

Written by Tim Minchin
Originally recorded by Matilda (musical)
Soloist: Cassie Limberakis
2. | Trip a Little Light Fantastic

Written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman
Originally recorded by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Emily Blunt, Tarik Frimpong, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson, and Nathanael Saleh (Mary Poppins Returns)

Written by Adam Ant and Marco Pirroni
Originally recorded by Adam Ant

Written by Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, and James Horner
Originally recorded by Wendy Moten
Soloists: Claire Capra and Francesco Console

Written by James Morales, Julio Rodriguez, Matthew Morales and Sabrina Bernstein
Originally recorded by Sophie Beem
Soloist: Michelle Cecchin

Written by Kerry Livgren
Originally recorded by Kansas
Soloists: Andrew Bremner and Dan Ornelas
7. | A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)

Written by Stacy Ferguson, David Listenbee, Kamaal Fareed, Andrea Martin, Jordan Orvash, Maureen McDonald, Francesca Richard, Andre Smith, and Alexander Scott
Originally recorded by Fergie, Q-Tip, and GoonRock (The Great Gatsby)
Soloist: Sophia Dominguez