) "Vivace"
West Salem MS (WI) "Crescendo"
West Salem MS (WI) "Accent"
West Sioux HS (IA) "West Sioux Singers"
West Springfield HS (VA) "Personality"
Western Alamance HS (NC) "Doo-WAHS"
Western Boone Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Western Dubuque HS (IA) "5th Avenue"
Western Dubuque HS (IA) "Aristocats"
Western Harnett HS (NC) "Impromptu"
Western Harnett MS (NC) "Show Choir"
Western Heights HS (OK) "Show Choir"
Western HS (CA) "Vocal Motion"
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy (CA) "The Alphas"
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy (CA) "Sierra Serenade"
Westerville North HS (OH) "Notables"
Westerville South HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Westfall HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Westfall HS (OH) "Swing Choir"
Westfield Area HS (WI) "Show Choir"
Westfield HS (VA) "SoundWaves"
Westfield HS (IN) "Illumination"
Westgate HS (LA) "Glee Club"
Westlake HS (CA) "Premiere"
Westlake HS (CA) "Vocal Ensemble"
Westlake HS (CA) "Treble Makers"
Westlake HS (OH) "Company D"
Westland HS (OH) "Volume One"
Westland HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Westland HS (OH) "Chorale"
Westlane MS (IN) "73rd Street Singers"
Westlane MS (IN) "Bluettes"
Westmoreland HS (NY) "Broadway Voices"
Westosha Central HS (WI) "Central Swing, Inc."
Westosha Central HS (WI) "Central Swing"
Westover HS (GA) "Standing Ovation"
Westridge MS (NE) "Encore"
Westridge MS (NE) "Show Choir"
Westside HS (GA) "Soundsations"
Westside HS (GA) "Dazzling Divas"
Westside HS (NE) "Amazing Technicolor Show Choir"
Westside HS (NE) "Simply Irresistible"
Westside HS (NE) "Warrior Express"
Westside HS (NE) "Dudenamics"
Westside MS (NE) "Westside Connection"
Westside MS (NE) "Treble Express"
Westview HS (NE) "Summit Singers"
Westwood HS (GA) "Peach"
Westwood Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Rebelaires"
Westwood Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Women of Westwood"
Westwood Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Voices In Motion"
Wetumpka HS (AL) "Tomahawks"
Wexford Collegiate School For The Arts (ON) "Wexford Gleeks"
Wheaton North HS (IL) "Flight"
Wheaton North HS (IL) "Swingsingers"
Wheaton North HS (IL) "Dynamics"
Wheaton Warrenville South HS (IL) "The Classics"
Wheaton Warrenville South HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Wheaton Warrenville South HS (IL) "Esprit"
Wheaton Warrenville South HS (IL) "Le Stelle Nuove"
Wheeling HS (IL) "Legacy"
Wheeling HS (IL) "New Dawns"
Wheeling HS (IL) "Tres Chic"
White Oak MS (OH) "Tribal Tones"
White Oaks Secondary School (ON) "Show Choir"
Whitehall-Yearling HS (OH) "Music Unlimited"
Whitehouse HS (TX) "Top Cats"
Whiteland Community HS (IN) "Rhythm Masters"
Whiteland Community HS (IN) "Expressions"
Whiteland Community HS (IN) "Entrees"
Whiteland Community HS (IN) "Iridescence"
Whitesboro HS (NY) "Bluebirds"
Whitesboro HS (NY) "Chamber Choir"
Whitesburg MS (AL) "Show Choir"
Whitman Hanson Regional HS (MA) "High Frequency"
Whitman Hanson Regional HS (MA) "Stage Fright"
Whitmer HS (OH) "Varsity Swing Chorale"
Whitmer HS (OH) "Fanfare"
Whittier MS (SD) "Special Edition"
Whittier MS (SD) "ShowStoppers"
Wichita All-City (KS) "Flight"
Wilber-Clatonia Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Emerald & Gold"
Wilber-Clatonia Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Emerald Evolution"
Wilber-Clatonia Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Euchsia Rhapsody"
Wilber-Clatonia Jr/Sr HS (NE) "W-C Singers"
Wildwood MS (WV) "Vocal Stampede"
Wiley MS (TX) "Limelight"
Wiley MS (TX) "Pop Group"
Will C. Wood HS (CA) "Sylvan Singers"
William A. Hough HS (NC) "Howlin' Huskies"
William Allen HS (PA) "Show Choir"
William James MS (TX) "Natural Soundz"
William T. Dwyer HS (FL) "Elan"
William V. Fisher Catholic HS (OH) "Forte"
Williams Intermediate School (IA) "Show Choir"
Williams Intermediate School (IA) "Blue Renegade"
Williamsburg Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Sound Attraction"
Williamsburg Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Willow Canyon HS (AZ) "Evolution"
Willow Canyon HS (AZ) "Willow Wisps"
Willowbrook HS (IL) "Show Choir"
Wilmer Amina Carter HS (CA) "Midnight Treble"
Wilmington HS (IL) "Madrigals"
Wilmington HS (OH) "Wilmingtones"
Wilson HS (WA) "Scintillation!"
Windsor HS (CT) "Expressions in Motion"
Windsor Locks HS (CT) "Vocal Motion"
Windsor Locks HS (CT) "Jazz Choir"
Windsor Locks MS (CT) "Power Company"
Winfield HS (WV) "General Admission"
Winfield HS (WV) "Emerald Elegance"
Winfield-Mt. Union Jr/Sr HS (IA) "Show Choir"
Winnebago Lutheran Academy (WI) "Academy Kids"
Winslow HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Winslow Junior HS (ME) "Show Choir"
Winston Churchill HS (MD) "Showstoppers"
Winston Churchill HS (MD) "Sing.Chronicity"
Winston Churchill HS (MD) "Simply Irresistible"
Winterset Junior HS (IA) "Show Stoppers"
Winterset Senior HS (IA) "Vocal Explosion"
Winterset Senior HS (IA) "Noteable Jazz"
Wisconsin Dells HS (WI) "The Corporation"
Wood Junior HS (IA) "Viking Voices"
Wood River Rural HS (NE) "New Generation"
Woodbine Community School (IA) "Visual Harmonics"
Woodbine Community School (IA) "Hansen's Harmonies"
Woodbine Community School (IA) "Class Act"
Woodbridge HS (CA) "Entertainers"
Woodbridge HS (CA) "Encore"
Woodbury Central HS (IA) "Showstoppers"
Woodbury Central MS (IA) "Party Rockers"
Woodlan Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Warrior Ambition"
Woodlan Jr/Sr HS (IN) "Swing Choir"
Woodland HS (GA) "Show Choir"
Woodland School (ME) "Show Choir"
Woodlawn HS (LA) "Entourage"
Woodmore HS (OH) "Classy Cats"
Woodridge HS (OH) "Rhapsody"
Woodruff HS (IL) "Great Expectations"
Woodside/Summit MS (IN) "Class Act"
Woodstock HS (IL) "Sunshine Spirit"
Woodward-Granger HS (IA) "Vocal Momentum"
Wooster HS (OH) "Showstoppers"
Worcester Academy (MA) "WA Harmony"
Worcester Academy (MA) "Harmony On The Hill"
Worcester Arts Magnet School (MA) "Show Choir"
Worcester Arts Magnet School (MA) "MetroGnomes"
Worcester Arts Magnet School (MA) "Crescendo"
Wren HS (SC) "Show Chorus"
Wylie HS (TX) "Vocal Point"
Wynford HS (OH) "Royal Singers"
Wyoming HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Xavier HS (IA) "Xhilaration"
Xavier HS (IA) "Xuberance"
Xavier HS (IA) "Xcitement"
Xenia Central MS (OH) "Show Choir"
Xenia HS (OH) "Show Choir"
Yazoo County HS (MS) "Counterpoint"
Yazoo County HS (MS) "Pride"
Yazoo County MS (MS) "Medallions"
Yorba Linda HS (CA) "The Edition"
York HS (NE) "Dukes and Duchesses"
York HS (NE) "Treble in Paradise"
York MS (NE) "Expressions"
York MS (NE) "Connection"
York Mills Collegiate Institute (ON) "Cheat Notes"
Yorktown HS (IN) "Swing, Inc."
Yorktown HS (IN) "Modernaires"
Yukon HS (OK) "Yukon Show Choir"
Yutan Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Show Choir"
Yutan Jr/Sr HS (NE) "Junior High Show Choir"
Zadok Casey MS (IL) "Casey's Classics"
Zionsville HS (IN) "Royalaires"
Zionsville HS (IN) "Choralaires"
This feature is currently in beta and will be continually developed. Results provided come from our own database and in most cases are not comprehensive since the beginning of time.
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